~• { 1 } •~

Obsession (Jungkook × reader)


Why do my mornings always start off with a 'nice' wake up call from Taeyeon Unnie? Aish, I'm lucky Taeyang Oppa isn't here, since I know he likes teasing his only yeodongsaeng.


"Unnie, I told you not to call me that unless 1) you're dying and need my help or 2) John Legend released his new album!" I pouted as I walked into the living room where I found my Unnie smirking. She straight away walked to me.


"Aigooooo~" She started cooing and pinching my cheeks. "What an ugly child~" She said that as my call to realize she's going to start teasing me.

"I know right! I'm so unlucky-" She suddenly stopped and looked at me, dumbfounded.

"Bwo, you finally accepted that you're ugly?!?!" She said with glee.

"Oh, ani, I just realised that I'm unlucky to take that ugly gene from you!~" I casually said back and took the toast she was making and made my way back to my bedroom.

""YAH. THAT WAS MY BREAKFAST, KIM (Y/N) GET BACK HERE- aish there's no point, she's already closed the door. HAVE A NICE DAY HIBERNATING IN YOUR ROOM, LIL SIS. LOVE YOU!"

"LOVE YOU TOO, SIS!" I shouted, but it probably ended up as a muffle at the other side of the door. 


As soon as I closed the door I checked my phone. No messages. I'll just see what Rosé is up to.




You: Good, you're finally answering!

Rosé: I sense sarcasm but I'll let it slide. Anyway, how's my (Y/N) doing?

You: Oh I've been fine. Just had my usual morning convo with Unnie. You?

Rosé: Still trying to deal with the fact that Doni Oppa on Weekly Idol looks like my dad 😂 Anyway, have you heard the news at school for Monday?

You: Ani, what's happening?

Rosé: Apparently, some kid is joining, but I don't really see the point - since it's like, halfway through the year, but anyway, he's said to be really smart and all that

You: and I should be concerned how...? 

Rosé: •-•

You: What? I genuinely do not get why you have to tell me this now when I'm just going to find about it on Monday...

Rosé: ok so BASICALLY I thought it could be a chance for you to "move on" as people call it, since you've always been sulking about how you're so lonely :)))

You: Hmmm, all depends really, my heart is only ready to accept that John Legend hasn't released his new album yet so I'm not sure how it's gonna react when you try and get me to "go out there"

Rosé: aish, all you know of is John Legend

You: Fact stated - CUZ ALL OF ME, LOVE ALL OF YOU~

Rosé: You've really got to get out of that habit



You: To be honest, I don't even know how you cope with me - but then again, you have GDragon and Kdramas soooooooo

Rosé:   ㅋㅋㅋ I guess we're even. Imma have to go now, since the next episode of Goblin is on now. See ya on Monday <3

You: Byeeeeeee


《Time skip to Monday morning brought to you by lazy Authornim~》


I was walking to the school building with Rosé until we saw loads of girls crowding around a certain area.

"Aish these crazy fangirls!"

"I have to deal with these situations so frequently" Rosé lets out a sarcastic and exaggerated sigh.


"That is exactly what you look like when news pops up about John Legend" We both burst out laughing, and I was able to see slightly through the crowd as glanced past. Looks like all these girls are fangirling over BTS, or as they're more formally known, Bangtan Sonyeondan  (방탄소년단) - they have 6 members the last time I heard: Kim SeokJin, the pretty boy who loves cooking, yet he could absolutely roast you with his sass; Min YoonGi or Suga, the one that just doesn't give one single duck about anything - that's what makes girls like him; Jung HoSeok or J-Hope, the only ray of sunshine the group sees; Kim NamJoon, the leader who can intimidate anyway with his intelligence and intellect; Park JiMin, the charming, muscular smol bean; and Kim TaeHyung, the group's weird yet heart-melting sweetheart. Aish how do I even know that much about them? Anyway, we walked to class and sat at our desks.


"I can't believe BTS are letting the new kid join them straight away! It's unbelievable" this one guy started ranting in the corner of the classroom.


"Well, that new kid must be really popular already if he's already joined BTS-"


"SETTLE DOWN CLASS! Good morning, and I'm sure you've heard that there's a new student - more like returning student. Anyway, come in 'new student'!"


Everyone in the class stared at the door nob which was now turning, which followed by the door opening, revealing a tall boy.

He walked to the front, yet kept his head down. Something to me seemed rather familiar about the boy, but I've always been like that since HE left. Aish I need a life. Anyway, he stepped next the teacher and as soon as he looked up, my eyes get wide in shock.


"Hello everyone, choneun Jeon Jungkook imnida. I hope we can get along!~"


Jeon Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook, JEON JUNGKOOK...


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Youxie #1
Chapter 19: awwww, i really liked this ff ;( well, bad things happen.

could you make a JB (GOT7) ff or something like that? or maybe a ff where all BTS members fall in love with the reader? lmao i read too much ffs :D
beegorchesss #2
Chapter 18: " were the same age" I laughed
Youxie #3
Chapter 18: yes jungkook you love me not her
Youxie #4
Chapter 17: o m g
Youxie #5
Chapter 16: Great chapter!! Keep up the AMAZING work! ^_^
Youxie #6
Chapter 14: oh no!!! protect me, jungkook,,,
Youxie #8
Chapter 14: OH MY GOD
Youxie #9
Chapter 13: Update soon please! DOES JIMIN LIKE ME OMG
Youxie #10
Chapter 12: OML