It's Stressing

One more chance

/sigh/ I nearly failed my NAPLAN test! :c Hopefully they pass even though it's just practice for my up coming exam, June 4 and 8 ugh. what's the point of NAPLAN seriously. :| Oh~ Anyway, I'm back~ ^^ and uh this fic might end soon~ maybe three or five chapters left idk.


Minyoung's POV

(1 week before the wedding)

It's been almost 2 and a half months since I've lived with Chi-- Byunghun oppa, yeah, I'm still not used to calling him that but /sigh/ long story. We got closer, surprisingly. But there's no chemistry, maybe brother-sister love but no other than that.

I thought preparing for a wedding will be easy but, ugh, my taste is different with Byunghun oppa. There's no day we don't fight whenever we talk about it.

Byunghun wants the after party to be huge and in a club when I want it simple and at a beach.
He wants the cake chocolate and only a layer when I want vanilla cake and tall ones.
He's okay with the wedding being on public when I want it private.

Oh and don't even get me started with the engagement party last week. It wasn't what I imagined. I thought there's only Infinite, a few of his friends and my friends, Jaeeun, Hyunjoo and both our family but no, he agreed that reporters and stuffs to be invited.

It's really stressing. Sometimes I just wanna quit this.

Right now we're shopping for our wedding outfit and right now he's trying on all of the tux that he picked for himself.

"Yah, What about this one?" He came out of the dressing room, showing me his first choice. I almost puked after seeing him in that outfit.

"Really? Yellow tux, yellow tie, yellow pants and white shoes?" I raised a brow while looking at him disapprovingly. The sales lady beside him snickered. I shook my head 'No' before seeing him pout and turn around. I heard him mumble "I like this outfit" before the door closes.

I waited for another 3 minutes until he comes out with a new outfit./Niel's outfit/ I couldn't help but to laugh my off seeing him. Even the sales lady tried hard not to laugh at him.

"What now?!" He asked angrily, I could see a faint blush from his cheek. It took me almost 2 minutes to stop laughing and finally talk properly. "Are you serious Byunghun? Have you seen your self in the mirror?!" I said, trying hard to not laugh. "But it's not yellow!" he fighted back. "Just go get a new one Byunghun." I turned semi serious and snickered when he turned his back and close the door. "I'm not deaf honey!" he shouted through the door. "Shut up, you're supposed to hear that."

The sales lady beside the door sat beside me. "You two reminded me of me and my husband before we get married." She smiled. I scrunched my face. "Does this always happen before weddings?" I glared at the door where Byunghun is. "It's normal. It should be stressing especially when the wedding's really close." I looked at her and nodded. "Yeah, our wedding's in one week." she smiled. "Good Luck." she said before returning to her old spot.

Byunghun came out just in time with a poker face. I can see he's already pissed off, I'm pissed off too! It's like, he's the one wearing the wedding dress. Ugh. We haven't even had our lunch yet!

"Okay, this one? It looks formal for me." He looked at himself before looking at me. I raised a brow. "Formal? Byunghun, you're shining and your tie is pink! What the hell?" A raised my voice a bit. He turned around without saying a word and closed the door. I sighed. The sales lady gave me a reassuring smile and I smiled back at her.

Few minutes later Byunghun came out with a new outfit.

"Don't tell me this doesn't look formal on you." He said giving me a serious face. I sighed "You're still shining." I stared at him. "Well I'm tired changing clothes, this is my fourth outfit can't you just randomly accept one?!" He said raising his voice. "Randomly? All your outfits looks like you're going to perform on stage like those guy groups on tv and you want to wear those tight pants on your wedding?!" I raised my voice back. He sighed. "Well if you don't like the outfits that I want, then you choose!" He lowered his voice a bit. "Gladly!" I yelled and walked over to the racks and picked an outfit.

"Just try this one on and let's see how it looks on you." I sighed, pushing the clothes in his chest before closing the door for him.

He came out after a while and frowned. "I look like a total loser." he sighed. I rolled my eyes. "We don't have time." I shift my gaze to the sales lady. "We'll take this one."/L's outfit, just imagine it with L.Joe's face and without the necklaces/ I smiled.

After he changed back to his normal clothes. We both walked quietly to the cashier, not talking to each other. He payed for his clothes.

We both walked back to his car and drove to the wedding dress shop.

"You got what you want. I'll choose your wedding dress for you." he said quietly while his eyes are on the road. I glared at him. "Are you ing serious?! It's every girl's dream to choose their own wedding dress for their wedding and you'll ruin it?! Forget it!" I raised my voice again. He looked at me, eyes getting bigger.

"Yes, I am ing serious. You chose my tux for me and I don't even like it!" He raised his voice back. "Well I'd choose what you want if you chose your outfits properly! Like, seriously, what kind of a guy wears a yellow tux, stripe tux, Hell, tux with glitter in his wedding?!" I yelled at him. "I AM!" He yelled back at me before stepping on the break harshly and punching the steering wheel. "!" he yelled.

"Great, you almost got us killed." I said sarcastically, tears starting to get out. He noticed and just sighed. "Stop the car Byunghun." I said, my voice shaking.

He didn't say anything and kept driving. "Byunghun, stop the car!" I raised my voice. "I can't just stop this in the middle of the road, let me park." He said quietly and I scoffed.

After the park was settled in the parking lot, I took my sit belt off and left; slamming the door harshly. I heard the other door close, giving me a clue that he followed.

"Minyoung, wait." He said, running behind me. I ignored him and kept on walking. I heard him sigh. "Park Minyoung." He called out. I kept on ignoring him but he caught my wrist and turned me around; Making him see my already red eyes.

"Look, I know you're stressed about this, I am too. We skipped lunch so this doesn't help too. Let's eat first and we'll solve this problem later, Okay?" He pulled me into a hug and I let my tears fall. "I'm sorry." He cooed before planting a kiss on my head. "I hate you." I sobbed while punching his chest. "I know. Chicken Little feels really sorry." He pulled away from the hug and wiped my tears away. "Let's get us ice cream for desert yeah?" He smiled softly while I frowned at him then went back to crying. He hugged me for the second time. "I'll take that as a yes." He chuckled.

Whatever we're doing right now is causing attention to people. Some people gave us glares and some giggled. I realized that people was looking at us so I pulled away.

"Oppa, Domino's Pizza." I walked towards the pizza shop and he got what I mean. "Wait there, I forgot my wallet at the car." he said and walked back.

As soon as we finished eating pizza, we went to eat ice cream and after that, we drove to the wedding dress shop. The ride was quiet. No one decided to talk because we might get into an argument again.

We arrived at the shop and it's just heaven, wedding gowns everywhere. I didn't realize that my mouth was slightly opened until Byunghun closed it for me.

"Just try one already, I'll be waiting for you there." He pointed at the white couch that's facing a mirror, I'm guessing that one's the changing room too. "Oh, can I pick some dress for you?" He looked at me with puppy eyes. "As long as it's not ugly." I said pointed at a gown. The sales lady taking it.

I'm already changing in the first dress when someone knocked at the door. "Ma'am, Sir says he wants to see you in these later." The sales lady spoke. "Can you please put it in here and uh.. help me close this dress?" I asked when I heard Byunghun chuckle. I rolled my eyes.

The sales lady came and and hang the gowns together.

I tried all of my dress and we shouldn't forget Byunghun's responses.

"Too simple." He said in a flat tone and I scrunched my face.

"Too fluffy." He said and I shrugged, I do look like a furball in this dress.

"You look like a fish. Can you still breathe?" He raised a brow at me and snickered. "I did not pick this Byunghun and No, I can't." I gave him a poker face. ""

He's just staring at me. "You picked this didn't you?" He nodded. I saw him gulp. "The neckline's a bit wide." I catched him staring at my cleavage. "Ugh. Definitely not this dress." I walked back to the dressing room.

"And who's complaining earlier about my tux being too shiny?" He smirked. "Shut up. I don't like this dress too." I said and turned my back at him.

"Did you pick this?" I scrunched my face at the current dress I'm wearing. He nodded. "Yeah, let's see the next one. I didn't know you'd look like...THAT." He agreed, scrunching his face with me. "This is why I shouldn't let you pick." I said and walked back in again.

"This is the last dress." I looked at him with pleading eyes. Actually this is my favorite. He smiled. "It's pretty." I nodded. "It is yeah?" I twirled around with it. "How much is it?" He asked the sales lady. "It's 125,000 won, sir" /it's around $108 in Australia/ "That's pretty cheap." I heard him mumble. 'What's wrong with it being cheap?'

I saw him take another dress and walked back to me. "Here, try this one. The style's pretty similar to the other one anyway." He gave me the dress and pushed me lightly back inside.

I got changed and I'm surprised, the dress is pretty. The style is similar to the other one too. I wonder what made him pick this dress.

I walked outside the dressing room and Byunghun smiled at me. "Do you like it?" I nodded. "It's really pretty." I smiled. His head turned to the sales lady. "We'll take this one." The sales lady clapped her hands. "Great choice, sir, This dress is one of a kind. The fabric used to it came from Europe and the person who made this dress is from Italy, he's really famous in Italy for making wedding dresses, before he died, he made this dress and people questioned what's so special about this. It was revealed that he made this dress without using any kinds of machine other than his hands, a needle and thread. Our shop is just lucky to get this dress and you're fiance is just lucky to have it."

Byunghun smiled at me while I kept a poker face. His smile disappeared. "Excuse me, How much is this?" I asked the sales lady. "It's about 1,200,500 won ma'am." /around $1,037 AUD/ My eyes widened at the price. Hell no I'm not buying this dress. It's not even made of gold. It's just jand made by a famous person who died after making this. What the hell? I could buy ten diamond rings with this.

"We're not taking this one." I said and the sales lady stopped. I can see Byunghun didn't like my idea. "No. We're taking this." He said. "Can you please give as a moment?" He asked the sales lady and she left.

"Why did you change your mind? Didn't you say you like it?" He raised an eyebrow. "I did until I heard what the price is." I glared at him. "What the hell's wrong with the price?!" He raised his voice at me. 'Here we go again.' "Are you ing deaf?! Didn't you hear how much was it?!" I raised my voice back. "Okay, so it costs a million won. So what?" He asked like there's nothing wrong with the price. "So what?! I can't ing believe you, Byunghun. This ing cost much than a diamond ring!" I yelled at him. "It's only a wedding dress! I'll only wear it once!" I added. "That's the point! You only live once so at least get something expensive for your wedding." He said calming down a bit. "Plus, the tux you picked for me was a bit cheap." he added. "Oh so it's about your outfit being cheap?! Okay fine, whatever, we'll take it." I said and slammed the door behind him.

As soon as I changed back to my normal outfit, I shoved the dress harshly on him. "Unlock the car for me." I said as I walked pass at him and went out of the shop. He soon followed me inside the car and drove quietly.

While he's driving, I can see him taking glances at me before sighing. I just roll my eyes and glare at the road. Before we reach home he finally spoke. "Look it's really not about my outfit being cheap. It's ju--" "Cut the crap. You already got what you want." I cut him off as he parked. I waited for the car to stop before slamming all of the doors I walk pass.

I took a glance at the clock, 9:58 pm it says. Time goes really quick. I walked to our room before slamming the door and locking it. I need to take a break. I changed my clothes and put light make up and lipstick. I took a look at my self in the mirror. One touch left. I tied my hair in a messy bun, curling the loose strands away from my face. Satisfied with my look, I walked out of the room and went downstairs, to see Byunghun at the kitchen making food. He looked at me from head to toe before walking towards me.

"Where are you going?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. "Out." I said in a 'duh' tone. He sighed. "I know but where?" He looked at my outfit disapprovingly. "Clubbing." I answered him coldly. "With that outfit?" He frowned. "No, with the wedding gown that costs more than your cheap tuxedo." I said sarcastically. He sighed before going back to the kitchen. "Be back before midnight." He said quietly.

"I'm not your puppet." I rolled my eyes as I walked towards the door. "Oh. Don't call me." I said before I slammed the door behind me.

The club is 10 minutes walk from my house and I'm releaved that I didn't bump at a creeper on the way there.

I arrived at the club but much to my dismay, the club was closed for today because two people got on a fight and damaged a lot, as what the guy said. I turned around and walked back. I just wanted to relax. I pouted. On my way back, a car parked beside me and honked at me. I looked at as the window rolls down, revealing Sungyeol oppa, luckily, we're not awkward to each other anymore.

"Want a ride?" He smiled. I gladly nodded. First, I didn't want to go home yet and second, my feet is killing me. "Where to?" He asked. "Somewhere not near my house and where I could relax." I sighed. "You and My cousin fought?" He asked like it's not obvious. "You don't say." I rolled my eyes at him while he chuckled. "What happened?" He asked again. "Long story short. Can I stay in your house for the night?" I asked and he looked at me.

"Where's Hyunjoo?" He asked confused why I chose to stay at his house. "On Jeju with Hoya oppa, Jaeeun and Myungsoo. I'd go with them but your we got busy." I frowned and he chuckled. "Figures." He said and I nodded. After that, the whole ride was quiet, that I fell asleep on his car.

I woke up when I felt that the engine stopped. "You woke up in time, sleeping beauty." He laughed. "I did because you might just me." I joked and went out of the car.


Chapter 18 is done :))

I might update later, I don't have time anymore so I'll update after school or something.

Shout out to Minchi_4ne1 and MiinZiie for subscribing. Hope to see your comments soon ^^

and sorry for eveyone who waited for the update >.>

I can't wait to see everyone's comments soon ^^ hehe~

Kpoptart: Hehe~ don't worry, they just... care for each other? Idk. -whistles and looks away-

sarah_sungyeol: Thank you ^^

you please subscribe and comment ^^

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Hello~ I edited Chapter 23, go there to read the new chapter ^^ Thank You :3


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planetkli #1
Chapter 27: I hope you update soon! Loving the story so far!
**le gasp!** I BET IT'S SUNGYEOL! That little choding! HAHA!
Please update soon Author-nim ^^
updates soon!!!
EhHeuheuheuheuheuheuheuheu! D':
She's not suppose to say that?!
Waeyo Author-nim? **sniff sniff**
crazy4SHINee #7
plz update
crazy4SHINee #8
luuv it
New reader xD! Ima start reading really soon! Sorry for kinda spamming ur stoies xD
Kpoptart #10
Omg sungyeol and minyoung so cute! ^^ please update sooon. Is l.joe gonna be okay with what happened :o