Lovey Dovey (Not the song >

Lost Memories, Lost Love
"Say ah~" Woohyun scooped a spoonful of rice and placed it near your mouth.

You opened your mouth and he fed you.

"Awwwww, you guys are acting all lovey dovey already." Dongwoo teased the both of you.

Woohyun made new friends in school. 

Sunggyu and Dongwoo were seniors, Howon and Sungyeol were his partners in sports. Myungsoo and Sungjong were the juniors that he got close with. 

"You are just jealous." Woohyun said.

"Yea, I'll just go away so that I won't disturb your couple moment right?" Dongwoo pretended to cry.

"Of course." You nodded.

"Howon-ah, look! They are trying to get rid of me!" Dongwoo turned sideways to hug his bestfriend.

"Aigoo, don't worry hyung, you still have me." Howon patted his back.

"Eww gay." Sungyeol pulled the two apart.

"What about you and myungsoo? Isn't that even worst?" Howon shot back.

"That is just to show our friendship." Sungyeol argued.

"Oppa, I'm glad that you're the only normal one." you ruffled Woohyun's hair.

"I wouldn't call myself normal since such an extraordinary person like you fell for me." he smiled romantically.

"Aww, you're so sweet." you leaned against his chest.

The others pretended to puke.

You were happy with your life. You had a brother and a boyfriend who loved you dearly. You had friends that treated you as their sister.

But just then, a girl that treated you as an enemy came up to you. Spoiling all the fun.

"Looks who flirting again?" Kyungmi laughed her signature evil laughter.

Her sidekicks laughed too, although there was nothing funny.

"Hey, stop bothering her." Myungsoo warned.

"She didn't do anything to you." Sunggyu glared at them.

"Awww, this is so touching. Look, so many people is standing up for her." Kyungmi said to her friends.

"What do you want?" you asked her.

"Oh nothing. Just revenge for the humiliation you caused me that day. Trust me, I won't let you live happily. And pretty boy," she looked at Woohyun. "Your taste is so bad. And beware, I won't let you go either." 

Kyungmi threatened and walked away with her friends.

You gulped. She seems to be meaning what she said.

"Oppa, will you be ok?" you looked at Woohyun worriedly.

"Of course. Don't listen to her, she's just talking nonsense." Woohyun assured you.

You felt a little comforted by his words but still, you were a little afraid as you felt that something bad is going to happen soon.


A few months later...

"So are we going out tomorrow?" you asked Woohyun.

He didn't respond. 

"Oppaaaaaa." you shook his arm.

"Huh? What did you say?" he finally looked at you.

"Were you in outer space? You seem to be spacing out a lot these few days." you sulked.

"N-No, I'm n-not. Can you repeat what you said? Please?" he hugged your arm and pouted.

You always gave in to his aegyo. "Aigoo, you're still not grown up huh? I'm going to be 19 soon and im starting to act older than you!" you ruffled his hair.

"I'm 21 already, but I'm still cuter than you. Merong!" he stuck out his tongue at you.

You rolled your eyes. "So I was saying, are we going out tomorrow to celebrate my birthday?"

"Of course! It's my baby girl's birthday! How can we not celebrate it?" 

"So where will we go?"

"To the restaurant that you've been bugging me a long time to go?" he nudged you.

"Really? We're really going there??" you were excited.

"Yes, my silly girl." he nodded and laughed at your silliness.

"Hey, I'm not silly. I'm 19 soon! I'm a grown up already!" you placed your hands on your hips.

"Okay okay, you're the best in the world ok?" he smiled.

"Of course I am."

"Can I get a kiss for praising you?" Woohyun puckered his lips.

"You're still my silly prince huh?" you smiled and kissed him on the lips.

The kiss got deeper as Woohyun placed his arms around your neck. *~~~~~-ah is who I belong with, don't think of anything else.* 

But no matter how hard he tried, he can't seem to forget what happened a few days ago...

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I finally finished it! hehe
ehh, the restaurant's name? keke sorry, i just made that part up, so there's no name ><
Sorry! ><
EpicPinkPanther #3
How could she forgive so easily when Woohyun made a scar on her lovely skin?? Horrifying! hehe jks~ XD
Um... What's the name of the restaurant Woohyun and ~~~~ broke up at? >_< Just curious~~
ailisu #4
aww :c
although cute ending
i still love dongwoon <33
ailisu #5
ailisu #6