"I love you so much that I'm letting you go..."

One more chance

I decided to skip to the wedding already, dw, an other chapter will explain it :))


Third Person POV

Minyoung is already standing in front of the mirror, in her wedding dress, her hair is already done and her make up is done by a famous artist that her parents hired. She looked really dazzling, but something's lacking. Her eyes seems dead. It doesn't twinkle like what usually a bride's eyes would do.

She might be smiling to people that walks into the room she's in right now but she it was just her fake smiles. Hyunjoo, who is in the same room with her, wearing her dress  and watching Minyoung's actions, she noticed that she's not her today. /Hyunjoo's wearing the purple one./

"Dongsaeng..." She walked beside Minyoung who's fiddling with her fingers in front of the mirror, reciting what will she say later in her mind.

"Eonni, I'm really nervous..." Her voice is shaky, like she's on the verge of crying.

"You'll be fine. It's your wedding, you're supposed to be excited. Smile. You'll look better."  She said as she rubs her back, and giving her a reassuring smile.

Minyoung smiled forcefully, too bad Hyunjoo knows what's real and what's fake.

"Not that smile, your real smile. I know you better than yourself." She pushed her shoulders lightly and Minyoung smiled to her sudden change of mood.

"See, like that! You look more beautiful with your real smile!" Hyunjoo pointed at Minyoung.

Minyoung was about to reply but they heard a few loud voices outside and Hyunjoo came to open the door and there goes Infinite with JaeEun. /JaeEun's wearing the same as Hyunjoo's but the dark blue one./

"Minyoung-ah!!" All of them yelled in sync. Minyoung smiled, seeing them in their tux but they act like kids. "Oppa's you all look cute!" She grinned.

"I look the best in this right? omomo~ you look so beautiful, screw Byunghun and let's get married!--Ow..." Woohyun was about to attack Minyoung with a bear hug but he ended up getting pulled back by Sunggyu.

"Control your hormones kid." Sunggyu shook his head. Dongwoo laughed with his famous laugh after hearing Sunggyu's comment while Sungjong and Sungyeol snickered.

"Immature people." Hoya and Myungsoo shook their heads. "Anyway, you look beautiful, Minyoungie!" Hoya was about to ruffle her hair but then he got stopped by Hyunjoo.

"No touching the bride." She waved her hands. "And what about me? Don't I look beautiful in your eyes anymore?" She dramatically gasped as JaeEun and Minyoung faked a gag.

"Darling, you know you're always beautiful for me. Especially now in that purple dress!" Hoya pecked Hyunjoo and everyone groaned in disgust.

"Get a room you two!' Sungyeol screamed and earned a smack from Sunggyu. "You too." He sighed while shaking his head.

"Eonni, you look pretty, as always!"  JaeEun hugged Minyoung and she gladly accepted it. "I got the looks from you, hun." Minyoung smiled at her. "Agreed." Myungsoo said as he hugged JaeEun from the back and JaeEun blushed.

"Oh god, not these two too!" Sungjong sighed as he dramatically sat at the couch.

Myungsoo looked at Sungjong with a poker face. "Stop being girly and get a girlfriend then." he looked back at Minyoung again. "You look beautiful." He smiled. and Minyoung mouthed a thank you to him.

Everyone started talking and complementing Minyoung about the wedding and Minyoung would say thank you or smile to them.

"Okay everyone the wedding will start in 15 minutes, positions." The guy who manages the wedding came from the outside and reminded everyone.

Everyone hugged Minyoung and went out already she looked back again in the mirror and sighed, She jumped when she saw someone's reflection at the back.

"Hey..." he scratched the back of his neck and walked towards her.

"Sungyeol oppa.. you're still here?" She asked while looking down at the floor. It's their first time talking again after that night.

"Yeah...I..uh..You look beautiful today." He looked like he's hesitating.

"Ah.. Gomawo." She blushed.

"Listen, Minyoung, I need to tell you something." Sungyeol said, almost quickly.

"Oh? What is it?" She looked up, meeting eyes with him.

"Uh..it's..uh.. I.." he sighed. "Minyoung-ah, I still love you... and I know that I'm too late.. I'm such an idiot for breaking up with you and I seriously regretted everything.."


"I bet this is karma getting me but... what can I do? I tried getting over you but I can't..." a tear dropped from his left eye. "Promise me that you'll be happy with Byunghun,yeah?..." He said with his cracked voice while looking down.

"Sungyeol oppa.."

"Promise me and I promise..." Held her hand. "Promise what?" Minyoung said with a soft voice. "I promise that I'll move on.. I'll try to move on."

'No, don't promise me..please..'

"Sungyeol oppa, I--"

Sungyeol cut Minyoung off with his lips on hers and Minyoung found her self accepting the kiss. It lasted for almost a minute until they came back to their senses. Sungyeol's eyes widened. "Oh my God, I'm sorry, Minyoung, I--" "10 Minutes!" the wedding manager yelled.

"Oppa, you should go." Minyoung said with her eyes on the floor, Sungyeol sighed and left.

As soon as she heard the door close, she sighed and sat down at the chair in front of the mirror. 'I'm going crazy like this.' she shook her head and closed her eyes.


Right when Sungyeol went out, he saw Byunghun walking towards the room.

"Hyung.. why are you there?" Byunghun questioned Sungyeol and Sungyeol just shook his head. "Take care of her..." He said and walked away.

Byunghun stared at him for a second but then realized what's the real purpose of him coming to Minyoung's room.


Minyoung heard the door opened and she looked at who it was. She's shocked to see Byunghun there.

"Yah, What are you doing in here?! Don't you know that it's bad luck when the groom sees the bride before the ceremony?! Go away!" She stood up and pushed him away but Byunghun ignored her comment.

"You look beautiful." He smiled. "Byunghun, this is not the time for jokes, leave now!" She frowned.

"Just giving you this, baby." He said as he gave the bouquet to her. Minyoung took the bouquet and pushed Byunghun away. "Okay, Now leave!" she frowned and raised her voice.

Byunghun held her shoulders and looked at her eyes. "Calm down." He said softly. "Byunghun, stop your jokes and go!" She glared at him. Byunghun sighed.

"Byunghun, please..." Minyoung sighed. Byunghun did the same. "Minyoung, Listen to me first." 

"Byunghun oppa..." Minyoung said in a pleading tone.

"Look, I kept asking you if you wanted to quit because I want you to do so." "Byun--" "Don't. Let me talk first." he cut Minyoung off. "Yes. I did because I don't like seeing you like this. You're always gloomy, and I know that the reason is me and this marriage, I hate it. I don't like it when people are upset because of me... especially you." He sighed. "It's just, I can't stand seeing you like this, I want you to smile like before when you're with Sungyeol hyung. Same with Sungyeol hyung, he's not what he is before. I don't know the whole story why he did that to you but I can see that he still loves you."


"Minyoung, please.." he said with a pleading tone. "Run. Run away from this. Go with Sungyeol hyung, be happy with him. Ditch this wedding and me, I wouldn't mind. It would hurt for a bit but I'll probably get over it." He looked down, sighing.

"What do you mean?" She asked softly, confused.

"I love you. I don't know when did it start but I love you so much that I'm letting you go..." he sighed and stood up while Minyoung stared at him in shock.

"Leave. Now. You still have time." He held her hand and lead her to the door. Minyoung let go of his hand and walked back. "No. I'm not running away."

"What?" Byunghun looked at her.

"Where the hell is the groom?! The ceremony is gonna start in 3 minutes!" The wedding manager yelled from the outside.

"Oppa, you need to go there now." She said with her back facing him.

"Think about this Minyoung-ah." He said as he left the room.

"Aish, Just where the hell were you?! Nevermind, just get into your position already!" She heard the wedding manager nag at Byunghun.

Soon the stylists came to Minyoung's room and re-touched her hair and make up. By the time they're finished, the wedding manager is already calling for her. Minyoung came out of the room to and saw his dad waiting outside. "My daughter looks beautiful, as always." He smiled.

They left the small hotel and went outside, where the ceremony will be held. She waited at the end of the line as the elites invited made their way in their seats, next came her bridesmaids. Hyunjoo's partner is Hoya while JaeEun's partner is Myungsoo. She watched the pair making their way at the front. Same goes to Infinite with some of her cousins and friends as their partners.

'One day, one of these couple walking right now will be married.' She chuckled to herself.

Her smile disappeared when she saw Sungyeol walking with a girl that she hasn't seen before. 'Must be Byunghun's friend.' she sighed. /Hana's wearing the pink one like JaeEun's and Hyunjoo's./

The music started playing, signalling Minyoung to start walking. She linked her arms with her dad's and walked towards Byunghun who is waiting at the front.

She knew, after seeing his face, that he's not amused. Even though Byunghun knows that she's stubborn, he was kind of hoping that she'd actually follow what he says. But no, she just had to let her stubborn self take over her and still oppose to what he said.

He's shaking his head in disapprovement but right now, all he can do is hope that she'd say "I don't" instead of "I do"

The two linked arms and went to the front. The priest said his words and the two said their vows to each other.

"Lee Byunghun, will you have this woman to be your wife; to live together in the covenant of marriage? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?" The priest asked Byunghun.

"...I will."  Byunghun said while looking at Minyoung's eyes, but Minyoung knows that Byunghun is talking to her with his eyes, he's probably saying 'Think about it. Run.' and that is exactly what Byunghun is saying in his head.

The priest looked at Minyoung. "Park Minyoung, will you have this man to be your husband; to live together in the covenant of marriage? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?"

Minyoung listened to the priest as she kept her eyes looking at Byunghun. It's now her turn to answer, she looked at Byunghun then to the people behind them.

She looked at her friends, then to Byunghun's mum, then to Byunghun's dad. Then she saw the look at Sungyeol's eyes, she suddenly remembered what happened earlier.

'I'll try to move on...' she remembered Sungyeol's words.

Then she looked back at Byunghun.

'I love you so much that I'm letting you go...' she looked at his eyes.

Then she turned her head again and her eyes moved to her parents' direction. People started whispering, some already saying that she would oppose to this, some getting worried.

'It's for the company, sweetie, you need to marry him so our company wouldn't be down.' she heard her dad's voice inside her head.

"Minyoung-ah." Byunghun called her but she didn't budge. "Park Minyoung." He shaked her for a bit but there's no movement coming from her. The priest tapped her shoulder and called her name.

"Oh?" She looked at the priest. The priest raised his brows, waiting for her answer.

"Oh..." She realized that she's leaving everyone waiting for her answer.

'You don't, you don't want this.' Byunghun stared deeply in her eyes, telling her to say no. Minyoung stared back into him, ready to say her answer.



"I will."




Chapter 21 is done ^^

haha, most of you probably hate me now XD

Should I just leave it like this? I can't be bothered writing anymore, anyway.

Haha, but just for you lovely readers, I'll find a way for Sungyeol to get her back ^^

I realized that everything for the wedding is purple so I guess the theme is purple. I swear I didn't intend to make everything purple. smh... this should be Hoya's and Hyunjoo's wedding :|

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Hello~ I edited Chapter 23, go there to read the new chapter ^^ Thank You :3


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planetkli #1
Chapter 27: I hope you update soon! Loving the story so far!
**le gasp!** I BET IT'S SUNGYEOL! That little choding! HAHA!
Please update soon Author-nim ^^
updates soon!!!
EhHeuheuheuheuheuheuheuheu! D':
She's not suppose to say that?!
Waeyo Author-nim? **sniff sniff**
crazy4SHINee #7
plz update
crazy4SHINee #8
luuv it
New reader xD! Ima start reading really soon! Sorry for kinda spamming ur stoies xD
Kpoptart #10
Omg sungyeol and minyoung so cute! ^^ please update sooon. Is l.joe gonna be okay with what happened :o