Chapter 19

You're Crazy
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4 Years Later

"Hey, hey," Dahyun greets as she walks into our apartment, her hands filled with a large stack of disarrayed paper.

I sit up straighter on our adorable second hand couch as she dramatically drops the pile onto her desk in the corner of the room, "Hey babe," I reply happily, there's always a sense of comfort and warmth that comes with seeing her after a long day at work, or just seeing her in general.

It's been over four years that we've officially been together and I can fairly say that I can't believe how strange it is that Dahyun and I have lived together for over three years and we have all these responsibilities, like we are actual adults now apparently. I am constantly in the state of wonderment though, I really can't believe how lucky I am some days.


I blink before refocusing my gaze onto my girlfriend, "hm?"

She tilts her head as she roams over to me, her concentration pout in place, "I asked you how school went but then you did that thing where your eyes glaze over which means you zoned out because you were thinking about something else."

I smile softly, "School was good, as per usual... although, I did get called a 'meanie' by a 5th grader", I reveal as though it's an exhilarating event.

Dahyun snorts, "Hey, don't go telling us simple peasants about your daring, adrenaline pumped schedules. Some of us are living terrible boring office jobs," It's never hard to tell when she's being sarcastic. She plops down on the couch next to me, sinking into the back of the comfy cushions while her head lolls back with a sigh, eyes closed.

I place my hand on her knee, giving it a teasing squeeze, "Oh shut up. You're probably working with Ed Sheeran and all those papers are his unpublished songs."

Dahyun's head tilts towards me, looking at me through one eye with an amused smirk, "That's half true."

I slap her thigh lightly before leaning over and giving her a quick peck on the lips, "What do you want for dinner?" I ask as I remove myself from that lounge and head towards our small, adorable kitchen.

I hear a groan that I have learnt to associate with I-don't-care-as-long-as-you-feed-me. I settle on just grabbing the take out menus. We've both had long days today and it's almost nine at night so neither of us would be up to cooking.

I fall backwards onto the lounge over the arm rest and onto my back, using Dahyun's lap as a pillow. I hold the menus above my face, reading with squinted eyes as the tv Is providing poor lighting.

"Pizza," I hear her mutter as I feel fingers begin to weave through my naturally drying hair.

I roll my eyes, "We had Pizza on Friday."


I stare up at my girlfriend who's head is still tilted back and eyes are closed, "Seriously?"

"Pizza" she repeats like a child.


"Pizzzzaaaaa," she drawls it out like a lazy sick teenager calling for their parent.

I shake my head in disbelief as I take the phone out of her pocket, "You're crazy, I mean with the way you eat... you should be huge," I hear her chuckle as I place the phone near my ear and wait to order our regular order.

An hour later and there's a buzz from our telecom. As always, I go to answer the door because Dahyun hates dealing with awkward situations such as these but strangely enough she halts me with a gentle hand on my shoulder, "I'll get it," she smiles nonchalantly.

I look at her a little bemused before shrugging and heading off to the kitchen to get our drinks, turning on the lounge room lights as I go. When I've finished pouring ourselves our favourite wine that Dahyun bought on a whim yesterday I stroll in the lounge room where something feels a little odd.

Dahyun is on the couch with the pizza boxes closed and untouched on our coffee table in front of her. The tv is showing nothing but a pure white screen. A play button in the centre. I stop in my tracks, "what are yo-"

She laughs nervously before patting the spot next to her, "Just sit"

My brow furrows in confusion but I play along, looking at her suspiciously, "Dahyun..." I drawl out questioningly.

I place the wine on the table next to our pizza's before looking back and forth between our reasonably expensive television and my extremely beautiful, yet suss girlfriend. Before I have time to verbalise my thoughts, she smiles freely and says, "All questions that you have will be answered like right now I swear so..." she signs a zip over her lips with a raised eyebrow.

I'm still confused and completely oblivious to what's happening but I nod once before turning my gaze to the television.

She presses play on the remote to the X-box one (A gift from Brad for her birthday). Letters begin to type into view one by one in an old typewriting fashion. The font exactly how I picture a typewriter font to be and the sound matching it perfectly. The first three letters appear and I know exactly what it's spelling... my name.

'Minatozaki Sana'

The next words still appear one by one but noticeably quicker. Soft music begins to play in the back ground, probably one of Dahyun's favourite unknown artists. The words begin to form and I read them as they come.

'Dear Sana,

You're crazy.

I love you.

Forever yours,


I let out a small laugh at the words because it is just all so Dahyun. I have no idea what this is about but by the way her leg is bouncing up and down and the continuous side eye is telling me that it's not just a funny cat video.

A picture fades into view. It's of me asleep with her snuggled into my neck with a lazy smile on her lips. The music is softly playing, it's acoustic, and a few pictures of Dahyun and I fade in and out. My favourite being the one where my smaller, better half is giving me a piggy back ride and we're smiling at each other contently.

Then the music slowly fades into a quiet background noise and then my beautiful girlfriend is on the screen, a video. Dahyun is looking into the camera with a nervous, almost embarrassed expression. She's wearing her nicest shirt and jacket. Her make up is precisely done up which is why it clicks that this was made only two weeks ago when she went out to dinner with her bosses, "Hey Sana," she gives a small awkward wave, "So..." she rolls her eyes and laughs at herself, "...this is stupid and really cheesy so this is just a disclaimer... maybe even a warning because this is the soppiest thing i've ever done..." she shrugs with a giant grin, "but I love you so i'll gladly ruin all my badass street cred for you."

The screen fades out to black. The music turning more upbeat as a video from what seems to have been from a long time ago appears. She's kindly edited the date onto the screen. This was almost a year ago, "The first of many video entries to my crazy hot girlfriend, so..." Seemingly young Dahyun is sitting at a desk. The tone of sunlight pouring in through the window behind her suggests its late afternoon. Dahyun winks at the camera, "Hey there hot stuff," I let out a small giggle at the adorable humour of my girlfriend.

I look over to my present Dahyun and beam shamelessly. This is the best thing anyone has ever done for me and it's just started. I find her hand and intertwine it with mine before placing it in my lap affectionately as I continue to watch the video.

The Dahyun on screen is making jokes and telling stories of what we did in the last week, ending it with an, "I love you Sana," and a soft smile

A video transitions in of Dahyun running around our small lounge room hauling boxes around from the third time we moved, placing them carefully around the space. I remember this night vividly. I had just come home with Thai food a

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Chapter 22: it's the end already? I need more... this story is so amazing and addicted Awww sad it's reach the end. thanks authorr your story is greatt much love from me to you❤️
Chapter 21: I'm so soft like really I miss my girlfriend is so cuteee❤️
Chapter 21: awwww sanaa you're really crazyy like seriously more crazy than dahyun ?
Chapter 20: you're mean author you mess with my head I thought it was..... ouh author I love you (。•́︿•̀。)
Chapter 18: Thanks eunwoo I'm glad dubu is fine?
Chapter 16: this is freaking sad ??
Chapter 16: JIHYOOO HEREE!! WHERE'S 2YEON? (」゜ロ゜)」
Chapter 15: Just so damn happy and then momo ruined it(T_T) I don't blame her don't worry
Chapter 14: just a minutes we got motzu and now michaeng Wowww you're great author?❤️