Farwell Hee-chan

Ahgase Dream Season 1

Hee-chan was more than happy with how the show turned out. The hidden camera show had been a wide success and after watching it, it was revealed the boys didn't even know to the extent of what the hidden camera was going to be. They just knew it was a hidden camera to get a good reaction out of the girls that were so highly requested. Though Hee-chan had nearly had a heart attack of the teaser, which includes Jaebum kissing her on camera, the death of Yugyeom and the surprise ending.


All in all, though, it had been a good broadcast. It was met with mixed reviews though, especially since it was revealed the ‘coordi’ was dating two idols at once. Not common, and something was upsetting to many of the igot7 fans. But that would be dealt with later, once the manager talked with the company and a press conference could be set up.


As it was, it was two weeks after the show aired in Korea, only a week after it had air in other countries. The boys were out preparing for their latest tour showcase, getting a line up of the songs and how it would conducted and more specifically, where it would be located.


Hee-chan found herself not at the dorm that day. She decided to go and visit Jaebum’s parents to see how they were doing since she sort of missed spending time with them. And she still had to break the news that she wasn't going to be there with them on Halloween.


As they were all gathered around in the livingroom there was a knock on the door, followed by the ringing of the doorbell. Taekseon got up with a chuckle as he ruffled Hee-chan’s hair and then excused himself to go answer the door, upon opening the door he was surprised to see Hee-chan’s mother standing at the door, looking very irate.


“Where is she?” She asked as she frowned and looked up at the man. “Where is Hee Hee? I need to speak with her.”

“Couldn’t you have just called? What's so important that you had to fly all the way over from america?”  He asked as he stepped aside and let her in.

“The little stunt she pulled with your son on tv that's what. Hes her godbrother for heaven's sake!” She hissed at him as she poked him in the chest harshly before pushing past him. “Oh good you're here. Let's go Hee Hee.” She snapped at her upon seeing her daughter sitting at the couch.


Hee-chan looked up, brows furrowed as she stared at her mother. What was she doing there? Why hadn't she called. “Mom.” She greeted. “What are you doing here? You didn't call. Where are we going?” she asked utterly confused. She looked to Mr. Im and his wife, wondering if maybe they had any idea.


“Ah… Apparently she saw the broadcast that you were on with the boys..” Taekseon said and then gently placed his hands on her mother's shoulders. “Come on now, look they’re old enough now to make their own decisions.. “He said and then grunted as she smacked his hand away.

“Old enough my .. I’m taking her home and that's final.” She said as she grabbed Hee-chan’s wrist, pulling her towards the door. “What the hell is wrong with you? I thought i raised you better than this Hee-Hee. He’s family for christ's sake!” She yelled at her the whole way out the door.


Hee-chan gasped at his rudely her mother was behaving, especially to family that she so wanted to keep pointing out. “Mom please.” She whispered, struggling weakly as she was dragged to the door. “I want to stay here. Please? Dad would let me.”


She shook her head and kept dragging her along behind her. “Your father isn't here now is he? I'm disappointed in you, i thought you would make better choices than this.” She scolded as she frowned, succeeding in dragging her daughter all the way to the car despite the protests of both her daughter and the Im’s.


Hee-chan bowed her head at the comment of disappointing her family. And suddenly the pain, torture and stress she had long since repressed after getting back with Mark and starting her relationship with JB came rushing back. She couldn't...shouldn't be a disappointment. She had to make this up to her parents, so that they would love her again. “I'm sorry, mommy.” She whispered and got into the car without any further protest.


From the door, Mrs. Im bit her lip as she dialed her son’s number. This wasn't right. There was something wrong the family friends they came to know and love and their poor daughter seemed to be like an outlet for whatever was going on.




Jaebum was in the practice room with the others when he felt his phone ring, he held up his finger when he saw that it was his mother calling. “I’m sorry i have to take this.. It’s my mother.” He said softly as he stepped aside to the other side of the room and picked up his phone. “Hello? Mama?”


“Jaebum, honey.” Mrs. Im spoke on the phone with a heavy sigh. “I hate to interrupt what you're doing but if you have free time later we need to see you. Something has happened with Hee-chan.”


Jaebum furrowed his brows as he turned to look at the others and sighed softly. “I wont have any free time any time soon mama, we are planning for our tour.. What is going on?” He asked concerned and cleared his throat. “What happened with her?”


“You absolutely won't believe it  we were having a lovely time as she visited and then her mother came here. Flew all the way from America. Apparently she had seen that lovely pre Halloween broadcast and the kiss you two shares and got highly offended. She came and just took her. Left with her while claiming she was a disappointment.”


Jaebum let out a low groan and then smacked his head against the wall a few times and then frowned deeply. “I’ll be right there. This is a family emergency that needs to be dealt with, i know we have our tour coming up but this group is nothing without her.” He grumbled a little and then sighed again. “We’ll be there soon mama love you.” He said softly before waiting for her response as he waved at the manager to get his attention.


“I'm so sorry for having to do this to you. But it was so strange as to why she came. Please hurry son. I don't know they may be leaving, if she taking her back to America or not.” She said urgently before hanging up.


Jaebum nodded as he sighed again and smiled slightly as he turned to look at the manager and the other boys as he bit his lip. “We have a problem… “ He said firmly as he looked over at Mark. “Hee-chan’s mother came to take her back to america… Without hee-chan’s permission..” He said and then frowned deeper. “I can't go on this tour unless she is safe and away from her family.. After everything we found out about her life i can't let that happen to her.”

Youngjae’s eyes widened as he stood up quickly and frowned. “What do you mean she's taking her back what the hell?”


“Her mother saw the broadcast somehow.” Jaebum explained and then shook his head.


Jackson frowned and crossed his arms. “Why would that be such a big deal? She's dating an idol. Two actually. That's every parent's dream. To be set for life.” he said.


“Jaebum Hyung is her godbrother.” Yugyeom spoke and sighed. “I guess in the eyes of her family, that's almost as good as being her real brother.” He muttered. “We can't let her go  Chanseul will have another emotional breakdown.”


“Of course. Be worried about your girlfriend.” Jinyoung snorted. “Be more worried about Hee-chan noona. If everything she told us true, if we don't stop her mother from taking away, she'll be brainwashed again and it'll be like we’re back to square one. And instead of her breaking up with just Mark this time, it'll be JB as well.”


“No.” Yugyeom said and waved his hand. “I am worried for her. I was just saying, Chanseul probably doesn't know and will be worried too. They're best friends.’


Mark nodded at Yugyeom’s words as he stood and went over to grab his bag. “Gyeom is right. We need to stop this before we end up with a murderous Chanseul.. I don't think we will be safe if she ends up shutting down on us and Yug.” he said as he looked over at Jaebum sadly. “Let's go get our girl yeah?” He said as he slung his backpack over his shoulder  and headed for the door.

Jaebum nodded and then motioned for the others to hurry up. “Come on, we need to go now if we are going to stop her. Half of us needs to go to the airport, the other half will come with me  to the house.”


“Mark Hyung should go to the air port.” Jackson suggested. “I'll go with him.”


“Me too.” Bambam chimed in.


“I'll go with JB Hyung.” Yugyeom.said as he grabbed his bag and followed the others out of the practice studio, letting out a heavy sigh. “I just hope we’re not too late.”


“would they be at an airport though?” Youngjae asked. “I overheard hee-chan talking one time to Chanseul about how well her dad’s business is going. Isn't her dad the CEO of Kwon Enterprises? That really well to do business? Wouldn't they have like a private jet?” he asked, unsure of how being rich actually works by American standards.


Jaebum frowned and then nodded a bit. “They would have to land at an airport, there are no private airstrips in seoul.” He said and then thought for a moment. “Go to Incheon. Last time they flew in… They landed at Incheon.” He said and then grabbed the keys to an extra van and motioned for Youngjae and Yugyeom follow him. “Let's go!”

Bambam nodded and jumped up quickly, looking at Mark who was already at the door. “I got your back Hyung!”

Mark smiled lightly and then frowned. “Thank you Bam-ah.. Let's get going , it's a bit of a drive to incheon.”


“Let's hope we get a head start on them!” Jackson said. “I'm ready to do some martial arts moves!” he said excitedly. It was really to lighten the tension he knew they would be feeling. He just hoped they made it in time.




Taekseon stood in the middle of the room. Sighing heavily as he hung up his cell phone and looked to his son and friends. “Your friends won't make it.” he said. “Minso has informed me that his wife and daughter took off from Incheon fifteen minutes ago. Their destination is home. He also wants to cut ties with the family.”


“This is childish. Acting like it's the end of the world because our son wants to be with their daughter. I can't believe it's like we're back in the old days.” Mrs. Im huffed in anger.


“Well I guess we're just going to have go to America now.” Youngjae hummed. “I've been needing a vacation.”


“Plan Get Hee-chan Noona back is a go!” Yugyeom cheered. “But um….does anyone know where exactly in America she lives?”


Jaebum looked at the floor and then sighed heavily. “I was really hoping that i wouldn't have to involve suel..”He mumbled softly and then groaned. “Oh god she's going to flip..” He mumbled and ran a hand through his hair. “The only person that knows where Hee-chan lives is Chanseul..”

Youngjae whined loudly and then kicked a table before bowing immediately. “Sorry.. But um.. Jaebummie hyung doesn't even know?”


“Ah.” Taekseon started. “As it is, their only child is Hee Hee and she was born years before Jaebum. We've never had a reason to visit. They've always visited us.” He said  “They have a home in Seoul that Jaebum would stay at with her and her family. But we've never been overseas.”


“Wow.” Yugyeom said in awe. “Okay. So...then...guess Let's go break the news to noona. I need safety equipment first.” he said.




“THEY DID WHAT?!” Chanseul screeched as she flipped around, pan in hand since she was in the middle of making herself lunch, the egg that was in the pan was now on the floor. “What do you mean they took her back are you ING SERIOUS?!” She screeched as she put the  pan back on the stove rather roughly.

Youngjae jumped and then hid behind Yugyeom, shoving him forward as a meat shield just in case. “We didn't know that she was going to be taken back! But her mom apparently called her a disappointment to the family and wants to cut all ties with the I'm’s!’

Chanseul growled and leaned over the sink as she shook her head slowly. “God i've always disliked that woman.”


“What Youngjae is trying to say is that we have a plan to take her back by force.” Yugyeom said with a nod. “But we need you. You're the only one who knows where she lives in America. Please noona. Help us get Hee-chan back before something bad happens.”


Chanseul nodded and frowned as she leaned back against the sink and sighed. “Do you even have to ask for my help? Gyeom shes my BEST friend. Almost like a sister to me! Without her i'm… I'm not me.” She said and then nodded. “Let's get packed. We need to go now if we are going to make it before too much damage is done.”


“I knew you would say yes.” Yugyeom smiled. “We already packed your bag. Come on noona. We have to go, now. The others are waiting!”




Once landing in america Chanseul lead them through the airport to get their things, helping the manager rent a van for the day. “Okay so.. I’ll put in the address to the house, once we get there i advise.. No confronting of the angry man bear.. Pig.. thing oKAY?” She said as she pointed between Mark and Jaebum, the little bit of fans that had noticed them were gathered around and taking pictures.

Jaebum raised his hands and chuckled. “Don't worry i know how her mom is, i can handle it, i mean i'm dating Hee-chan.. Come on, and i’ve known her mom for like.. Ever.” He said and sighed.


“And that's the problem.” Jackson wagged his finger at them before sighing. “Come on guys. Let's just get in!” he said and ushered everyone into the van before getting in himself.


“How long will it take to get there? An hour or less?” Bambam asked.


Chanseul hummed and shook her head. “Way less than an hour, she lives close by. But if there's traffic then who knows how long it will take.” She said as she looked at the manager who nodded.

“Key are a go, i made sure they gave us one big enough for everyone and all of Hee-chans stuff. Since this is technically a final rescue mission for her.. “ He trailed off, getting a bit emotional. He had to admit that he loved having hee-chan around as much as the boys did. She helped keep things in line and clean. He sighed a bit as he started up the van and turned to look back at everyone. “Ready to go?”


“Ready!” Yugyeom cheered. “Let's get out noona back!”


The other cheered as the can started off out of the airport, address in the navigation system. Thankfully they didn't run into traffic and fifteen minutes later they were pulling up to a rather large and fancy looking house.


“Whoa!” Jinyoung gasped. “She lived here? It's huge. And beautiful.”


“but behind these beautiful walls are monsters. We have to go in and rescue our princess.” Jackson said with a stern nod. The van pulled to a stop and everyone piled out. Even from out at the front entrance of the driveway, the loud shouting from the tenants inside could be heard.


Mark clenched his fist as he walked up to the door, not even bothering to use his fist as he kicked at the door a few times while everyone lined up behind him. If anyone else would have seen them at this moment they would have thought that instead of idols.. They were gangsters.


Jaebum put a hand on Mark’s shoulder and rubbed it lightly, trying to keep him calm.. “Remember… Don't confront..” He said softly and made room for Chanseul to slip up to the door.


“Someone is mad.” Youngjae whispered and winced as the screams increased in volume before everything went silent. Not even a minute later, the door opened and a very irate Mrs. Kwon stood there, huffing. “Can I help you?” she snapped at them. She held the door open, giving a clear view into the entranceway to where Hee-chan stood, trying to stop her tears before she moved to a different room.


Chanseul went to open but was cut off as Mark opened his first. “Yeah actually.. I’d like my girlfriend back.” He said firmly as he folded his arms over his chest. “I think it’s pretty crappy that you had to into her life like that. I mean come on she's how old? She’s not a kid anymore.”

“Mark..” Chanseul whispered and put her hand on his arm before looking at Mrs. Kwon. “Honestly, i would tell him to be nice but… He’s kinda right i have to admit. She's not a kid anymore and we are taking her back. She doesn't need to be treated this way for making life decisions.” She said and frowned as she pushed her way into the house.


Mrs. Kwon scoffed at them. “Excuse me? Who do you think you are? Stop right there or I'll call the cops!” she sanded with a glare. “She is my daughter and as such she will be respectful and bring honor to this family. Not degrade herself in and…” Mrs. Kwon snorted as she looked at Mark and then JB. “...homeualism. disgusting.” She sneered. “remove yourself off my property!”


“Yeah, see we can't do that. Once you acquire us, we never leave.” Jackson said as he pushed his way in and looked around. “Hee-chan!” he called.


Jaebum shook his head and stepped closer to Mrs. Kwon and frowned. “It's not . We aren't blood related, there is nothing written down in ink that says that i can't date Hee-Chan noona. And you.” He pointed his finger directly at ger, for the first time in his life he wasn't caring about being respectful. “You don't deserve to have someone as amazing and genuine as noona is.. as your daughter. All you do it guilt trip her into doing what you want her to do,”


Mark followed Jackson in and looked around,trying to figure out which way Hee-chan went. “Noona!!” He called out and then whined. “Baby come out please!” He called again as he searched around.


Mrs. Kwon glared as she smacked his hand and pointed her finger at her. “You better learn some respect. I don't think you understand who you're dealing with.” She said. “You're little idol life can easily be ruined. Don't test me buddy.” She snapped before turning and looking at the two in her house. “Excuse you! Don't you make me call security and have you thrown out  get out of my house.”


“Whoo. Boy she's a banshee.” Jackson said as he rubbed his ears and started down a hall. “Worse than Chanseul on her period.” he commented and hummed. Opening a random door, he stopped as he came face to face with the most gorgeous mint green he had ever seen in his life. And so neat and organized and filled….with EXO, BTS AND Got7 posters. CDs were on displays shelves against walls, the posters neatly placed in framed and hung in such a gorgeous way that Jackson was sure an interior decorator had to have done it.


His fascination was cut short as he heard movement from the closet and walked over carefully, peeking in and his eyes nearly bugged out at the size of the walk in closet that could fit a whole vanity, plus racks and racks of clothes, shoes, bags…..they were going to need a bigger van. “I found her!” he called, scaring Hee-chan as she turned, eyes wide, tissues clutched in her hands tightly as she tried to fixed her smudge eyeliner and running mascara.


Jaebum rolled his eyes at the woman and then smirked. “I would give up my idol life for that girl in there. Because you have no right anymore to push her around and make her feel guilty for having a life that she has made for herself, a life where she's loved unconditionally without guilt about having to stay there just because her mother can't do anything for herself.” His voice suddenly grew loudly. “You want my respect? You will get my respect only after noona gets the respect that she deserves. If it werent for my family you wouldn't have a daughter right now.”


With that he pushed past her and  headed in the direction of Jackson’s voice.


Mark ran into the room and into the closet, his eyes wide as he looked around before he looked at Hee-chan and pulled her into his arms. “oh my god….” He whispered softly as tears formed in his eyes. “You're okay.. You're safe… She didn't hurt you did she?!” He asked worriedly as he cupped her cheeks and took the tissue, blotting the tears away.


Hee-chan stared at Mark in shock before trying to turn away from. She knew she was a hideous mess and didn't want to be seen. But none the less, he grabbed her and took her tissues away from her.  She felt too tired to really fight anymore and whimpered. “I'm fine. She didn't hurt me.” She whispered. “I was just being disrespectful is all. But it's okay. I'm gonna make it up to her.” She whispered.


Mark frowned and wiped away the tears and tried to fix up her makeup, biting his lip worriedly. “baby you don't have to make anything up to her.. you're not a disappointment.” he whispered as Jaebum walked over and hugged them both.


“Your mother is just… ugh, she thinks that with me being your god brother it's .. and with me and mark.. its gay.” Jaebum mumbled and ran his fingers through Hee-chan’s hair gently. “you don't deserve this kind of treatment. So We’ve come to rescue you.” He whispered softly and pecked her forehead softly.


Hee-chan shook her head quickly and sniffled, trying to hold back tears. “I've hurt them so much. I shouldn't be so selfish. I shouldn't have left. I can't...I’m their only child I have to be the best for them.” She cried softly. “I have to be good. So they'll be proud of me. And love me.”


Mark shook his head quickly and turned Hee-chan to look at him. “Noona listen to me… Do you want to live your life like this? Bending yourself to what they want? Never truly being happy?” he asked as he looked at her with sad eyes, that were also filled with worry. “Do you really not want to live your life the way you want to?” He whispered softly.


Jaebum gently rubbed her back as he hummed gently. “You shouldn't let her control you… you're an adult now, you're a beautiful.. amazing, grown woman. You can do anything with your life..” He said gently and massaged her hips gently. “Do you really want to be stuck under her control?”


Hee-chan stared into Mark’s eyes before he bowed his head and leaned back into Jb’s touch. “I….i don't have a choice.” She whispered and reached up, holding her head. “It's the cycle. Over and over and over. I can't escape.” She whispered. “She won't let me escape. I don't want this life anymore.”


Mark bit his lip again and shook his head softly. “Baby look at me..” He whispered as he cupped her cheeks and and tilted her head up. “If you don't want this life anymore.. Then stand up for yourself. That's the only way it's going to end. Stand up for yourself and tell her that you're done being pushed around.. she doesn't deserve a daughter like you..” he said softly and pressed little kisses to her lips.


Jaebum nodded at Mark’s words and kept massaging her hips softly. “You can do it.. I know you can, just like you do with us. You're stronger than you think you are noona.” He whispered in her ear and her sides lovingly.


Hee-chan shook her head gently and closed her head. “I can't. You don't understand.” She whispered. “I tried and I can't. I couldn't. So I left without telling them.” She whispered and sniffled. “I just...have to leave. Have to go.” She whispered. “Before daddy gets home. I can't...fight both of them.”


Jaebum nodded and then let go of her to go out to the others. “Get packing, we are not leaving anything behind.” He told them and then looked at the manager. “You might need to go buy some boxes hyung..”


Mark peppered little kisses over her cheeks and nodded as he picked her up bridal style. “We can take an early flight back tomorrow.. i’ll find a hotel for everyone for tonight okay? While the others pack we can go relax” He said softly, glaring at Mrs. Kwon as he walked past her. “The nerve.. She doesn't realize you mean everything to us.. without you we have no career anymore, you complete our group.” He whispered to his girlfriend as he pecked her cheek.


Hee-chan clung to Mark as she was lifted and carried out of the room. She kept her head bowed, trying to block out her mother’s shouting and cursing as the others moved to pack her things. Biting her bottom lip, she lifted her head and sniffled.  “I'm sorry Mark.” She whispered. “I wish I was stronger. I really do.” She muttered.


Mark shook his head gently and kissed her lips gently. “No apologizing babygirl.. we can help you once we get back to korea..” He said gently as he got into the van with the manager and smiled gently. “We got your back”




A few hours later everyone was gathered in the hotel cafe, Mark and jaebum sitting protectively on either side of Hee-chan with Chanseul right next to them. “Okay so manager hyung is heading with the trailer to the airport, he's going to have everything sent over to mom and dad.” Jaebum said softly and then smiled a little. “They are cleaning out a spare room that we’ve had for a while so you can decorate it however you wish~ the closet isn't as big as the one you had but it's around the same size.” He said as she sipped on his cola slowly, rubbing her back gently. “And.. i have booked both you and Seul a spa day when we get back.”


Chanseul perked up and looked at Jaebum with wide eyes. “Really??” She asked curiously, getting a nod in return.


“That closet was huge. Hee-chan, are you rich?” Jackson asked in awe and stared at her as she leaned back in her chair before slumping down as far as she could and still felt comfortable.


“Yes.  My father owns around 6 companies or so all across the states. Three overseas and one is in Seoul.” She said and chuckled. “My allowance as a child was like stupidly ridiculous.” She said.


“Wow. Lucky.” Jackson said in envy.


“Not really. I'd rather be poor than live that life. Suffocating patents that I'm pretty sure committed child abuse without laying a hand on me.” She snorted. “Right before my grandmother passed, she had made a private bank account for me. She always tried….tried to make my life better. My grandfather taught me about investing too. If not for them I probably wouldn't have the money I have saved up right now.”


“How much? Bambam asked.


“Enough to probably buy half of Jeju island if I really wanted to  and that doesn't even make a dent in the money my parents have.”


Chanseul nodded at Hee-chan’s words and smiled softly. “When we met Hee-chan was halfway to that amount though, so with what she's earned on her own too it's amazing.” He said and smiled sadly. “It actually pretty amazing..”


Jaebum chuckled as he rubbed Hee-chan’s back and held up a fry to her lips. “i'm pretty sure verbal abuse counts as child abuse too noona.” he said softly and shook his head. “i'm glad that you have all of that saved up, so you won't have to struggle.” He said proudly and pecked her cheek softly.


Youngjae smiled brightly and wiggled a little. “It was pretty cool seeing all your posters though, we've only seen fangirl rooms in pictures and on sets before! You were really really organized!” He said in awe at it still.


Hee-chan took the fry and ate it happily, grinning. “Of course I won't struggle. I have you two to support me now.” She laughed and sighed. “It's going to take time.” She whispered as she stared at the table. “To be fully rid of them and free. Free from my own mind too.” She said gently. “though this spa day is really going to help.” She grinned.  She looked at Youngjae and laughed. “Yeah? You like it?” she asked.


“took me years to get it so nice. I was completely unorganized before.”


Youngjae nodded quickly and smiled. “We left the posters in the frames but packed them away neatly, there was a bunch more in the closet in one of the cabinets in the back, we rolled them up neater” He said softly and then chuckled softly. “I'm just glad that you're going to be back with us… you should have seen Mark hyung when he found out though.. we were thankful that he took a nap on the plane and calmed down a little. He looked like he was ready to explode.”


Mark whined loudly and threw a napkin at youngjae. “Yah shut up!” He hissed at him and frowned as he lowered his head a little. “Nobody messes with my woman.”


Hee-chan looked at Mark and chuckled as she rose back in her seat. She leaned over and kissed him softly. “You're a sweetheart.” She said gently and rested her head on his shoulder and sighed. “I don't think there will be enough room for all my stuff.” She laughed and sat up then and smiled at Chanseul. “Let's buy a place together!”


Chanseul gasped and then smiled brightly, but then pouted. “can we get one in the same building as the boys though? I don't think they can handle us being far away in our own place. They would end up moving in with us.”She said softly and then giggled a little.


Hee-chan laughed. “That's fine. I just know that I know I need at least two rooms for my kpop things and clothes alone.” She said and flushed. “I may have a clothes addiction.” She laughed.


Chanseul giggled a little and shook her head “we definitely need one in the building with the boys then we could have a whole dorm to ourselves oh my god.” She grinned and bit her lip, living away from the boys would be hard at first, the craziness in the dorm would probably settle down for the most part.


Jaebum pouted and whined softly. “Noonnaaa but what about us? We won't get to sleep together very often if you move out.. i may have to sneak over to your place in the middle of the night just because i miss you..” He said with a pathetic whine and wrapped his arms around her waist.


Hee-chan laughed and shifted slightly and leaned over and kissed him. “Hush.” She said  “We can still sleep in the dorm. But it'll be a place for our stuff and then a place for us to retire to when you guys are gone on schedules.”


Jaebum grinned brightly and got up, picking her up to spin her around playfully, he was overly excited to be bringing her back and it was making him act as if he was younger than even Yugyeom.


“Woah. I’ve never seen Jaebum oppa like this before.. i-it's kinda creepy… are we sure we didn't lose oppa somewhere and this is actually an imposter?” Chanseul asked as she eyes Jaebum and looked at Yugyeom. “Hes acting like you-” She whined and then made a face of alight disgust. “i don't like it, only you can pull it off.”


Hee-chan squeaked and laughed as she was spun around and held him close. She leaned in and kissed him gently. “You're so silly Bummie.” She said and ruffled his hair. “Just like always.” She giggled.


“I think I'm gonna be sick.” Yugyeom.whined. “Hyung stop acting cute!” he called.


“Jaebum Hyung must really be in love. It's cute.” Jinyoung laughed softly.


“So cute.” Jackson snorted.


Chanseul covered and groaned. “oh my god they're worse than us. Mark how do you deal with these two??”


Mark just simply chuckled and stared lovingly at the both of them.

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AngelFish8386 #1
Chapter 36: Love this!! Great story!! Love that you added bts in :)
Chapter 1: hjahgfj i love this