Dahlias & roses

Magnolia Boy

Chapter 24 : Dahlias & roses


Jongin was running through the woods, without paying any attention to his surroundings. He didn't notice the roots and flowers moving in front of his feet to prevent him from tripping and falling on his face. He didn't notice the fairy he passed by, who looked at him in awe as he disappeared, diving right into a tree. Nothing mattered, besides the voice of Taemin still ringing in the air, calling for him from further away.

Jongin heard the trees he passed through move playfully, the earth and flowers seemed to be rejoicing at his eagerness.

"Oh, you're going to see him again, Jongin?"

And the nymph's laugh could be heard throughout the forest, as he twirled from tree to tree as fast as he could. He spurt out from the trunk of an olive tree and flew for a few meters before he continued his run, his tiptoes hitting the ground impatiently. Then, as he straightened a bit, perking up between trees and branches, Jongin saw Taemin. His elf was looking everywhere around himself, calling him and waiting for him while squirming from one foot to the other.

The sight of him made Jongin laugh with happiness again, and Taemin turned, alerted by the noise. Jongin didn't even think about slowing down and instead, ran into his elf to embrace him. He heard Taemin gasp in his arms and with his momentum, they both spun around.

Jongin tightened his hold around Taemin's waist, hiding his face in the crook of his neck immediately and sighed with delight. Then he heard, and felt, Taemin chortle above him. The elf was clinging to him quite awkwardly, his cheeks a bit red with embarrassment.

"Hey there, Nini," he said with a little smile which immediately made the nymph smile in turn.

"Hi, Taemin."

Taemin writhed in his arms and laid his forehead against Jongin's.

"Can you put me down, please?" he asked.

It took a few seconds for Jongin to understand what Taemin was talking about, because he was being distracted by the way his elf was fluttering his eyelashes. But then, he realized he was indeed holding Taemin up in the air, squished against his own body, and he pouted.


Taemin widened his eyes and opened his mouth, but couldn't find anything to say.

"I want hug you," Jongin added, and held him even closer, pressing his cheek on Taemin's neck.

Taemin rolled his eyes, his blush spreading all over his face.

"Don't be difficult. I want to hug you too and it's not comfortable like this," he whined.

Jongin tilted his head back to look at him longly, and finally put him down. But as Taemin let out a contented little sound of approval, he saw the nymph lower himself and felt two hands his back and , to stop on his thighs. Before he could do anything to stop him, Jongin straightened up with a grin, spreading Taemin's legs around his waist.

"It is better?" Jongin simpered with the most self-satisfied pout Taemin had ever seen in his long life.

Jongin was carrying him in his arms as if he weighted absolutely nothing, and Taemin wished he could have anything to complain about to wipe off that smug grin on the nymph's face, but he didn't. He swallowed with some difficulty, put his arms around Jongin's neck and scrunched his nose at him.

"You're always getting what you want, aren't you?"

"Yes," Jongin answered proudly. "I always want Taemin so I always have you."

Taemin closed his eyes for a moment, trying to calm down the frenzy his heart was making inside of his chest. He moved around a bit, cuddling Jongin a bit closer in an attempt to get more comfortable.

"What happens now?"

"I take you home. Hold I-… me. Hold me."

Jongin happily started walking, his smile stretching on his lips as Taemin let his arms fall a bit from his neck and rested his head on the nymph's shoulder.

"I will get used to this and then you will have to take me everywhere in your arms," Taemin teased.

"Yes," Jongin immediately answered. "Yes, I want."

Taemin snorted and tapped his fingers on Jongin's collarbone. He stayed silent for a couple of seconds, and when he spoke again, his voice had lost its previous playfulness. It rang softly, tenderly in Jongin's ears.

"I've missed you..."

Jongin's steps slowed down a bit as he lowered his face to look at Taemin.

"I miss-t you too."

Taemin looked at him from under his eyelashes and Jongin felt lightheaded.

"Tell me you love me," Taemin asked in a whisper, "please."

Jongin halted and moved one of his arms higher, to hug Taemin against his chest.

"I love you," he said, reverently.

Taemin's fingers moved from his nymph's throat to his neck and caressed their way up to his ear.

"I love you too."

Jongin smiled at him fondly, and resumed walking. He spoke very softly to the trees, and Taemin saw his lips move and his face glow, but didn't hear anything. He didn't even realize that Jongin had summoned a path to Nowhere.

Jongin had no idea when or how it exactly happened, but he suspected that the place, and the house lost in there, had finally accepted him. If he asked, the forest would provide a small passage, without him having to get lost. Bringing Taemin to their house had become a lot more convenient, and even though it wasn't as needed as before, for the weather was a lot gentler on his elf, he really liked to be there with him.

"We arrive soon."

Taemin hummed in response, his fingers drawing random patterns on Jongin's golden skin.

Jongin went down the hill slowly, as to not swing Taemin too much in his arms, and finally made his way to the door.

"Will you let me down now?"

"No," Jongin chirped.

"As expected," Taemin snickered.

Jongin carried him through the house, and carefully came on his knees on the soft carpet by the fireplace. He moved slowly, to make sure that he wouldn't hurt Taemin, as he still didn't want to let go of him, and the elf couldn't help but laugh at his stubbornness.

Jongin sighed when he ended up sitting cross-legged, with his precious lover on his lap.

"It is comf't-... com-... comfo'ta-...?"

"Comfortable?" Taemin offered gently.

Jongin nodded, not prone on repeating that word.

"Yes, it is."


Jongin raised one hand to bring a strand of Taemin's hair away from his face.

"What you did, Taemin?" he asked, his head tilted a bit to the side.

Jongin had improved his elvish immensely in the past few weeks, and Taemin couldn't be prouder of him. He was so grateful for all the efforts that Jongin was making so that they could speak more and understand each other better. Still, there were times when Jongin didn't know enough words, or how to arrange them together into a proper sentence, and Taemin loved those moments all the same. When he was probably the only one who could possibly understand what Jongin wanted to say. It made him feel all special. What they had was special. And it reminded him that he was the reason why Jongin even bothered with elvish.

So, he told him what he had been up to, in the castle, for the past few days. Because that's what Jongin liked to ask when they reunited. Then his nymph stammered about his friends, and what he had been doing on his side. He got all excited when Taemin assured him that the weather was now warm enough for him to spend an afternoon outside, if he wanted.

"We'll have to be very careful not to be seen, okay?" Taemin reminded him.

And Jongin nodded ardently as he babbled once more about how the forest would hide them. But it meant he could finally introduce Taemin to Chanyeol, and Chanyeol could play for them, and he could dance with Taemin, and he had been waiting a whole eternity for this. Or so it seemed.

At some point, Taemin had slipped from his lap, to sit next to him, and Jongin had let him, even though he pouted a bit.

"Would you like to meet my friends too, one day?"

Jongin froze at Taemin's words and bit his lips. He had been wiggling around to lay on the ground, hoping he could rest his head on Taemin's thigh, and the sudden stop of his movements made his waist hurt a little bit awkwardly.

He felt Taemin's hands on his shoulders, leading him to lean on him, as his elf had perfectly understood his objective. Taemin hovered above him and smiled gently at his slightly troubled face.

"If you don't want to, it's okay," Taemin assured, "you seem so eager for me to meet yours, that I just thought I would ask. If you want to meet them, you can."

Jongin's eyebrows twitched on his forehead and his eyes left Taemin's face to look at the ceiling. He shook his head slowly, and Taemin's fingers came to brush over his small frown.

"Okay then," Taemin whispered.

He felt his heart clench a bit in his chest at Jongin's abrupt silence. It was quite uncharacteristic of the nymph, and he wondered if what he said really was so terrible. Maybe he had crossed a line he shouldn't have.

"Did I upset you?" he asked, as softly as he could, guilt dripping from his tone. "If so, I'm sorry."

Jongin turned around to hide his face against Taemin's stomach, and one of his hand came to clutch at the elf's shirt.

"No. I am sorry," he muttered.

Taemin's mouth stretched into half a smile as he Jongin's hair.

"You don't have to be..."

"I can...," Jongin mumbled, "I can only see Taemin."

Taemin stayed silent after that. His fingers continued to fondle Jongin's hair and nape to comfort him, as he got lost in thoughts. He remembered the first time he ever saw Jongin, at the ball, sitting on a stone bench. He remembered his frightened eyes, which had haunted him for days, and how the nymph disappeared from his view in a second. He remembered their second meeting, how anxious and scared Jongin had looked like, as he had come closer to him so slowly and suspiciously. After that, Jongin had gained a lot of confidence, but his nervous nature kept peeping out, from time to time.

"You're really shy, aren't you?" Taemin mused out loud.

Jongin pressed his face even closer to Taemin's stomach as he nodded.

"It's alright, Nini. You don't have to do anything you don't want to. Don't be scared with me, okay? I love you all the same."

A small white flower slowly bloomed between dark grey strands of hair, and Taemin smiled. Jongin finally rolled his head on Taemin's thigh a bit, enough to look back at his elf and give him a tiny, timid smile.

"May I ask you something?" Taemin inquired.


Taemin took a long inhale, pondering on how to phrase his thoughts. It was probably a bit silly of him, but he had been wondering, for a little while already, why Jongin had given him a chance. Why did he brave his fears to come talk to him.

"Are you scared of elves?" Taemin finally asked.

Jongin winced a bit, and took one of Taemin's hand in his, playing with it as he felt a bit too awkward to look straight into his elf's eyes.

"Yes," he admitted in a reluctant pout. "I scared of new. Elf, fairy and everyone."

"You were scared of me at first, right?"

Jongin was squirming on the ground and for a moment, Taemin considered taking his words back and stop bothering his nymph. But he was curious, and Jongin answered in a sigh.


"Then," Taemin said, "why did you show yourself to me?"

Jongin looked up to him, with so much tenderness and sincerity that Taemin forgot how to breathe. The nymph let go of his hand and smiled at him.

"Because you are beautiful."

Taemin didn't really know what to expect, and at Jongin's words, he couldn't help the slight laugh that escaped his lips. He blinked a few times, out of embarrassment, and pressed one finger on Jongin's button nose.

"Oh, really?"

Jongin nodded quickly. His whole face relaxed into a lazy smile; he seemed pleased by the turn of their conversation and his skin started to glow slightly against Taemin's dark green pants.

"Yes, you are beautiful," he repeated. "I see Taemin at first and you are so beautiful I think about you all the time."

A faint blush spread on Taemin's cheeks as he chuckled, hiding his smile behind one hand.

"Thank you."

"I love Taemin hair, and eyes. All Taemin," Jongin chirped.

He raised his arms in the air to wiggle his fingers around his elf's head.

"You are shi-... shiny," the nymph sing-songed, moving his hands around. "Shiny, shiny, shiny. Everywhere. I love colors of Taemin. All colors. It is beautiful."

The way Jongin wasn't looking at him while saying this, but instead staring all around his face, made Taemin frown a bit. His smile faded into an expression of incredulity.

"My colors?" he asked in a whisper.

Jongin nodded, and perked up, sitting next to him with a grin.

"Yes, it is more beautiful. Like flawers. Taemin is like flawers. So I love you more more more."

Taemin stared at him in a mix of confusion and complete amazement.

"Like flowers?" in repeated.

"Yes," Jongin persisted. "You are flawers. So you are my Taemin."

Taemin felt a bit lost in all those compliments about his person, but his heart was bursting with joy and pride. Jongin was definitely seeing something in him, or around, that he couldn't quite explain in elvish, and Taemin was bemused about those colors that had apparently seduced his nymph without him knowing anything about them. It was unsettling, to say the least, to think that Jongin might actually be seeing things he was unaware of.

"I'm not sure I understand all of that," Taemin admitted.

He saw the nymph pout slightly in disappointment.

It was such a bother to Jongin. Kyungsoo had also been quite puzzled, months ago, by Jongin's attempts at explaining why it felt so important for him to talk to Taemin. Only Kibum had understood. Immediately. It made him a bit upset that Taemin didn't get it. It felt like his elf couldn't see how precious he was, how special they were, together. Because they matched and it all made sense. Their colors harmonized, and he had no idea how else he could say it.

"But...," Taemin suddenly said.

Jongin perked up, and his pout came undone at the sight of Taemin's cheeky, mischievous grin.

"I am happy to be yours. You are mine too, right?"

"Yes," Jongin hastened to answer, as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Good," Taemin simpered.

Jongin sighed, and came to play with the hem of Taemin's cotton shirt.

"Taemin...," he called, drawing out the sound of his elf's name.

"What is it?"

"I can ask somethin' too?"

"Of course."

It was endearing, really, the way Jongin stole a glance at him before lowering his gaze back to the ground. Whatever it was that Jongin wanted to ask, it pulled his shyness back.

"Can I ki-ss you, please?"

Taemin's eyes widened for a moment, and he tried desperately to control the large grin that threatened to take over his lips.

"Yes, you can."

The wish to kiss Jongin had clouded his mind for so long that the mere thought of finally doing it made his heart flutter. He hadn't dare to ask Junmyeon, nor Jongdae about things like that and was always scared to cross limits with his nymph that he wasn't suppose to ever pass, but now Jongin was offering. Jongin was offering, with a cute blush on his cheeks and Taemin was so eager that it took all the strength he had within himself not to smooch the spirit right there.

He saw a little smile dance on Jongin's lips and the nymph scooted closer, kneeling in front of him. Jongin's heart was beating wildly with excitement, and he stared at Taemin's plushy mouth, trying to remember all that Kyungsoo had ever explained him about kissing. It didn't seem that difficult, so he was practically sure he could do it. But feeling Taemin's intense stare on him as he stood there in front of him was a lot more nerve wracking than he had anticipated.

He was about to kiss Taemin. Finally. His hands were growing sweaty and his eyes flickered back to Taemin's as he swallowed with difficulty. He just had to come closer and put his lips on Taemin's. Nothing too extravagant. Nothing too complicated. But now it seemed particularly tricky and he wondered if there was even a way for him to screw it up and how upset Taemin would be if he did.

Jongin leaned closer, his eyes narrowing on Taemin's pink lips, and he gasped, before moving his head back.

"Taemin?" he called nervously.


"Can you ki-ss me at first, please?"

Taemin smiled, one of his hand reaching out to cup Jongin's cheek.


The nymph let out a little sigh of relief and closed his eyes immediately, standing perfectly still.

Taemin bit his lips not to laugh, and wondered what Jongin was exactly expecting from all of this. He finally came closer and he could feel Jongin's thundering heartbeats against his pinky finger, resting on the nymph's neck, as their mouths came only a few centimeters apart.

Taemin pressed a long, soft kiss on Jongin's lips.

Jongin was unmoving, as if frozen, against him, but he didn't mind. Those lips against his were soft and plump, warm enough to make Taemin melt. He gave him a second kiss. And as he moved back, he saw Jongin bat his eyelashes open, blurry eyes staring at him.

There was a flower on the right side of Jongin's head, and it shouldn't have surprised Taemin, but it did. He was used to see a myriads of little flowers in the nymph's hair, whenever Jongin was happy. But this one had beautiful, pink petals. It was huge. And Taemin was practically sure that he knew that kind of flower. It was a dahlia.

"I ki-ss you now," Jongin hiccuped.

Before Taemin could react, Jongin bent towards him and pressed their lips together again. And it occurred to Taemin, why his nymph hadn't answered his previous kisses. Apparently, he was under the impression that they had to kiss each other in turn. It made him smile against his lips, before he kissed back.

As he had expected, he felt Jongin jump a bit, and Taemin brought one hand to his neck, as to keep him from escaping, and he stole another soft, long kiss.

When they parted, Taemin brought their foreheads together and looked at Jongin's mouth once more.

"It's better if we kiss together," he whispered, "at the same time."

Jongin hummed, high in his throat, as he nodded quickly. His tongue appeared to wet his lips and he brushed their noses together.

"We ki-ss again, please?"

Taemin answered with another kiss, and Jongin immediately moved against him.

Kissing Taemin was unlike anything he had ever done in his life, and it was Jongin's new favorite thing to do. Far better than climbing any tree, far better than sleeping, or eating apricots, or even dancing. It was the most perfect thing to do and he wished he could do only that, now and forever. Those lips tasted better than all the things he had ever tasted; he couldn't describe it, but it was wonderful in every possible way. The sounds of their lips meeting and Taemin's hands caressing his neck were making the whole thing even more fantastic and Jongin wanted more. More, more, more.

When Taemin tried to move away, he chased him, unwilling to let go of that feeling. Then he felt a thumb on his lower lip, and Taemin's laugh resonated between them. Jongin whimpered.

"You have to let me breathe."

"Sorry," Jongin whined.

Maybe he was losing his mind, but Taemin looked even prettier than he usually did, which was already a lot. His lips were glistening, pink and puffy and Jongin needed to kiss him again or else, he was sure he could cry.

He heard Taemin gasp, and momentarily forgot about his plans to assault his mouth again, instead perking up to see his elf staring at his head in awe.

Jongin's hair was filled with large roses and dahlias, every shade from white to red and the sight of them alone made Taemin's cheeks redden. Then his eyes caught a glimpse of pink higher in the air, and he looked above and around them, to see the ceiling, fireplace and ground covered in flowers. They were sprouting everywhere, on furniture, around the windows, filling the room with a sweet, fresh scent that felt so familiar. It smelled like Jongin.

Taemin felt two lips on his cheek and he turned to look back at Jongin with wide eyes.

"It's so pretty, Jongin," he breathed out. "You made all of that?"

The nymph looked at him, a bit confused, and shook his head.

"You made," he said.

He didn't gave Taemin enough time to comprehend what he implied, and cupped his face in his hands to kiss his lips again. Just as he thought that he would never have enough, Taemin nibbled on his bottom lip, and Jongin felt his legs wobble under him. He tried as much as he could to move around without stopping their kiss, and awkwardly pulled Taemin closer, bringing him back on his lap, where he belonged.

Taemin laughed above him, peppering kisses all over Jongin's face before he looked at him with an evil little glint in his eyes.

"You're kind of needy."

"I don't understand," Jongin pouted.

"You wanted to kiss me for a while?" Taemin asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

Jongin closed his arms around Taemin's waist.

"Yes. Again kiss me."

Taemin obeyed, not without a chuckle.

When he deepened the kiss and their tongues met, Jongin let out a surprised little moan. He couldn't believe that it kept getting better. Clearly, everybody that ever talked to him about kisses had underestimated them and had never kissed Taemin.

Jongin didn't want to do anything else than smooching Taemin that afternoon, and Taemin didn't complain about it in the least. Mostly because he didn't want to do anything else than smooching Jongin all afternoon either. They tried to stop, they ate a bit, they drank tea, they talked, but Jongin always came back, more or less quickly, because his eyes had lowered on Taemin's red lips and he craved to taste them just once more. He became a bit bolder with every kiss, hugging Taemin closer to his chest, tousling Taemin's hair with his fingers and abusing his lips. He felt caught in a vicious circle, as every time he kissed his elf, those lips became puffier, prettier, and even more tempting.

When Taemin managed to clear his head enough to realize how late it had become, the house was stuffed with flowers from ground to ceiling and the scent lingering around was so thick it was making him dizzy.

"Stay," Jongin asked, kissing his jaw. "Please. Sleep with me."

Taemin straightened up, blinking furiously as he stared at the nymph, who was giving him an innocent, begging look. He tried to push away the rush of warm thoughts those words had brought to his mind, realizing that Jongin most likely wanted to cuddle him all night, like they already did once. His nymph couldn't possibly talk about anything less virtuous than that with such a naive voice. Supposing that Jongin knew what having even was -which Taemin actually doubted- there was no way for him to know the double meaning in those elvish words.

Taemin closed his eyes and pressed three fingers against Jongin's mouth to stop him from distracting him.

"I can't," he said, and his voice broke a bit. "I'm sorry. I have to go... I think I'm already very late."

Jongin pouted. Taemin felt it against his fingers and saw it in his eyes.

"But Jonghyun showed me a way," he breathed out. "It will be possible for me to come and sleep here again... I just-... I will come when I have no obligations in the morning. I will-... soon, okay?"

Jongin blinked a few times, and then smiled brightly.

"Oh? You can sleep with me?" Jongin mumbled against Taemin's fingers.

"Another night, yes."

"Yes, another night. But you can."

Taemin nodded, withdrew his hand away from Jongin's face, and kissed him again.

"But now I have to go," he whispered.


Jongin's hold on him tightened despite his word of acknowledgment.

"I must-..."

"Mhmm. You go."

Taemin extricated himself from Jongin's arms, with much trouble, and got up on his feet, feeling suddenly cold. He managed to put his coat and cloak with trembling fingers and did all he could not to look over at Jongin, or else he knew he would lose his mind. And he absolutely had to go back where Jonghyun had to be waiting anxiously for him. He really was the worst. Unable to respect a schedule if Jongin was involved. After all Jonghyun was constantly doing for him, it was truly awful.

One glance at Jongin's disheveled form, tousled hair, and beautiful flowers, and all the guilt settling in Taemin's stomach vanished into thin air. Who could blame him, truly?

Jongin insisted to bring him back to the castle, as he always did, and Taemin knew that this time, and probably all the following, it would mean trouble. They stopped every three steps to hug and kiss, whispering sweet words to each other as they stumbled in the vague direction of Melalhil.

When they finally made it next to where he was supposed to meet Jonghyun, Taemin got anxious. He couldn't see the other prince anywhere, and Jongin was still very reluctant to let go of him.

"I have to go look around," Taemin whispered, "he probably went a bit away, searching for me. I have to go now, Nini."

"You come back soon?"

"I promise."

Jongin let out a long, sulky sigh and puckered his lips. Taemin didn't even think twice before kissing him. One last kiss. To say goodbye. Maybe it lingered a bit too long.

As he stepped back, Jongin felt a sneaky little feeling of contentment as he saw a few petals adorning Taemin's messy hair. They were little witnesses of their afternoon. A way for Taemin to think back on him when he'll find them. A way to show that Taemin belonged to him.

"I love you," Taemin whispered.

Jongin grinned at him.

"I love you more."

He let his back fade into the tree behind him and disappeared.


Jongin bounced from root to root on his way back home, and popped out of a cherry tree to twirl around in the air. He felt ecstatic, joyous, delirious with happiness. He couldn't help but dance around to let out the overflow of bliss that bubbled inside of him. As he jumped in the air, he heard a laugh he knew far too well, and stopped to turn around.

With a bright grin, he dived forward between bushes, following the sound of that voice, before he called his friend.


The water nymph was waltzing alone, under the clear moonlight. He barely stopped at the sound of Jongin's voice, and laughed even louder.

"Hi, Jonginnie!"

Jongin stood there, dumbfounded, his wide eyes blinking slowly as he took in the sight of his best friend, glowing from that blue light the wood nymph had seen so rarely. Kibum's eyes were clear, almost translucent, and Jongin came closer, holding out his hand for his friend to take.

Kibum whirled around and caught those fingers. When he finally looked back at Jongin, his mouth opened in a small round. He tilted his head as he noticed the crown of full, generous flowers gracing his head.

"Something happened?" Jongin asked, unable to contain his smile.

"To you too apparently," Kibum simpered.

Their smiles turned cheeky, and Kibum grabbed Jongin's other hand to intertwine their fingers.

"Let's talk tomorrow," he offered softly.

Jongin nodded, with that knowing look in his eyes.

Kibum was too happy, too overwhelmed with everything that had happened to him, to be able to hear anything Jongin could want to share right now. And by the look of those flowers, Jongin surely wasn't in the mood to hear him blabber endlessly about his prince.

"I cannot sleep right now," Jongin confessed in an excited murmur.

"Me neither," Kibum laughed. "Let's not sleep! Let's dance!"

Jongin's eyes glowed with approval and he let go of one of Kibum's hand to lead him into soft steps and arabesques.

He heard Kibum start to hum, lowly, before he sang.

"My love, I've seen you in a dream... My love, a dream so soft is an omen of love..."

Jongin carried him in the air by the waist, and Kibum jumped around, dragging the wood nymph along as he rose up from the ground. A soft, warm wind was lifting them as they swayed between trees in complicated pirouettes.

"Let's both refuse our tomorrows to be dreary and gray... We will wait for our happiness... You, my destiny, I'll know how to love you... I've dreamed of it..."

They didn't notice the little lights of will-o'-wisps appearing around, dancing to the sounds of Kibum's singing and Jongin's laughter. All the creatures and animals who hadn't been sleeping just yet, could listen in awe to the two nymphs' joy.




Fluff! Fluff! Fluff everywhere!! Everything is fluff & nothing hurts!!
I hope this chapter made you all happy & warm. It sure made my heart burst with happiness as I wrote it. ♥

The song at the end of this chapter is the french version of “Once upon a dream” from Sleeping Beauty. I actually really love the french version of it, and realized that the english one sounds quite different, so I took the french lyrics and translated them.

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15 subscribers away from 100 ...... ... ಥ_ಥ i'm shook. if this story reach 100, i'll probably start crying. thank you a lot everyone for your support ♥♥


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Chapter 48: Now, just seeing the title makes me smile XD
Totyfroty #2
Chapter 48: Thank you so much, really thank u, you did an incredible work moony. I loved this fic so much cause it makes me happy & forget about my world a little. you’re the best author out there. wish you all the best…
yuuram #3
Chapter 48: Hello!!
First of all, thank you so much for this amazing journey , this was my favorite fanfic to read since the very beginning and I have the pleasure of finishing and experience so many emotions while reading it today...
I'm looking forward to continue reading your stories
bye 😬
Fan4manga #4
Chapter 48: Thank you for the great story, I had a great time reading it ! Thanks again :)
Fan4manga #5
Chapter 47: Thank you so much for this chapter, I am a little sad this story is coming to an end but I can't wait for the next chapter ! Thanks again for the lovely story :)
Chapter 1: omg, it's only the first chapter and it already sounds so magical,,, cant wait to read further!!!
iluvbubbles_yay #7
Chapter 44: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ every chapter you write, I swear you do it under the influence of fairy dust. gorgeous. And you know the soft jongkey gets me every time, makes me feel so content. Last chapter them finally getting together absolutely ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ so very wholesome. and the colours thing I cry ;-; so lovely and Kibum’s reaction I just ;-;. As for jongdae’s plan, how I hope it can work. My brain vaguely considered something of the sort previously, lol, but got hung up on how general people aren’t really allowed to have contact with nymphs so I lost my train of thought lol. I also love reading about all the occasions jongin has his flowers bloom for. Thank you for every beautiful chapter you write!
Chapter 43: I've been floating throughout the whole chapter. I'm still floating. Everything about this story is so precious and the jongkey deeply warms my heart in ways I can't even describe. It's safe to say this update made my day, if not my whole month. Thank you as always for sharing your stories with us! ♡
iluvbubbles_yay #9
Chapter 42: It did make me so very happy, very happy indeed ❤️ I truly adored this chapter from start to finish (not that you’ve ever written a subpar one) and I’m sorry I haven’t commented in way too long ;-;

To finally see Jonghyun understand the extent of his magic (and! realising! he! can! hear!) with Kibum and Minho his most important people, being the ones to communicate It to him? I feel so very soft inside. And also, the small snippets of Minho being reassured that he’s still very important in Jonghyun’s life? Ahhhh it really hit me like a sledgehammer. And also, of course, Kibum’s pure enthusiasm to communicate in Elvish to kick the chapter off, a fantastic and lovely way to begin ;-; Moving through to Kibum’s cheeky ‘A elf can help?’ Gosh, I really loved this first half.

And then! We move onto the Taekai! And this was really lovely, the whole concept and execution of this scene? Great job.

Thanks so much for every update, they’re all excellent, and I love seeing every development ❤️ Take care!