Sleep, at last.

Late Night Calls - Oneshot Collection

Sleep, at last.

++3000 words, gtop au, fluff. 

Prompt by : Character A is a writer and they love to use their skills to send Character B cute fantasies and stories whenever one of them is feeling lonely.  

a/n : "......" means they're talking either call/video call/message.

a/n : I wrote this overnight when I should be waking up real early lol. Tell me what you think?





Seunghyun and Jiyong met online, live miles and oceans apart. Been together for 2 years, never met up before and just like that quote that said 'distance made the heart grow founder' , they get lonely and crave each other's presence so Seunghyun wrote Jiyong and make him a book of his writing - and give it to him in person, on their anniversary.





"I miss you."

"I miss you more."

", you'll never surrender won't you?"

"That's my boy, you know me so well, baby."



"What if we can't ever meet up, what if we won't be able to meet? We've been 2 years now and the travel bill also keep getting higher. We couldn't afford it before, we couldn't afford it even more now."

"Maybe we could afford it in the future, Jiyong. We'll be okay, as long as you are with me."

"I am with you, always. I wish I could kiss you."

"Wow, let Kwon Jiyong to turn sad things into something else real quick."

"Seunghyun, really. I am jealous of these couple that could hold hands and kiss - that I saw them on the street every now and often. I wish we could do that."

"You know I want nothing more than that too, don't you?"

"Yeah. Until when should we wait?"

"For as long as needed. I have a stable job now and I'm working on my piece, if it gets published, I could take the royalty and I can finance my trip to you."

"I'm so sorry."

"No! Why, don't be sorry, please."

"I wish I was financially stable that I could go to you sooner. But sorry that my part time jobs can't, won't afford that."

"Don't be sorry, it's not your fault. We talked this through remember? It's okay, you are always the softest, always put others first. You are really brave, Jiyong. I wish you would see that yourself, despite everything. When I was sick, you sent me bunch of homemade korean food that you made it yourself and it reach me here in New York by 2 days. I know how it cost you a fortune that you could've used it for your own but I really appreciate you. And once again, please don't be sorry. We will get to meet soon, I promise, Okay?"

"Okay, Seunghyun."

"You should go to bed, you have morning shift tomorrow."

"Can I put the call on so I'd fall asleep to you breathing?"

"Ah. I like that. I really really like you, Kwon Jiyong. I really really do. Joaaaaaah, Joha ni modeun geosi johaaaaaa."

"Babe, please Don't pull Jay Park on me."

"Okay. Sleep."

"Night, Seunghyun."

"Night, Jiyong."









It's always like that. Jiyong would ask to put the call on until one of them fall asleep and the other would put the end to the call. Seunghyun loves to hear Jiyong's breathing. Just like tonight, they put video call near their own bed side table and watch each other sleep. Jiyong slept first, Seunghyun wonders how does it feel to see him close? To see him daily? To commute around him? Seunghyun thinks about all the people that got to see Jiyong daily are, lucky, he wish he was that lucky. The more he watches Jiyong sleep, the more his chest ache. So he said goodbye to the sleeping Jiyong, and end the video call. He grabbed his journal.




Jiyong woke up to a low battery notification from his phone and an awfully lot emails all from Seunghyun. When he open his inbox, he had almost 300ish unread email. Just when he was about to open one randomly, Seunghyun messaged him.

"I sent you 325 email, please open one daily, start from the newest, from the top. I already marked it daily. I'm at work now, Ily Jiyong."

Seunghyun had just sent him love letters, love ing letters and a bunch of it. So he open one, the newest one and it contais one audio file titled 1095. He wonders what the hell that even means. So he plugged up his phone to a charger, put on his headphone, and start listening.




I assume you just woke up? Good morning, Jiyong. Hm, I feel a little bit weird but here it is. 

If you asked me how I feel about you? I would say it's jealousy. I am jealous with the coworkers that get to see you everyday, yet they sometimes harassed you, despite being a really good person that you are. I am jealous with your blanket and pillow, I wish I could hug you too. I am jealous with your dinning chair, I wish I was there to cook dinner for you and to eat it with you. For what it worse, I am jealous with the air around you, they surrounded you, they see you, they engulfed and exist around you - they - the people around you that get to see and interact with you daily, I am jealous of them. I want to see you. I really wanted to. I can't wait for the next chapter of us, Jiyong. I wanted to see you, everyday. I want to live my life near you, I want you to be a part of my days, of my boring life. 


Jiyong heard sniffles. Seunghyun sniffles and the recording is off. Jiyong was thinking to re-hear that but he cried instead, not the angry wail type of cry but the type of cry that got your chest constrict in pain and you just end up clutch to it and lay down, try to breathe. That's what he does now. He calls Seunghyun instead. After 3 attempt, there's still no answer, then he remembers that since it's brunch time Seoul so it must be past midnight in New York, Seunghyun might have fell asleep. 


So he text him instead, start to shower and start his sunday.

"Seunghyun, if I could give you my world, I would. Sleep well, baby."




Jiyong waking up the next day, repeating the same thing, it has becomes his routine in the last 8 months. It's been quite some time and he had already opened a lot of Seunghyun's mails, now he only have 569 unread emails from Seunghyun. Means that they've been together for almost 3 years now. 





Day 526

I wanted to do with you what spring does to the cherry trees. - Pablo Neruda

Neruda himself wrote that - I still can't quite grasp what was he talking about. But after meeting you, I guess I understand. Neruda wanted to make his partner bloom, gloom, happy just like cherry trees. That is exactly what I wanted to do with you, Jiyong.


"I swear to god, Seunghyun. You should have been a published aspiring writer already. Are they blind????? You are so Lang Leav's level!"

"So you only know Lang Leav?"

"Sorry. I don't really read a lot but I purchased every Leav book! I didn't download it pirated-way."

"I didn't say anything. Okay so I have news for you. Good news and bad news."

"What? Are you okay? Spill please."

"Okay so I had taken the contract with the publisher, and Halter.Co already agreed to published my book and it will be ready in weeks. I'll send you one as soon as I got it, you had read/heard 75% of it though."

"Ah is that this project that you'd told me? That you keep telling me and asked for my opinion thruout these months?"

"Yeah. I may and may not sent you the content of this book to your email."

"So you're saying that the bad news is that my love letters from you wasn't just for me? That it get even bigger audience?"

"I don't want to say anything but some of it somehow, made it to the book so, sorry I should've asked you, I wrote it for you and while thinking of you, really. I didn't mean it -"

"Seunghyun, please. You think so lowly of me. I  am okay. I was just messing with you."

"Ugh please Jiyong, don't do that. I thought you really were mad, cos it supposed to be private."

"It's okay, I wanted the world know that you are a great writer and you are mine."

"I'm yours. Should I sing Alex's song now? your fav! I wanna be yours?"

"Babe, it's Arctic Monkeys, Alex Turner is their vocalist."

"Ah okay. Let's play the game to pretend?"

"Huh? Okay?"

"If I were Alex, would you be my Alexa Chung?"

"Seunghyun, Alex and Alexa broke up!"

"I'm so sorry! Wrong role model. Take it back. I take it back. I just really love his letter to her. Have you read it?"

"Nah, they used to write each other love letters?"

"No. Alex did. I'll send you later. I gotta go to work now."

"Okay, bye Seunghyun."

"Bye, Jiyong."




"There you go, eventhough I haven't kiss you yet. I think Alex has spoken my thought about you ^^"

"You're only making this hard :( good luck at work!"

"Okay. Sleep well, you!"

"Ttyl? Okay?"









Day 688

Jiyong aaaaaah, I should've written you serious things but life has been tiring these days. My book is out already just like you already knew and I've been in and out to a lot of cities to do meet and greet with fans. It's only been 3 months and it's scary how the warm feedback that I'm receiving. For you, my #1 supporter and listener, thank you Jiyong. Sleep well.


Day 645

I'm sorry. I wish I could protect you from the evil of the world, from to happens to you.

 As for now I can only supporter and listener, just like how you've been for me.

It will get better, your life will get better, our lives would be, I promise I will make it better.




"So when will you send your book for me? It's not available here in Korea! I type your hangul name to the biggest local bookstore/publisher and I found nothing :("

"Soon, I will have it sent for you soon. Sorry. I wanted to made it special so I asked for special hard cover in metallic + nice packaging for you. Sorry that it takes long. I already had it on process since last month."

"It's okay, thanks for the thought, as much as I hate it, I will wait."

"Thank you, how was your day, Jiyong?"

"Was okay. My part time job at this fashion store was really  - what to say it. The customer was by far the most annoying today."

"What happened? Tell me?"

"It's just they kept making me back and forth to search for their right suit size and then they bought the L one and then they got home and 2 hours later, they came back yelling my name, you know why?"

"Whyyyyy? How dare they did that to you :( "

"It's because they buy it for their kid! The suit was fit for the father with L size but then they got home and their kid turns out to be bigger than the father, so it should be XL! And they kept pestering me that I was wrong while doing suggestion and they asked for a change in size. But can't! All things that already being paid, can't be exchanged. I'm so tired, Seunghyun."

"Ah , these rich people that think that they own us! How did it go? Did your manager help you? Please tell me he did."

"Yes, thankfully. They took all of us to his office and he made that damn customer and their kid to apologized to me. They end up buying another suit though."

"Ah glad that it all okay, are you still feeling bad?"

"After telling you? No. Thank you, Seunghyun."

"No. Thank you, Jiyong for telling me, thank you for sharing about your life to me."

"Babe, you're already having a poem now in your head, aren't you?"

"You got me, Jiyong. You got me."








Day 982

Do you really think we would make it this far, Jiyong?

We have all the life ahead of us, I hope you're willing to share it with me, to live through it - with me,

to spend it with me."


Day 1000

I wonder what would you say to my crazy plan? But I guess I am really crazy about you, I really need to make our dreams come true. I wanted to meet you, I wanna hold you close.





Their relationship got even more intense now that they've been together for years. Despite never seeing each other in person, Seunghyun and Jiyong are really close, They talked to each other about almost everything, about their burden, their dreams. Even when they got into misunderstanding, they always talked things through. Jiyong had been thinking on what to do towards their 3rd year anniversary. So he made up his mind, he is going to bake cake and take picture of it and maybe video-calling Seunghyun while eating it. But it doesn't seem so special yet. He decided he'd use this object then, a declaration of his love and of his longing of their future together. He was being fidgety when he bought it. After saving for such a long time, he bought it, thinking about Seunghyun's finger size and number and since Seunghyun looks taller than Jiyong, so he assumed his body must be a little big bigger than his. So he bought one in one bigger size than his own ring finger. He brought it home, packaged it in pretty plastic, add a cute bow on top of it, and save it in his drawer. It's time, it's so near, their 3rd anniversary is so soon, it's within this week. And Jiyong is going to send the ring either today or tomorrow but then he got confused, what if the ring would be lost in the way between Seoul to New York, what if it gets stolen? Worse - what if Seunghyun aren't on the same page, what if Seunghyun doesn't want the same thing?





It's the day.

Their 3rd anniversay. He woke up groggy, he couldn't sleep well last night.

He failed to think, or to buy, or even to make anything for Seunghyun to celebrate their day.

He didn't send the ring cos he's afraid - afraid that it would get lost in the ocean, even more afraid that maybe Seunghyun would think that he's lame and it's too soon for them to settle, that maybe Seunghyun doesn't want marriage? Jiyong would never know. They never talked about it, as much as they talked about their future it was always the mundane things, the easy thing like who will make breakfast? Will you move here, or should I come and stay there? Will we have kids? Or dog? Which one would you prefer cat or dog? 

They never talked about that, not yet.

Just like usual, Jiyong woke up, checked up his phone, checked up the one last email from Seunghyun. 



The title was - Meet me, Now.

Day 1095

I'm here.

Jiyong, I'm here.



Curious and confused, Jiyong open and read the email. Just when he's about to grab his phone to message Seunghyun, to ask - what the hell he means by that. He heard his door ring. Who the ring his door at early friday morning like this? Then he was met by the love of his life in person, right at his door.


"Seunghyun? Seunghyun!"

The boy in front of him looks tired but still incredibly handsome, even more handsome than how he looked in pictures and in video calls. His mind couldn't think anything, he cries. He had long to meet Seunghyun and now after 3 years together, after knowing each other for almost 4 years online, they finally meet. The devil finally took pity on him and even fly million miles to see him on their anniversay. Jiyong wouldn't stop crying and then Seunghyun lifted his chin, and kissed him.

"Gah! I always wanted to do that! Hi, Kwon Jiyong. I am Choi Seunghyun, Happy anniversary, my love."

"Seunghyun, I love you, so much."

"Am I not welcome here? Or are we going to be kissing until your neighbor start -"

"Sorry, I just can't process this yet. Come in. I don't have any food ready, I'll cook for you. WIll you wait?"

"You don't have to cook for me, but yeah I'll wait. Later on, I'll be the one who cook. For now, it's you first."


"Nah. I uhm I brought the book for you, I would unpack later."

"Yaaaay, okay, just one moment, I'll bring us drink. I'll be right back, Seunghyun. And ah , you're so ing handsome, Seunghyun! I'm glad!"

"And so you are, baby."









Jiyong took quite some time upstairs and when he came down, Seunghyun was laying down in the sofa, eyes closed, he looks so beautiful even from a far.

He touched his cheek, his soft black hair, put off his glasses and let him sleep. Jiyong laced their fingers together, slip the ring to Seunghyun's ring finger on his left hand and mouthed thank you. When he started to walk to the kitchen, and he feels Seunghyun hugging him from behind and clutching to Jiyong's abdomen. Suddenly, Jiyong's back was wet, only then he realized Seunghyun was crying.


"Baby? Shhhhh, it's okay, don't cry."

"This - this ring, this gesture - is a dream come true. You gave me so much more than I deserve, Jiyong."

"I love you, Seunghyun, you know that? I mean it. I really mean it. I hope you'll wear it forever."

"Shouldn't you be asking me to marry you by now, Jiyong?"

"Patience, baby. I don't and I wouldn't be asking "Would you marry me?" cos mine would not be a question, I wanted the answer to be an obviously yes and there should be only one answer, I wouldn't take no."

"You are so full of yourself, Okay?"

"Marry me, Choi Seunghyun."

"Will all of my heart, I will, Kwon Jiyong."








Sleep, at last.

The 1st poetry collection from aspiring writer, Choi Seunghyun.

This book is for my #1 supporter and listener, the love of my life, Kwon Jiyong. 

You calmed my demons - they off by themselves to sleep.

Here's to more life ahead of us.

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Danees #1
Chapter 23: Thank you so much. I want more. Fighting!
This is so refreshing to read! You have no idea how difficult it is to find any Gtop fics nowadays :(
oryzanaranatha #3
Chapter 23: Oh my GOD,,
Thats conversation is soooo cute,,
And i love it sooooo much,,
Cant wait for the next chap,when jiyong and seunghyun finally meet up,,
Update asap okay???
Chapter 23: Ahhhh omg you really wrote it!!! Can't wait for them to finally meet omg really looking forward to it :D!
Chapter 23: i love how they talk about adventure time <3
Chapter 3: awww so cuteee
Chapter 2: Two words: SOOOOO CUTEEEE [///^•^///]
oryzanaranatha #8
Chapter 22: Aaaawwww,,,
Thats sooooo cuteeee and beautiful,,
Your story reminds me of what i experienced last night,not exactly the same but almost,,
And i'm as happy as jiyong after that text message conversation,,
Thank you for your great story,,
Cant wait for your another beautiful story,,
Chapter 22: Read the last two chapters in one go and dear God I needed this fluffy chapter after the previous one TT even though jiyong is having a hard time here as well, them talking about adventure time is just the cutest thing ever..would be awesome if you would write another chapter where they meet mby? Or smth like this again I really liked it!!
jiyongisseunghyun #10
This is so beautiful that I'm crying! I can't believe how well you described them in the story, well done