
Lost Memories, Lost Love
The next day, you were excited to meet Woohyun at night.

You picked out your best dress and asked your brother if it was ok.

"Of course, you look good in anything." Kikwang said and smiled.

"Oppa, of course you say that, you're my brother!" you chuckled.

"I'm being serious. Your Woohyun oppa would say that you're pretty too."

You smiled at the thought of that.

That night, Kikwang accompanied you to the venue.

"I'm so excited!" you said and swayed Kikwang's hand back and forth.

"Aigoo, when I celebrated birthdays with you, you weren't even half as excited." he hit your head softly.

You giggled at the jealous look on his face.

Just a few meters before the restaurant, you became even more excited.

"Isn't that Kyungmi?... She's with..." your brother frowned.

You looked at where he was looking. Instantly, your heart broke into a million pieces.

*What...* without you noticing, you started tearing.

Kyungmi was standing infront of the restaurant, hotly kissing a guy.

You knew who he was, even though his back was facing you. 

"I... He..." you were lost for words. Tears streamed down your face.

"That bastard!" Kikwang charged towards Woohyun and Kyungmi. It was too late to stop him.

When Kikwang broke the two apart, a fist landed straight in Woohyun's face.

Seeing him getting hurt, your heart hurt. But his betrayal made your heart hurt more.

Kyungmi screamed in shock when Kikwang hit Woohyun.

But she smiled when she saw that you saw everything. *Things are going as planned.* she smiled a sinister smile.

When Woohyun turned around, he saw you, and for the first time, he saw you cry. But most importantly it was for him.

"~~~~~-ah...I-" before he finished his sentence, you turned around and walked away.

"~~~~~-ah!" he ran after you.

When he caught up with you, he grabbed your wrist and spun you around.

"Why are you running away?!" he shouted.

With that, you slapped him across the face.

He looked at you in shock. Your heart hurt as you hurt him. But this time, you didn't care.

"Are you saying that you did nothing wrong?" you shouted back at him.


"Let's just say that I was the one that was wrong. Believing all your lies, letting you play around with my feelings. Let's just say that I was the one who was stupid enough to believe you. I'll tell you what, Nam Woohyun. We are over." you pried off his fingers from your wrist.

You turned around and walked out of his life.

"How can you do this to her? She trusted you!" Kikwang shouted at Woohyun and ran after you.

"No... Things shouldn't be like this... It shouldn't..." Woohyun buried his face in his hands.

"I told you I won't let you go right, pretty boy." Kyungmi snickered at Woohyun.

"You planned this? Why?!" Woohyun was both angry and shocked.

"Of course it was for revenge? Did you forgot what I said months ago? I'd find revenge, that's for sure." she laughed at walked off.

Leaving Woohyun standing alone in the dark. Regretting his actions but knowing that it was too late. Everything can't be saved.

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I finally finished it! hehe
ehh, the restaurant's name? keke sorry, i just made that part up, so there's no name ><
Sorry! ><
EpicPinkPanther #3
How could she forgive so easily when Woohyun made a scar on her lovely skin?? Horrifying! hehe jks~ XD
Um... What's the name of the restaurant Woohyun and ~~~~ broke up at? >_< Just curious~~
ailisu #4
aww :c
although cute ending
i still love dongwoon <33
ailisu #5
ailisu #6