Chapter 14

You're Crazy
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"What do you mean its already been paid for?" I ask mocking his gruff voice.

He looks at me confused, "I mean, that Dahyun girl already paid for it."

I sigh and pinch my brow, "That can't be right"

He shakes his head, "No, it's right. She paid in advanced."

"Well, how much did it cost?" I ask in irritation.

He holds his finger up while he walks over to the file cabinet; he opens it up and skims through the folders until he finds the one he was looking for, "Ah here we are..." he looks at the name, "Minatozaki Sana, right?"

I nod, "Yep"

He opens it, "So with the new part which came from the original car dealer and the other parts-"

"Wait, what other parts?" I interrupt "There was only one part that needed replacing."

"Uhhh your girlfriend, was it?"

I nod.

"Uh yeah well she came down about 2 days ago to check the progress. We didn't have the part yet so I just showed her where the part would go and stuff… she seemed to know quite a lot. She asked me if I had any recommendations about any of the other parts.. and my professional opinion was that there were a few other parts that could do with a clean or replacement but nothing that would be a severe problem anytime soon… but she insisted I replace them all."

"So how'd you get those parts in on time?" I ask sceptically.

"Well most of them we had in stock already" he replies unfazed by my challenging gaze.

I tilt my head in thought, "So it cost a little more?"

"Well yeah, about $375 for all of it" he answers closing the file.

My jaw drops, "What?!"

He looks at me a little bit startled by my change in tone, "Uhhhh, yeah … it was actually discounted as well."

I run my hand through my hair, "It was?"

"Yeah, she seemed like a nice girl just trying to do something sweet for her girlfriend, thought I'd help her out, y'know" he says putting the file back in the cabinet and shutting it.

"Oh… uh thanks I guess" I say scratching the back of my neck.

He smiles endearingly, cNo problem" he hold out a set of keys, "here ya go"

I take them, "thanks again… Brian"

He smiles with a nod and heads into the backroom.

I unlock the car and sit in the drivers seat, I put the keys in the ignition. I turn the key and I hear the flawless roar of the engine.

I click in my seatbelt and head out of the garage, my head shaking in disbelief, sighing deeply.

"Thanks for letting me stay a couple more days Nan" I say quietly as I hug the shorter woman.

"No need to thank me Sana, you're always welcome" she replies rubbing my back affectionately.

I pull back, "I hope I wasn't too much of a hassle, y'know with dad and everything"

She tuts and shakes her head, "No no, David was the hassle not you."

I give her a lopsided, appreciative grin, "I love you y'know Nan" I declare as open the door and stroll out of the front entrance.

She smiles lovingly, "I know and I love you too, Sweetie" she returns, halting at the threshold.

I look down at my car where my Uncle Ethan and Tzuyu are putting my luggage in the boot.

"Back to school, I guess" I ponder out loud..

"Only a little longer and then you can focus on bringing me some more grandkids" she jokes… sort of.

"Yeah, maybe" I utter, as I think of that part of my future, my face clearly showing my emotions.

"Be patient with her, Sana" my Nan advises putting her hand on my shoulder.

I shrug, "Patience isn't really my forte."

She pats my shoulder affectionately, "No, its not. Being happy, resilient and bubbly is your forte and those are the exact reasons Dahyun fell in love with you."

I shake my head smiling, "You always know what to say, Nan."

She smiles, "It comes with age but you better get going dear, you're already behind schedule."

I laugh at her under-exaggeration, "Yeah, like 3 days behind."

She chuckles with me, "Call me when you arrive home Chicka-boo" she tells as I make my way down the porch stairs.

I reply over my shoulder, "Ok, bye Nan!"

As I reach my car, Tzuyu closes the boots door. My uncle has his arms open. I walk into his embrace, "It was nice seeing you again, Uncle Ethan" I murmur into his shoulder.

He kisses me on the head, "You too squirt, now go get that teaching degree!"

I laugh at his enthusiasm, "I'll definitely try" I say pulling out of the hug.

"and try and get your girl back at the same time yeah? she was good for you, Sana" he adds, putting his hand on my shoulder reassuringly.

I nod, "I'll keep you posted" I reply, smiling sadly.

He pats me on the shoulder once more before heading up to the house, "Drive safe!" he yells from the porch.

I turn to face my younger cousin, "Welp, I guess I'll talk to you later, T" I voice as I lean on the car.

She nods slightly, "Yeah I guess"

I pull her in for a hug she hugs back tightly, "Don't give up on getting her back, yeah? She deserves some space but don't let her get away."

I hug her tighter, "I wont"

She releases the hug, "Call me when you hear what's up, yeah?"

I nod with a forced smile, "only if you promise to give Momo another chance? She's not a bad person, y'know."

She nods as she takes a step back up the driveway, "I know, I know. Just like you aren't… so I'll message you later, Sana."

I nod with a small wave, "Laters T" I open my door and plop into the seat.

Tzuyu waits at the top of the driveway until I can't see her in the rear view mirror..

JYP University

I drag my luggage in through my front door, I throw my handbag on the table as I try to drag suitcase down the hall way.

"Nayeon, I'm home" I announce not really bothering with any enthusiasm.

I leave my bags in front of my room as I go in search of my bunny roommate. "Nabongs?"

I walk into the poorly lit living room, everything is just the same as when I left. Warmth, light and sound are leaking from the kitchen.

I hear quiet chattering and the occasional giggle, wait, did Nayeon giggle?

I tip toe around to the entryway, I slowly peek my head around the corner…

"Sana" Nayeon breathes as she gets out of her seat.

My eyes are still fixed on the person sitting at our small dinner table, "Uh yeah, hey Nabongs" I reply, dragging my eyes away from the blonde.

"I didn't think you were going to be home so early?" she half states, half asks as she hugs me.

"Uh yeah, I thought driving would take my mind off things, so I left a couple hours earlier than planned" I explain, returning the hug to my best friend, "I'm not interrupting anything, am I?"

Nayeon looks at the blonde and then me "Oh no, no. Jeongyeon and I were just going over some music stuff."

I nod my head slowly, "Okkk?" I drawl in confusion.

"I should go, you guys should catch up" Jeongyeon declares, standing up.

I shake my head, "No, no its fine, Jeongyeon.. I'm a bit tired anyway."

Both Nayeon and Jeongyeon look at me confused "Are you sure, Sana? Because Jeongyeon and I could just meet up another time."

I wave them off, "it's fine, I'm just going to- uh head to bed." I assure, turning around and walking out the archway "Have fun~" I teases in a sing song sort of manner.

I hear them continue talking as I walk through the living room. I ignore my bags and head straight into my room. I turn the light on and sigh, time to get back to life I guess.

I take my shoes off and throw them in a corner, I take off my jeans and replace them with sweatpants. I turn the lamp on and on my way out of my room I turn the light off.

I walk to the front door and grab my bag off the small side table, I find my phone in its usual spot and make my way back to my room. I can feel the fatigue slowly taking over as I sit on the edge of my bed. I remove the sweater I am wearing and throw it in the general direction of my basket.

I move back so that my back is leaning against the headboard, I pull the covers over my legs and unlock my phone.

I text Tzuyu telling her that I got home ok and that she should tell my nan. I also check my social media sites, I see nothing that really interests me until I see something on Facebook

Cha Eunwoo shared a video with Kim Dahyun

I look at the information of the video and it's some sort of indie band I guess, Eunwoo writes Dude, we totally need to go see them when they tour!

Dahyun comments: Maybe

Eunwoo replies: You can't just hide away with your piano. Dahyun, you need to get some fresh air and some vitamin D

Dahyun responds: Wait, there's life beyond my room?

That response gets more likes then anything. But what really catches my attention is the fact that Dahyun is hiding away in her room.

I mean, yeah she used to do it a lot before but that was a usual amount for her and no one ever commented on it. Dahyun wasn't anti-social and she used to work out on the quad so why is she all of a sudden 'hiding away.'

Maybe I'm just over analysing.

There's a quiet knocking on the door, "Sana?" Nayeon says as she cracks open the door.

"Hm?" I acknowledge.

"You ok?" she asks stepping in the room.

I shrug, "I'm alright."

She strolls over to the other side of my bed where she sits down mirroring my position, "You know, people make mistakes, right?"

I shrug at her cliché statement, "Some mistakes are mistakes" I retort trying to make sense of it myself.

She looks over at me with her are-you-kidding-me eyes, "Sana."

I exit my social media sites and lock my phone before giving my attention to my best friend, "I just need to give her some time and space, y'know"

Her face softens, "I get it."

I place my phone on the bedside table before I lie down resting my head on my hand and facing Nayeon "Soooooooooo Jeongyeon hey?"

Her face goes neutral, "I have no idea to as of what you are referring to, she just came over to help me with some Music stuff."

I make a face which tells her that I'm not buying her , "Since when did you ever need help with 'Music Stuff'?"

She glances at me, "Touche"

I chuckle "But seriously Nayeon, there's nothing wrong with liking Jeongyeon."

She sighs, "I know, I know"

I remember something that may be the issue, "Is it Jinyoung?"

She looks at me confused, "What?"

"Remember when you and Jinyoung nearly had that thinnggg?" I ask cautiously.

She looks straight ahead, "We did not have a thing."

I smile at her complete denial of that situation, "Alright, alright"

She continues, "Even if we did, we couldn't. I can't get past the whole romantic, I-want-my-life-to-be-like-a-movie thing… eurgh"

I shake my head and raise my hand in confusion, "Exactly! So what's the problem? Why can't you like Jeongyeon?"

She gives in, "I do like her!" she blurts unintentionally "but, I don't know if I want to… you know? Like we all know what kind of reputation she has" she explains with a truly conflicted expression.

Jeongyeon is well known as the girl crush who only breaks girls' hearts. She only uses them for physical pleasure since they keep asking for her attention. When she's done with them, 'don't show yourself to me anymore'.

I look her with an unflinching gaze, "What do you want?"

She narrows her eyes, "Not that again"

"It works doesn't it?" I ask waiting for the answer I know I'll get.

She sighs, "Yeah it does, that's why it's so annoying"

"C'mon Nayeon, just answer or at least attempt" I prod as I poke her leg encouragingly.

She looks down at me and exhales, frustrated probably at herself, "I don't know, I do want to try with Jeongyeon but like…. I-I'm sorta…"

"Scared?" I finish for her.

She nods shamefully, "What if I'm no different. What if I'm just one of the notches in her bed post?"

I scratch my head and sigh, "Well then, I guess I'd have to kill her" I joke.

That earns me a small chuckle from her, "Funny. So now I guess you're just going to tell me to go get what I want."

I nod with a smug look on my face, "stole the words right out of my mouth."

She sighs, "I'll think about it."

I lay on my back, "Don't think, that will cause you to overanalyse… and we all know how that ends."

She nods confidently, "I'll text her later."

I smile as I close my eyes, "Good"

I feel her move into my previous position; I can sense her looking at me pointedly. I take a deep breath before turning my head to look at her.


"You're good at giving advice Sana, maybe you should take some of your own" she suggests shrugging.

I direct my eyes towards the ceiling, " things happen to people" I sigh under my breath.

There's a moment of silence, and suddenly she hits me in the arm shockingly hard, "Snap out of it, Sana!" she shouts.

I hold my arm in pain, "What the !? That ing hurt" I cry out. I never knew she could hit that hard.

"Yeah?!" she asks.

I nod furiously, "Yeah, it did!" I answer truthfully.

She hits me again, harder.

"OW!?" I yelp as she looks at me with determination, "What the Nayeon?!"

"That hurts right? But how does it feel now?" she asks slightly calmer.

I look at her like she's insane, "What does that have to do with anything—"

"Just tell me." she interrupts.

I sigh and try to focus on what she is asking. I take my hand off my arm and feel that it's sort of throbbing or pulsating, "It's throbbing"

She nods "Good. Now tell me, when Dahyun caught you with Momo, what did you feel?" she asks.

I don't have to think about what she's asking, "I felt my heart hammering into my chest."

"Exactly." She says "Its you're body's way of reminding you that you are still alive….Then what did you feel when you realised she was gone?" she questions.

I think about it, after my panic attack, "numb, I made myself numb by drinking."

She nods, "You drank to make it numb?"

I nod in c

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Chapter 22: it's the end already? I need more... this story is so amazing and addicted Awww sad it's reach the end. thanks authorr your story is greatt much love from me to you❤️
Chapter 21: I'm so soft like really I miss my girlfriend is so cuteee❤️
Chapter 21: awwww sanaa you're really crazyy like seriously more crazy than dahyun ?
Chapter 20: you're mean author you mess with my head I thought it was..... ouh author I love you (。•́︿•̀。)
Chapter 18: Thanks eunwoo I'm glad dubu is fine?
Chapter 16: this is freaking sad ??
Chapter 16: JIHYOOO HEREE!! WHERE'S 2YEON? (」゜ロ゜)」
Chapter 15: Just so damn happy and then momo ruined it(T_T) I don't blame her don't worry
Chapter 14: just a minutes we got motzu and now michaeng Wowww you're great author?❤️