
Donghae's POV;

I yawned and stretched my body, walking to the window to pull back the curtains and took in the fresh air. I let out a sigh as I suddenly thought of yesterday. I took a quick bath and headed downstairs to find my parents at the dining table. Since it was a Sunday, they didn't need to go to the office. Although they're really busy, our family remains close as every Sunday would be our family gathering time. Heechul Unnie and Yesung Oppa were still asleep. I asked MinJoo to prepare my breakfast and sat myself down opposite my parents at the table. 

"Good morning Appa and Umma," I beamed.

They greeted me back and Appa went back to reading the newspapers while Umma continued flipping through some kind of folder. KangIn Appa is rather fit and he could've been easily mistaken for a member of the judo club, but he was always dressed smartly in business suit. Leeteuk Umma looks more like a housewife, but she's actually very intelligent and works together with Appa at their own company, thus explaining our family's wealth. Until now, I still don't know what kind of business does the company do. They would always avoid the topic when I ask them and I just shrugged it off.

After finishing my breakfast, I took my dishes into the kitchen. Appa already went back to his room to take a rest and Umma went to the toilet. I looked at the folders Umma left on the table and curiosity got the better of me. I sat in the chair and looked through the different folders. There were "VICTIMS", "CAUGHT" and "SUSPECTS". I took the 'victims' folder, which was also the thinnest and flipped through it. There were photos of some people, their particulars, a column which read 'location of death'. I gasped when I found out what it was about. These are the people who died under Vampire attacks. I looked at the 'caught' file next. It was about the Vampires that have been caught and killed. It was even written how they were killed, whether they were staked or locked up and deprived of blood. Most of them were Changed Vampires though. I took the last folder. I flipped through the pages slowly. On every page, there was a photo of a person and their name, address and every other particulars beside it. They were all suspected of being Vampires. 

I heard the bathroom door opening and hurriedly put the folders back to how they were supposed to be and went back to my seat. Umma took her folders and were about to head upstairs but stopped and took a glance at me. "Donghae-yah, I'm going upstairs to finish my work. Go out with your friends if you want to."

"But Umma, it's Sunday. We're supposed to have a family gathering, I have things to talk to you about."

"I'm sorry dear, I have something to discuss with your Appa. We're really busy recently, please understand us." Umma gave me sad smile and patted my head. I sighed and hugged her, letting her finish her work. I can always ask Hyukjae right? I'm sure he won't mind telling me, since he've already told me so much..

I watched a television programme and after an hour, it ended. I switched channels randomly, trying to find something to watch, but nothing caught my interest. I decided to go read a book instead. I went up to the second floor, where the study room, as well as my parents' room were. The study room was right at the end, so I had to walk past my parents' room first. When I passed by, what I heard made my footsteps stop.

"It's about time we should tell them. They should be warned of the dangers out there as well. The earlier we train them to become Vampire-Hunters, the earlier they are able to defend themselves," I heard Appa saying.

"Honey, you know we can't let the kids know about what we are really working as. I know they will eventually find out one day, but it's still early. They are still not mature enough to handle the fact that Vampires exists and our job, which will eventually become their job, is hunting down Vampires and capturing them, and even having to kill them. I don't want to scare them yet, let's just give it some more time okay? Besides, we've just discovered these tea leaves, the new weakness of the Vampires. Although they have to consume it, I don't think it would be a big problem." Umma said.

I ran into the study room and closed the door quickly but quietly. What are they talking about? Vampire-Hunters? Their job? Which will eventually become our job? Hunting, capturing and killing Vampires? I don't believe it. I dialled Hyukjae to ask if I could go over to his house and he agreed. I went up to my room to change and after taking a deep breath, I went to my parents' room and knocked on it. I spotted some weird looking leaves at the end of the table. I told them I was going to a friend's house and they approved, before immediately diverting their attention away from me. Before leaving, I sneakily grabbed some of the leaves. They gave off a strange smell, maybe a mixture of herb plants or something like that. I went into the kitchen, glad that none of the maids were there and quickly mixed it with some hot water before bringing it along with me.

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Chapter 15: New Reader~~~~~~~
LoveNdyy #2
New reader!
Omg omg omg..
OMG! hyukkie's gonna die... NO!!!
but of course he wouldn't die or else this story will end.. sigh.. so i'm just gonna imagine what's going to happen next.. 'kay? thanks bye!

update soon! XD
update more and soon
longer~!!! XD
and thank you for clearing everything up!

monkeyandthefish #6
@AidenHyukHae: Really :O? Sorry, it's my first fic anyway >< and thanks! ^^
AidenHyukHae #7
love this fic.
I think I found some little mistakes of the first chapter. But never mind.
Good job. Waiting for your new chapter. Hwaiting.
monkeyandthefish #8
@Babywookie: Omg confusing?! Sorry! ); I'll try my best!
kinda counfusing but doesn't care xDD
update soon
I like it!!!!!! Great beginning!!!!!
This sounds like its going to be a great story!!!!
Please continue!!!