Remember when we first met??

Strawberries and Cigarettes

It was almost the end of my senior year, just a few months before graduation. It was the middle of the day two hours just before final period, and the teacher comes walking in announcing a new student, I wasn’t paying any attention I was to focused on my phone until she called out my name. “Mr. Lee, could you kindly put your stuff down so, he could have the spot next you?” I did as I was told, only glancing at the new kid.

It was the end of the period and everyone was rushing eager to get the day finished. As I was walking out I felt a body crash into the back of me. As we both fell I tried to turn myself to see who it was. It was the new kid. “You gotta be more carful there man, this is a science lab and we both landed in front of the chemical cabinet.” I say getting up and looking at him. “Sorry, I’m a clumsy person, I’d lose my head if it wasn’t attached to my body, ha ha” “Yeah, ha ha, well see ya.” “Hey! Um I’m new and I don’t know my way around and maybe you could give me directions to room 1235?” “You said 1235?” “Yeah.” “Well that’s actually my next class, we can walk together.”

“My names Mark by the way.” I give a small smile. “Donghyuck.”

It was now the end of the day and I’m walking home, somehow, he found himself thinking about the new kid. How there was something about him he couldn’t shake off. He thought of how he smelt of strawberries. He just couldn’t shake the new kid off his brain.

A/N: Sorry this chapter is really short, the next chapters to come wont be as short. Hopefully, no promises. 'cause i'm used to writting one shots but i really wanted to make this a chaptered fic. But i still hope you enjoy it. Also the first few parts of the story will be told in Marks POV however in future chapters to come Donghyucks POV will happen. I'll be sure to let you know when that will happen. Anywho, I hope you all enjoyed it. Love ya! ~Joey :) 

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Mvptofu #1
Chapter 14: I love this story so much... thank you... can't wait for the next update \^○^/
Chapter 14: it might be weird but with that chapter i'm starting to ship renjun and donghyuck
2Min4CheckingUOut #3
Chapter 4: Sunny duckie you're the one who makes Mark's heart pound with immeasurable joy
2Min4CheckingUOut #4
Chapter 3: If "light my cigarette" doesn't catch on as a pickup line I'll be oddly disappointed. This story is really cute. I love the use of sarcasm
Chapter 14: Woah that was a lot to process but now I know what happened in that relationship. I really hope Renjun confronts Mark and finds out that its all a misunderstanding!!!
Chapter 13: I only found this story today and I love the direction you are taking it in. Keep it up!!
Chapter 13: oh gosh..justgot here and already addicted!
Mvptofu #8
Chapter 13: Thankyou for the update ❤
Mvptofu #9
Chapter 11: I just found your story and i'm so excited for the next chapter

And hope you get better soon ❤
Chapter 11: Oh no... Mark showed up at the wrong time, but didn't stick around long enough to understand the situation. I hope he doesn't pull away from Donghyuck after this. If he wants him, he needs to man up. I have a feeling Sanha is gonna be hanging around more, causing trouble. I hope he doesn't hurt Hyuck.

Hope you feel better soon.