Chapter 4

You're Crazy
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I'm awoken by the sound of little feet running down the stairs. I slowly open my eyes and smell something like coconut and vanilla? I then feel the weight on my chest, and I literally mean that there is a weight on my chest.

I look down and see her brown hair, Woah it's smells good. Wait why am I smelling her hair? Stop it.

I then feel her smooth legs intertwined with mine. Her arms wrapped around my middle section and her warm breath on my collarbone.

ty Mc . I am freaking out… like in a good way but I'm freaking out. My heart is beating really fast and I think that she notices it because she begins to slowly become restless.

I feel her eyelashes flutter open on my chest, "Morning" She says with a sultry sleepy voice. Holy her voice is like .

She looks up at me with a sleepy smile probably not noticing our compromising position.

"I –uh Good morning?"

She senses my hesitation and looks at me confused, my eyes flicker down to our molded bodies. She looks down slowly and then looks back up, realisation hits her.

She jumps away back into her side of the bed, ", I'm sorry" She says as she sits up.

I sit up laughing, "It's fine."

She begins to stand up, "It's not fine. I don't want to like cross the line and like freak you out."

I stand up and walk over to her, "Dahyun, you're talking to me. The girl who barged into your shower and forced you to join our music group with me. I'm the last person you need to worry about crossing the line with."

Her face noticeably relaxes, "That's true."

I smile, "Besides, I think it's adorable that you're a sleep cuddler." I walk pass her to my suitcase.

"I didn't know I was, Anyone that has ever slept in my bed has always been appropriate to cuddle with." She explains walking over to her suitcase.

I grin, "I get it. And it's alright if you wanna cuddle every night." I say winking at her.

She blushes before looking around the room awkwardly, "I- uh shower?"

I laugh, "Oh yeah, well you know where the bathroom is."

She gets up and hurries out of the room. I laugh at her easily flustered personality. I get up and head down to the downstairs bathroom.

I take my time, not worrying about shaving my legs as today is a day of relaxation and organisation.

When I'm finished, I get out of the shower and put on a pair of denim shorts along with a light blue sweater. I let my natural hair do their thing as I put on a minimal amount of makeup.

I make my way upstairs to see Dahyun sitting cross legged on the bed crouched over her laptop. She looks up at me and mumbles what I think was a 'hey.'

I put my toiletries back into my suitcase and make my way over to the bed. I jump up and sit down in front of her, crossing my legs and looking at her expectantly.

She pulls down her headphones and raises her eyebrow as if to ask me what I want.

"Whatcha doing?" I say enthusiastically.

"Would you believe me if I said ?" She says taking off her headphones completely with a smirk.

I nod, "Absolutely"

"Ok then, well ." She says closing her laptop and putting it on the bedside table.

I laugh, "It seems like an appropriate time and place to be watching it, hey?" I say looking around the room.

She nods, "I can't help it, when I feel it, I do it."

I nod, eyes wide, "That's deep."

She smirks mysteriously, "Oh I know, so deep." with a wink.

I crack into a booming laugh before slapping her arm playfully.

"Hey!" She holds her arm, "That hurts."

"Oh I'm sorry, let me make it better." I slap her other arm, "See?"

She narrows her eyes, "You're totally asking for it, Squirrel."

I shrug, "For what? A tofu attack?"

She raises her eyebrows in disbelief, "Oh? Fine. You've done it now."

She lunges at me, I nearly fall off the bed but she holds me up. She drags me safely onto the bed and she straddles me. She pins me down, "Don't underestimate tofus."

I nod my head, "I'm impressed, Kim Dahyun."

The shorter girl shrugs, "It comes naturally. You know, impressing people," she flips her hair superficially.

I shake my head with disbelief, I struggle and flip us over. I'm pinning her arms down, "Not so impressive."

She struggles but I hold out, "Uh uh, nope"

She relaxes, "Fine, you win." She mumbles.

"Wait, what was that?" I say dropping onto my elbows so that there beside her head. I lean it, "I don't think I heard you properly."

I tilt my head waiting for a reply.

But I only feel her lips graze the bottom of my ear, "So I guess this means you're a top then?" She whispers seductively.

I shiver at her hot breathe tickling my ear. I turn to face her and she winks at me. Suddenly I'm being flipped, I'm back on my back.

She's laughing, "Too easy Sana, too easy"

I struggle again, not happy with being deceived like that.

"Nuh uh uh, not this time." she says tightening her grip.

"" I whisper as I drop my head back and relax.

She grins victoriously, "I think you have something to say to me?"

I sigh while rolling my eyes, "You win" I mutter reluctantly.

She feigns confusion "wait, what was that? Sorry. I can't hear you?"

I scoff, "You win" I say overtly loud.

She shrugs, a smirks set in place, "From your position, Sana, it looks like you're the winner" She says eyeing our compromising position.

I scrunch my nose, "Lay off the , Dahyun" i verbalise, while internally, i truly do believe i am the 'winner'

She holds her hand over her heart feigning offended, "hey I resent that. I watch a healthy amount of -"

Knock knock "Hey are you guys awak-oh ! Sorry! I thought I saw you both showered and ready- uh , sorry!"

Lexie is covering her eyes and rambling, Dahyun leans back as I sit up. Her legs are wrapped around my waist and I have my arms around hers "Lexie, it's fine. We were just messing around."

"Yeah we were wrestling, completely harmless" Dahyun pitches in.

Lexie uncovers her eyes but she quickly covers them back up, "Why are you wrestling?! You look like you guys are about to make impossible lady babies."

We look at each other confused. Our eyes drops down to our connected lower bodies. "oh." We both chuckle nervously as Dahyun slides off me and onto the side of the bed. I scootch over next to her, "See, all better Lex"

She peeks through two of her fingers, "Phew" She drops her hands to her sides "I thought I walked into a lesbian o."

Dahyun and I snort in unison. The inside joke not going unnoticed by my blonde cousin.

Lexie gives us a look of confusion but decides to ignore it, "So breakfast is ready."

I nod appreciatively, "Ok, we'll be down soon."

"Ok see you then," She begins to close the door "not lesbians."

Dahyun and I chuckle softly as we make our way out of our room and down stairs.

"Oh, good morning, you two!" My Nan greets chirpily from the stove.

"Morning" Dahyun and I retort in sync, both taking on a happy tone.

"There's breakfast out on the porch" She says pointing to the window that views the back porch.

I nod with a smile, "Ok cool, thanks nan."

I make my way over to the door and I'm halfway out when I realise Dahyun's not with me. I look back into the kitchen and I see her talking to my Nan while flipping whatever is in the frypan. My Nan begins laughing at whatever Dahyun said, Dahyun's smiling to herself.

My heart warms at the sight of it. I smile and walk out on to the deck. Everyone is sitting around the giant table, I walk up behind Lexie who is sitting at the head of the table and put my hand on her shoulder, "Morning everyone" i greet as i look around at my family.

Everyone looks up and smiles, "Morning" they say in unison.

The kids jump out of their seats and tackle me with hugs, "Auntie Sana!" They say latching onto my legs.

I pick up Chace and prop him up on my hip, "How are you guys?" I say in a high pitch voice.

They all start saying things that I can't discern. I put Chace back on the ground and kneel down to their height, "Ok guys, I need you all to do me a favour. Do you think you guys can do that?"

They all nod excitingly, "Yes!"

"Good. So I have a very special friend with me," I say slowly, making sure they understand.

"Is it Dahyun?!" Hayley and Maybelle say together.

I nod with a smile, happy that they're so excited, "Yep, My very special friend Dahyun is with me this weekend. SO I need you guys to be extra nice to her ok?"

They all nod, Jamie says, "We're always nice."

I smile, "I know you guys are, BUT I need you to be extra, extra, EXTRA nice," I say emphasizing the last 'extra'. They all nod enthusiastically, "Do you think you guys can do it?"

They all answer in unison "Yes!" their eyes wide with excitement.

I stand up and clap, "Ok then, good! Now go finish your breakfast."

They all scurry back to the table while I stand next to Lexie and Tzuyu, "I hope they like her."

They both shrug, "They will" Lexie assures.

"Does Dahyun like kids?" Tzuyu asks popping a piece of bacon in .

I shrug, "I don't know. She never really says anything about kids. But she doesn't seem like the kind of person who would get along with kids."

They shoot me a questioning look, "I just mean, she's very sarcastic and witty. Kids don't really understand that kind of stuff."

They nod understandingly, "Oh, that's true" Tzuyu says drinking her coffee.

"Well we can only hope for the best," Lexie says standing up with her empty plate, "Sit and eat, Sana."

I comply and sit down. I look around the table and see that every seat is taken except for the seat at the end of the table which is where my Nan always sits.

I begin to worry where Dahyun will sit but then the smell of food gathers my attention. I pick up whatever is on the plates in front of me and I dig in.

I hear the back door open and close, I see my Nan set down some more food on the table. She sits down in her regular spot.

I feel Dahyun standing next to me, places a cup of coffee in front of me. I look up and she's holding her own, "You made me coffee?"

She shrugs, "Of course" she utters as though it shouldn't be a shocking thing.

She has her right arm leaning on the back of my chair. All the kids look at Dahyun with a big smile, "Guys, this is Dahyun" I say drawing out her name.

Hayley speaks up, "Hi Dahyun!"

Dahyun looks at Hayley, recognition her immediately, "Oh hey Hayley, it's nice to see you again" She gives Hayley a warm smile.

Hayley giggles. I point to Chace, "Dahyun, this is Chace."

Chace gives her a shy smile, "Hi" he whispers.

Dahyun smiles at him, "So how old are you Chace?"

He puts up 4 fingers, Dahyun nods, "Wow, you're nearly a big boy?"

He shakes his head smiling, "Yep" he returns his attention to the small amount of food in front of him.

I smile and point to Jamie, "This is Jamie."

Jamie gives Dahyun a wide grin showing that she has a front tooth missing, "Hi!"

Dahyun chuckles, "Hey kid, how old are you?" she asks conversationally.

Jamie replies with, "I just turned 6 last month!"

She nods, "Well, since your 6 I'm guessing that when you're tooth fell out you didn't cry, did you?"

Jamie shakes her head as though that would be preposterous, "Nope, it didn't hurt at all."

Dahyun smiles, "That's good" she praises.

I point to Maybelle, "This is Ma—"

"I'm Maybelle! And I'm 5" she interrupts.

Dahyun puts her hand on my shoulder, "It's nice to meet you, Maybelle" She says beaming.

Maybelle smiles and sits back down in her chair. I point over to where the twins are, "And those are the birthday boys."

Natalie gets there attention, "Jordaaann. Liam" she says in a goo goo voice, "Say Hi to Auntie Dahyun" She picks up their small hands and waves them in our direction.

Dahyun laughs and waves at them, "Hi guys" She says in a high pitch voice

I look up at her, she sips at her coffee and then looks around the table smiling. I then realise how rude I'm being. "Hey" I say as I take her free hand in mine. I pull her forward, I pull her onto my lap by her waist. "Eat" I say pointing to the food.

Dahyun's got her awkward smile on. She tries to stand up uncomfortable with the affection "Sana, it's fine."

I pull her back down, "Sit. Eat"

"You might as well do as she says Dahyun. there is no saying no to Sana." Nan debates from across the table.

I laugh with a nod, "She's right. you know"

Dahyun rolls her eyes, "Fine but you tell me if you can't feel your legs, ok?"

I laugh, "Okay" I say as I wrap my arms around her waist and rest my chin on her shoulder.

She begins to pick at the food that's on my plate, she looks down at me, "Are you still hungry?"

I shrug, "I'm fine."

She picks up a slice of toast and holds it in front of my mouth. I take a bite and then she takes one from the same place. She takes a sip of her coffee and continues eating. I realize that I am in a good position to take revenge from this morning's wrestling match.

I slowly take my hand away from her waist and let it sit on her upper thigh. I'm pretty sure she's stopped breathing, so I continue. She tries to ignore it by taking a sip of her coffee but I drag my fingers closer and closer to her core. My fingers are resting on her upper inner thigh but before i can ascend I hear a spluttering sound. I look over her shoulder to see that she has spat her coffee back into her cup and she begins coughing. I fall into hysterics as does everyone else… except for Dahyun, of course. She's trying to regain composure. I rub circles on her back, "You ok babe?" I ask sweetly.

She narrows her eyes at me and then puts on a fake smile, "Oh yeah, coffee just went down the wrong pipe."

Everyone is still chuckling.

She smiles and looks back down at me. She lean in to my embrace, her lips just grazing my ear "I'm so getting you back."

She gives me a wink and continues eating. She begins a light conversation with the family, making them all laugh…

I look at my family interacting with her like one of their own. The thought of her trying to embarrass me soon leaves my thoughts as I watch her be her amazing self.

After breakf

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Chapter 22: it's the end already? I need more... this story is so amazing and addicted Awww sad it's reach the end. thanks authorr your story is greatt much love from me to you❤️
Chapter 21: I'm so soft like really I miss my girlfriend is so cuteee❤️
Chapter 21: awwww sanaa you're really crazyy like seriously more crazy than dahyun ?
Chapter 20: you're mean author you mess with my head I thought it was..... ouh author I love you (。•́︿•̀。)
Chapter 18: Thanks eunwoo I'm glad dubu is fine?
Chapter 16: this is freaking sad ??
Chapter 16: JIHYOOO HEREE!! WHERE'S 2YEON? (」゜ロ゜)」
Chapter 15: Just so damn happy and then momo ruined it(T_T) I don't blame her don't worry
Chapter 14: just a minutes we got motzu and now michaeng Wowww you're great author?❤️