Chapter 7

You're Crazy
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"Morning" I hear someone say as I slowly open my eyes.

"Morning" I reply croakily before looking down at my chest and seeing a tired looking Dahyun looking up at me with one tired eye close.

"Party today, I hope you're ok with meeting even more of my family." I say rubbing my eyes.

She smiles, "If they're anything like the ones I've already met… then I am definitely ok with it."

I notice that she hasn't jumped away upon realising that she is curled up into my side, "Finally realised that if you can't stop the cuddling, you might as well embrace it?"

She shrugs tiredly, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em."

I nod with a stupid grin, "I'm not complaining."

We sit there in a comfortable silence just enjoying each other's company.

"Can I ask you a question?" She asks while drawing circles on my stomach.

I smile cheekily, "You just asked one."

"Ha. Ha. I see that my smart personality has rubbed off on you." she says into my collarbone.

I giggle, "Fine, continue, ask me ANOTHER question."

She takes her time, "Why is your last name Minatozaki?"

I shrug, "I think that it's because my dad doesn't really have any family except for an alcoholic brother, so I guess that's why they gave me my mums so that I could pass on the good stuff "

"Definitely the good stuff"

I smile, "Why do you ask?"

She props herself up on her elbow and smirks at me, "I was just thinking about our children's names." she jokes.

I roll my eyes, "Minatozaki must be passed down, its non-negotiable."

She scoffs, "What about the honourable Kim name?"

I look away, "I don't know, that's just bad luck, I guess."

She tilts her head, "Hyphenated?"

I squint at her playfully, "What do you propose?"

She pretends to be thinking hard, "How about Kim - Minatozaki?"

I make a look of distaste, shaking my head in disapproval.

She sighs, "Fine, Minatozaki-Kim?"

I roll my eyes, "I guess that'll have to do."

We both begin to laugh at the nature of our conversation.

"We're crazy" she says as she gets out of bed.

I smile, "We really are" I say as I slide out from my side.

I walk over to my luggage and pull out my clothes for the day and my toiletry bag. Dahyun follows.

I walk out the door and wait for Dahyun to catch up, "You know where the bathroom is."

She nods and makes her way over to the upstairs bathroom, I slowly walk down the stairs "Hey!"

As I reach the bottom of the stairs I see Matt walk out of his room, "Hey Matt."

"Where's Dahyun?" he asks as I get closer.

"She's having a shower upstairs" I gesture upwards.

He nods, "and you're having one downstairs? What kind of couple are you?!" He jokes.

I roll my eyes and walk past him to the bathroom door, "The normal, not overly ual kind."

He laughs while shaking his head teasingly as he walks off, "That's no fun."

I roll my eyes as I walk into the bathroom before locking the door behind me and beginning my showering routine.

I shower taking my time, shaving my legs, washing my hair twice, exfoliating. I soon realise that Dahyun's probably long past done so I get out of the shower. I moisturise with my fruity lotion, and blow dry my hair.

I get changed into a white dress which has lace embroiled onto it and it goes down to my mid-thigh.

I begin on my makeup. I apply my normal amount but I add a little more eyeliner and mascara. by the time I'm finished, my hair is a little bit wavy so I pull it all to one side and decide to keep it there.

I pack up my things and walk up the stairs quickly, hoping not to run into anyone. I close the door behind me, I look around the room and see that it's been tidied up. The bed has been made flawlessly, and all the clothes that were lying around our suitcase have been placed on top neatly.

"Dahyun?" I say quietly.

Her head pops up over the bed, "Yeah?"

I walk around the bed and see her sitting in front of the body length mirror. She's applying some amount of eyeliner, "You look nice." She says as she finishes her second eye, looking at me through the mirror.

I blush, "Thanks" i reply with a giant smile.

She stands up, "Do I look ok?"

She's wearing a grey dress with a black belt, under the black belt the dress falls carelessly. She's wearing leather jacket and her wavy hair is falling around her face perfectly.

She wearing socks so I assume she's wearing enclosed shoes, she begins to fidget under my staring, "Uh- I- uh you look great."

She run her hands through her hair nervously, "Thanks" She says looking down at her feet. "I assumed that you wouldn't want me wearing lousy shirt and pants today so"

I shrug, "I like your lousy shirt."

She nods her head, "That's the first time I've ever heard that." She says chuckling self-deprecatingly.

She walks over to her suitcase and pulls out a pair of low cut, black converse. I smile at her choice of shoes; she begins to put them on. I pull out my white lace slip-ons and slide them on, "Hey, did you make the bed?"

"Yeah" She replies nonchalantly.

I nod impressed, "You're really good at it."

She faces me when her shoes are done up, "My grandma taught me the 'traditional' way."

I giggle, "Better than what I could ever do."

She smiles with a shrug, "So... what now?"

"Breakfast." I say like it's a mission of its own.

She nods, "Good, I'm starving" She walks over to the door and holds it open, waiting for me to go first.

"Thanks" I say as we walk out the door.

"What for?" She says completely oblivious to her actions.

I giggle, "Don't worry."

We make our way through the kitchen laughing at how cute we look today or in other words, I'm calling her cute and she's rolling her eyes.

"Morning lovebirds" I hear Brad say from behind the kitchen bench, "you're both looking lovely today."

We both roll our eyes in sync, "Morning" we both say in unison, "and thank you" I add in as a reply to the compliment.

"So what do you sweethearts feel like for breakfast?" I hear my Nan ask from the fridge.

"I'm cool with whatever" Dahyun replies nonchalantly.

"Me too" I agree.

My Nan places two bowls in front of us and says, "Cereals in the pantry."

We both shrug and head over to the pantry, "What cereal do you like?" I whisper as I open the door.

She shrugs, "Anything that doesn't have raisins in them."

I nod and pick out a box of lucky charms. I hold it out to her questioningly. She nods in approval.

I pour us both out a generous amount while she gets the milk. My Nan hands us both spoons and we make our way onto the back porch.

We sit on the stairs and eat our breakfast in silence, "Where are the kids? I haven't seen them in a while"

I shrug, "Well we were out all yesterday and when we got home I'm pretty sure they were already fed and up in their rooms either sleeping or trying to."

And as though they heard us, the kids come running out of the backdoor, "Aunty Sana!"

We both look back as a line of kids come rushing over to us, they all stand around us, "What are you guys doing?"

I smile at the silly question, "We're eating breakfast" i answer holding up my cereal bowl.

They all nod, "We already had breakfast."

I smile at their need to adorably inform us on everything, "I heard."

"Can you guys come play with us?" I hear Chace ask.

Dahyun smiles, "I'll leave that to Sana. I have to go wash our bowls and then I might come and play ok guys?"

They seem disappointed at first but they soon get over it, "Ok!"

She stands up and gestures for my bowl. I hand it to her. She leans down and kisses my on the head which I internally swoon at.

When Dahyun is safely inside I turn to the kids, "So do you guys like Dahyun?"

They all nod enthusiastically, "She's really pretty and white."

I laugh, "She definitely is."

"And she's really nice." Chace adds in.

I smile, "Yep"

"She loves you very much" Jamie states.

I tilt my head, "What makes you say that?"

She shrugs, "I don't know, she always opens doors for you and makes you coffee and does your dishes."

I smile and nod, "She does do that, doesn't she?"

Maybelle adds in, "And she told me."

I shoot a quick look at he,r "Wait what? When did she say that, Belle?"

She tilts her head with thought, "Oh uh, she was bringing something upstairs. I think it was presents for Jordan and Liam."

I nod, "and then…?" I encourage.

She smiles, "I told her that I heard you say I love you to her and she didn't know what I was talking about. So I asked her if she loved you and she told me really quietly that she loves you more than I could believe."

I'm a bit shocked because I don't know whether to believe it or not, "Are you sure she said that?"

Maybelle nods, "Yep, she said I love Sana more than you could imagine Belle" she whispers the quote.

I tilt my head, "Wow"

"Isn't that a good thing?" I hear Hayley ask.

I nod, "It's a very good thing" but it's also a very confusing thing.

"So what do you guys wanna do?"

They all throw suggestions at me but we end up going upstairs and playing with their abundance of toys.

"Hey Sana, I think Dahyun's looking for you" I hear someone say from the door.

I look up from my current occupation, "She is?"

Tzuyu nods, she gestures behind her, "You go find her, I'll play with the rascals"

I nod appreciatively, "Thanks."

She smiles and sits down with the kids. I walk out of their playroom and stride around looking for her.

As i walk downstairs i pass by the living room when i hear, "Oh hey babe!" I hear some call.

I step into the room and see Dahyun sitting next to Brad watching the large screen, "Tzuyu said you were looking for me?"

She drags her eyes away from the screen "Oh yeah I was, sorry about that. I kind of got distracted."

I nod and sit on the arm rest next to her, she snakess her arm around my waist and pulls me onto her lap, "Chicago VS Seattle"

"Ooh, Dahyun's a big Seahawks fan, Brad" I say focusing on the game, trying to ignore the butterflies.

"I know, and I'm a big Bears fan so we might have a problem here" he says lightly punching Dahyun's arm.

She shrugs, "Seahawks are gonna walk away with this without a problem."

He laughs mockingly, "Yeah right, Kim Dahyun."

We sit and watch the first quarter but by that time, the Seahawks have the Bears in their pockets, "Oh yeah Sana, we need to wrap the boys' presents."

I look at her, "That's right. Do you want to come with or are you gonna watch the game?"

She laughs teasingly, "Please, we have this in the bag."

I disapproving grunt comes from Brad to which we ignore as we walk off.

We head upstairs and part ways as I go find some wrapping paper in my Nan's craft room while Dahyun walks into our room.

When I have the appropriate things, I make my way into our bedroom to see Dahyun sprawled out on the floor examining the toys carefully.

"Like what you see?" I tease as I sit on the floor across from her.

"These are so cool," She says turning the box over, "You rarely can find all these guys in one package."

I raise my eyebrow, "Nerd alert?"

"Damn right."

I laugh, we sit and talk about random things as we wrap their gifts.

"So you never told me about why you like sleeping near the door?" I say standing up with the two wrapped gifts.

She stands up and looks i

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Chapter 22: it's the end already? I need more... this story is so amazing and addicted Awww sad it's reach the end. thanks authorr your story is greatt much love from me to you❤️
Chapter 21: I'm so soft like really I miss my girlfriend is so cuteee❤️
Chapter 21: awwww sanaa you're really crazyy like seriously more crazy than dahyun ?
Chapter 20: you're mean author you mess with my head I thought it was..... ouh author I love you (。•́︿•̀。)
Chapter 18: Thanks eunwoo I'm glad dubu is fine?
Chapter 16: this is freaking sad ??
Chapter 16: JIHYOOO HEREE!! WHERE'S 2YEON? (」゜ロ゜)」
Chapter 15: Just so damn happy and then momo ruined it(T_T) I don't blame her don't worry
Chapter 14: just a minutes we got motzu and now michaeng Wowww you're great author?❤️