Chapter 3

You're Crazy
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"You do realise that I'm a very easy person to hate, right?" Dahyun says from the passenger's seat beside me.

I turn off the ignition and pull out the keys, "No, you're not. I like you just fine."

Even in the dark I can tell she's rolling her eyes, "Yeah, well you're you and you like everyone so…"

"The people in my family are just as nice. You'll be fine. And I promise I won't leave you alone with anyone who's too crazy, Ok?" I say with a reassuring slap on her thigh.

"Great," She says sarcastically, "Now all my worries are gone."

I look at my nan's large house, "Ready?"

"Nope, but let's do it anyway," She says opening the car door.

I copy her and make my way to the boot; she pulls out her one small suitcase, lifting it with ease. I lean in to pick up mine but her hand swoops in and takes the handle, "I got it," She says with a smile.

I give her a look of concern, "Are you sure? I don't travel light."

She shrugs, "I'll be fine."

She lifts my bigger and heavier bag up without a sign of trouble. I'm impressed.

She stands there with a suitcase in each hand looking at me expectantly; I give her a questioning look, "Uh, are we going?"

"Oh?! Yeah, yeah sorry," I quickly pull down the boot door and make my way up the stairs onto the porch.

We stand at the front door, "Do we knock or do we just stand here?" Dahyun says from behind me.

I shrug, "I always just walk in."

I turn and face her, "So, are we just gonna walk in?"

"I guess." I turn back around and slowly open the screen door, I knock gently on the wooden door while opening it.

The foyer lights are off as we slowly walk over the threshold I hear Dahyun whisper, "What was the point of knocking and opening the door at the same time?"

We stand in the middle of my nan's large foyer, "Shut up, everyone does it."

She places the bags down, "Well, no one does it on a door which belongs to a house this big, Sana. No one would hear it, would they?"

I groan, "I don't know, maybe? It just seemed like the right thing to—" a small cough interrupts me.

We turn and face the intruder, "Already fighting like a married couple?"

Lexie switches on the light. She's leaning on the door frame. Dahyun and I squint at the sudden change, "Lexie! How long have you been standing there?" I say as I walk over to her.

She smiles, "Too long"

I pull out of the quick hug, "So, who's here already?"

She scrunches up her nose, "Uh, Matt and the kids, mum and dad, Uncle Ethan, Tzuyu should be here soon."

I sigh with relief, "Thank god, I was hoping there wouldn't be too many people."

Lexie nods but I can see she's distracted. I look to where her eyes keep flickering to.

My eyes fall on Dahyun, standing there awkwardly looking down at her shoes, "."

I drag Lexie over to Dahyun, "Lexie this is Dahyun, Dahyun this is Lexie. She's the cousin that said hi"

Recognition hits Dahyun, "Oh uh, yeah. He, it's nice to finally be able to match the voice to the face" She extends her hand out to my blonde cousin.

Lexie gives her a warm smile and shakes her hand "It's nice to final meet Sana's girlfriend. we've heard so much about you."

I hit Lexie on the arm, "Drop it, Lex," I face Dahyun, "She knows the truth."

"Oh" Dahyun says nodding.

"Hey, I was just trying to keep her in character." She says defending herself.

"She's going to do fine without your little tests, Lex. So where is everyone?" I say changing the subject.

She gestures behind her, "They're all out the back around the fire, having a drink and the kids are all in bed."

I raise my eyebrow, "All in bed at one time? Wow!"

"I bribed them with soda at the party." She says nodding her head proudly.

I wink, "Good job. So what room are me and my adorable little munchkin staying in?" I say in a goo goo voice, pinching Dahyun's cheek.

She swats my hand off, "Next time, I'll bite it."

Lexie raises her eyebrows, "Ok, well, you guys are sleeping upstairs in the room closest to the front. So Sana, basically our old room."

My eyes widen, "Wait, what?"

She raises her hand, "Don't worry, nan redecorated it. It's one of the nicest rooms in the house, calm your ."

I breathe out, "Good, coz that would've been embarrassing"

She gestures towards our bags, "So take your stuff up and then maybe come down to see the family."

I nod, "Ok, we'll be down in a few."

She smiles, "Don't get carried away. There are children in the house." She gives Dahyun a wink.

Dahyun picks both of our bags up, "I'll try but I'm not guaranteeing anything."

I quickly flip Lexie the middle finger to hide my slight blushing.

She laughs and walks out of sight. Dahyun is waiting for me to walk.

I make my way up the stairs and turn left, heading in the direction of my old bedroom. We make it to the door and I hold my breath, hoping that Lexie wasn't lying.

I turn the knob; I slip my hand in and feel the wall for the light switch. When I've found it, I slowly peek my head in, I soon breathe out, "Woah"

I open the door completely and walk in, letting my eyes wander the new space. "Wow this is amazing" I hear Dahyun say beside me.

I nod, "It's completely different."

Lexie, Tzuyu and I use to share this room when we're younger. It used to be light pink, purple and all the cliché girl colours that you could think of. Now the walls are light grey, the posters are now replaced with fancy art; the three single beds are now one queen sized bed with a canopy. The set of drawers which used to have accessories all over it now has a plasma screen.

"The only thing that's the same is the view." I walk over to the large set of windows that almost covers the whole wall.

"Privacy: Population not you and me," Dahyun says looking out the window.

"The house is on a hill. No one can see anything, believe me. We tested that theory out." I look out the window and all you can see is the road in front of the house and then it's just a bunch of lights that get brighter in the distance where the city is.

"It sort of looks like the night sky." Dahyun says quietly.

I look at her impressed, "That's a bit cliché."

She narrows her eyes, "Ha. Ha." She flips me the bird.

I walk around the not so familiar room; Dahyun drags the bags into a corner.

I feel her eyes following me, "What are you doing?"

I look at her from across the room, "Are you ok with sharing a bed with me?"

She shrugs, "I don't really have a choice, do I?"

"Oh, so you're not okay with it? I mean I could totally sleep on the floor," I say being completely serious, "I mean, it's no trouble. You're the guest. I can definitely figure it out. The ground isn't too hard. The only import—"

"Shut up," Dahyun walks over to me and covers my mouth with her hand, "Are we just gonna stand here? I'm pretty sure your cousin said to come down. They're probably thinking that we're having right now."

Images flood my head; I chuckle nervously and walk past Dahyun, "Let's go then" Still trying to shake those visuals out of my head.

We make our way down the stairs; I'm nearly at the bottom when I don't feel her presence behind me. I turn around and see her looking at the photos on the wall; I make my way back up the stairs and stand on the step below her, "Like what you see?"

She points to the photo of me when I was 5. I had a front tooth missing and I was beaming into the camera with my hair out of control.

She's holding back a laugh, "I'm going to take a guess and say that that is you."

I look up at her displeased, "I'll have you know, that I was an adorable kid."

She looks at the photo again and this time her self-control lets up. She's laughing to the point of tears. I wrap my arms around her waist and heave her up; I carry her down the stairs and place her down when we reach the floor.

I cup her face in my hands, "Dahyun, the kids are sleeping, Shhhhhhh"

She quickly covers which soon seizes the laughter, ", sorry."

I smile, "it is pretty funny, hey?"

She smirks, "I guess. but you were sort of adorable. What happened?"

I feign offense, "That's not very nice to say to your girlfriend, Dahyun."

She pushes me with her shoulder, "Shut up, Squirrel."

We make our way through the house, stopping ever so often to look at things. We eventually reach the back door.

I can hear Dahyun hyperventilating, "Hey, calm down. You sound like you're about to have an asthma attack."

"I really wish I was. I don't know if I can do this , man. I'm freaking out." She says running her hand through her hair.

I give her shoulder a reassuring squeeze, "You got this, Dahyun."

She nods; I take that as my sign to slide open the door.

The door leads out onto a back porch where Lexie is getting out more beer from the mini fridge, "Oh good, you could finally join us." She says giving Dahyun a wink.

She blushes, "Let's go down." she says gesturing towards the stairs.

We follow Lexie. She make her way down the few stairs. The solar lights that my Nan have going are emitting a soft glow onto her large garden, down further you can see the bright orange flames.

Dahyun comes up behind me and whispers, "Dude, your nan is loaded."

I chuckle, "Yeah, she's definitely financially…. comfortable."

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Chapter 22: it's the end already? I need more... this story is so amazing and addicted Awww sad it's reach the end. thanks authorr your story is greatt much love from me to you❤️
Chapter 21: I'm so soft like really I miss my girlfriend is so cuteee❤️
Chapter 21: awwww sanaa you're really crazyy like seriously more crazy than dahyun ?
Chapter 20: you're mean author you mess with my head I thought it was..... ouh author I love you (。•́︿•̀。)
Chapter 18: Thanks eunwoo I'm glad dubu is fine?
Chapter 16: this is freaking sad ??
Chapter 16: JIHYOOO HEREE!! WHERE'S 2YEON? (」゜ロ゜)」
Chapter 15: Just so damn happy and then momo ruined it(T_T) I don't blame her don't worry
Chapter 14: just a minutes we got motzu and now michaeng Wowww you're great author?❤️