14th story

Story of a Boy


And so our 100 days started.


Upon our return home, we faced our responsibilities. We got jobs and moved into our own apartments.


It was Dara’s first time in a relationship and I wanted her to always be happy. I tried to be the perfect boyfriend. I always text her sweet messages and remind her to eat.  I fetch her from work and bring her home. I spend all my free time with her and do normal couple things like eating out and watching movies. 






On our first month together, I tried to do something elaborate. I wanted her to feel special. I filled her apartment with a hundred roses and then we ate a posh restaurant. The mood was soft and romantic. There was a time I wanted so badly to kiss her but I stopped myself. I don’t want to push her to do something she doesn’t want. I wanted to be patient for her.


I wanted her to know I was serious and committed to our relationship. That I wanted far more than 100 days, I wanted a lifetime.


I could hardly wait until our 100th day when I could surprise her.






So when our 100th day came, I was b with anxiousness. I would be meeting Dara later but first I had to do something.


I was sitting at the coffeshop near my apartment waiting for Kiko. I called her up asking to talk. Before I could move on with my present, I decided it was time I closed my past. I owed it to Kiko and Dara deserved it if we were to have a future together.


Kiko came looking as pretty as ever but not as much as my Dara. I smiled at her awkwardly and guided her to sit.


“I’m glad you came. I hope you don’t mind if I already ordered for you. Latte with soymilk and brown sugar right?”


“I’m flattered you remember Ji” she said mockingly, smiling at me.


“Was I really that bad of a boyfriend?” I asked her, curiously.


“You were a great boyfriend. It was just that you were not in love with me” she said.


“I’m sorry, Kiko. I’m sorry I hurt you. But I did love you. Maybe if we didn’t break-up, I would have learned to love you more.” I apologized.


“Don’t kid yourself Ji. We both know I would always be second to her. You will always love Dara more. Time will not change that. You can’t learn love, it is something that just happens.”


“So are you okay now?” I asked, hoping she was.


“Not a 100%. But don’t worry, I’m getting there. I could finally speak to you now, see? I know love waits for me out there and I hope I get to find someone who will love me as much as you love her.” she said and gave me a conciliatory smile.


“I’m sure you will.”  I said and smiled back. “So what are you up to now?” I asked.


“Well, I’ve been also keeping busy since I’ll be moving back to Japan next month to handle our business there.” She answered. “How about you and Dara? What’s up with you two?” she asked.

“Well, I’ve been meaning to tell her everything tonight and surprise her” I said as I pulled out the box from my pocket and showed her the ring.


“Oh!” She said in surprise.


“Yeah, I thought it was about time. I’m kind of scared actually. I don’t know how she will react.” I was starting to feel anxious again.


“Congratulations JI. Finally, you are manning up. Well, for both your sakes I hope she says yes. Did you choose this ring?’ she asked.


“Actually she did. She helped me pick this when I was supposed to propose to you.” I admitted sheepishly.


“Ah Ji! I take it back, you really are a bad boyfriend.” She teased, laughing at me.


“I know!” I admitted shame-facedly, laughing with her.


“Seriously Ji, I’m happy for you.” She said sincerely.


And I smiled back more earnestly. It was then that I felt, that we finally reached closure. We parted ways as friends and with our hearts lighter.





When I stepped outside the coffeshop, I noted a box in wrapping paper by the glass front wall with my name on it along with Dara’s journal, which she keeps away from me. I was initially foolish enough to believe that Dara left it as a surprise for me, when I realized that from this view I could see where Kiko and I sat earlier.


Oh God! Dara must have seen us and left in a hurry. She must have thought something else and misunderstood. I had to explain to her.


I tried calling her mobile but it was off. I tried to call her at work but they said she left early to meet me, supporting my suspicion. I called her apartment but she wasn’t picking up or maybe she wasn’t there yet. I went to her apartment but the doorman said that she wasn’t there. I searched for her in the places we usually hang out, even tried different bars if she were ever brave enough to drink on her own.


It was past midnight but still I couldn’t find her. I was worried where she was but I couldn’t just call her parents, they were scarier than mine. I was hoping she was at least safe where she was.


I didn’t know I could mess up this easy. I was supposed to propose to her not lose her. I did not want us to be over.


But our 100 days was up.







A/N: Back to Story of a Girl 15th Story




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CG81888 #1
Chapter 16: :):):)
saguntop #2
Chapter 16: it was so good to read Jiyong's thought.... it made me think if only we were able to speak our words then we would be spare from all the heart breaks and tears
TOPalmond #3
Chapter 16: I love how you always wrote Ji's POV after one story. I mean, boys are hard to tell sometimes. Sometimes they keep their feeling and clueless about the girl's feeling. I can related to that, u know.

psstt. still, I hope you comeback in no time.
peppiwelsh1 #4
SOAG and SOAB is a buy one take one deal!
talkingbananababy #5
Chapter 16: I love the way how you end your stories. You're having reflections that somehow gave us learnings about life and love. You reminded us the true essence of love and how actually life works (this is not only about this story but the rest of your fics).

Thank youu for sharing this and Kudos!
mish4you25 #6
Chapter 16: Its really hard to fall for your bestfriend .. considering the friendshp and everything .. but its worth the risk..
Chapter 16: aAa.. another daragon-love-fics^^~
both of them hurting their self for not being honest.. i imagined how hard that was.. not to loosing the one that you love.. aigoo~
they've been through their hardship.. they worth to be together..

spread the daragon-love^^~
<3 <3 <3
XxtaerilxX #8
Chapter 1: LoL!! This chapter is freaking funny!! (at least for me)
Who on earth will accept the proposal of a guy with a cue card on hand while saying things that supposed to be sweet?? And heck dara even wrote that!!
Haha.. This is fun.. New reader here!! :)
renchop #9
Chapter 16: All of your stories...such a sweet and fresh suplement for me, lighting up my day after getting unmood condition or after having read angsty ficts, thank you and i love you for writing also sharing your stories <3 such a beautiful plot line you have there! Keep spreading daragon loves! ^^
jenny_29 #10
Chapter 16: your fanfics are amazing. I love the way described J and D's characters. Hope u'll write more about Daragon <3