13th story

Story of a Boy


I wanted the rest of summer to be unforgettable for her.


At night before we sleep, I would get the brush from her and do her hair. It was a simple act but I liked doing things like this for her. I loved touching her silky hair and the sweet smell of it. And she’d just relax and let me.  


Afterwards, I’d tell her to lie down and I would wrap my arms around her. She doesn’t have to be asleep to come hug me. I am willing to do it awake and will enjoy doing it.


In the morning, I’d get up before her and have her breakfast ready. They were only simple things but I hoped that through them she’d slowly realize my feelings. After all, I don’t do this much for anyone, just her.






On our last day of work on the way home, Dara seemed to be dragging her feet. I then had an idea.


“Aisht! such a weakling. Come and hop on my back and I’ll carry you” I said.


“Are you sure?” she asked hesitantly.


“Yep. Climb on” I confirmed.


She climbed on my back with her legs around my hips, her arms around my neck and her cheeks resting on my nape. Afraid for her to fall, I gripped her tightly not intending for my hands to squeeze her .


“Hey! Watch where you put your hand” she said


“Jeez! It’s not as if I felt anything with your skinny . How else would I hold you? Or would you rather I let you fall?” I retorted defensively, hiding my embarrassment.


“I’m getting off!” she said annoyed at me.


“No you’re not. You’re staying right there. Isn’t this what an Oppa should do?” I said, hoping she’d get a clue.


I don’t know what she was thinking the way home but she was quiet. I don’t know if I like her quiet but at least she wasn’t resisting my hold anymore. I was smiling all the way home, thinking how someday if we had children I’d also have them on my back.





We spent our last night of vacation on the beach, lying on our backs and gazing at the stars.  


This was it. I had already planned what to say and how to argue so she’d see my way. It wasn’t the most romantic of proposals but I don’t really know how to.


“Have you ever thought of being more than friends?”


Dara stared blankly at me, probably processing what I just said then she gave me this hard look as if trying to decide whether I was kidding or something.


“I’m serious. We’ve been friends too long Dara. We know each other too well. It only makes sense. ” I said.


She was still looking at me transfixed and unmoving. I’m not sure where her thought process is going.


“If you want to say something, now would be the time” I said smirking, hoping to lighten the situation.


“Are you sure, it’s what you want Ji?” she finally asked, though I hint disbelief in her voice.


I was afraid I was losing this chance. I wanted to tell her I love her, for a long time now but I didn’t want to scare her right away with any serious commitments. I know she hasn’t had a boyfriend yet and that it might be too much for her.


“Let’s try 100 days. I’d be your boyfriend and you’d be my girlfriend. We know each other’s good and bad side already, there wouldn’t be surprises and secrets anymore plus we’ll have gotten over the whole awkward getting to know each other phase.” I said. I hoped I sounded convincing. If it were up to me, I’d put forever as our limit.


 “I don’t know Ji.” she said unsure.


“If you’re worried, I’ll promise there’ll be no awkwardness or teasing. Worse that could happen is we find out we’re only good as friends and if we get serious then our parents would be happy, wouldn’t they?  Come on, what harm could come from this?” I coaxed her. I was actually rooting for getting serious but I didn’t want to pressure her.


She was still looking at me rather dubiously.


“Don’t you love me? Even a little?” I asked with puppy eyes. I was using all my charms on her like I used to so she’ll agree. I was afraid that she’d answer and tell me no or perhaps tell me she loved me too but only as a friend.


I saw a flicker of acknowledgment in her eyes but it was gone instantly. Had I just imagined it?


But then thankfully she nodded a yes.


It was all I could be content with for now but maybe after we’d be more.


All I could do is hope.





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CG81888 #1
Chapter 16: :):):)
saguntop #2
Chapter 16: it was so good to read Jiyong's thought.... it made me think if only we were able to speak our words then we would be spare from all the heart breaks and tears
TOPalmond #3
Chapter 16: I love how you always wrote Ji's POV after one story. I mean, boys are hard to tell sometimes. Sometimes they keep their feeling and clueless about the girl's feeling. I can related to that, u know.

psstt. still, I hope you comeback in no time.
peppiwelsh1 #4
SOAG and SOAB is a buy one take one deal!
talkingbananababy #5
Chapter 16: I love the way how you end your stories. You're having reflections that somehow gave us learnings about life and love. You reminded us the true essence of love and how actually life works (this is not only about this story but the rest of your fics).

Thank youu for sharing this and Kudos!
mish4you25 #6
Chapter 16: Its really hard to fall for your bestfriend .. considering the friendshp and everything .. but its worth the risk..
Chapter 16: aAa.. another daragon-love-fics^^~
both of them hurting their self for not being honest.. i imagined how hard that was.. not to loosing the one that you love.. aigoo~
they've been through their hardship.. they worth to be together..

spread the daragon-love^^~
<3 <3 <3
XxtaerilxX #8
Chapter 1: LoL!! This chapter is freaking funny!! (at least for me)
Who on earth will accept the proposal of a guy with a cue card on hand while saying things that supposed to be sweet?? And heck dara even wrote that!!
Haha.. This is fun.. New reader here!! :)
renchop #9
Chapter 16: All of your stories...such a sweet and fresh suplement for me, lighting up my day after getting unmood condition or after having read angsty ficts, thank you and i love you for writing also sharing your stories <3 such a beautiful plot line you have there! Keep spreading daragon loves! ^^
jenny_29 #10
Chapter 16: your fanfics are amazing. I love the way described J and D's characters. Hope u'll write more about Daragon <3