6th story

Story of a Boy


I woke up to someone’s incessant shaking. 


“Ji wake up. What happened?” I thought I heard Dara say.


“Let me sleep.” I replied, thinking I was dreaming.


“What’s wrong Ji?” I heard her say again.


I opened my eyes and saw her standing over me, looking very worried than I have ever seen her.


Events of the previous night flashed before me like a bad replay.


“Last night, Kiko rejected me and broke up with me.” I said.


She looked appalled with what I said.  “I’m sorry Ji. I really am” she said just before her dam of tears broke.


Ah! Nothing’s changed. “Are you crying? Aisht! Such a crybaby. I was the one dumped and you’re the one crying”


“Because you’re my friend and I feel for you. And because she’s stupid not to realize what you’re worth.” she said.


It felt good to hear her say that. “Thanks, Dara” I said as I smiled at her, thinking how she knows exactly what to make me feel better. If only she’ll realize what she’s worth to me.


Once in our lives, we find that someone who means everything we have ever dreamed of and more. Someone we would want to share our life with. Someone who knows us inside and out; Someone who knows what we’re thinking even before we say it, who knows what we’re feeling just by looking into our eyes. Someone we could never grow tired of talking to and listening, who’ll be the last person we would see before we sleep and the first person we’d see when we wake up. Someone who would celebrate with us in our triumphs and be the shoulder we could lean on when we’re down, who would keep us on course when we get lost, who would stay when everyone has gone.



“Come. I need to start my support system. You’re not planning on breaking down or becoming a drunk are you?” she asked, looking concerned of my state.


Of course I wasn’t. As of the moment my mind’s already cooking up a plan.


You already have someone. You just have to ask the right girl.


“I got a better idea. Let’s run away together”




Just for the day

Let’s run away

Won’t you play with me?

Down by the sea,

I’ll show you how happy we can be

Let’s just drift away

On our runaway day


                                                               -Runaway Day, Alice Peacock





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CG81888 #1
Chapter 16: :):):)
saguntop #2
Chapter 16: it was so good to read Jiyong's thought.... it made me think if only we were able to speak our words then we would be spare from all the heart breaks and tears
TOPalmond #3
Chapter 16: I love how you always wrote Ji's POV after one story. I mean, boys are hard to tell sometimes. Sometimes they keep their feeling and clueless about the girl's feeling. I can related to that, u know.

psstt. still, I hope you comeback in no time.
peppiwelsh1 #4
SOAG and SOAB is a buy one take one deal!
talkingbananababy #5
Chapter 16: I love the way how you end your stories. You're having reflections that somehow gave us learnings about life and love. You reminded us the true essence of love and how actually life works (this is not only about this story but the rest of your fics).

Thank youu for sharing this and Kudos!
mish4you25 #6
Chapter 16: Its really hard to fall for your bestfriend .. considering the friendshp and everything .. but its worth the risk..
Chapter 16: aAa.. another daragon-love-fics^^~
both of them hurting their self for not being honest.. i imagined how hard that was.. not to loosing the one that you love.. aigoo~
they've been through their hardship.. they worth to be together..

spread the daragon-love^^~
<3 <3 <3
XxtaerilxX #8
Chapter 1: LoL!! This chapter is freaking funny!! (at least for me)
Who on earth will accept the proposal of a guy with a cue card on hand while saying things that supposed to be sweet?? And heck dara even wrote that!!
Haha.. This is fun.. New reader here!! :)
renchop #9
Chapter 16: All of your stories...such a sweet and fresh suplement for me, lighting up my day after getting unmood condition or after having read angsty ficts, thank you and i love you for writing also sharing your stories <3 such a beautiful plot line you have there! Keep spreading daragon loves! ^^
jenny_29 #10
Chapter 16: your fanfics are amazing. I love the way described J and D's characters. Hope u'll write more about Daragon <3