Chapter 10

You're Crazy
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I'm awoken by the sound of Lexie yelling at her kids, "Oh my god! Stop biting each other!" The images of my nieces and nephews biting each other place a lazy smile on my lips.

I chuckle and stretch my extremities, my arms slide over the cold material on the other side of the bed.

Cold material? Other side of the bed?

My eyes shoot open, the blur dissipates as I search the room for the small brunette, "Dahyun?" I call alarmed.

I observe my surroundings and notice that she is no where to be seen. Her things are all still here but she isn't. I launch myself out of my bed and towards the door but as my hand clasps around the handle. I just manage to see the small post it note on the door. It's written in her unique, adorable handwriting.


I'm fine. I just went for a walk,

Needed to do some thinking.


It calms me down a little bit to know that she hasn't completely run away but I'm still worried. I quickly grab my phone and shoot of a text to her asking where she is, assuming she wont reply I run down the stairs noisily, "Hey guys, have you seen Dahyun?" I ask as I bound into the kitchen.

My family's glances turn to me, confused, "No, not this morning. Why?" my Uncle answers and asks.

I sigh as I run my hand through my messy bed hair, "She's not in our room" I reveal dejectedly.

Their postures stiffen and their eyes alarmed, "Wait, what?"

I hold up the note casually, "Her things are still here but I'm still worried, she has a track record of running when things get serious."

"Serious?" they ask concerned.

I shrug nonchalantly, "We had a talk about something-"

"Wait! Did you propose?!" Brad interrupts loudly.

I make a look of confusion and disbelief, "What the hell, Brad? Of course not" I roll my eyes before sighing exasperatedly, "It's nothing like that, we just confessed a few things… but its enough to make her push me away."

They shake their heads, "Just be patient, I'm sure things will turn out fine" Matt reassures with a warm smile.

There's a small scoff, "If the beating she gave your dad last night is any consolation then I'm sure we can safely assume she loves you enough to come back" Tzuyu adds with a confident nod.

The rest of the family nod in agreement which triggers a question, "So, uh you guys aren't mad at her… for y'know… punching dad in the face?" I ask nervously, my eyes glancing down at the note I'm fiddling with.

They either shake their heads or make a look of confusion, "David used to be a sweet man but after… your mother" my Nan says softly "he's never been the same."

My Aunty Josie continues, "He's is a completely different man to the one that your mother married. He's lost himself so he on some level, deserved what he got."

I nod in agreement, as I think back to when I first realised this. I had finally started accepting the loss of my mother and brother, I had just re-earned my place at the top of my year in most of my subjects and so I was receiving an award. When I got my first one a few years back, my family took me out to dinner and showered me in praises for my efforts… this time? He patted me on the back and gave me $20.

That when I first realised that he had really changed.

"Yeah… I should've seen it coming" I muttered as the memory quickly passes.

They shrug solemnly, "He'll realise what he's missing out on sweetie, just be sure to keep Dahyun close"

I nod slightly, "well that is, if I can find her" I utter looking down at my sock clad feet.

My uncle Paul moves forward and puts his arm around me, "Go and find her Sana, sometimes, when people say they want to be alone, they really don't. They're just afraid" he squeezes my shoulder gently.

I nod as I process his words, "that sounds exactly like Dahyun."

"Well go and find her before she convinces herself of something that's not true."

They all nod in agreement and murmur words of encouragement, "Do you want us to help you look for her?"

I shake my head casually, "no, no it's ok. I'm just going to be patient and wait until she's ready."

They all nod in understanding, "Alright, well if you need anything, just let us know" my Aunt Josie reminds with a reassuring smile.

I smile sadly, "Thanks guys, I'm gonna go try and call her now" I tell as I slowly back out of the kitchen.

They smile encouragingly as I exit the room.

I slowly drag myself back upstairs, I change my clothes and fix my hair. I sit in front of the wall of windows and stare down at the note.

Rerunning the events of last night but as I start replaying the memories of us in bed, there's a small knock at the door.

"Sana?" I hear someone call quietly from the door.

I look up to see Tzuyu standing there, leaning against the door frame, "Hey" I reply softly before returning my eyes to the view beyond the window.

"Can I come in?" she asks softly.

I nod.

"She'll be fine" she reassures as a she sits down on the floor next to me almost silently.

"I don't know what to do" I ponder as I stare blankly out the window.

She shrugs, "Be good to her, be really, really good to her" she states as though it's the most obvious thing.

I don't reply because I don't know how. So I look at her with slight confusion.

"I know I should be giving her this talk but honestly, she's really in love with you and she has done a lot for you so I think you should make sure she knows this."

I look at her confused, "What do you mean?"

"We spoke about a lot of things last night… She gave me advice on certain things."

"Gay things?" I ask quietly.

She nods, "Yeah." she sighs, "She was really cool and she told me about her experiences, homophobic experiences" she elaborates.

My interest peeks slightly, "Wait what?"

She nods sadly, "She copped a lot of when she first came out."

I sigh loudly now knowing what she meant by anymore homophobic abuse.

"So that's what I mean, she willingly stood up to your dad knowing that he would say that crap, even though she was scared out of her mind she still did it… for you."

I drop my face into my hands, "I shouldn't have let her do that" I deprecate as I remember the harsh words of my father.

Tzuyu stands up slowly, "She couldn't stand seeing you like that. So she reacted… what's done is done, just let her know that you love her and it'll be fine" She walks to the door, "She does love you Sana and I can tell you doubt it sometimes but she really does."

I swerve around in my seat, "Why does everyone keep saying that?" I question, brow furrowed.

She turns around, "She tells us" she replies as though it's simple.

I give her a puzzled look, "Wha…"

"She doesn't literally tell us, she shows us." She interrupts, "She shows us by the way she makes you laugh or the way she opens doors for you, the way she has her hand on your back protectively, the way she stares at you with adoration. She loves you so much and I'm pretty sure she showed that to everyone including you, when she punched your dad in the face."

My eyes drop to the carpet covered floor, "He's not my dad"

She nods, "He doesn't deserve a daughter like you but there is most definitely someone who does deserve you." She offers a reassuring smile before strolling off slowly.

I drag myself off the floor and across the room to the unmade bed. I fall onto the comfortable piece of furniture. I close my eyes as the smell of Dahyun's conditioner and my deodorant intermingle to create something entirely new. My mind begins to wander.

You know that sort of dream state where you're half awake and half asleep, where you can control what you imagine but then again you can let it do its own thing? Well I'm in that state, memories of Dahyun and I flood my mind. The day we first met, the day I barged into her shower, the lingering touches during music's rehearsal, the roadtrip, the day we went to visit my mum and brother, the kiss. The kiss that makes me crave another.

One of the memories gives me an idea.

"Guys I think I know where she is," I announce quickly, "Nan, can I borrow your car?"

My nan nods quickly and excessively, "Yes dear, whatever you need."

I smile and give her a kiss on the cheek before sprinting through the house and towards the front door.

Just as I'm about to close the door behind me, I hear Brad yell, "Bring us back our Tofu!"

I smile and close the door.

"Fancy seeing you here" I greet good naturedly as I sit next to her on the uneven grass.

She looks up at me, half surprised and half something indiscernible, "Hey" She says barely audibly.

I look out over the familiar view of Chicago. I then rotate my whole body to face her, "Hey" she doesn't look at me, "Dahyun" I call softly, but once again she doesn't respond, "Hey, at least look at me" I ask quietly.

She doesn't.

I lift my hand to her chin and gently tilt her face upwards, resulting her eyes meeting mine for a millisecond, "Dahy-"

"Don't Sana, it was my own fault" She interrupts turning away from me quickly.

I grab her face with a little more force. I examine her cheek, not allowing her too pull away, "Dahyun, the bruise is worse. He did this to you" I all but utter through my gritting teeth.

She pulls away stubbornly, "He poked me, that doesn't sound too aggressive, Sana."

"I swear to ing god, he did this to you and I'm not letting it go" I promise, running my thumb over the bluish, purple mark on her cheek where he pushed her.

"I just have easily bruised skin" She tries to defend.

I shake my head excessively, "Don't. Don't make excuses for him. I've done that my whole life and it got me nowhere."

She sighs, "I punched your dad in the face Sana at a kid's birthday party. How am I going to face your family now?"

I smile sadly at Dahyun's fear of losing my family's affections, "Dahyun, they love you and they understand why you did what you did."

She deadpans, "Really?"

I nod reassuringly, "Absolutely"

She gives me a sad smile before looking back out onto the view of Chicago.

We sit there in silence for a couple of minutes and in those couple of minutes, I decide to ignore what my brain tells me and do what my heart tell me to do.

I sit directly in front of her. she looks up at me and gives me a look of questioning. I take her hands in mine and place them in my lap.

"Dahyun," I say looking deep into her eyes sincerely, "What's going to happen to us when we get back to JYP?" I almost whisper as I take in her beautiful features.

She thinks for a second and shrugs, "I don't know Sana, this was your plan…"

"No, I mean what will happen to us? Not my family, not my dad but us."

She bites her lip, "I don't kno-"

"Do you want to go back to JYP University and pretend this didn't happen? Pretend last night didn't happen?"

She shakes her head, "Of course not." She pauses, "But what do you want?"

I take a deep breathe and sigh, "I want this" I say shifting our hands suggestively.

She looks down at

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Chapter 22: it's the end already? I need more... this story is so amazing and addicted Awww sad it's reach the end. thanks authorr your story is greatt much love from me to you❤️
Chapter 21: I'm so soft like really I miss my girlfriend is so cuteee❤️
Chapter 21: awwww sanaa you're really crazyy like seriously more crazy than dahyun ?
Chapter 20: you're mean author you mess with my head I thought it was..... ouh author I love you (。•́︿•̀。)
Chapter 18: Thanks eunwoo I'm glad dubu is fine?
Chapter 16: this is freaking sad ??
Chapter 16: JIHYOOO HEREE!! WHERE'S 2YEON? (」゜ロ゜)」
Chapter 15: Just so damn happy and then momo ruined it(T_T) I don't blame her don't worry
Chapter 14: just a minutes we got motzu and now michaeng Wowww you're great author?❤️