
Hyukjae's POV;

I was still lying in my bed when my phone rang. I picked it up and it was Donghae, who said she wanted to come over. I agreed and thought maybe I should heed Sungmin's advice. But I don't want to scare her. It's only been a week since we met. I sighed, I'll just see how things go. 

After ten minutes, I heard/sensed Donghae coming. When I opened the door, she was standing there, hand stretched out, about to press the doorbell. In her other hand, it was a cup of.. tea? It smelled strange though. I invited her in and asked what I wanted to ask when I just opened the door.

"Donghae, what's that smell?" I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to figure what kind of smell is that.

"Oh. U-uh, it's a herb tea I brought for you. My mum say it's good for the brain." She hesitated before adding, "I know you Vampires are all mighty but your intelligence still varies right?"

Donghae's POV;

I was about to press the doorbell when Hyukjae opened the door. He invited me in and of course, with his enhanced Vampire senses, he could already tell something was wrong.

"Donghae, what's that smell?" 

, what do I say now? "Oh. U-uh, it's a herb tea I brought for you. My mum say it's good for the brain." Okay that was lame, not convincing at all. "I know you Vampires are all mighty but your intelligence still varies right?" I relaxed when he let it pass.

Hyukjae's POV;

It was really weird that she suddenly brings me this weird tea, but I shrugged it off. I didn't want to force her to tell me, she was kind to bring me something.

"So, why did you want to come over?" I set the paper cup on the table in front of us.

"Er, you see, I just wanted to know more about your kind," she hesitated for a moment before continuing. "Maybe I just want to know about you," she bit her lips while I felt a little happy inside. "I'm sorry to bring this up, but.. you said your parents were killed? Was it because of a fight between Vampires?"

Although I know she was just being curious, I still felt hesitant to talk about my parents' death. I always dislike bringing up the horrible past. She looked down at the floor apologetically. Since it's Donghae, I would tell her. I don't know why but I trust her enough with my personal things.. "They were killed by Vampire-Hunters."

I could feel her heart beating a little faster and saw her eyes widened. Why was she so shocked? Oh.. "I haven't told you about Vampire-Hunters, have I? Basically they're humans who know the existence of us, they believe that we're evil creatures who harm the innocent humans. They believe in the stupid rumours that we drain humans' blood and that we are sinful. They hunt us down and kill us. They are judgemental and cunning people who thinks they know everything. My parents.. They were kind-hearted Vampires. Although humans have done the Vampire-race a lot of wrong, my parents still helped them. They were returning home when they found two injured humans at the side of the road. They brought them home in order to treat their injuries, but within the next few minutes, our house was surrounded by Vampire-Hunters. I was still young, I was hiding behind my parents while they tried to fight off the Vampire-Hunters. But there were too many of them.. They stalked my parents' for many years, gathering information about them. They found out my family was one of the most powerful Vampire families and even found out their gifts. They came prepared. I was so scared, my mind was blank and I didn't move an inch. My parents were fighting in front of me, and they were quickly losing. Yes, Vampires are powerful but my parents were distracted since there were so many of them and they were busy protecting me. Until finally, they were killed. I watched them get staked right in the heart. That's when the Vampire-Hunters started heading towards me and that's when I realized what my gift was. I screamed, the air around me whipped about dangerously. The Vampire-Hunters couldn't get near me, or they would get blown away by the wind. I escaped from the window and ran away. I did not dare to look back, I kept running, until I reached my best friend's house. Junsu. And that's where I met Sungmin. Since the hunters researched everything on them, they knew I was their son, Lee Hyukjae. That's why I changed my name to Eunhyuk. They're probably still hunting for me." 

I didn't realize I was crying until I felt Donghae cup my face and wipe my tears away with her thumbs. Her eyes softened, "I'm sorry I brought up the awful past.." I just kept staring at her, I was captivated by her beautiful eyes.. I was debating whether to lean in to kiss her when she looked away. I was disappointed, but I knew I shouldn't rush. I finally took a sip of the tea she brought and it immediately made me feel weird.

Narrator's POV;

Donghae looked into Hyukjae's sorrowful eyes and felt guilty for asking that question, but she had to know. He kept staring at her, and finally Donghae looked away. She looked at Hyukjae in curiosity as he sipped the cup of tea. She had to confirm her suspicions. "Hyukjae, do you feel.. weird?" 

"What?" Hyukjae raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, but I don't know why.. I feel weaker."

"Can you try.. using your gift?" Donghae knew she had just gotten herself into trouble. Now Hyukjae's gonna be suspicious.

Hyukjae was confused but nevertheless, he focused and tried to summon air. Nothing happened. He frowned, was he really that tired? He closed his eyes and concentrated, he expected to feel the air swirl around him playfully but everything remained calm. He opened his eyes and looked at Donghae who had a worried face. Donghae now understands that her parents are Vampire-Hunters, maybe they're looking for Hyukjae right now. Now she understands that the mixture of plants disabled the Vampires to use their ability, so they can kill them with ease. She now understands that she is Hyukjae's enemy. Her parents are one of those who killed Hyukjae's parents. She can never face him as a normal friend, not to mention something more.

"Donghae.. What's happening? Do you know something about this?"

"Hyukjae.. I.. I'm so sorry.." Donghae then sprang up from the sofa and ran away. 

Hyukjae was stunned, "wait, Donghae!"

When he was about to chase after Donghae, she yelled, "don't follow me, I'll explain it to you when I can. I'm sorry, Eunhyuk." However, Donghae knew that Hyukjae will probably never have the chance to hear her explanation. She couldn't risk getting him killed by her parents.

It was only until an hour later that Hyukjae began to feel normal again, and his abilities returned. Donghae.. What are you? He shrugged it off, he could ask her in school tomorrow, or even ask Kyuhyun to read her mind. Either way, he would know eventually.

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Chapter 15: New Reader~~~~~~~
LoveNdyy #2
New reader!
Omg omg omg..
OMG! hyukkie's gonna die... NO!!!
but of course he wouldn't die or else this story will end.. sigh.. so i'm just gonna imagine what's going to happen next.. 'kay? thanks bye!

update soon! XD
update more and soon
longer~!!! XD
and thank you for clearing everything up!

monkeyandthefish #6
@AidenHyukHae: Really :O? Sorry, it's my first fic anyway >< and thanks! ^^
AidenHyukHae #7
love this fic.
I think I found some little mistakes of the first chapter. But never mind.
Good job. Waiting for your new chapter. Hwaiting.
monkeyandthefish #8
@Babywookie: Omg confusing?! Sorry! ); I'll try my best!
kinda counfusing but doesn't care xDD
update soon
I like it!!!!!! Great beginning!!!!!
This sounds like its going to be a great story!!!!
Please continue!!!