Her Side of the Story

School began and things were back to ‘normal’

“Okay kids!” said the teacher.

“We’re not kids,” replied one of the students.

“Okay children!”

“We’re not chil-“

“Look do you want a detention?” the teacher warned which the student quickly shook his head.

“Okay, can anyone name me any disease that they know? Any disease at all? Anything? Hello?”

The class stayed silent, they knew a boring lesson had begun once again. The teacher sighed, “Cancer. There are many types of cancer as you know but we’ll start from the very basic.”

The class groaned. Infinite was throwing each other notes, not caring about a thing at all since the teacher couldn’t do anything to them.

“Symptoms of leukemia appear at the early stage of the cancer, how do we know? Well, for starters there’s: Weight loss, balancing problems, having difficulty in breathing…”

“SIR! COULD YOU REPEAT THAT!? The symptoms I mean,” Dongwoo shouted which surprised the whole class, even the teacher to see someone like Dongwoo to want to finally pay attention in class.

“Weight loss, balancing problems, having difficulty in breathing and-“

“You can stop now…  I mean, continue with the lesson,” said Dongwoo.

The teacher saw for once that Dongwoo was paying attention and thought that it was the effects of being an awesome teacher, thus making the teacher feel proud of himself. My wife will be so proud.

“Yah! Dongwoo, why are you paying attention?” whispered Sungyeol.

“Do you think he has cancer?” asked Woohyun.

“No way, he can’t” replied Hoya.

“Maybe he just wants to learn?” suggested Hwa Young.

“Shh! I’m trying to listen here,” said Dongwoo.

“There’s something wrong with him,” L said quietly so Dongwoo wouldn’t have to ‘shh’ him.

Infinite were all looking at Dongwoo worriedly, while Hwa Young was glad that Dongwoo wanted to learn something at school. Surprisingly, at the end of class, Dongwoo had a page filled with notes on leukemia/cancer and had a flashback of Chung Ae holding onto .

“Nah, that’s impossible, right?”

Dongwoo shoved the paper into his pocket.



Chung Ae was lying on the hospital bed eating the lunch the nurses had given her.


“You should rest.”

“I can’t what if something happens to you?

“I’m in the hospital unnie.”

Eunhee sighed but gave up as she rested on the couch that was against the wall.

Because of me Eunhee is always tired and stressed out. Because of me she is skipping school.Chung Ae thought as looked at her friend who had dark circles under her eyes. When I’m gone, this will be all over. She won’t have to stay awake at night anymore.

A soft knock was heard at the door; Chi Hoon peeked his head and saw Chung Ae awake. He sat down on the bed next to her gently.

“You okay?” Chi Hoon asked.

“Yea, I’m just thinking,” Chung Ae smiled. They continued talking to each other with their low voices.

“Can you promise me something?” Chung Ae asked.

“Of course.”

“Look after Eunhee Unnie for me and… make sure Hoya stays happy,” Chung Ae sniffed as she wiped her tears with the back of her hand.

“You’re going to live okay? You’re not going to die. You’re going to continue to live happily as if this stupid disease is just an obstacle,” Chi Hoon pulled Chung Ae into his arms tightly, he couldn’t hold back the tears. Seeing the one he loved talking like she was already going to die in seconds. He denied that someone so beautiful and angelic could be treated horribly.

“Oppa… This obstacle… It’s something I can’t pass through.”

Chi Hoon let her go, Chung Ae put her hand between them, closing it into a soft fist but leaving her pinkie finger sticking out and her thumb as well. The male hesitate and brought his pinkie around hers and sealed it with the touch of their thumbs.

“I promise.”


School tomorrow :(

My life is over xP

Take care and stay safe!

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Iminthezone #1
Chapter 20: I like the dialogue :D
creatingfaith #3
@-vipboss: keke, I didn't really know what to do with the ending; I wrote out a dramatic ending but yea~ It was too dramatic xD Thanks for reading ^-^
creatingfaith #5
just to sort things out...

Since Hwa Young is a nice and understanding girlfriend, she and Hoya got some time off. Hwa Young feels bad for taking Hoya away from Chung Ae...

yeaaa~~ keke
tntmmm #6
I HATE YOU I AM SOBBING SO HARD RIGHT NOW :'( lol but thanks for writing such a good story!!!!!
mochii #7
that was tragic and i honestly dont know
why HwaYoung is still there when Hoya indirectly
said that he would rather have been with ChungAe
so sad though TT
prolly a few grammatical errors but it was done well :)
sammy10 #9
I take back what i said. You did make her die T.T
I guess sad endings are more memorable... Thanks for the last update and I hope to see more stories from you :)
*Sigh* "If Only" Leukemia was curable!