Revealing the future husband's identity

One more chance

I hate you backspace button TT^TT re-typing it again.


Minyoung's POV

(same day/night in chapter 12)

I recieved a text after Myungsoo oppa's phone call so I decided to turn my phone off. "Are you sure it's not someone important?" He asked me and I shook my head. "Sweetie, who is it?" Mum asked me. "Just a friend, I forgot that it's her birthday today." I lied. I didn't want to disappoint everyone saying that it's my boyfriend. I'm doing this because I wanted to help my parents.

"I'm finished eating." I said, same time as him. Our parents awed at us. "Look at them, even finished eating at the same time." Mrs.Lee said. "Son, why don't you and Minyoung hang out to the balcony or somewhere first?" Mr.Lee asked him. "Neh." He nodded and walked beside me and took his hand out,waiting for me to stand up. I smiled a bit and accepted his hand so I could stand up. "Thank you for the delicious food" I bowed. "Aigoo, your daughter is so polite." Mrs.Lee complimented me while mum looked at me proudly. I smiled at them. "She looks good with your son standing right next to her." Mum complimented back.

Our dads coughed and Mr. Lee spoke up. "Alright you two go now, we still need to talk about your wedding." We both nodded and he walked in front of me, leading the way to the balcony.

After what seemed like ages, we finally arrived. Walking with heels is really tiring but it was worth it. The view was really relaxing. It was really quiet until he started speaking. "So was it Sungyeol hyung on the phone?" Oh right. he left to States so he doesn't know. "Ah, No. We broke up." I said, smiling. He stood up right next to me. "Hm." he nodded, not wanting the conversation to grow any longer.

It was quiet again for a minute and then he talked again. "So how are you?" he looked at me. I smiled. "hm, I would be lying if I say I'm happy." we both chuckled. "You? Your aura seems different now." I slapped him lightly in his shoulder. "Good. Not the kid that pesters you everyday without getting embarrassed anymore." We both laughed. Remembering how he would pester me in school saying 'Sungyeol Hyung likes you!' every single day.

"Ah, That annoying kid. But you're still short." I and snorted. He scoffed. "Says the one who's probably 5cm shorter than me without those heels." He pointed at my shoes and ruffled my hair. "Stop it! Aish!" I frowned slapped his hand away. "I was a bit taller than you in high school!" I fighted back. "Plus, once you see your Sungyeol hyung, you'll regret calling your self tall." I chuckled, remembering how tall Sungyeol is right now. "Hyung's a giraffe though!" We both chuckled and I looked up as I shook my head, just to see a starry night sky.

There was a long silence when I gazed at the stars. "But really, you guys wasted the efforts that I made just for you two to go out!" He suddenly complained. "Don't blame me!" I frowned. "Okay, calm down!" he bickered at me and I pouted. My throat suddenly felt a little dry so I asked him which way to go to the kitchen. "Why?" He looked at me and I told him the reason. He just laughed. "Apple or Orange juice?" I was confused at first but got what he mean. "Apple Juice please. but I can get it!" I ran towards the door but ended up tripping.

"Oof!" Before I hit the floor, he catched me. "Try saying that again?" He chuckled. "Just sit there and wait for me." /just imagine that it's in a balcony/ He pointed at the corner where there's a little swing that could get you comfy. "Oh. any snacks you want?" He looked at me and I eyed him. "Since when did you became a waiter?" I raised a brow. "I'll take that as a no." he chuckled and left.

As soon as I got my self comfortable, I leaned my head on the table with my arm supporting my chin. I saw his figure disappear and chuckled. 'You grew up chicken little.' I smiled, remembering how he would get in my nerve whenever he sees me.

//flashback,the day Sungyeol confessed at you//

It was lunch and I was heading to the cafeteria, looking for an empty seat and waiting for Hyunjoo unnie to bring our food. As soon as I saw an empty seat, I walked towards it but stopped since I saw the annoying guy who pesters me every single day. 'Oh hell no I ain't going near that table anymore.' I turned around walked away but without my luck, he saw me and screamed my name. "MINYOUNG-AH!" I ducked my head and scrunched my face. I turned around seeing him in front of me.

"What is it now?!" I bickered at him, obviously annoyed. He smiled at me like he didn't see my annoyed face. "You free later?" He asked,still smiling, eyes completely disappearing. "No." I turned around but got pulled back again by him. "What again?!" I half screamed in his face as he kept on smiling. "Go on a date with me after school." He grinned and left. I scoffed at him. 'Annoying and short just like Chicken Little!' "Aish so annoying!" I glared at his back and gritted my teeth.

Right when I turned my back, I saw Hyunjoo unnie behind me. "Chicken little being a pain in the bumbum again?" She asked and chuckled. "He's so annoying!...and short...just like chicken little." I smiled at my comment. "But he's annoying. end of story." I snapped back in reality while unnie chuckled "I know his cousin likes you though." She teasingly smiled at me and I scoffed."Really?! and I don't know anything about it!" I said sarcastically and frowned while unnie chuckled.

Eversince I came in this school two weeks after, he would pester me about how Sungyeol-ssi likes me.

As soon as we finished eating, the bell rung, signalling us to go to class. I sighed. The first time I didn't want the school to end. But much to my dismay, the time flew so fast for the first time and it's already the end of my class. I was hoping that he wouldn't wait for me but right after I stepped my foot outside my classroom, he already pulled me with my bag in his shoulders. 'Ugh. I hate this day.'

"Yah! At least let me put my books in my ba--" he cut me off and snatched my books away and continued walking. I frowned. "Minyoungie, which ice cream parlour do you think the best? The one near our school or the one near that park with the dragon slide?" He stopped and asked me while putting my books in my bag.

My ears perked up hearing the word ice cream. "We're eating ice cream?" I looked at him and tried hiding my grin. He nodded,beaming at me, eyes disappearing. "Hm, I think it's really good to take a girl in an ice cream parlour when you're on a date. So which one?" He walked beside me. I thought for a while. "Well, the one near our school is probably full now since school just ended and we could go to the park after eating our ice cream so yeah, I guess the one near the park?" I looked at him and he smiled. 'Will this guy ever stop smiling?' "Alright." he nodded. I swear I heard him say 'Perfect!'

It took us 5 minutes to get into the ice cream parlour he took me to a seat and asked me what flavour do I want before ordering. Soon,he came back with two huge ice cream sundaes in both of his hand. My eyes grew bigger. He's not bad after all when it comes to food. I smiled a bit. He placed it on the table and sat across me. We started talking about stuffs and he's not that bad. Until he asked me something. "So Minyoungie, do you like Sungyeol hyung?" He teasingly smiled at me.

"Why are you asking me?" My eyes widened. "Because of the way you look at him." He took a scoop off of my ice cream sundae, emptying my cup. "Y-yah! Y-you have yours!"  I blushed and stuttered as I pointed at his ice cream. "You like him." He just shrugged and finished his. I frowned. "I do. You better keep it a secret, chicken little." I frowned. He laughed at me. "I knew it! You like him!" He screamed, which made the other customers look at us. I blushed again. "A-arasseo! I-I'm leaving!" I said, standing up.

"Yah! Don't you dare move a muscle, Park Minyoung!" He pointed at me. "Shut it! will you?!" I said, whispering/yelling at him. "You said we still have to go to the park!" He stood up and pulled me out. "YAH! People are looking at us! Don't drag me up to there!" I wiggled out of his grasp,which was too strong. Some people are looking at us weirdly while some are giggling, mistaking that we're a couple.

"But you'll still go to the park with me right?" He loosen his grip on my wrist. "Yes! As long as you'd stop pestering me!" I replied, rubbing my wrist. "Arasseo!" He walked beside me.

Once we got into the park, I noticed that the park is empty and it started scaring me. "Y-yah...i-it's empty...le-let's go i-in another d-day..." I stuttered while he's walking like nothing's wrong. "Don't worry, nothing bad is gonna happen to you." He smiled before pushing me, and running off, leaving me alone. "YAH!" I screamed. I looked around, it's scary. Then someone tapped my shoulder, I swear it was the most embarrassing day of my life. But over all, I awe chicken little because without him, Sungyeol wouldn't be my boyfriend.

//flashback end//

/idk, this song helped alot while I was typing this part/

"Yah, done day dreaming?" I jumped when I see him already sitting across me, leaning on the table. "Yah, since when did you came here?!" I asked him with my eyes as big as a ping pong ball. "Calm down! It's like I could hear your thoughts anyway. Well you giggled and mumbled words but it's for me to keep." He smirked. "Stupid Chicken Little." I looked down and pouted as I drank my apple juice. "Yah, You're forgetting that I'm still a year older than you! Plus, you're shorter than me." He flicked my forehead. "Ah!" I covered my forehead. "YAH! What was that for?!" I gritted my teeth while he just laughed.

He poked my cheeks before speaking. "What I mean is you should start calling me oppa or else our parents would be suspicious with your precious little nickname for me." He smiled. I immediately felt gloomy. This guy infront of me IS my future husband. I sighed "Hm.." I nodded. "You're still chicken little for me." I pouted. He chuckled at my last comment before asking me what's wrong and I shook my head, lying. "Obviously, you already have someone else in your heart, why did you agree in this?" He sat next to me, only to whack my head lightly. I eyed him. "How do you know?"

Shaking his head and chuckling. "You should see your face. It's like the end of the world." He gestured a expressionless face and sighed. "That's how you looked like! So who's the guy?" I chuckled at him. "I never looked like a chicken little,thank you very much." I smiled and we both chuckled. I looked at the stars again and sighed. "I'm doing this because I want to help my parents." he also looked at the stars and we sighed at the same time "I'm gonna have to break up with Myungsoo oppa." I saw him turned his gaze at me.

"You're going out with Myungsoo hyung?" He asked, probably surprised. I smiled, not leaving my gaze off of the stars. "Hm, 8 months and 3 weeks." I nodded. "8 months?!" I saw his eyes widened. "Wait wait wait! How long did you and Sungyeol hyung last?" He asked, almost yelling at my ears while counting his fingers. "I don't know. 6 months?7 months? I forgot."I shrugged. /actually it was me who couldn't be bothered doing the maths >.>/ "But you guys still lasted long, what happened?" He asked making me remember the reason why and how he broke up with me.

I sighed. "Why don't you ask your cousin about that?" I looked at him and he nodded, probably getting that it wasn't a good end. "I thought hyung would stop playing after you." He shook his head. "But what about Myungsoo hyung?How did it happen?" He asked like a little girl gossiping about the guy she likes. I chuckled at his reaction. "He thought I was gonna kill my self so he confessed." I chuckled remembering that night. "Wait what?!Why would he think about that?!" His eyes getting bigger. "Long story. You have too many questions. Not my fault that I missed out alot." I whacked him lightly on the head.

"Minyoung-ah~ We're going home! You still have to pack up tomorrow." I heard mum calling from inside. 

"You must be a pain in the that your parents wants you to pack up immediately." He joked. "You're a pain in the ." I bickered at him, emphasizing the word 'You are' and he chuckled. "Wait til you live in the same roof with me then!" He smirked. "Oh puh-lease~ Like I would let you annoy me everyday." I raised a brow at him and scoffed.

Before he could even reply. Our parents showed up. "Looks like you two are getting along well." His mum smiled at us. "Ah. Yeah, Mrs. Lee." I replied shyly and he nodded,smiling. "Aigoo, we're soon to be family now, call me umma, ara?" She pinched my cheeks and I nodded shyly. "If our daughter can call you umma then it should be the same with your son." Mum spoke up, smiling. "Ah, Deh." he bowed.  "Alright, you two bid your good byes, we'll be waiting outside." Dad spoke as they left.

As soon as their figure disappeared. I snorted at him. "Pfft. acting all nice and stuff. Anyway, Bye Chicken Little." I said and walked off but he pulled me back. "I'm not letting go until you call me with my proper name." he threatened. "Psh." I tried getting out of his grasp but it's too tight. "I'd rather give you a good bye hug." I said and hugged him, and he hugged back, chuckling after letting go of my wrist. "Fine. I'm not letting go of this hug until you give me a proper good bye." He tightened his hug. "It's easy Minyoung. Just do it or our parents will be suspicious, you need to get used to calling me in my proper name." he said through the hug.

"Arasseo! Bye Byunghun." I sighed, defeated, but he's still not letting go of me. "Uh-uh, you're forgetting something." I could feel him shaking his head. "You're wasting time future wifey~" He teased. "Oppa!" I added. "Now all together." He commanded like I'm a kid in primary. "Bye Byunghun...oppa" I mumbled the last part and he chuckled. "Fine, I'll let you off this time but next time I want to hear 'Oppa' louder." He pushed me lightly. "Psh." I scoffed at him and followed behind him.


Chapter 14 done~ :DD

I still hate the back space button >.>

We all know that the Byunghun here is this Byunghun right?

Because you might think that it's the other Lee Byunghun.

anyway. I admit, I find chicken little a bit annoying but.... LOL

To my new subscribers, Kristin and ailisu, thank you so much~ please support this story ^^

Comment Replies :DD ^^

JongKeyTaeMinHOnew: Deh, I understand. Sorry if I'm such a turtle when it comes to updating :/ I wont! Hwaiting! ^^ /gives you a hamstergyu waving goodbye/

ailisu: hehe thank you ^^ and hehe, please read the current chapter :3 don't hate me~ /gives you a hiding hamstergyu/

shiningbeasts: no~ Thank YOU for being a reader ^^ Icings are always the best part of the cake though --3-- jokes~ but I wont let anyone bring me down again ^^ HWAITING! /gives you a pouting hamstergyu/

Kpopvivian18: you got me a little bit confused there O_O /gives you a confused hamstergyu/

Kpoptart: Updated! ^^ /gives you a loving hamstergyu/

DeiDeiLove: Sorry if it made the chapter slow~ But they're gone now ^^ Deh~ I'll be sure to remember your advice ^^ thank you for encouraging me :)) and updated~ please wait for the future chapters ^^ /gives you a huggable hamstergyu/

youYou know what to do ;))wink

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Hello~ I edited Chapter 23, go there to read the new chapter ^^ Thank You :3


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planetkli #1
Chapter 27: I hope you update soon! Loving the story so far!
**le gasp!** I BET IT'S SUNGYEOL! That little choding! HAHA!
Please update soon Author-nim ^^
updates soon!!!
EhHeuheuheuheuheuheuheuheu! D':
She's not suppose to say that?!
Waeyo Author-nim? **sniff sniff**
crazy4SHINee #7
plz update
crazy4SHINee #8
luuv it
New reader xD! Ima start reading really soon! Sorry for kinda spamming ur stoies xD
Kpoptart #10
Omg sungyeol and minyoung so cute! ^^ please update sooon. Is l.joe gonna be okay with what happened :o