Nothing on my phone

Strawberries and Cigarettes

It is almost 1 pm Sunday and I haven’t heard anything from Donghyuck. Maybe he saved the wrong number. Or didn’t save it on purpose just to get me to leave him alone. I start to spin in my computer chair. I Wonder if he’s okay? Probably had too much to drink last night and it’s getting to him. It’s not like I can walk to his house to check in, I don’t know where the kid lives. Why am I over thinking everything about this guy? I get up and just to aimlessly wonder in my room. He clearly has a life of his own. But why hasn’t he texted me? He didn’t even give me his number. UGH! I crash onto my bed face first.

*BLING* NOBODY MOVE! I don’t think I had ever grabbed my phone so quickly before.

Message from Jeff fah fah: Hey, Mark some of us wanna hang out today and maybe go to the mall, you up for it?? We’ll all meet up and Doyoungs house in 30.

Not gonna lie, little disappointed. But beats sitting around the house all day. Might take my mind off Donghyuck for a while.

To Jeff fah fah: Why not. See ya at Doyoungs.

Now all I gotta do is just put on some pants. Boom done. I go for my ripped black jeans. I look in the mirror quickly just to check my hair. I run my hands through it really quick till it looks good enough. I grab my keys and head out the door while shouting to my mom I’m heading out for a bit.

I instantly regret my decision. Before I even have time to walk into the house, Johnny got me in a headlock. Why is he like this? “John! Johnny! I can’t breathe! Let go, please let go” “I missed you! You ran off on us last night. We were gonna invite you to play uno.” He finally releases me from his hold. I rub the back of my neck. “Sorry, I got tired and just left.” “Guys! We gonna go shopping or not? Sicheng wants to leave.” Yuta whines from the couch. I look over and he’s literally upside down and legs look as if they’re going to hit Sichengs face. “By me you mean you?” Sicheng retorts. “Aye we are a package deal.” “MARGRET! Good to see ya.” “That’s not my name Taeil Hyung.” “THEY CALL ME STACY, THEY CALL ME HER THATS NOT MY-““Ten! Will you stop that?!” “I just wanted to say something.” “Can we please leave?” “YES.”

*Time Skip Sorta*

We’re all in Barnes and Nobles Starbucks getting drinks and my plan of not checking my phone every five seconds is failing. Its now almost four and still nothing. WTF- “Why can’t we go to Hottopic?” “Because, you and your repressed 2005 emo boyfriend almost spent two hours in their last time.” Ten and Yuta are bickering as per usual. “Who says you have to go with us? Actually, WHO SAYS I’M EMO!?” I just drown them out. And once again, still nothing on my phone.

We are currently heading to hottopic as of now because we were kicked out of Barnes and Nobles because of Yutens shouting. *BLING* OMG I look at my phone and its just a notification from Instagram. “Mark, you keep looking at your phone, you are expecting something?” If there’s a chance anyone will know the new kid its Taeyong. I’m gonna ask him. “You wouldn’t happen to know a Donghyuck do you?” “Donghyuck? Mmmm no sorry.” “What does he look like?” I’m about to answer him when I literally spot the new kid in the yogurt shop. He’s behind the counter. He works at the yogurt shop. I frantically slap Taeyongs arm to get him to look at the boy in the shop. Without trying to draw attention to myself. “him, him that’s him. That’s Donghyuck!” “You mean Haechan?” “Well yeah. But do you know him?” “That’s Taeil younger brother. Didn’t you know that?” “I avoid going over to that house for more reasons than one.” “I don’t blame you, but he’s also friends with Jaehyuns younger brother Jeno. You’ve met Jeno several times at school and at Jaehyuns. Why?” “He’s new in school. He’s in my class. Were sorta friends.” “He’s in your class? Well he is in a few AP classes like you. But he’s a junior Mark. He used to attend private school. But something happened between him and some kid. I don’t know much” “Oh” “Why don’t you go say hi and meet up with us.” “No no no nononno I can’t do that.” “Why, not? I thought you said y- You like him, don’t you?” Taeyong says with a knowing look. “How can I like the guy if I just met him?” “Gotta point.” We walked away.

Its now 9 pm. Still nothing on my phone.


From unknown number: Meet me at the skate park in an hour. ~Duckie

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Mvptofu #1
Chapter 14: I love this story so much... thank you... can't wait for the next update \^○^/
Chapter 14: it might be weird but with that chapter i'm starting to ship renjun and donghyuck
2Min4CheckingUOut #3
Chapter 4: Sunny duckie you're the one who makes Mark's heart pound with immeasurable joy
2Min4CheckingUOut #4
Chapter 3: If "light my cigarette" doesn't catch on as a pickup line I'll be oddly disappointed. This story is really cute. I love the use of sarcasm
Chapter 14: Woah that was a lot to process but now I know what happened in that relationship. I really hope Renjun confronts Mark and finds out that its all a misunderstanding!!!
Chapter 13: I only found this story today and I love the direction you are taking it in. Keep it up!!
Chapter 13: oh gosh..justgot here and already addicted!
Mvptofu #8
Chapter 13: Thankyou for the update ❤
Mvptofu #9
Chapter 11: I just found your story and i'm so excited for the next chapter

And hope you get better soon ❤
Chapter 11: Oh no... Mark showed up at the wrong time, but didn't stick around long enough to understand the situation. I hope he doesn't pull away from Donghyuck after this. If he wants him, he needs to man up. I have a feeling Sanha is gonna be hanging around more, causing trouble. I hope he doesn't hurt Hyuck.

Hope you feel better soon.