Without You

The Cure is You

Dear HwangBi,

I love you. I didn't really know how else to start off aside from the most important thing and that was it, that I love you with my entire being. I never intended to hurt you, not again and even when it happened the first time I thought it would be the least painful. But knowing that I tried to reassure you that everything would be ok and I promised I'd fight to be by your side and I've failed is more painful than anything, even writing this letter and thinking of the possibility... I'm so sorry. I'm sorry that this is the second time I'll be leaving you and breaking your heart but I wrote Yerin a letter too and told her give you the strength that she gave me to find you and make sure that you move on. As long as it's not Jackson. I trust her more than I trust myself so I know she'll help you so please let her, we all know how stubborn you can be. I know you're going to ask why and you might hate me after this but, do you remember when we talked about our future you said you wanted little Sowons running around ? You said we would have model like children and that you didn't want to deal with the mood swings of pregnancy. Then you told me that you having kids wasn't an option and I knew I wanted to give you the dream of a family still. Our family. But I couldn't. Not in my current state. After my first surgery, my heart still couldn't handle high stress situations and an extreme amout of strain. They had said many other things such as I'd sleep easier, airplanes wouldn't be as hard, but the only reason I ageeed was the only reason that mattered. The real reason I had this surgery, was to try and make all of your dreams come true and I knew if I said something you'd tell me that it wasn't THAT important and how it wasn't something that you needed to be happy. But I saw how your eyes shined when we talked about it and how they lit up when children would talk to you on the streets... and how dull they came when you had to tell me that you couldn't even have the chance to have kids. I live for moments when your eyes shined and you make that adorable smile so it was an easy choice to die trying to make sure it happened. Your dreams are not nothing and what's on your mind will always mean the world to me. I meant what I said years ago and it'll stay true until the day the world ends, you're more than perfect because your my Sinb. You're Hwang Sinb and that will always be more than enough and if you ever forget, or don't want to believe it, Yerin will tell you to read this and if you don't, she'll read it for you, until you do the thing where you bite your tongue and show your little smirk because that's when you acknowledge my cheesiness. I know I screwed up before and at first it was hard but I'm happy you forgave me because the best moment of my life was falling in love with you all over again. Every detail, every experience, made me understand true happiness and I don't think anyone else in this world could have made me feel that way so thank you. Thank you for loving me and letting me love you not just once but twice. When you meet me in heaven, or our next life, or in the stars, no matter where it is I'll tell you all over again because I will always follow you and I'll always love you, no matter the situation or if there are obstacles in my way. I'll continue waiting for you until you die, just try not to make that any time soon, the world needs your light in it in order to survive. 

Love to the moon and back,

Sowon xxx

Sinb couldn't control her tears no matter how hard she tried to. It was all her fault and she hated it. She hated even more how she couldn't even listen to Sowon and not blame herself, but how could Sowon ask that of the younger girl. If Sinb could, she truly would stop crying for Sowon, she would stop the way she felt like her breathing was being constricted soley because Sowon had asked her, but in this moment in the waiting room of the lobby when all of her friends had gone to occupy themselves with anything and everything to not think of Sowon because it was too much to handle, she couldn't control anything. She felt powerless in everyway possible, she couldn't even stop her girlfriend from basically making a choice to kill herself for Sinb's sake. The anger started to come in place of her sadness and the more tears that fell, the more she felt like she was losing her breath. If it wasn't for Yuju, Sinb might have driven herself mad right then and there, but Yuju always had impeccable timing, probably something learned in medical school.

"Sinb you can go see her... if you're up to it. She... she isn't leaving anytime soon." Yuju's puffy eyes met Sinb's as she tried to flash a smile but it seemed more frightened within itself then reassuring. Standing up, a little to fast, Sinb had half stormed, half trudged to Sowon's room. Before opening the door she saw Sowon lying on the bed flawlessly making Sinb flood with emotions all over again. She barged into the room and practically threw herself on top of Sowon, letting her tears fall freely. Sinb's breathing was irregular, her head has began to start pound, but all of that was drowned by the sobs that overtook her. 

"You're such an idiot. I can't believe you Sowon. Why ?" Slowly two arms wrapped around her as she tried to speak through her sobs.

"Hey I'm ok. What's-oh." Sowon's eyes traveled to the letter in Sinb's hand. Removing one of her arms from around the girl she took the letter from her and quickly scanned through it before tossing it aside. "I'm sorry. Yerin was supposed to give you that if and only if... if I wasn't here right now but I am. Everything's ok." Sowon lifted her chin and flashed a small smile, trying not to let tears well up in her own eyes. Sinb put her head back on Sowon's chest and Sowon simply pressed a kiss to her forehead and rubbed her back. After a few moments, when Sinb's sobs had quieted down, Sowon began to lightly sing while carrying on with the small circles on the younger one's back. "Melt me, sweeter than ice cream baby, With your words, your smile, Softly melt me, I’m only looking at you, Tell me you love me... I love you."

"I love you too, you big stupid selfless beautiful giraffe." Sowon laughed as she pulled her in for a kiss. The salt from her tears remained on Sinb's lips and that was the last thing to break Sowon before tears began to escape her eyes. 

"I'm sorry. I'm so so so sorry. I should have told you everything from why to how scared I was in the end but I wanted to be brave for you, for the both of us." Sinb tried to talk but she was cut off by a voice from the doorway.

"You don't always have to be the brave one you idiot. We are here for you." Umji, followed by the other girls with Yerin at the end still wiping at her tears, walked fully into the room and hugged Sowon. Yerin refused to look at Sinb or Sowon because she felt as tho she had messed up by dropping Sinb's letter in the lobby. Sowon reached for her hand and smiled up at her.

"Thank you Yennie. Sinb needed to see the letter anyway. I'm sorry I put you in the position of giving it to her. And about your letter-" Yerin finally lifted her head to look at Sowon. Her eyes shined with tears that no matter how hard she tried to get rid of just kept coming back. Sowon kept the smile on her face and reached out for her best friend. Sinb moved from her position and offered a small smile to Yerin before going to hug Yuju. 

"I hate you." Yerin mumbled into the crook of Sowon's neck, her words coming out between the light chuckle she now possessed even though her tears still fell.

"I know. I love you too."

Five years later, with Sinb being a photographer and due to it Sowon got offered modeling deals because she was always the subject of Sinb's pictures, the two stood on the doorstep of Yuju and Yerin's shared house as they often did on holidays such as Christmas. A little girl opened the door with a bright smile. 

"Hello. Woojin and Jiwoo will you come play with me ?" The little boy smiled brightly before grabbing Jiwoo's hand. She hid behind Sinb's legs as her brother reached for her hand. 

"Ah Jiwoo-ah. Are you not going to play with Sominnie ? I thought she was your best friend ?" Jiwoo looked at the little girl in the doorway shyly who continued smiling before looking back at Sinb, who was now crouching down to maintain eye level. Jiwoo nodded her head in conformation before letting her brother pull her inside the house after the girl. Sinb began to walk inside before Sowon pulled her back.

"I love you." She gave Sinb a quick kiss and a hug and then continued inside with her, hand in hand. They walked into the kitchen where they say Yerin and Umji attempting to cook the rest of the dinner they had planned.

"I'm pretty sure we can just add as much sauce as we want."

"Umji-ya it says for seven servings, three cups so for ten servings four cups." Sowon laughed and went to help the two while Sinb made her way to the living room. Yuju and Eunha were singing to Eunha and Umji's youngest daughter, Jiwon after Umji's sister. Their son, Taehyung, was with Woojin against the team of Jiwoo and Somin, Yerin and Yuju's daughter. Sinb decided to let the older kids continue running around before going to sit with Eunha and Yuju. As soon as she sat down, baby Jiwon reached for her and Eunha happily passed her over.

"Why is it that the kids always love you Sinb-ya ?" As soon as Yuju said Sinb's name Jiwon giggled and pulled at Sinb's hair. 

"It's because I'm the super cool one. Isn't that right Jiwonie ?" She babbled in response making them all laugh. There was a clatter and then laughter sounding from the kitchen making the women on the couch realize the kids had disapperared. Yerin came out trying to hold back laughter as Jiwoo now had flour in her hair, Woojin's clothes were soaked, and Taehyung had red paste all over his face. Only Somin came out clean as she held hands with Jiwoo. 

"Somin you can help Jiwoo was her hair right ? And Taehyung after you wash your face give Woojin some of your clothes. Your mom put some in the room you took a nap in ok ?" Taehyung nodded his head as he attempted to eat what was on his face. The two girls trailed behind and while Jiwoo would normally have cried, Somin swung their hands back and forth making her smile. 

"Should I be concerned about the kids or the food ?" Sinb asked while rocking Jiwon on her legs. Sowon came out and wrapped her arms around her neck from behind the couch. 

"Neither because I fixed everything. You have the best girlfriend in the world." 

"I know I do." Sinb turned her head to kiss Sowon and Jiwon giggled becuse of it.

"I can't believe you guys still aren't married. I was sure you would be first."

"Well after having twins with one as crazy Woojin, we just haven't found the time to plan a wedding or even a perfect proposal." Sinb answered Yerin but when Yerin looked at Sowon she could tell that she was a little disappointed that the hadn't had the chance to get married like she wanted.

"Speaking of kids, will you help me check on them Bi ?" Yuju grabbed the baby as Sinb was grabbed by Yerin. Sowon joking asked if she should be concerned but was only met with Yerin blowing her a kiss. Yerin pulled Sinb past the kids who were semi-efficient in the bathroom and into the master bedroom.

"You know Yerin I'm pretty sure your wife-"

"Ha ha funny. Shut up and read this." Yerin pulled an envelope from one of her books and handed it to Sinb who immediately recognized the handwriting. 

"I wasn't even supposed to read mine. I can't read yours Yerin. She's ok she didn't..  she wont..."

"Just... please ?" Sinb sighed before opening it and unfolding the letter.

Jung Yerin,

This letter was written on the day you will find out I'm going in for another surgery. A more dangerous one. I didn't have to over think telling you because I knew you'd understand and supportme. You are always did because you are more than my best friend, you're like a sister to me. Which is why I trust that you'll help Sinb now that I'm gone. I had our lives all planned out but I guess plans are always faulty. We could never have our twins or get engaged on Christmas or skydive together but I still want her to do all those things with someone. Someone who is worthy of her time and I'd know that you would be able to assess that because you're the best person I know. I'm sorry that you've carried all my burdens and I know it doesn't make it better but there's no one else I'd rather have by my side through everything. My heart will always be with Sinb but I wouldn't have even been able to accomplish that without you. I owe you everything which is why I want you to take the ring I left in your dresser and get married to Yuju. It's not the world's greatest ring but it reminded me of the world and how it pulled all six of us together and I thought it would be nice. Of course you don't have to but I thought you'd like it too... I also saw the house you would talk about when I was in the hospital was on sale so I put down a payment on it. It's big enough for you and Yuju and a baby or two. (: You always light up people's lives and I want you to keep doing that and let Yuju light up yours. Don't let your fears stop you from letting your heart be satisfied. I love you Yennie and thank you for everything. I wish I could pay you back more and be a better friend.


Sowon xxx

"Wait is this the house ? And did you use... but you took me with you to buy your ring. Where is the one that-" Yerin once again beat her to the punch and sat down beside her playing with a small box. 

"She never took it back because of 'time' but she should know that there's no time like the present. We should have all learned that." Sinb took the box from her hands before giving Yerin a hug. 

"I'm stealing Somin for a second." Sinb walked to the bathroom where Somin and Jiwoo were drying the latter's hair. The boys had finally focused long enough to leave and change Woojin's clothes. Somin pouted as she tried to dry Jiwoo's hair but really just threw a towel on her head and patted down softly, barely making contact.

"I could have gotten dirty and we could've both washed our hair."

"You have really pretty hair though." Jiwoo mumbled out her words but Somin smiled none the less. Sinb felt her heart warm at the interaction

"Hey can I borrow the two prettiest girls in the world." Somin giggled while Jiwoo shook her head under the towel. 

"I thought mommy was the prettiest girl in the world ? Somin is the prettiest girl ever." Sinb laughed before ruffling the towel on her daughter's head and then removing it.

"You're all the prettiest to me. Come on I need your help it involves your mommy but it's a surprise so count to one hundred and then bring her outside. Once you're all outside ask me what I want for Christmas ok ? I love you." The little girls nodded before hugging Sinb and running off counting.

"Why am I going outside again ?" Sowon held Jiwoo and Somin in her arms trying to make them as warm as possible. 

"Mom needs you outside after we get to one hundred." Sowon let out an 'ohh' to signal to the kids she understood even though she truly didn't. She saw Sinb standing in the cold with her hands in her pockets and the wind blowing in her hair.

"You're worse than the kids. Come inside before you get a cold HwangBi-ssi. Sinb stubbornly shook her head making Sowon raise an eyebrow. Jiwoo poked Somin in her stomach making her laugh and then remeber their other job. 

"Sinb, Sinb what do you want for Christmas ?" Sowon laughed and looked at Sinb.

"Just wait ok ? I love you and Yerin said something really smart to me today. She told me that there is no time like the present which is super cheesy and I feel like you for saying it but I needed to hear it." Slowly, both because of the cold and because of her nerves, Sinb went down to one knee. "I read Yerin's letter you wrote her five years ago when we all thought we would lose you. It made me realize our entire life has been a rollercoaster of emotions and we already know that we are perfect for each other so why don't we let the rest of the world know that we are. Will you OFFICIALLY be mine forever ? Because that's all I really want for Christmas." Sowon smiled before putting the two girls in her arms down and hugging Sinb loosely. 

"Yerin gave you the ring and everything ? I would love to marry you Hwang Sinb. Does this mean I can return everything under the tree inside I got you because-" Sinb cut her off with a kiss which they both smiled into.

"You touch my video games and you'll sleep with the twins forever." 

"Until the day we die Hwang. But you'll still be mine and I'll be yours." Jiwoo and Somin played in the snow while the newly engaged couple continued to bask in each other. 

"Jiwoo-ah will you tell me you love me in the snow too ?" Jiwoo giggled before hugging Somin tightly. 

"I love you Somin. Forever and always just like my moms and yours."

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Chapter 17: One of the amazing WonB stories I had read so far. ☺️
LilChouette #2
Chapter 17: This is a great fanfic of WonB. I love it by how you could transfer the "rollercoaster" emotion to us. It's really good, honestly. I don't know what to say anymore. But, all I know is that I LOVE YOUR STORYY <3
Chapter 1: Wonb 🥴
flash5509 #4
Chapter 17: This is an amazing fanfic. What a ride! Thank you for sharing this story!!
Chapter 17: NO, IT ENDED?! MY FIRST EVER FAN FICTION OF WONB AND ON ASIANFANFICS??? This is and will be my favourite WonB fanfic forever. This fanfic helped me find Smols line (Which I ship hardcore now) and I found asianfanfics from this. I started to write my own here and I really like it. If you ever write more GFriend fanfics, I'll definitely read them. I'm your number 1 fan. Thank you so much for writing this, it was great ^^
Chapter 17: Thank you for this story...until your next WonB story?..hehe
Chapter 16: Authornim if Sowon don't make it i'll really cry. My heart is breaking juz by reading this chapter please don't smash my heart with a hammer TT
Chapter 16: This is so sad, if Sowon doesn't make it out alive, I'll cry. I swear I will.
Chapter 16: Thank you..