Hee-Chan's First Crush (How she got her nickname)

Ahgase Dream Season 1

*Parent's name is fictitious. Not really sure who his dad is, but pretty sure it also isn’t Im Taekgeun from the articles I’ve read. Misinformation…….*


Kwon Hee Hee was the daughter of Kwon Minso, a very influential Korean-American CEO in the United States. He owned over four different locations with a plan of opening up six more to cover the Northwest, SouthWest, Northeast, South East, the South, North, and the middle states. Though a proud American, he never forgot where his parents and grandparents came decades ago, seeking refuge in America during the North Korean war that had many people worrying about their future and if South Korea could be liberated from the tyrannical communistic hand of their Northern counterparts.


Because of his ties to his homeland and the struggles his family faced long before he was even born, Minso made sure to take trips back to South Korea and visit the various provinces within it. His family was originally from Busan, a rural countryside a few good hours away from Seoul. It was beautiful there and he absolutely loved it. Seoul was also a beautiful place, filled with such a large population of interesting people. It was in Seoul that Minso made most of his friends, his favorite being Im Taek Seon, a boat anchorman he met a few times that took him on glorious adventures for an hour or so, just to entertain the young kid with stories of mermaids and sea monsters.


It was on his sixth or seventh trip to Seoul, this time with his wife and 6 month old daughter that he met up with Mr. Im and found out he was having a tough time, that his once fruitful self business wasn’t doing so hot and he wasn’t able to support his wife like he wanted too. On top of that, they were having marital problems due to their inability to conceive a child, despite being married for over five years now. With a heart of gold, Minso did what he could to help out Mr. Im, a man he had come to consider almost like a second father to him. He gave him what money he could without going broke himself, his own start up business just taking off. In return, there was a promise of loyalty between and if and when their child was conceived and born, Minso and his wife would be the godparents, their daughter as the godsister. A beautiful family tie, one in which Minso couldn’t wait to see come together.


4 years later, Kwon Minso and his family was invited to the birth of Im Taekseon’s son Im Jaebum. Even with the age difference and the constant traveling between two countries, Jaebum and Hee Hee became very close friends, treating each other like siblings. A family friend that was always there when needed. So at the age of 25, when Hee Hee declared independency from her family and a need for an environment change, the Im family was more than ready to take her in and care for her while she stayed in Korea.


Her return to her place of heritage was a refreshing one, but nothing could beat the love and warmth she felt when she was finally reunited with the Im family, children and all. Though she was close to everyone, she was closest with Jaebum, even if he was a half the time, played horrible pranks on her and could easily convince her to do anything and that everything he said was real. After all, he was Korean. He would know this stuff.


Her first real meeting with Got7 had been the most nerve wrecking experience of her life. After all, she could do and say anything that could embarrass herself, her family, even these handsome idols (with the exception of JB). They seemed to welcome her well none the less and Hee Hee found herself hanging out with them whenever she could, even if it was just sitting there and listening to their banter. It was nice. She really liked it.


But there were times where she felt the need to include herself in conversations. To try and be part of things. She couldn’t just sit there and listen and take, take, take from them. Though she did notice whenever she tried to chime in, her points or comments weren’t really taken well and sometimes she received strange looks, other times just silence. And that’s when she really hated herself; felt the most awkward. Was it because she was still essentially a stranger to them? oR that her Korean was just that bad? Though her father tried to teach her both languages as she grew up, her mother never really helped to enforce it and thus her very limited knowledge on the language. Just enough to get by with.


It was after the first three times she tried to participate that she decided to stop and most of the time just enjoyed their company, staying as quiet as she could, smiling to herself and most likely looking like an idiot.


The day started out like any other day, Hee Hee met up with Got7 at their practice studio, her free pass in so graciously given to her from JYP himself. Her father’s influence spanning even all the way into South Korea. She was sitting in one of the chairs, watching them practice for at least a good hour before they finally stopped. She was ready for the comfortable bander that was surely to come, but what she got was JB sitting next to her in an empty seat, arm wrapped around her shoulder and a eating grin on his face while other members slowly started to vacate the area. Probably to get water or use the restroom. A very much needed break.


“What do you want, brat?” Hee Hee asked and looked at the other with a raised brow.


“Such hostility noona.” JB teased and snickered. “Don’t be mean, I plan to make you a very happy girl.” he said with an od of his head.


“Oh yeah?” Hee Hee asked curiously.


“Yeah. Just trust me.” JB said and patted her shoulder before getting up once more. He gave her a wink before he made his exit of the room and Hee Hee became very aware that she was left alone with the eldest member Mark, who took over JB’s seat next to her. She could feel her heart racing with each breath. Mark was her bias and she absolutely adored the younger male. He was cute, charming and could be just as much of a mood maker as Jackson could be. She had a huge crush on him, but she would never dare say it at outloud for one, fear of rejection and for two, what would happen if anyone found out. But the moment of being with Mark didn’t last long, as the other male got up and left with the rest of them, leaving her all alone to wallow in sadness and loneliness. She hated being alone. She was an only child, but she usually had her parents or her best friend to keep her company. And though she was here in Korea, so far staying with the Im family, she still felt really alone half the time. Especially when Got7 went off to do their own thing. It really wasn’t her place to follow them and tag along. So she stayed put, eyes moving to stare down at her phone, looking for anything to occupy her time with in hopes the others would come back soon.


Mark walked up to Hee-chan and smiled softly as he held out a teddy bear to her before speaking in English for her. “Hee Hee noona I’m sorry that things have been kinda rough for you.. We aren't really used to being around a girl 24/7 yet. We do actually really enjoy having you with us… the others are just having trouble warming up.” he said as he chuckled softly. “But I want to make it up to you….. How about…. Dinner? My treat?”


Hee Hee’s head lifted as she heard the voice, absorbed in whatever DIY video on Instagram she had been watching. Her cheeks flushed as she stared Mark, eyes moving down to the teddy bear he was holding out before moving back up to his face. “Oh..” she said softly, shaking her head some. Well that would explain, possibly. She couldn’t hold it against them, not at all. Reaching out with both hands, she took the offered present, smiling at how soft and plush the bear was. Even if Mark was part American, she was in Korea so she was going to use her manners.


“Dinner?” she asked and laughed. “It’s not wise to offer. I could make you broke.” she teased. Just a little something to lighten the mood. At least she hoped it did. Or maybe it didn’t and it came off rude and disrespectful. She honestly didn’t know. Clutching the bear to her chest, she nodded slowly. “Okay. But nothing fancy. Something cheap and fast food. JB forbids me from eating fast food because he can’t have any.” she laughed.


Mark chuckled and nodded and he stuffed his hands in his jacket pockets and then grinned brightly. “Then fast food it is~ Tonight around 11? We have a schedule till 10 so it will give me time to steal the bathroom from Jackson too. “ He said and then hummed softly. He had been wanting to get to know the girl better, he knew that since they both spoke English fluently it would be a lot easier for them to connect and get along.


“You think I’m going to be awake them? I’m an old woman!” Hee-chan laughed. “I will agree to your time frame if we can add on Ice cream afterwards.” she said before holding up the bear, of which she mentally named Sasha and waved its arms. “Deal or no deal.” she said in a high voice, as if making the bear say it.


Mark whined at the aegyo the older was showing him and then ruffled the top of the bear's head and nodded. “Ice cream afterwards sounds perfect. It’s a date then~ I’ll see you at 11 Hee Hee Noona!” He said with a cheeky wink and started to walk off, he still hadn't had his lunch and he was sure the others had already gotten halfway through their food by now.


Food and ice cream. That was the perfect date honestly. AS long as she didn’t have to pay. Lowering Sasha, she stared at Mark, who threw her that cheeky wink and her cheeks flushed redder than before. She barely contained herself until he was out of the room before she dropped the bear and fanned herself like her life depended on it. “Oh my god! Oh my god!” she squealed to herself, smiling brightly. “I’m going on a date with Mark Tuan! Sasha!” she squeaked and picked up the bear and shook it. “I’m going on a date with Mark ing Tuan!” she stared at the bear and raised a brow. “Why am I talking to you? It’s not like you can talk back.” she huffed before grinning again.


Though the happiness was short lived as she replayed the conversation in her mind and pouted. “He called me Hee Hee and it sounded so wrong.” she said and huffed. “I’m going to have to fix that. What do you think Sasha? I need a nickname.” she said. She looked down at the bear again and made it wave his hand.


“Hee-chan.” she said in a high voice.


“Hee-chan? I like that too. It’s perfect! And if he calls me anything other than that...I’ll have to kill him.” she said with a strong nod.


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AngelFish8386 #1
Chapter 36: Love this!! Great story!! Love that you added bts in :)
Chapter 1: hjahgfj i love this