
Narrator's POV;

The rest of the week went on as per normal and it was now Friday.

"I know the school term has just started not long ago, but I want you guys to do a project work over the weekend," the teacher announced. "This will not only show your teamwork, but also help you to bond with each other. You can choose the people you want to work with, a group has to consist of four people."

Kyuhyun immediately gave Donghae a wink and turned around to give Hyukjae and Sungmin a signal to say that they're going to be in the same group. 


Hyukjae's POV;

It is now saturday. Donghae invited us (Sungmin, Kyuhyun and me) over to her house for the project. Her house was really big, but there was no one at home and I asked her why.

"Oh, Appa and Umma are at work, my sister is probably out with her friends, my brother might be collecting bugs or visiting the Turtle Museum and the maids are given a day off to visit their families," she replied with a sweet smile. "Make yourself at home."

We immediately got to work. Sungmin was looking for information on the internet, Kyuhyun was figuring out how to use the printer as none of us knew how to do it, I was cutting pictures from a magazine and Donghae was pasting them onto a presentation board. I was concentrated on cutting when Donghae said she ran out of glue. 

"Go buy some then," I replied casually without looking up.

"Someone should go with me, I don't want to go alone," she sounded a little whiny.

"Call up one of your maids."

"They are on leave and they have no responsibility for today. Moreover it's our own project," I started to get irritated and looked up. She was pouting and my irritation started to fade.

"Ask Sungmin or-" I was cut off when Kyuhyun said he is busy figuring out the printer so he couldn't go. 

"Hyuk-ah I can't go too. I'm looking for information. Without information, our project won't be complete. So I'm an important person." Sungmin replied and continued scrolling down the website she was browsing.

I couldn't believe what I just heard. She is willing to let me go with another girl while she stayed with another guy in this house without any other single soul around? I protested, saying I could take over her but she said she already has all the sources in her mind and a short trip won't kill me. I gave up and sighed. Yes, it's a short trip, nothing will happen. Right?

The walk to the store took 10 minutes and the trip was quiet. I was a few steps in front of Donghae when she spoke up, "are you always this quiet?"

I shrugged my shoulders and answered without looking back, "maybe."

"Hey, it's rude if you don't look at the person you're talking to. Do you dislike people or something?" Donghae stepped in front of me, blocking my way.

I lifted my head and looked at her, in the eyes. I wanted to say yes, I hate humans. They are judgemental and arrogant. I hated them because my parents died in the hands of Vampire-Hunters, who belonged to the human race. I felt a pang of pain stab through my heart as I thought about my parents. Donghae's eyes showed various emotions, she was confused but deep within those orbs, I thought maybe she could understand. I opened my mouth but quickly kept it shut. Aish. I must be crazy, what am I thinking of? Telling a human that I'm a Vampire? Donghae would probably run away in shock or fear and the next day I would probably get staked. I pretended to clear my throat, mumbling something like she's talking too much and walked past Donghae. There's no way I could confide in a human.

After getting everything we needed, we headed back. Donghae opened the door to the study room and I couldn't believe the sight before us.


Sungmin's POV;

"Kyuhyun-yah, what does this mean?" I pouted and pointed at a word on the computer screen. 

"Don't do that, I'm afraid I can't control myself anymore," Kyuhyun replied.

"What?" I turned to look at him when suddenly, I felt his lips on mine. I was stunned, I didn't even try to resist. And slowly, without realization, I returned the kiss. I forgot about who I was and I forgot about Hyukjae. The kiss started to get passionate when I felt a prick on my lips.

"Ouch, what was that?" I pulled back to see Kyuhyun's fangs. "What the..."

Before I could ask him anything else, the door opened, showing a bewildered Donghae and a furious Hyukjae. Before anyone could speak, I saw Hyukjae pull Donghae towards him by the waist and disappeared together. 

. Lee Sungmin, what have you done?

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Chapter 15: New Reader~~~~~~~
LoveNdyy #2
New reader!
Omg omg omg..
OMG! hyukkie's gonna die... NO!!!
but of course he wouldn't die or else this story will end.. sigh.. so i'm just gonna imagine what's going to happen next.. 'kay? thanks bye!

update soon! XD
update more and soon
longer~!!! XD
and thank you for clearing everything up!

monkeyandthefish #6
@AidenHyukHae: Really :O? Sorry, it's my first fic anyway >< and thanks! ^^
AidenHyukHae #7
love this fic.
I think I found some little mistakes of the first chapter. But never mind.
Good job. Waiting for your new chapter. Hwaiting.
monkeyandthefish #8
@Babywookie: Omg confusing?! Sorry! ); I'll try my best!
kinda counfusing but doesn't care xDD
update soon
I like it!!!!!! Great beginning!!!!!
This sounds like its going to be a great story!!!!
Please continue!!!