~• { 11 } •~

Obsession (Jungkook × reader)

It had been 1 month since Leanne moved out to Busan.
She had packed the majority of the items in her room, and only left the furniture.
It felt quiet without her; there was now no-one to run to when you had a fluffy moment with Jungkook. Of course, Rosé was there, but you knew she would just tease you.

Despite Leanne leaving, her ex still lived at the dorm. You guessed it was too much to kick him out. 
Yet, he'd become a wreck after Leanne left. He'd come home drunk on weekends, he'd fail some of his classes - he'd changed, for the worst.

You're phone rang, the vibrations making it shake on the your desk.
"Ah, (Y/N), I was wondering, do you, want to go out later for dinner?" Jungkook asked, sounding almost embarrassed.
"Like a date?" You asked blushing.
"Well, I guess you could call it that," he said, chuckling at your shyness even if he couldn't see your face.
"I'll pick you up around 8-ish"
"OK, see you later~"


After you agreed to go out, Jungkook immediately rang Leanne.
"Leanne! She said yes!" He was filled with excitement.
"Wahhh, Oppa's finally making progress!" She said sarcastically, laughing at his reaction.
"I know you're being sarcastic. Anyway, what should I wear?"
"I don't know, a nice suit maybe? I'm clueless with these sort of things..."
"Arraseo~ how's life back at home?"
"It's good! I made new friends here. They call themselves 'Red Velvet' and 'NCT.'"
"Hahaha, 'NCT' sounds like a younger version of us 'BTS'"
"Yeah, just their maknae is wayyyyyy more good looking"
"YAH. I bet he isn't the golden maknae!"

But he did debut in like 3 of their units sooooooo"
"I am offended."
"Love you Oppa~ but, how's, you know, him...?"
"I still don't get why you're so bothered about him after what he did, but if you want to know, he's absolutely broken."
"He comes home drunk on the weekends etc. Sometimes I do honestly think he didn't mean to cheat on you, but then again, it was his choice."
"Oh, is that so... I've got to go now - I'm gonna go hang out with them all"
"OK, take care!"


You had called Rosé to come and help you prepare for tonight, and she gladly did.

You decided to let her pick out your outfit, since you didn't really get stuff like this. 
Rosé had received a text from Leanne saying that Jungkook wanted to match with dark burgundy accessories, so she picked out the perfect white dress for you. 

The dress emphasised your shape perfectly. It exposed your shoulders and collar bone area, and was knee high. The fabric itself was smooth, and the skirt was flowy. The dress was plain yet simple - and you liked it.
Rosé then went on to do your makeup, only doing it simply since she knew Jungkook always admired your natural beauty.  
After that, she started doing your hair. She loosely braided it into two fishtail braidss which met at the back, curling the rest of your hair into loose waves, making it flow everytime you ran your fingers through it.

You slipped on a pair of burgandy heels which you bought when on your shopping spree with Leanne and Rosé, and held your burgandy purse in your hand.

"You look beautiful," Rosé said, teats almost spilling due to your overwhelming beauty, "Now go get him! Ppali ppali!" She said, pushing you out the door before winking.


You had a great time with Jungkook.  It almost felt like the only time you could have just to yourselves; with the company of one another. It felt, nice. 
Yet, you couldn't help fall for his features even more.

You kept looking at him, mezmorised at how someone could look that good whilst eating some tteokbokki. How his cheek would puff due to the rice cakes, his jaw line would protrude when chewing. Even just his resting face made you shook [so formal I can't cope]. His dark eyes, his cute bunny teeth - damn, how much you were staring at him could look creepy to on lookers. 

"(Y/N)? You okay?" He asked, placing his hand onto yours out of worry.
"Oh yeah, I'm fine" You answered blushing.
"Well, I think it's time for me to do this" he said, taking you into confusion.
"Do what?" 
"Well... let's go back to the dorm, I've got something for you"


You arrived at the dorm and entered Leanne's old room as Jungkook had request.

The room had been decorated with loads of flowers and petals scattered, candles lit, a pillow fort made in front of the TV.

Jungkook told you to sit down in the fort whilst he went to go get some drinks. You removed your heels and placed them next to the door, and sat down. You checked your phone say you received loads of texts, specifically spams from Rosé and Leanne. You chuckled at how they kept checking on your date. All you could reply with was "It's incredible."

Jungkook came back with two wine glasses, and a bottle of grape juice, since he knew you weren't too keen on alcohol. You giggled as he tried to look cool pouring it, resulting on his spilling it. 

Once you had the glass, you both laid back onto the fort, Jungkook turning on the TV.
Pictures of little you and Jungkook appeared on the screen), from all the times you went to the park and school together. It showed all your high schools pics together, and finally ended up to the present. All the pictures were taken unknowingly to both of you. Sometimes the members, Rosé and Leanne photo bombed some of the pictures. 

The video finally finished with Jungkook's cover of 'Paper Hearts'.
"(Y/N), I'm not quite sure how to start this off, and it may seem awkward so please bear with me.
We go way back, from when we were little kids, our little trips to the park together. We were so young, and depended on each other so much. My parents always told me about how I'd always talk about how amazing you were when I was little, how I'd never stop listing everything I loved about you.
Love. It's such a short yet meaningful word. Love between parents and child; sister and brother; friend and friend. I know the love we share at the moment is only between best friend and bestfriend, but is it weird that I always imagine us as something more? Is it weird that I always dream about calling you mine and having you in my arms? Is it weird how I've been trying to figure out a confession for the last couple of months?

It may sound crazy and out of the blue, but, I like you. Forget that, I love you. I love everything about you. I love the sound of your laughter, I love how you got jealous when I was with Leanne, I love how you're so awkward when discussing your love life. 

It feels as though that I've been keeping these feelings to myself for too long, and it only makes me wonder: do you ever feel the same? Do you ever wonder if we could ever have a chance of being more than friends? Because sure as heck, i do.

But enough of my rambling, and straight to the point.
(Y/N), will you be my girlfriend?"
































































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Youxie #1
Chapter 19: awwww, i really liked this ff ;( well, bad things happen.

could you make a JB (GOT7) ff or something like that? or maybe a ff where all BTS members fall in love with the reader? lmao i read too much ffs :D
beegorchesss #2
Chapter 18: " were the same age" I laughed
Youxie #3
Chapter 18: yes jungkook you love me not her
Youxie #4
Chapter 17: o m g
Youxie #5
Chapter 16: Great chapter!! Keep up the AMAZING work! ^_^
Youxie #6
Chapter 14: oh no!!! protect me, jungkook,,,
Youxie #8
Chapter 14: OH MY GOD
Youxie #9
Chapter 13: Update soon please! DOES JIMIN LIKE ME OMG
Youxie #10
Chapter 12: OML