Don't remember

Lost Memories, Lost Love
You stood dumbfounded in the empty classroom. 

*What happened? Why is he acting like this?* somehow, you felt scared.

"Did I do something wrong?" You whispered.

"Ready to go?" someone said.

You turned around in shock. "Oppa! You scared me." you put a hand on your chest.

"Tsk. I'm that scary?" Hyunseung asked.

"Yea... A little..." you said softly.

"Aish you-" Hyunseung walked towards you but a pair of arms pulled him backwards.

"And what are you trying to do to my sister?" Kikwang asked. More like warned him not to touch you.

"Overprotective." Hyunseung muttered.

You giggled as you watched them fight. But suddenly, you felt your head hurt. Blur pictures flashed across your mind. 

There was a guy... No... 2 guys. But you couldn't see who they were. 

"Late? Who are you going out with?" one of the guys asked.

"A...A friend." the girl hesitated before answering.


"Don't stay out too late." the second guy said.

"Neh, oppa!" she exclaimed happily.


The memory was cut off there.

You clutched your head in pain.

"Yah! What happened?!" Kikwang and Hyunseung ran to your side.

"I...I can't-" without finishing your sentence, you fainted on them.

"Yah! Yah! Wake up! Yah! Lee ~~~~~!" Kikwang shook you.

"Send her to the hospital. Quick." Hyunseung lifted you into Kikwang's arms.

"What happened? Why did she just collapse?!" Kikwang started to panic, thinking of all the possibilities to explain what just happened.

20 minutes later, you reached the hospital. The doctor inspected you and found that you fainted from exhaustion. 

"How is that even possible?! She doesn't even stay up too late at night!" Kikwang didn't believe the doctor.

"Did she experience any headaches before fainting?" the doctor asked.

"Headaches? I just saw her clutching her head like she was in pain." 

"She's trying too hard to remember her past..." the doctor concluded.

"Remember?" Hyunseung was happy but worried at the same time. "She'll remember if she tries hard enough?"

"Yes, she will. One year ago, I told you that she might or might not have the chance to remember. Now, it's all up to her, whether she wants to remember or not."

"How can she choose?" Kikwang didn't understand.

"Sometimes, it's not all up to medicines and other things to help you. It's your own will. If she tries hard and wants to, she'll remember. If not, she'll never." the doctor said and left.

"It's so complicated..." Hyunseung scratched his head.

"It's all up to her...? Why do we always have to choose? Can't things go without choosing?" Kikwang buried his face in his hands.

"Why are you so sad? Shouldn't you be happy that she can remember her past?" Hyunseung asked him.

"But I rather she didn't remember what happened..."

"What happened- You mean the Woohyun incident?" 

Kikwang nodded. "She knows him already. She's starting to get back pieces of her memories. I don't want her to remember her past with him!" 

"But what if it's her choice to want to remember?" 

"Then I'll make sure she doesn't. I don't want her to suffer because of him anymore. She almost died and I don't want to lose my sister again." Kikwang looked determined this time.

With both Kikwang and Woohyun trying to make you forget, would you get the chance to remember? Or would your past be covered up in lies? 


Woohyun was colder than usual towards everyone the next day. 

It was lunchtime and the boys were sitting together. Most of them talking. Woohyun just sat there and stared into space.

"Woohyun-sshi-" A student came up to him.

"Go away." he didn't even let the student finish his sentence.

"What's with hyung today?" Hoya asked Sunggyu.

"Don't know. He's been like this since yesterday. Oh and have you heard? ~~~~~-ah is back." Sunggyu said.

"Yea, I heard from the juniors. How is it possible for her to be here? I thought she..." Hoya's voice became softer as he did not want Woohyun to hear him.

"Hyung! It's ~~~~~-ah!" Sungjong shouted and pointed in your direction.

"Yah!" Hoya kicked Sungjong's leg under the table.

"What hyung?!" Sungjong whined.

"Don't talk about it anymore... They aren't together already..." Sunggyu helped Hoya say.


"She doesn't remember. I don't want her to. If she finds out our past, and it was any of you who told her, I'll kill you." Woohyun glared at them and walked away.

"Hyung is really serious this time..." Sungyeol gulped.

"He's been like this since she 'died'. He's numb to any feelings. He lost the sunshine in him." Myungsoo looked at Woohyun's retreating back.

"Don't tell her ok? Let's all respect Woohyun's decision." Dongwoo looked at them.

The other boys nodded. They'd keep a secret if it was for the best.

But was it?

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I finally finished it! hehe
ehh, the restaurant's name? keke sorry, i just made that part up, so there's no name ><
Sorry! ><
EpicPinkPanther #3
How could she forgive so easily when Woohyun made a scar on her lovely skin?? Horrifying! hehe jks~ XD
Um... What's the name of the restaurant Woohyun and ~~~~ broke up at? >_< Just curious~~
ailisu #4
aww :c
although cute ending
i still love dongwoon <33
ailisu #5
ailisu #6