
Lost Memories, Lost Love

So this is the an- Yah! Are you listening?" Kikwang waved his hands infront of your face.

"N-Nae? What did you say?" You looked at him, shocked.

Kikwang sighed. "It's been the 3rd time you wandered off into your own world today..." 

"Mianhe..." you bowed your head.

"What's more important than the math test next week?" 

"Nothing..." you mumbled.

"Really? I hope so..."  Kikwang continued tutoring you in math for the next hour.

But something else was in your mind.

*I don't get why I feel so sad to know that the Woohyun guy is dating that unnie... I hardly know them!* 

You shook your head to get the thoughts out of your mind. *Come on Lee ~~~~~! Studies are more important now!* 

Perhaps everything was just your own imagination... Right...?


The next day, it was your turn to stay back and do duties in the class room. 

"Bye ~~~~~-ah!" Everyone waved goodbye to you and left the classroom. 

*Aigoo, I'm all alone now...* You thought sadly and brought out the broom. 

"Excuse me where is the-" Someone said suddenly and you turned around. 

It was him. 

"Y-You..." Woohyun pointed at you.

"Me? You k-know me?" You were puzzled. 

"I thought you- How is that possible? I didn't believe it until now..." Woohyun seemed lost in his own world. 

"Excuse me." You walked towards him. 

He staggered backwards as if you scared him. 

"H-How long have you been here?" Woohyun stuttered. *How could I have not noticed her?*

"Yesterday..." You didn't know why he asked. 

"I...I have to go..." He moved backwards. You could see sweat forming on his forehead. 

"Woohyun-sshi, are you ok?" You asked worriedly.

"You know my name? You remember?"

"Remember what?" You really didn't have a clue of what he was talking about.

Woohyun instantly felt disappointed and hurt. *So she isn't dead, but she doesn't remember?*

You tried to touch his face but he slapped your hand away. 

You were shocked at his reaction. 

He didn't say another word and ran away. 

*This is all too weird. How can she be here? I thought she... How come? How is she still alive? Why is she back?* Woohyun felt tears streaming down his cheeks. It was only then he realized that all his emotions came back to him. How much he loved you... How much he missed you...

*Wae? Why are you doing this to me? I've already tried to forget her...why is she back...?* Woohyun clutched his hands into a fist. 

After a while of crying and thinking through, Woohyun finally decided on what to do. 

*She doesn't rememeber, I don't want her to. I shall just let her forget everything...Our past and our mistakes...* 


Sorry that it's a short chapter and i've not updated for so long >< 

I was busy with school work and stuffs ;_;

Anyways, hope you enjoy this chap. Sorry if its all too sudden D: 

Oh, and, the poster for this story can't be used >< so i'll post it at the start of every chapter if you wanna see it ^^



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I finally finished it! hehe
ehh, the restaurant's name? keke sorry, i just made that part up, so there's no name ><
Sorry! ><
EpicPinkPanther #3
How could she forgive so easily when Woohyun made a scar on her lovely skin?? Horrifying! hehe jks~ XD
Um... What's the name of the restaurant Woohyun and ~~~~ broke up at? >_< Just curious~~
ailisu #4
aww :c
although cute ending
i still love dongwoon <33
ailisu #5
ailisu #6