
Lost Memories, Lost Love

"What?! Why is ~~~~~-ah chosen?" Kikwang said, loud enough for the whole school to hear.

"Please keep calm, Kikwang-sshi, I'll explain something. This year, we decided to change a little. This opportunity is given to them to let them grow and shine in school." the teacher said.

"Psh, as if. I bet something is wrong." Kikwang muttered.

You made your way up to the front, still puzzled.

"~~~~~-sshi! I'm really happy that you're here!" Kyungmi sashayed towards you.

*They know each other?!* Woohyun's eyes enlarged in shock.

"Kyungmi unnie, this is not your first time being chosen right?" You asked.

"No, of course not." She flipped her hair the super-model way.

" how is it like?" You asked her.

"Feel honored that you're chosen, follow instructions, do your best. That way, you won't get into trouble." she said, eyes looking as cunning as ever.

*T-Trouble?* you gulped in fear.

You turned your head and saw Woohyun standing two-people away from you. 

*He's here too? I bet he's always chosen... Given his good looks and all... Wait, why am I even looking at him?* you hit your head lightly.

"Leaders, choose your members, each team should have around 200 members." the teacher instructed.

"We're in her team." Beast raised up their hands.

"Oppa..." you smiled.

"Please settle it among yourselves and report to us before lunch." the teacher said and disappeared.

The school girls split into 3 groups, 1 group chose to be in Daehyun's group, the other group in Woohyun's and the 3rd in your group.

You knew that it was because Beast was there.

The guys spread themselves equally among the 5 groups. 

*So tomorrow will be the start of everything...?* you half anticipated and half dreaded it. You didn't know if you could do a good job or not.

This games will affect eveything... your school life...and possibly your love life...?


Hello subscribers! 

Sorry that i haven't been able to update in such a loooooong while, i was busy with school ;3;

I'll try to update more frequently from now! Do anticipate the fic :3 

Comment, comment, comment! kekeke XD

Thanks, kamsaheyo <3


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I finally finished it! hehe
ehh, the restaurant's name? keke sorry, i just made that part up, so there's no name ><
Sorry! ><
EpicPinkPanther #3
How could she forgive so easily when Woohyun made a scar on her lovely skin?? Horrifying! hehe jks~ XD
Um... What's the name of the restaurant Woohyun and ~~~~ broke up at? >_< Just curious~~
ailisu #4
aww :c
although cute ending
i still love dongwoon <33
ailisu #5
ailisu #6