The Summer Solstice

Magnolia Boy

Chapter 40: The Summer Solstice


The longest day of the year had arrived. Jonghyun had told him so.

One afternoon, as they drank tea in the prince's lovely office, Jonghyun had shown Kibum something he had called a calendar. It was prettily decorated and written. He had explained to the nymph everything there was to know about seasons, days, weeks, months, years, and the passing of time. How they calculated it and what it meant to them. It had been such an incredible concept for Kibum to learn about. He had stammered a thousand questions as he tried to understand the cycle of a year.

The time when he froze was called winter. When the whole forest was in bloom was called spring.

Kibum had been as delighted to learn so many new words as Jonghyun had been to teach them to him.

In his explanation, Jonghyun told him about the Equinoxes and the Solstices that were so important to the elves. They always threw grand celebrations on those days to honor their forest and all the spirits of nature who created the changes of colors and landscapes around them. Kibum had laughed, then. He had found it quite silly to be praised in a ceremony he didn't understand because he had never really thought about such a thing as time passing by and seasons coming and going. But it was lovely.

The Summer Solstice had come. Jonghyun had talked about it for weeks because he had so many preparations to do. They would celebrate the longest day of the year and Kibum was eager to see the elven city in celebration.

Later that afternoon, he would go to Melalhil. Jonghyun had planned everything. Of course, nymphs were always welcome in the elven city; Kibum could cross the gates any day and be welcomed as a guest of honor, revered and adored. But he didn't want to. He wasn't quite ready yet. It was slightly scary to introduce himself to a whole city of curious stares; even for him who didn't particularly have social anxiety over meeting new people. And most of all, Kibum had admitted in an undertone that he feared not being allowed to stay by Jonghyun's side. He feared having to stay away and to watch Jonghyun pretending to be in love with Taemin while being scrutinized by a hundred elves. It would be easier watching from afar.

He had explained that in a soft, melancholic voice.

"It is better for now," he had said.

For now. With a fragile hope in his eyes that a day would come when he would be granted permission to stand next to Jonghyun. In a distant future, maybe.

Jonghyun hadn't commented on it, hadn't wanted to break his expectations and wishes. Taemin spoke similarly, always hoping in whispers that things would get easier and better, that things would magically solve themselves. Jonghyun kept hearing the mountain prince talk about the house he would build for Jongin as if he was going to move in permanently when it would be finished. He had tried, once, to bring Taemin back to reality but the shadow that had fallen on his friend's eyes had been so sad that from then, he simply let him dream.

Jonghyun was probably too aware of the castle's cogs to let himself hope wildly but hearing Kibum and Taemin being so cheerful and optimistic helped him believe that a day would come when they could live and love freely.

But as it was, Kibum had decided to remain further back from the festivities. He would stay in Jonghyun's office, by the window, where he would be able to see the dances and hear the speeches. Jongin would come by to keep him company, along with Jinki; maybe Kyungsoo too. And when the ball would finally end, Taemin would bring his nymph back home, and Jonghyun would get back to Kibum.

It wasn't quite yet the time to go to Melalhil but Kibum had already left the clearing.

Jongin, who had woken up that day with beautiful golden blond hair, had been preparing everything, knowing that his beloved prince would join him that night and sleep with him, in his nest. He was awfully busy helping flowers bloom and decorating as prettily as he could.

Kibum, as for him, was on some sort of mission. He had an important thing to do. He was heading to Nowhere, following Jongin's instructions to find the little cottage lost in the forest where he hoped to find Lord Baekhyun and the wizard he had heard so much about.

Getting lost in thoughts wasn't a feat as easy to achieve as Jongin had made it sound like, Kibum soon found out. So much so that the nymph ended up stamping his foot on the ground, frowning as he desperately tried to tame his mind into thinking about something else than Jonghyun. Because thinking about his prince reminded him of his mission, which ineluctably brought him back to square one: wanting to find Nowhere.

And it was excessively complicated for Kibum not to think about Jonghyun. As he was pacing through trees he knew far too well, huffing and puffing, he suddenly jolted when a passage grew on his right, shimmering in the bright light of the afternoon.

With surprise, Kibum froze and looked attentively, waiting to see who would come out of it. But the magical portal only twinkled, merely a meter from him.

"Well, I never!" Kibum whispered, blinking owlishly.

He looked around curiously as if he expected a spirit to come out from the trees behind and dive into the passage, and he sighed when he realized he was alone in the vicinity. With a little smile – and having finally completely forgotten about Nowhere, his mission, and Jonghyun – Kibum came closer on tiptoes. He crossed his hands behind his back, swung back and forth on the balls of his feet for a minute, then, suddenly dived into the passage, out of curiosity.

"Ha! You sure took your time," came a voice above him as Kibum stumbled on the other side and onto soft grass. "I was starting to think that I miscalculated where to send that portal."

Kibum gasped as he looked up to find Baekhyun smiling warmly at him. The nymph of light had a golden halo around him; a sign of good health and happiness that nobody had seen on him for quite a long time. Kibum had, in fact, never seen it at all.

"You knew I-..." Kibum interrupted himself mid-sentence.

Of course, Baekhyun would know that he tried to reach him. Of course.

"Jongin might have been a little distracted, you see," Baekhyun said in a singing voice. "You could have never found Nowhere by simply getting lost."

"I couldn't?" Kibum bitterly asked.

"Only those who have been brought there once can find their way back to Nowhere."

Kibum scowled for a second before he averted his eyes to the ground.

"Thanks for fetching me, then."

"You're very welcome. I was expecting you anyway," Baekhyun trumpeted. "I'm so glad to see you. It's going to be a lovely conversation. Lovely, truly. But don't worry, I haven't told him anything yet. Yixing doesn't like to know things in advance. I try never to tell him anything, although it gets complicated sometimes. I do my very best but it's hard to tell what has happened from what will happen."

Kibum nodded, a little taken aback by the onslaught of information.

"Yixing is your friend? The wizard?"

"Yes, he is. Come now. And welcome to Nowhere."

Baekhyun made a large gesture with his arm, introducing the landscape to the nymph who looked around with round eyes.

Jongin had described the place to him many times already, yet seeing it with his own two eyes – at last – truly was something else. He heard the little brook his friend had told him about. The one that ran somewhere around Nowhere, without ever to be seen. The sound was pleasant and soothing.

Kibum's eyes lowered along the curve of the hill and he saw the quaint little cottage surrounded by wildflowers and vines.

Before he could husher any kind comment about how beautiful the area was, Baekhyun took his hand and brought him forward, down the hill.

"We were just gardening," Baekhyun said, "but we'll take a break and have some tea inside, now."

"Oh, alright, thank you," Kibum muttered as he followed him down the little path. "Is it okay, though? I mean, to come to you for such a matter..."

Baekhyun looked at him from the corner of his eyes with a kind smile.

"Of course, it is. In fact, I'm very glad you did come to me. Or rather, to us."

Baekhyun lead him around the house and Kibum craned his neck to take a peek inside, through the open windows, in vain. Behind the cottage, a small white fence ran in a circle. It was old, abandoned for too long, with the paint flaking in places and some stakes turned down, laying on the ground, snatched by bad weather undoubtedly. It used to demarcate the vegetable garden, and without it, the forest animals had gone wild, stealing all the vegetables that still managed to grow in the mess of weeds.

A man was crouched down on the ground, a basket hanging from his elbow as he pushed leaves around to find some fruits. When he heard the two nymphs approach, Yixing looked up slowly, rubbed his hands together to get rid of most of the dust, then smiled.

"Good afternoon," he said. "Welcome in Nowhere."

Kibum opened his mouth but Baekhyun talked before he could utter anything.

"This is Kibum, the last water nymph to be born. I told you about him."

Yixing briefly stared at his companion and something shone in his eyes, something curious and peculiar that caught Kibum's attention and prevented him from seeing it mirrored in Baekhyun's gaze as well. As if Yixing knew some secret.

The wizard got up and came closer. He brought his thumbs to his forehead and bowed slightly to the nymph.

"It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Oh, hi..." Kibum whispered as he tried to mimic his greeting.

With a little chuckle, Baekhyun stopped him by holding his wrists gently.

"Don't, dear. This is the greeting to the holy spirits. Yixing is a humble practitioner of magic, not a deity."

"Really?" Kibum asked curiously.

Baekhyun smiled knowingly, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes.

"This is how your Prince should always greet you, as a sign of deference. But it seems he can't quite keep his eyes off of you enough to bow."

Kibum blushed slightly.

"It's alright though," he murmured. "I don't mind."

"I suppose it is," Baekhyun hummed. "Even the King doesn't bow to me like this anymore. Now, they only bow to deities when they cannot see them. It's curious, isn't it?"

Kibum remained silent. It was quite intimidating to be there alone with the two oldest souls in the forest and he didn't know enough to start engaging in a discussion of that stature.

"Have you ever gardened, Kibum?"

The nymph looked to Yixing with round eyes.

"I don't think I have," he said meekly. "Jongin always takes care of the flowers and such things."

"Would you want to pick things with me?"

Kibum visibly brightened and nodded softly.

"Yes, gladly! That, I can do!"

"But we have to talk," Baekhyun interrupted with a little pout. "We have to go inside and drink tea..."

"I think we can talk just fine in the garden," Yixing pointed out as he brought Kibum closer and kneeled back on the ground. "And I'd rather have lemonade, thank you. It's quite hot already today."

Baekhyun blinked with a little scowl.

"Lemonade? You expect me to go get it?"

"I can do it myself, if you don't want to," Yixing offered gently.

Baekhyun huffed. His mouth twisted as if he was doing his hardest not to comment further, then he his heels and out of the garden. From where they were, Yixing and Kibum could hear him mutter that it wasn't how things were supposed to go. When he had disappeared out of sight and out of ears, Yixing threw a glance at Kibum, with a tiny smirk.

"He looks all grumpy but he likes when I drift from his visions."

Kibum kept looking at the opened window; he could hear Baekhyun rummage around inside the cottage.

"It's not so often that someone manages to be unpredictable enough, isn't it?"

Yixing only answered with a kind smile.

"You should find wild strawberries over there," he said while pointing to a corner next to where Kibum stood.

Kibum squatted down and happily gathered the few berries he found, properly and politely, talking to the plants and thanking them softly.

"I've seen the vegetable gardens in Melalhil," Kibum said proudly. "They have those wooden sticks too. My friend Minho, who is both an elf and a fairy, told me that they were used to keep the animals at bay so they wouldn't eat everything."

Yixing glanced over the white fence in a pitiful state.

"They are."

"I found it sad and I told him so. He seemed a little taken aback. Elves aren't always very good at sharing."

"I used to think the same," Yixing said with a distant voice. "I used to think it was better to keep animals at bay. But I don't anymore, so I decided not to put it back up. The fence, I mean."

Kibum turned to him and he seemed excessively pleased with that answer.

"It is odd, isn't it? I lived here, with a nymph, for so long... and it took me to travel so far away to realize that my garden didn't need me. We are only passers-by. Mysterious passers-by."

His voice quieted down and Kibum didn't dare to ask what he meant exactly with all of that. He had the nymph quite confused. Kibum had only meant that it was nice of him to let rabbits have some vegetable tops if they wanted.

Baekhyun came back with the lemonade and offered them each a glass before he sat quietly on a little bed of grass outside of the garden. Kibum looked at him over his glass and he suddenly found it quite funny to be sitting there with those two beings; Yixing picking tomatoes and Baekhyun humming to himself.

He wondered if it was the right time to initiate the talk he came there for.

"Baekhyun told me that you are very fond of elves," Yixing said.

Kibum almost jolted. He averted his eyes with a small moue.

"I am. Of one, especially. I mean, I truly love Minho and Taemin too... but... Jonghyun is special."

"Did you come here for him?"

Kibum glanced at Baekhyun, more and more surprised.

"I thought you didn't tell him why I came..."

Baekhyun grinned at him and Kibum tried hard not to take offense.

"I haven't," Baekhyun said. "He was merely putting things together."

"It's a little-... It's unsettling coming to you for help, not knowing what I should say. You already know what I want to talk about, you even know what to answer, so where should I even begin? It feels like playing a mind game. I don't really like it."

"I'm sorry," Baekhyun said and he looked genuinely contrite. "It wasn't my intention. Please tell us what brought you here; I won't interfere."

Kibum sighed, more on principle than out of real anger or annoyance.

"Do you know anything about elven magic?"

He glanced at Yixing, who hummed softly and nodded to himself before he turned back to his tomato sproutings.

"It's quite restrained," Yixing said nonchalantly. "There isn't much to learn with it, honestly. It is only as effective as its wielder's strength, with very few ways of pushing it further than a certain degree. They can create magnificent spells in sacred places but are always dependant on their surroundings."

Baekhyun grinned, giggled, and he immediately hid behind his glass when Yixing looked at him with a sigh.

"What do you know that I don't?"

"Nothing, nothing," Baekhyun chirped. "I'll let Kibum explain. Go on, dear."

"I recently realized that my Jonghyun has a gift," Kibum said fondly. "He always thought that he couldn't do magic at all because he's unable to perform spells the way elves usually do. There isn't anyone in Melalhil able to teach him how to control his ability... I was hoping that you might know more, that maybe you could help him understand it all."

Yixing looked up with interest; his whole body straightened up and his eyes narrowed on Kibum intently.

"A gift? How so?"

"He does magic imperceptible to elves, constantly. I see it all around him, all the time. He siphons the smallest, faintest traces of magic in everything, turns them into whatever he needs, and spreads it back... as feelings, as comfort, in light touches and words. It's amazing, truly. But he does so unknowingly and it takes so much of his energy that he never has enough left to do proper elven spells."

Yixing was quiet for a moment. His face almost looked serene, if not for the way his eyes had widened, staring at Kibum in stupefaction.

"What do you mean by saying he can turn magic into feelings?" he murmured.

Kibum hummed softly, searching for the right words, then tilted his head.

"Well, if the people around him are upset, he can spread out comforting magic very gently to appease them. Does it make sense?"

Yixing turned to Baekhyun, and Kibum saw the ghost of a smile bloom on his lips shyly as if he wasn't sure if he could be pleased yet.

"Is it true?" Yixing asked his lover, dumbfounded. "The elf prince is an Empath?"

Kibum straightened up at the word and turned back to Baekhyun to see him with a lazy grin and shining eyes.

"It's true."

"Fascinating," Yixing whispered. "Absolutely fascinating. That's quite simply spectacular!"

"Oh, is it?" Kibum chirped happily.

Yixing glanced at him and scouted closer with twinkly eyes.

"I have met only a couple of Empaths in all my lifetimes roaming the world... They might be even rarer than Baekhyun... Incredible beings! Absolutely fascinating! Could I meet him? Oh, I must meet him. We'll have so much to discuss and experiment... and learn from each other. Baekhyun, will I meet him?"

Kibum blinked quickly. He had hoped that Jonghyun's situation would interest either Baekhyun or his wizard friend enough for them to help but he hadn't dreamed of getting such an eager reaction. It was positively lovely. So much so that he didn't question what Yixing had said and didn't try to understand what he meant by saying that Baekhyun was rare.

There were more pressing matters to focus on.

"Of course, you can meet him," Kibum rhapsodized. "It would be my pleasure to introduce you to him, truly."

"Wonderful," Yixing said, equally pleased.

"When can you come to Melalhil?"

Baekhyun had a slight cough, loud enough to have them both frown.

"Now, now, let's not get ahead of ourselves. You'll have to wait. A couple of months at most... It's going to be busy around here. There won't be time to discuss magic at all; Jonghyun will be far too preoccupied."

Kibum was ready to argue and support his cause as an utmost priority when he suddenly realized what Baekhyun was referring to. His shoulders slumped slightly and his smile turned bitter and sad.

"Oh yes," he sighed pitifully. "The wedding is coming..."

"Wedding?" Baekhyun hummed. "What wed-... Oh! Oh, right... the wedding. Yes. I almost forgot about it."

He laughed blithely and Yixing only shook his head, turning back to his tomatoes with the hint of a smile on his lips.

But his carefreeness only brought doubts and worries to the nymph.

"Is there something else? Something troubling?" Kibum cautiously asked.

"Oh, you know," Baekhyun shrugged with a vague gesture of his hand, "this and that... here and there..."


Kibum interrupted himself when he felt Yixing kindly patting his arm.

"You shouldn't try to pry secrets from him, trust me. You'll see whatever he's hiding from you in good time."

Kibum scowled. Maybe it would be easier not to be indiscreet and nosy if Baekhyun weren't giggling alone, behind his back, while murmuring 'ah, the wedding' and snorting as if it was the silliest word he had ever heard.

"Would you tell me more about Prince Jonghyun?" Yixing kindly asked.

And that succeeded in making every other bothering thought vanish from Kibum's mind. His face brightened visibly as he happily leaned forward to resume his fruit picking.

After all, it wasn't so often that someone willingly and consciously invited him to soliloquize about his beloved. And it was even better since Yixing knew next to nothing about Jonghyun, and thus, Kibum had everything to tell him.

And 'everything' he surely told him.

Yixing had been polite and patient enough to sit through Kibum's extended monologue and praises over his prince while the nymph narrated the whole story from the first time he saw him, to the present day, including all precious details he had learned about Jonghyun.

Not once did he wince, not once did he sigh. Yixing remained perfectly attentive and caring, asking a question here and there, and always looking over Kibum with benevolence and indulgence. And once Kibum reached the end of his tale and blushed of embarrassment for taking so much of his time, Yixing assured him that it had been a pleasure.

Invigorated by such courtesy and gentleness, Kibum thanked him profusely – along with Baekhyun – and finally bid them farewell in the late afternoon, as he was waited for in Melalhil. It was only as the two hosts saw him to the small hill in front of the cottage, that the nymph suddenly realized something. A small detail that had his eyes widening as he stared at Yixing.

"It just occurred to me..." Kibum stammered while blinking.


Kibum frowned slightly and his gaze passed from Yixing to Baekhyun, almost suspiciously. And for the first time that afternoon, the Lord of nymphs looked genuinely attentive.

"You can speak Nymph," Kibum breathed out as he looked up to the wizard.

And under Kibum's dumbstruck eyes, Lord Baekhyun blushed. His face turned pink rapidly while, next to him, Yixing remained imperturbable and smiling.

"Yes, I do."

"How come?" Kibum gasped.

Yixing took Baekhyun's hand in his and brought it to his mouth. He pressed a gentle kiss on it and Baekhyun looked the most embarrassed Kibum had ever seen him.

"Enough," Baekhyun whispered through gritted teeth.

Kibum's eyes widened even more.

"You two are soulmates?"

"It was a long time ago," Baekhyun hissed.

He tried to hide behind one of his hands and would have turned around to escape into the cottage if Yixing hadn't caught him and pulled him into his arms.

"Does the gift-...?" Kibum murmured.

His voice trailed off; he was almost scared to voice his thoughts.

"Over time, yes," Yixing said. "Even the non-spirit beings can come to understand and speak Nymph, amongst other things. The bond always deepens."

"Not enough to bring you back sooner," Baekhyun grunted in an undertone.

But Kibum didn't pay attention to Baekhyun's bitterness and grunts. He felt like he was floating. And maybe he truly was. He couldn't care enough to lower his head and make sure he hadn't taken off because of how light and content he felt.

He thought about Jongin and Taemin. He thought about Jonghyun. He thought about such a future for all of them, and with a soft, aery giggle, he twirled and flew away in a summer breeze.




The elven Summer Solstice Celebration was a festival even grander than everything Kibum had imagined. Sitting on the windowsill of Jonghyun's office with Jongin, both leaning their elbows on the frame, they watched, enthralled, as the magnificent garden exploded with lights, colors, and life. Jongdae, Kyungsoo, and Jinki had come as promised to keep them company as well as feeding them treats that they stole from the banquet on top of the large, impressive tray Jonghyun had made sure to leave for them. They were drowning under piles of cakes, puffs, creams, pies, flans, fruits, even soups, stews, porridges, noodles, and drinks. More than they could have eaten all together in a week, even with Jinki amongst them.

They rested dreamily, observing from above the floral arrangements – Jongin found them exquisite – and the fancy, elegant clothes all elves were wearing – Kibum found them sumptuous. They heard the laughter, the singing voices, the music resonating through the whole city. They watched the elves waltzing and performing complicated dances that Kyungsoo explained were celebrations of nature, beautiful offerings to the spirits, to them both.

The sun was gracing the city with warmth and rosy light into the late evening, and the elves were still joyfully and loudly eating and laughing as it slowly set down. Sometimes, the two princes glanced above, to a small window high in the castle, smiling tenderly to their nymphs even though they couldn't properly see them. And every time they rose from their seats, every time Jonghyun had to lead Taemin into another intimate dance and hold him close, Jongin took Kibum's hand in his and squeezed it. During those harrowing moments, Jinki pointed away, creating a distraction by laughing at the way children elves were playing in a corner of the garden, by noticing aloud how beautiful the sky was, or by simply asking for more food.

Jonghyun spoke for a moment. He was too far away for Kibum and Jongin to understand him properly and when Kyungsoo offered to translate for them, they both declined. Kibum thought it was for the best when, in the middle of Jonghyun's speech, he saw most of the elves turn their head to look at Taemin.

Jongin shifted on his seat and snuggled to Kibum for cuddles. He pressed his back against his friend's chest and sighed softly.

"Do you think that one day, we'll attend those celebrations?"

Kibum his blond hair away from his face and kissed his temple.

"I like to think that we will."

The three fairies sitting side by side on the windowsill looked at them, slumped their shoulders in concert, and glanced at each other sadly. Then, Jongdae frowned. He got up and brought his fists on his waist.

"I'm sure we'll find a way," he exclaimed.

They all turned to him; the two nymphs seemed surprised by his sudden outburst.

"We'll find a way," Jongdae repeated, even more confident the second time around. "You can count on me! I'll make sure that you can celebrate it soon. The Summer solstices and all other solstices and stuff!"

"There are only two solstices a year, Jongdae," Kyungsoo sighed.

Jongin giggled and drew his arm out to scratch the top of Jongdae's head.

"You're cute," he said lazily.

"I'll do it," Jongdae grumbled. "I promise I'll find a solution."

"Thank you," Kibum whispered with a smile.

It was quite soon after that that the fairies left, one after the other. It was getting late already. The music was softer, slower. Kyungsoo was dozing off slightly and Jongin convinced him to get back home, to Chanyeol, especially since the fauns' valley was quite far away to fly to – but Kyungsoo was growing more and more uncomfortable to sleep anywhere else and even though it was kind of Jongdae to offer for him to stay in Melalhil, Chanyeol was waiting for him. Kyungsoo couldn't just have him worry all night. When Kibum pointed out that he could always telepathically reach him and tell him he would stay here, Kyungsoo conveniently pretended he didn't hear him.

After him, Jongdae awkwardly beat about the bush for a few minutes before finally huffing that he would go away to check on Minseok; he ought to make sure that his tall elf was still doing alright since apparently, Minseok didn't have anyone else watching over him, and it was a very sad thing truly, and thus, Jongdae, in his glorious magnanimity and goodwill, had to take care of him, and 'all that sort of things'.

Jinki, for his part, remained with the nymphs until the festivities slowed down and a knock was heard through the room. The door creaked open slightly and the nymphs straightened up worriedly. Before Jinki could fly to close the door forcefully on the intruder – and he was ready to go – a gentle voice reassured them. In Faerish.

"Hi. It's Minho, may I come in?"

Jongin tensed up on his , eyes widening and shoulders rising with nervosity, while Kibum jumped to get up and ran toward the door.

"Minho!" he squealed. "Hi!"

He grabbed the elf by his clothes, yanked him inside, and closed the door behind him before he snuggled to him and hugged him tightly.

"How are you?"

Minho laughed softly and hugged him back for a moment.

"I'm fine. Did you have a good time up here?"

"Yes, we could see everything. It was quite wonderful" Kibum raved happily as he looked at his friend from head to toe, detailing the smooth amber-colored linen tunic he was wearing. "Oh, your clothes are so lovely..."

Minho had a cheeky knowing smirk as he bumped Kibum's nose.

"Thank you. And I'm glad you could enjoy the festival."

"Hi there, old pal," Jinki prattled as he flew quickly above Minho's head in circles.

Minho frowned and squinted as he followed the fairy's quick moves.

"Mhm, hi? Do I know you?"

Jinki cackled. He landed on Kibum's shoulder, crossed his legs, and threw a small salute to the elf with a crooked smile.

"Oh, it's been a while."

Minho's eyes widened slightly and he burst out in frank, candid laughter.

"Yes, I remember you. The little glutton who always eats half the banquet at every celebration."

"Fair enough," Jinki snorted.

Kibum pocked Jinki's side with a little scowl and glanced at Minho.

"Why are you here?"

"Oh, I came to you."

He slowly turned away and his face softened as he bowed humbly to the shy eyes he could see peeking from behind the large, heavy curtains around the window. Jongin had taken advantage of their discussion to disappear and take a few deep breaths in the shelter of his hideout.

"Jonghyun and Taemin will soon be allowed to leave the gardens. The festivities will probably stretch all night for most of us, but a few elves will leave and Jonghyun thought it would be better if I could you through the castle while it's still empty. Will that be alright for both of you?"

"Yes, thank you," Kibum said softly.

He approached the windowsill again and shifted the curtains just enough to pass his head between them and smile at his friend.

"Are you okay?"

Jongin let out a tiny sigh but nodded, although quite pitifully. And without a word, Kibum held out his hand for him to take.

"It's okay, Jonginnie. I'm with you. We'll just take you to Taemin."

Jinki flew away from Kibum's shoulder to Jongin's and patted his neck kindly.

"I'll protect you if needed," the fairy chirped.

Jongin murmured a thank you and let Kibum lead him out of his hiding place. When he glanced curiously at the elf waiting for them, Jongin found him looking away respectfully, opening the door to make sure the hallway was empty, and the nymph calmed down slightly.

Minho guided them swiftly through stairs, doors, and more hallways, whispering and joking about the festivities of that night with Kibum while Jongin trailed behind. Kibum couldn't help but look everywhere at once as they scampered in the castle, wondering if one day, Jonghyun could show him around properly and explain to him what each room was for. Even in the night, with very few candles and chandeliers lighted up and projecting their shadows on the walls, the castle looked sumptuous.

They halted on the ground floor next to an old, dark arched door and Minho quickly looked around them, squinting for a couple of seconds before he looked back at Jongin directly, causing him to jump slightly behind Kibum.

"You can wait for Taemin behind that door. It leads to the gardens, you should be able to find a nice hideout there and he'll come to you soon."

"Thank you," Jongin whispered.

"Will you be okay, waiting alone?"

Jongin gulped and threw a worried glance at Kibum.

"I'll stay with him," Jinki said. "Don't worry, Jonginnie. We'll just chill until your elf rears his head... then I'll go home. Sounds good?"

Jongin visibly deflated of all anxiety and smiled with relief.

"Yes, thank you, Jinki."

Kibum grinned, stood on his tiptoes to press a soft kiss on Jongin's forehead, then leaned to do the same to Jinki.

"That's perfect. You're a peach, Jinki!"

"I know," the fairy simpered.

"We ought to go now," Minho hastily murmured.

"Alright." Kibum straightened and grinned at his friends. "See you later..."

He waved enthusiastically and let Minho draw him away and back to the stairs. He saw Jongin take a deep breath and disappear behind the old, creaking door, then he turned back to Minho who was grumbling in a low voice.

"A terrible idea to have you wait in his office, really. It's like, so far away from everything. A terrible idea."

Kibum would have defended Jonghyun, as he always did, if only they weren't too busy climbing stairs as fast as possible for him to think up something smart to say in favor of his prince.

"Where are we going?" he still tried to breathe out.

Minho suddenly stopped in his tracks and flattened against the wall. They heard soft footsteps not so far away and Kibum's eyes widened impossibly as he lowered his aura until he could barely be seen.

Minho squeezed his hand and winked at him.

"To Jonghyun's bedroom."

Kibum flushed and Minho grinned teasingly. The soft sounds they made speaking Faerish shouldn't have been heard by anyone wandering in the castle at that time; yet, a gentle voice spoke Elvish not far from them.

"Minho? Is that you?"

Kibum brightened and before Minho could react, he jumped away from the wall to run around the corner and throw himself into Jonghyun's arms.

"Jeongyun! Hi!"

Jonghyun gasped, then slid his arms around Kibum's small waist and smiled into his hair.

"Good evening, my beloved."

Kibum perked up lovingly, his cheeks turning an even deeper shade of red.

"Mhm? Beloved? It mean you love me?"


They heard a small sigh and turned to Minho who was leaning against the wall, staring at them with his arms crossed over his chest.

"I guess I'm done here, then? We didn't have time to reach your room."

"We were a little eager in leaving the party but I don't think anyone was suspicious," Jonghyun grinned.

He looked at his friend over Kibum's head, his arms still full of the nymph who was contentedly breathing him in and snuggling to him.

"I'll see you later, then. Or rather, tomorrow. Have fun. Don't do anything foolish."

Kibum peeled himself off Jonghyun enough to wave at Minho cutely.

"Bye-bye," he hummed.

Minho chuckled and caught Jonghyun's warm eyes right before he turned around.

"Thank you, Min'."

Minho winked and swiftly went away.

Jonghyun reported his attention on Kibum's loving face looking up to him and slowly pressed their foreheads together.

"I've missed you," he confided.

"Me too."

Kibum's voice sounded small and overwhelmed. Jonghyun let his hands fall along Kibum's arms until he reached his wrists and rubbed his thumbs on his pale skin.

"We should go before someone catches us," Jonghyun whispered.


Jonghyun smiled as they stood immobile in the quiet, peaceful hallway. The sounds of the festival still going on in the gardens were faint and muffled, and somehow, Jonghyun didn't want to move quite yet.

"I feel like I see you not in a month," Kibum said, voice pouty and whining.

Jonghyun couldn't help laughing, albeit quietly. They had seen each other merely a few days ago. He cradled the nymph's face in his hands and smiled brightly.

"But we're together now. And you're mine for the night."

Kibum smirked and a glint of mischief glowed in his eyes.

"I am always yours, silly Jeongyun."

Jonghyun kissed him, chaste, soft, and quick, before he grinned.

"Come on. Let's hide."

He pulled Kibum after him and lead him through yet another maze of hallways. He was less careful than Minho, too preoccupied with stealing glances at the nymph to insure every room they went by was empty. Kibum couldn't blame him; he didn't pay enough attention to their surroundings to mind. He felt safe with Jonghyun anyway. Nothing could ever happen to him with Jonghyun nearby, he thought. Nothing truly catastrophic.

They roamed around the castle for a few minutes before, at last, they reached a door in a dead end. It was quite grand, of dark wood, ornated with a large golden handle. Jonghyun pushed it to reveal a broad, hefty spiral staircase carved in wood. It didn't creak under Jonghyun's feet, even less under Kibum's featherlike weight. When the heavy door closed behind them, the prince couldn't help but giggle as he tugged on Kibum's hand and rushed to climb the stairs.

"This is my tower," he said with childish happiness. "I hope you'll like it."

Once they reached the top, he immediately turned to gauge Kibum's expression as he took a first look around. And the nymph gasped in admiration and wonder.

The room was bathing in moon- and starlight through the massive windows that spread on the whole ceiling and fell onto half of the walls. They were encompassed and supported by wooden arches, craftily carved and bent. With the waning gibbous moon glowing so beautifully in the night sky and providing much light, Kibum could see everything almost perfectly. He noticed the large, seemingly comfortable armchair put very close to one of the window covered walls and he could just picture Jonghyun sitting there, lovingly looking over the forest. He saw the little wood burner that heated the room during winter, rugs that were so soft under the feet that Kibum could have mistaken them for grass, and a small desk drowning under tons of papers. He recognized Jonghyun's gayageum; the instrument his prince once played as he had sung for him. Then, everywhere, piled on the ground or carefully placed onto shelves, were books.

Kibum left Jonghyun's side to walk around with a gentle smile playing on his lips, his hand held out to touch shyly everything he could see.

"It is breath-takin'..." Kibum murmured.

Jonghyun shook his head with a grin.

"Thank you."

Sighing in awe, Kibum craned his neck to look through the windows once more and Jonghyun's heart hammered. His nymph's irises had turned translucent, as they always did when he was particularly happy. With the way he stood, Jonghyun could see the moon reflecting in his eyes and for a moment, he felt feverish; captivated by how magnificent his lover was.

When Kibum finally glanced at him, Jonghyun felt himself blush.

"Jeongyun? You are okay?"

His voice was low and teasing.

"I wonder how to love you, honor you, cherish you, and venerate you at the same time."

Kibum laughed, pretty and pure. He gave Jonghyun a cheeky smile.

"I think about it. And after, I tell you."


Without looking away from Kibum's mesmerizing eyes, Jonghyun brought the nymph's hand higher to press a kiss on his wrist. Kibum's gaze wavered and fell on Jonghyun's neck and the pretty collar of his clothes. He had seen it from afar, in the garden, but up close, the elven tunic was splendid. The soft fabric seemed so fluid, flowing over Jonghyun's body in pretty folds and falling low over his pants. But what had truly taken Kibum's breath away were the colors of his outfit. Jonghyun's tunic was of a very bright, clear blue-green, almost white, and his pants were of a luminous teal. Kibum was very familiar with both shades.

"Your clothe..." the nymph murmured.

He looked distant, lost somewhere in daydreams. Even Jonghyun's smile didn't bring him back.

"Do you like it? I had it made a few weeks ago. The colors... they made me think of you," Jonghyun confessed timidly. "It was a way to keep you close to me."

Kibum gasped. His eyes were wet when he looked into Jonghyun's.

"You think of me?"

"Always. You know that," Jonghyun said.

Kibum bit his lower lip as he came even closer, his fingers brushing over Jonghyun's beautiful tunic. The teal used for the prince's pants was almost the same shade of Kibum's scales when he shifted into a carp. It appeared in his hairs too. But the tunic... Its color had Kibum shivering in Jonghyun's arms.

"You think of me with this color?" he asked again.

Jonghyun nodded with a faint frown.

"Is it bad? I didn't think it through. I saw it and... it felt like you."

"I love you."

Jonghyun's eyes widened slightly and he chuckled.

"Oh? Alright. I suppose I did well."

"Yes. Very much."

"I have a gift for you."

Kibum let out a small exclamation as Jonghyun pressed a kiss on his nose before he stepped back and walked to the two doors next to the stairs where they came from. Jonghyun opened his dressing room and disappeared inside for a moment, rummaging through too many attires before he found what he was looking for.

The nymph had shyly come closer on his tiptoes, peeking inside and gasping at the amount of wonderful elven clothes extending before his eyes. It was too dark for him to look at them properly but he could already tell that everything was sumptuous. It had to be.

"You can get lost in there tomorrow morning, if you'd like," Jonghyun as he came out.


"Yes. But I have other plans for tonight."

He pushed a prying Kibum out of the way gently and put his gift, wrapped up in a piece of silk, on the small coffee table next to his armchair before he lighted up a few candles across the room and gave them more light.

"You can open it, sweetheart."

With cheeks rosy with happiness, Kibum jumped on his present and fell on his knees on the ground to open it as delicately as he could. Jonghyun soon joined him on the ground and watched him with a smile as Kibum slowly unveiled some very precious, dark green fabric.

"I had it made for you," Jonghyun whispered.

He held out his hand to Kibum's hair away from his face and relished in the expression of pure delight that his nymph was displaying. He felt under his fingers the softness of the tunic that matched Jonghyun's and his hands balled into fists in it as he let out a trembling little sob.

The sound immediately had Jonghyun straightening up and leaning closer.


"You see?"

Jonghyun frowned. He glanced at the piece of clothing, wondering if it was ripped somewhere but the stitchings were holding on just fine and the white embroideries seemed flawless.

"What is wrong?"

"Nothing..." Kibum breathed out.

Jonghyun pouted at that and slowly lifted the nymph's face with one finger pressed under his chin.

"Kibum," he called gently once more. "Why are you crying?"

The nymph looked up to him, both surprised and lost. Very thin tears were running on his cheeks. He brought Jonghyun's hand higher against his head until he could rest his face on it.

"Jeongyun see our color?"

Jonghyun remained quiet. His frown deepened. He wondered if Kibum was referring to the colors of their auras; those colors nymphs could see and that Taemin had talked about so many times, almost desperately.

"What do you mean?"

Kibum sighed, not out of annoyance or tiredness; he looked touched. Very gently, he caressed Jonghyun's chest.

"This is almost Kibum color. And this," he brought his hand to the tunic Jonghyun had made for him, "is almost Jeongyun color. You can see our color?"

Jonghyun gasped and Kibum seemed even more pleased.

"No," Jonghyun breathed out. "No, I can't see them."

Kibum sniffed softly and shook his head.

"I think you see our color but you don't know. Like your magic. You don't know. But you do it."

Something toppled in Jonghyun's eyes but before he could even try to understand what Kibum meant, the nymph cradled his face in his hands and brought him closer.

"Kiss me," he demanded.

Jonghyun complied easily. He kissed him hungrily. Almost imperatively. He nibbled Kibum's bottom lip and relished in the soft moan the nymph couldn't hold back.

Kibum's hands fell around Jonghyun's neck and he hastily shifted to sit on his lap. He felt Jonghyun's arms slide around his waist to hold him closer. Then, he abruptly broke their kisses, smiling when he felt his prince try to chase his lips. They were both short of breath already and Kibum exhaled through his nose as he looked up, glancing at Jonghyun from under his eyelashes in a way he didn't even know was devastatingly beautiful.



Jonghyun's breathless voice was doing things to Kibum that he couldn't have put into words. He closed his eyes to gather his thoughts as he tried his hardest to remember the Elvish words Jongin had taught him.

"Make love to me."

Jonghyun froze. He blinked owlishly but his eyes still turned blurry. And Kibum suddenly jolted with a little cry.

"Oh, I forget to say please. Make love to me, please."

Jonghyun breathed out. It turned into a soft chuckle. He leaned closer to rub their noses together and steal another kiss from his lover. His mind was rushing and it was making him slightly dizzy. He couldn't help but think about just how much he adored the nymph in his arms, how intimidating the mere thought of having with him was, and yet how much he wanted it. It wasn't so much the time he had spent not sharing his bed that made him lose his composure, but mostly the extent of his feelings for Kibum. How overwhelming it was sometimes simply to look at him. How could he handle touching him? How could he handle making love to him?

"You want to make love too?" Kibum asked in a tiny, flustered voice.

Jonghyun brought his hand on Kibum's neck and kissed his cheekbone.

"I do. Very much so."

Kibum perked up, bright eyes and large grin, and looked around enthusiastically.

"Where you sleep? You have a bed? Jong-nin say it is on a bed."

Jonghyun laughed and slowly shifted, maneuvering carefully to keep Kibum's legs around his waist, the nymph against his chest even as he got up.

"We don't have to be on a bed," Jonghyun gently explained with a little smirk. "But for the first time, it will be better."

Kibum nodded, not entirely sure to what, and kept peeking around as Jonghyun walked to the opposite wall. He put Kibum back on his feet – not without a small pout from the nymph – and pushed some heavy, velvety curtain to the side to uncover a dark alcove with a curved ceiling, where laid a large bed.

Kibum wheezed almost comically as he climbed the high bed and tried to bounce on it slightly to test it. He smiled brightly as he felt the soft bedsheets under his shin and hands. Then he turned around, curling up on himself as he looked at his lover.

"What we do?"

Jonghyun joined him on the bed and Kibum's eyes widened. They were sitting in front of each other and he was suddenly growing timid as he recalled everything that Jinki, Kyungsoo, and then Jongin had ever taught him about .

"I will kiss you," Jonghyun whispered with a fond look in his eyes that immediately reassured the nymph. "Then, I'll kiss your neck and your shoulders. And I'll guide you from there. And if I do something you don't like, you can just tell me to stop. Is that alright?"

Kibum swallowed quickly and nodded.

"You tell me what Kibum have to do?"

Jonghyun opened his mouth but remained quiet. He bit his lip, smiled mischievously, and finally leaned over to kiss his nymph.

"Yes, I will. I promise."

Staying true to his words, Jonghyun laid Kibum on his bed and pressed long, fond kisses along his jaw, his neck, his collarbones. He reveled in his soft breaths he could hear coming from Kibum's parted lips, as he knew that he wouldn't be able to perceive anything more from him.

The way Kibum fell apart between the sheets was magnificent. How he still looked graceful shifting and squirming, with red cheeks and shining eyes.

He couldn't help the shy mist that enveloped him when, at last, Jonghyun undressed in front of him, more than he ever had during their previous nights together, while traveling through the forest. He was so flustered that he kept whining against his own small fog that prevented him from seeing Jonghyun completely . And Jonghyun couldn't help but giggle as he kissed him until the pout on his lips disappeared.

Kibum thought that everything was hot when having . He was sweating. His prince too. And yet he couldn't find it in himself to be bothered with it as long as Jonghyun was pressed against him, kissing him, touching him. Jonghyun's hands wandering across his body were so soft and so soothing. When he touched him intimately, his length, then preparing him, Kibum almost felt delirious. It was beyond compare to anything he had ever tried alone. 

"I love you," Jonghyun whispered against his chest.

Kibum let out a tiny sob. He loosened up and sunk into the pillows. A faint glow wavered within his chest, spreading very slowly. It distracted Jonghyun for a moment, causing him to halt all movements – much to Kibum's disapproval. The light blue gleam stopped spreading and Jonghyun looked up to find his nymph pouting. He immediately rose to kiss him and got back to preparing him, only to see the glow spreading again.

He chuckled.

"Kibum, are you happy?"

The nymph nodded, his lips parting in a moan, silent to Jonghyun's ears.

When Jonghyun entered him, Kibum closed his eyes, back arched, legs trembling around his lover's hips, and his whole body started shining. His skin was so warm under Jonghyun's palm, so soft, so smooth.

Jonghyun fell forward, hiding his face in the nymph's neck as he whispered continuously how much he adored him. He left marks on his skin that he wasn't sure he was allowed to give but that Kibum seemed to appreciate anyway with the way he held onto him tighter and kissed any part of him he could reach.

Kibum wished he could tell him that that was the best way to venerate him. Everything they were doing. But he couldn't focus enough. He abandoned himself to Jonghyun, to his skilled hands and hips, to the praises falling in his ears that he could only half understand, to the gentle demands for a kiss, for Kibum to hold him tighter, to look at him.

When he came between them, Kibum called for Jonghyun so loudly that he was glad no one around could hear him. He almost wanted to cry with how good he felt, how impossibly satisfied, how delighted. The look on Jonghyun's face when he pushed deep inside of him and came, in turn, had Kibum feel like he was floating, flying very high. Maybe he truly was. He couldn't tell.

They were a mess of limbs in Jonghyun's bedsheets, kissing longingly. Jonghyun was smiling when he Kibum's hair away from his face, pecking his nose as he asked him how he felt.

Kibum only smiled lazily, his eyelashes batting a little too slowly.

"I love you," he mumbled softly.

"I love you too."

Kibum nuzzled Jonghyun's chest and his smile stretched when he felt Jonghyun's strong arms closing around him. He fell asleep promptly, clinging to his lover, and Jonghyun watched over him. Kibum's skin kept giving off that gentle blueish glow for hours and Jonghyun lulled himself to sleep by drawing little patterns on his shining shoulder with his fingers, listening to the nymph's soft breaths.




Hi dears,

I hope you liked this chapter after such a long wait! Let me know your thoughts about it :)

Take care of yourself until next time ♥


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15 subscribers away from 100 ...... ... ಥ_ಥ i'm shook. if this story reach 100, i'll probably start crying. thank you a lot everyone for your support ♥♥


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Chapter 48: Now, just seeing the title makes me smile XD
Totyfroty #2
Chapter 48: Thank you so much, really thank u, you did an incredible work moony. I loved this fic so much cause it makes me happy & forget about my world a little. you’re the best author out there. wish you all the best…
yuuram #3
Chapter 48: Hello!!
First of all, thank you so much for this amazing journey , this was my favorite fanfic to read since the very beginning and I have the pleasure of finishing and experience so many emotions while reading it today...
I'm looking forward to continue reading your stories
bye 😬
Fan4manga #4
Chapter 48: Thank you for the great story, I had a great time reading it ! Thanks again :)
Fan4manga #5
Chapter 47: Thank you so much for this chapter, I am a little sad this story is coming to an end but I can't wait for the next chapter ! Thanks again for the lovely story :)
Chapter 1: omg, it's only the first chapter and it already sounds so magical,,, cant wait to read further!!!
iluvbubbles_yay #7
Chapter 44: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ every chapter you write, I swear you do it under the influence of fairy dust. gorgeous. And you know the soft jongkey gets me every time, makes me feel so content. Last chapter them finally getting together absolutely ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ so very wholesome. and the colours thing I cry ;-; so lovely and Kibum’s reaction I just ;-;. As for jongdae’s plan, how I hope it can work. My brain vaguely considered something of the sort previously, lol, but got hung up on how general people aren’t really allowed to have contact with nymphs so I lost my train of thought lol. I also love reading about all the occasions jongin has his flowers bloom for. Thank you for every beautiful chapter you write!
Chapter 43: I've been floating throughout the whole chapter. I'm still floating. Everything about this story is so precious and the jongkey deeply warms my heart in ways I can't even describe. It's safe to say this update made my day, if not my whole month. Thank you as always for sharing your stories with us! ♡
iluvbubbles_yay #9
Chapter 42: It did make me so very happy, very happy indeed ❤️ I truly adored this chapter from start to finish (not that you’ve ever written a subpar one) and I’m sorry I haven’t commented in way too long ;-;

To finally see Jonghyun understand the extent of his magic (and! realising! he! can! hear!) with Kibum and Minho his most important people, being the ones to communicate It to him? I feel so very soft inside. And also, the small snippets of Minho being reassured that he’s still very important in Jonghyun’s life? Ahhhh it really hit me like a sledgehammer. And also, of course, Kibum’s pure enthusiasm to communicate in Elvish to kick the chapter off, a fantastic and lovely way to begin ;-; Moving through to Kibum’s cheeky ‘A elf can help?’ Gosh, I really loved this first half.

And then! We move onto the Taekai! And this was really lovely, the whole concept and execution of this scene? Great job.

Thanks so much for every update, they’re all excellent, and I love seeing every development ❤️ Take care!