

Hyukjae's POV;

I came back from school 2 hours ago and has since been rolling around in my bed, frustrated. Donghae did not come to school today. I tried calling her to ask what happened, but the line just wouldn't get through. Maybe she overslept? No, she has maids to wake her up and I can tell she's not the type to skip school. Maybe she was sick? She did look a little pale the other day she came to my house.. 

Finally, I decided to check on her at her house.

"Ding dong!" I rang the doorbell. A maid (who was wearing the maid uniform) opened the door and I told her I was looking for Donghae.

"Oh, Donghae hasn't came back from school." 

"What? Isn't her school Seoul University? She wasn't in school today!" I raised an eyebrow.

"She requested to get transferred to another school yesterday and was immediately accepted. I don't know why she wanted to transfer though. She called earlier to tell us she wants to spend some time outside and will be back a little later. Do you want to come back later?"

She transferred? Without a word? Why? "Uh.. Can I wait for her here?" I placed a hand on the back of my neck awkwardly. 

"Sure, come in please," the maid bowed with a smile.

Narrator's POV;

"Let's go home earlier today! I feel bad for not spending the day with our kids yesterday," Leeteuk said. KangIn agreed and they drove home.

As they entered the living room, they saw an unfamiliar figure at the couch who turned to look at them. 

"You are?" 

"Oh hello, I'm Donghae's friend. My name is Eunhyuk." Hyukjae bowed politely. 

KangIn and Leeteuk introduced themselves, "are you waiting for Donghae? Aish, why isn't this kid home yet."

They started chatting casually as one of the maids brought in a kettle of tea and a few cups made of glass. As she approached the table, she accidentally tripped, causing the tray of cups to fall and shatter into pieces. Panicking, she apologised and immediately reached to pick up the broken pieces and ended up cutting herself. Blood oozed out from the wound and the smell hit Hyukjae, as he struggled to remain calm. Leeteuk stopped the maid and asked a senior maid to clean up the mess. She then brought the previous maid to dress up the wound and Hyukjae silently breathed a sigh of relief. KangIn however, were focused on Hyukjae and witnessed everything. How his composure changed when blood was involved and how he became calm again when the maid left. There was no mistake, he had been in this profession for a long time. He definitely knew the differences. He took out his phone and sent a text to Leeteuk, knowing she would check her phone every moment it rings. 

Hyukjae's POV;

I silently heaved a sigh of relief when the maid left with Donghae's mother and the scent of blood was now weaker. This is so awkward, when is Donghae coming back?! I decided maybe I could stay outside somewhere near the house and catch Donghae as she reaches home without being in this situation, but before I could stand up, her mother came back with another pot of tea. Wait, this smell, this feeling.. It's exactly the same as the time Donghae came to my house the other day.

"I'm sorry that the maid was clumsy, she's still new here. Here, have this tea." She poured some into a cup and handed it to me. I was really reluctant to accept it, knowing it would make me vulnerable. 

I searched my mind frantically for an excuse to leave. "Uh, I'm not really thirsty. Since Donghae is not coming back yet, I guess I could come another day." I stood up and began walking towards the door, when I felt a big strong hand grab my arm. I was turned around, faced by Donghae's father who was holding onto me tightly. Leeteuk was nowhere to be seen. Although he was strong, he's still just a human and I easily pulled out of his grasp. I didn't want to hurt them because they're Donghae's parents. I'm supposed to hate humans but now I'm caring for one, and her family. I sighed mentally and turned around, attempting to get out of the house again. But before I could take a step, Leeteuk suddenly appeared and injected me with a syringe, filled with the strange herb/plant/tea. I felt myself weaken immediately as KangIn roughly grabbed me again. I tried to struggle but to no avail. I watched in slow motion as he raised his arm, stake in hand, ready to plunge it into my heart. I could do nothing. My abilities are now gone (temporarily). I closed my eyes and waited for my death.

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Chapter 15: New Reader~~~~~~~
LoveNdyy #2
New reader!
Omg omg omg..
OMG! hyukkie's gonna die... NO!!!
but of course he wouldn't die or else this story will end.. sigh.. so i'm just gonna imagine what's going to happen next.. 'kay? thanks bye!

update soon! XD
update more and soon
longer~!!! XD
and thank you for clearing everything up!

monkeyandthefish #6
@AidenHyukHae: Really :O? Sorry, it's my first fic anyway >< and thanks! ^^
AidenHyukHae #7
love this fic.
I think I found some little mistakes of the first chapter. But never mind.
Good job. Waiting for your new chapter. Hwaiting.
monkeyandthefish #8
@Babywookie: Omg confusing?! Sorry! ); I'll try my best!
kinda counfusing but doesn't care xDD
update soon
I like it!!!!!! Great beginning!!!!!
This sounds like its going to be a great story!!!!
Please continue!!!