Chapter 11

You're Crazy
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"What do you mean you can't fix it this time?" I question as I put my hands on my hips with wide eyes.

"I mean, I can't fix it this time" Dahyun replies crossing her arms defensively.

"Well, why not?" I challenge.

"How about you ask the car that?" She asks sarcastically as she gestures to the smoking car.

I roll my eyes at her, "Well, what are we going to do?"

She sighs as she runs her hand through her hair, "I don't know, let's just call the mechanics and see how long it's gonna take."

I exhale noisily, "Ok, I'll do that now."

5 minutes laters

"Soooo the guy said he'll be over in an hour or so" I tell Dahyun as I join her at the hood of the still smoking vehicle.

She nods minutely ,"Okay then, I guess we should go tell the family that they haven't gotten rid of us just yet."

I shrug carelessly, "I guess so."

Inside the Minatozaki's House

"Hey guys" I greet walking into the living room where everyone's surrounding the tv.

"Ooft Blackhawks" Dahyun drawls looking at the screen displeased.

Everyone looks up, "What are you guys doing here?"

"Yeah, I thought we got rid of you" Brad deadpans, staring directly at Dahyun with a teasing glare.

I roll my eyes while Dahyun just snorts, "You're the one who secretly told me that you wished we lived in Illinois, Bradley."

He narrows his eyes at her, "You know I hate being called that."

Dahyun shrugs and continues, "SOO… Sana's car broke down." She explains.

They all laugh, "We keep telling you to get a better car, Sana."

I furrow my brow, "and I keep telling you guys no, because my car is a classic and I love him."

They all roll their eyes, "So what are you going to do?" my Nan asks.

"Well, the guy is coming up to take a look in a about an hour so once we find out the damage we can go from there I guess."

Then nod before gesturing for us to sit down, "Come join us."

Dahyun claps once, "So who are you losers versing today?" she teases as she sits down next to Brad.

He rolls his eyes, "Please ,don't tell me you go for Captitals."

She chuckles as she shakes her head, "Oh they wish. For me? Redwings all the way" she reveals, chin jutted proudly.

Brad groans and throws his head back, "Come on Dahyun, leave me something to work with."

I sit next to a smirking Dahyun, "Why do you go for a team that's in Washington and a team that's in Michigan? Next you're gonna tell me that you go for Miami in basketball?"

She chuckles and shrugs, "I moved around a little when I was growing up."

I nod, "Oh ok. Well that makes sense" I respond as I link my arm with hers.

"So unfortunate that I didn't stop at Chicago" she begins with a fake frown, "We could've gone to the same high school."

I roll my eyes, "Please, I don't even want to imagine what hormonal, teenage rebel badass you were,"

She gives me a smug look, "You would've been the good girl that fell for the badass."

I snort, "No? I was so not a goody-two-shoes" I lie.

She raises her eyebrows, "Oh really?"

I nod confidently.

"Lexie" Dahyun looks over to Lexie, "Is this true?"

"Nope. She was most definitely a goody two shoes growing up" She answers before turning back to the screen.

Dahyun grins at me when I feign offence, "Its ok babe, I would've been the badass who fell for the nerd… no denying it"

I grin smugly, "It's the charm, isn't it?"

She rolls her eyes, "Yes, it would have nothing to do with the fact that you look like a walking paradox"

I tilt my head in confusion, "What do you mean?" My brow furrows as I try to interpret her words.

She shrugs nonchalantly, "I mean that.. You have messy grayish hair which is normally associated with the devil or having no soul."

I frown at her, slightly offended by it.

"BUT!-" she continues "You are the most stunning person I have ever met and you have one of the most beautiful souls… so what I'm saying is you basically contradict yourself" she explains quietly.

My heart warms at her words, "Dahyun… You are such a closet romantic" I whisper as I nuzzle into her neck.

She rolls her eyes, "Only for you so shut up and stop outing me."

Brad snorts from next to us. He makes a sound of a whip, "So whipped, Dahyun."

Dahyun's about to retort but she's interrupted.

"Brad, i think that everyone could use some snacks right about now" Lexie declares knowingly.

Brad goes to object, "But the gam-"

She looks at him pointedly to which he shuts up and leaves the room. Lexie winks at us and continues watching the game.

Dahyun and I smile at her antics and then focus our attention back on each other. She looks down at me as I cuddle into her side.

She kisses me on the forehead, "Y'know, I feel like this is a dream" I whisper into her neck.

She rest her head on the top of mine, "Me too…. But I guess its more of a nightmare."

I shoot up, "Hey" I frown, faking offence.

She chuckles and raises her hands in defence, "I'm kidding, you're the greatest" she amends pulling me back down into her side.

"You really know how to sweet talk a girl" I joke as I comply with her request.

She shrugs, "I cant help what comes naturally"

I roll my eyes once more..

An hour later - Minatozaki's Driveway


Dahyun puts her hand on back to calm me, "Sana…" I close my mouth and walk off.

Dahyun watches me storm off before turning back to the older man who looks slightly intimidated.

"Sorry about that but what do you mean, it won't be fixed for another 3 days?" I hear her ask the mechanic.

I ignore what they say and I tune out and watch Dahyun as she speaks. She runs her hand through her wavy hair before it falls perfectly. She's smiling every so often to soften the situation but her foot is tapping impatiently.

10 Minutes later

"Babe" I hear her call when the guy walks off to his truck. I push down the warm feeling that arose when she called me babe.

I meet her halfway, "What does he mean 3 days?"

She sighs, "Well, you need new parts and he doesn't have that particular part in stock so he has to order it."

"Well why does that take 3 days? what happened to overnight express?" I question eyeing the mechanic suspiciously.

She takes my hand to get my attention, "Sana, we aren't the only people in Chicago who need their car fixed ok. It was meant to be just under a week but Brian managed to pull some strin-"

"Brian?" I ask at the mention of this strangers name, "What? Did you guys just form a friendship over my broken car?"

"Sana, I don't see the problem here? We stay in Chicago for a few more days, no damage done" she moves on from my immature bickering.

I pinch my brow, "Dahyun, today is Monday. We already missed one Music's rehearsal AND there is this thing that you do at college called 'classes', I don't know if you've noticed" I reason

She lets go of my hand and runs it through her hair, "Sana, there isn't much we can do.. and we'll call up Nayeon and tell her what's happening."

I sigh deeply, even though she's right, "You should call your dad and Eun Woo."

She groans, "Urgh why?" she whines.

"Tell your dad that you can't get to your classes and tell Eun Woo to talk to your piano trainers" I explain.

She rolls her eyes, "I hate that you're right."

Before I can appreciate her submission Brian interrupts, "So I'll tow the car down to my shop and I'll give you a call when any progress is made but it should be finished around Thursday afternoon."

Dahyun smiles appreciatively, "Oh cool, thanks dude " She shakes his hand, "I'll see you later."

He smiles with a nod and walks to his truck to do his business.

Inside the Minatozaki's house, again

She places the suitcases at the bottom of the stairs, "It's good to be back" She announces sarcastically as she stretches her arms.

I roll my eyes and tug on her hand, "C'mon, lets go tell the family the good news."

"That's absolutely no problem girls" My Nan says smiling from the kitchen sink.

"Thanks Nan, sorry about the inconvenience" I apologize as I sit at the counter.

She shakes her head furiously, "There's no inconvenience when two of my favourite girls are visiting."

"You would think that El was the one who messed with the car to make us stay longer" Dahyun jokes smirking at my Nan.

My nan grins at us menacingly, "I am not admitting nor denying anything" She teases as she walks past us.

I face Dahyun who is chuckling at my Nan, "So I haven't heard anyone call her 'El' in a while."

Dahyun shrugs, "Well it's a bit soon to call her Nan."

I laugh, "I'm positive that my family would have no problems if you did."

She laughs shyly, "That's probably true."

That night

"Ok well, good night guys" Dahyun pronounces, standing up holding my hand.

Sounds of disapproval fill the room, "C'mon it's not even halfway through yet."

Dahyun makes an apologetic expression, "I hate movies, you all know that."

I stand up behind her, "She's just alternative guys" I make a fake expression of being impressed. "Or just hates horror movies" I mumble to myself and no one heard it.

They all nod in agreement, "Yeah, I am" she sneers at me jokingly. "Quit whining" Dahyun orders as we make our way through the living room and past the TV.

"Night" I declare as we reach the exit.

"Night" My family responds all at once, in sync.

"Peace guys" Dahyun says along with a peace sign, I roll my eyes at her departure gestures.

"Night Dahyun!" or "Night Tofu!" or "Night little one!" all come at once.

Dahyun shakes her head as she pulls me out of the room.

"My family totally like you more than me" I whine as we walk up the stairs together.

Dahyun shrugs, "I think they like that I make you happy" she explains.

I smile as I watch her walk up the stairs. "That's true, you do make me happy" I agree as I pull her to a halt.

She stops her ascent and turns to look at me confused, "I'm being serious Dahyun… You really, really make me happy."

Dahyun smiles as she leans down to capture my lips, "That's what I live for" she mutters into my mouth.

I wrap my arms around her hips as she snakes hers around my neck. I slide my tongue across the bottom of her lip to which she allows access.

She pulls our bodies as close as possible but it still feel as if we aren't close enough. I drag my hands down her sides until they reach her thighs, I pick her up while she wraps her legs around my waist. I slowly carry her up the stairs, small moans distracting me with each step.

". Sorry" I verbalise as I push her against our door.

She giggles (Yes, Kim Dahyun actually giggled) and connects our lips once more. Her hands have found their way onto the exposed skin under my shirt and they are roaming dangerously.

As I go to open the door I feel Dahyun stop suddenly.

"What's wrong?" I whisper.

She holds her finger up to my lip to silence me. Her face concentrating adorably as she listens intently.

"Do you hear that?" She asks quietly, her head tilting as she seeks for the sound.

I turn my head to the small noise, "Yeah, I do actually."

"I think one of the kids are crying" She muses, dropping her hand from my face. Her eyes never leaving the door the sound is coming from.

I carefully place her on the floor before she walks off in search for the sound.

"Dahyun, I'll just go and get Lexie or Natalie" I tell as I begin my descent down the stairs.

She ignores me and continues tiptoeing around the upstairs hallways.

I roll my eyes and run down the stairs in search of the parents.

"I don't know who it was but it was definitely someone crying" I explain as we reach the top level of the house.

"Boy or girl?" Lexie asks

I shrug, "I came to get you as soon as I heard."

We hear a soft melody coming from the end room, we inaudibly tread to the door.

I peek my head in and see the most heart-warming sight.

Dahyun cradling my nephew while humming a soft melody. A look of pure happiness on her face, "Babe?" I whisper.

She looks up at me slowly, "Oh yeah" She kisses Jordan on the head before placing him back in his bed.

She sneaks over to us and carefully slides out of the door before closing it behind her silently.

"Sorry Nat, I just saw him crying so I couldn't just leave him y'know" Dahyun explains shyly.

Natalie just smiles, "You're good with them, he never falls asleep that easily with me."

Dahyun shrugs, obviously not knowing what to say, "Sorry about making you come all the way up here" I say taking Dahyun's hand and looking down at the perfect brunette.

"Oh it's not a problem" Natalia replies.

I nod with an appreciative smile, "I just didn't expect Dahyun to be so…"

"Perfect?" Dahyun smirks at me.

I roll my eyes and peck her on the lips, "I hate that you're right"

Dahyun winks at me and squeezes my hand.

"So….. Before you guys start making out, I think Nat and I will go back downstairs."

We fall out of our daze and focus on Lexie, "Oh yeah, for sure." Dahyun recovers.

"Night guys" I add as we make our way over to our room.

"Night lovebirds" Lexie winks at us.

We roll our eyes and close the door behind us "They're crazy" I articulate as I plop onto the bed.

She pecks me on the lips before saying, "Not as crazy as us."

She walks off to go get changed while I can't help but just sit there and smile at the situation.

"Night Sana" She says cuddling into my side.

I pull her closer and breathe in her scent, "Night Dahyun" I exhale.

I close my eyes and listen to the sound of her heartbeat, feel her breath on my chest and bear the sensation of her being so close to me.

As I begin to believe that she's fallen asleep, I hear her quietly say, "I just want to tell you that…"

I hold my breathe… is it too early for us to start saying I love you casually?

"I think…"

Oh my lord…

is she gonna say it?

"- I think… that you're crazy."

I smile and kiss the top of her head, "You're crazy"

She lifts her head up from her spot on my chest and looks up at me. She leans in to connect our lips, it's a soft, gentle kiss. Saying words that we're both too scared to say again.

She pulls away but is still close enough that our noses are touching. I lean up and put our foreheads together and close my eyes.

"You meant a lot to me, y'know" I whisper.

She replies with a barely audible, "I know" she pecks me on the lips delicately and murmurs, "You mean a lot more to me than you think Sana."

I drift off to sleep with those words still dancing in my mind.

The Next Morning

"That " I whine as I put Dahyun's bowl in the sink.

Matt nods solemnly, "I know, Sana but it was bound to happen."

I look over to Dahyun who's got Jordan in her lap and is making goo goo faces at him, "How long this time?" she asks without looking up from the kid in front of her.

His back leans against the sink and he folds his arms, also looking at Dahyun and his son, "3 months"

I sigh exasperatedly, "It's not too bad but it still ."

He nods in understanding, "I know but its my job and I love my job."

I smile and pull him in for a side hug, "You're a good person, Matt."

He scuffles my hair and walks over to Dahyun, "You too, Sana" he squats down next to his son and my girlfriend, "But Dahyun's better. She actually knows what 'Call of Duty' is."

I roll my eyes, "The fact that I don't play violent video games does not make me a bad person" I say in defence.

Dahyun carefully gives Jordan back to Matt before walking over to me, "Oh please Sana, we all know you're not a bad person" She says putting her hands on my waist, "But it definitely makes you crazy."

I kiss her and smile, "Crazy that you can't get enough of"

She smirks and kisses me back, "I hate that you're right."

"Hey guys, so Lexie and I are leaving this afternoon" Matt interrupts obliviously.

Dahyun and I shoot around, "Wait what? why?!"

He focuses his attention back on Jordan, "Well Jamie has to get back to school. She's already missed 2 days."

We both sigh in sync.

"I'd rather spend as much time here with you guys but Jamie's school is pretty strict" he justifies, "but Natalie will for sure keep you posted on everything while I'm gone" he assures.

We nod, "Yeah, ok. Sounds good."

Matt walks towards the exit, "Don't worry guys, I'll be fine… I always am."

"Hey guys, do you want to go get some lunch in the city with me?" Tzuyu asks from the top of the stairs as we walk past to go to the living room.

We look up, "Uh yeah, for sure sounds fun."

She smiles, "Ok sweet, we'll leave at like eleven thirty."

We smile and nod, "Ok, sounds like a plan" Dahyun says taking my hand as we walk into the living room.

We sit down on the couch and cuddle into each other, "So I was thinking…"

"That's never a good thing" I say jokingly.

She rolls her eyes, "I was thinking.." she says ignoring my statement and continuing with her thoughts, "That I could take you out tonight?"

I sit up, "Dahyun, I think we already skipped the dating part" I say gesturing to our positions.

She smiles, "I know and I love that, BUT you're the kind of girl that deserves a first date."

I lean in and kiss her softly, "Ok, it's a date."

She pulls me in for a more passionate kiss before muttering into my lips, "I'll pick you up at 7."

I smack her arm and continuing to kiss her.

"Guys, stop making out. We should probably leave now" Tzuyu yells through the house.

Dahyun and I roll our eyes and get up, turning the tv off as we go, "Time flies when you're having fun" Tzuyu smirks at us once we reach the door.

Dahyun quickly grabs both of our bags and meets us in Tzuyu's car.

"Why does your 18 year old cousin have a better car than you?" Dahyun asks as she adjusts her seatbelt.

I sigh, "My car is special and has sentimental value."

Dahyun nods once, "Still waiting for an answer?"

Tzuyu laughs and interrupts, "Because i started putting money away ever since my dad put me in a racing kart."

We laugh and begin our journey to the city of Chicago.

"This place looks good" Dahyun says observing the diner we were currently walking past.

Tzuyu and I tilt our heads, "It must be new. We haven't seen it before" Tzuyu says for both of us.

I nod, "Looks good enough"

We head in and sit down at a booth for four people. Dahyun and I are obviously next to each other with Tzuyu sitting opposite us.

"Can you guys at least control your tongues while we're at lunch?" Tzuyu jokes.

Dahyun smirks, "Oh I have complete control over my tongue, Tzuyu" she says seductively.

Tzuyu rolls her eyes and avoids eye contact by looking at the menu.

10 Minutes later

"I'll be right back with your drinks" The waitress says as she takes our menus and walks away.

Tzuyu puts her hands together as though she has an important announcement, "Welp, I need to pee."

Dahyun scoffs and I laugh as Tzuyu gets up to go find a bathroom.

When Tzuyu leaves, Dahyun faces me, "We need to get that girl a girlfriend or something."

I roll my eyes, "Oh, she's young. She'll have plenty of time to fall in love" I say waving my hand in her general direction.

Dahyun shrugs, "I think Tzuyu is very mature, y'know" Dahyun says tapping her finger on the end of the table, "I mean, she's really wise for an eighteen year old."

I roll my eyes, "Dahyun you just turned 20. There's barely 2 years difference."

She nods, "I know but like I'm mature. So what I'm saying is that I think Tzuyu would suit someone who is older than her."

I laugh, "Are we still talking about my cousin Tzuyu? I don't recall her being wise and mature."

Dahyun shrugs, "When was the last time you had a one on one talk with her?"

I tilt my head trying to remember. Then it hits me. She is pretty wise, she gave me that talk the morning after the party.

"Yeah I guess. but like how old?" I say grimacing at the thought of my younger cousin hooking up with an old lady.

She laughs, "Not like an old 50 yr old chick, like someone our age"

I nod, "I guess that would be cool."

"So I'm really excited for our dat-"

"Hey guys!" Someone interrupts.

We both look up and see a familiar blonde sitting down

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Chapter 22: it's the end already? I need more... this story is so amazing and addicted Awww sad it's reach the end. thanks authorr your story is greatt much love from me to you❤️
Chapter 21: I'm so soft like really I miss my girlfriend is so cuteee❤️
Chapter 21: awwww sanaa you're really crazyy like seriously more crazy than dahyun ?
Chapter 20: you're mean author you mess with my head I thought it was..... ouh author I love you (。•́︿•̀。)
Chapter 18: Thanks eunwoo I'm glad dubu is fine?
Chapter 16: this is freaking sad ??
Chapter 16: JIHYOOO HEREE!! WHERE'S 2YEON? (」゜ロ゜)」
Chapter 15: Just so damn happy and then momo ruined it(T_T) I don't blame her don't worry
Chapter 14: just a minutes we got motzu and now michaeng Wowww you're great author?❤️