I've got SIX husbands?

My Marriage Life With BEAST

Listen To: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pUfHnWRsRA - CNblue - I'm A Loner


"WHAT?" Seven voices called out in unison.

"THEY'RE WHAT?" you yelled.

The seven of you stared at each other in shock.

Yoseob suddenly broke the silence by attacking  you with a hug.

"YAY NOONA, AREN'T YOU HAPPY? I'M YOUR HUSBAND!" he grinned so widely you could see all of his teeth.

He jumped up and down while still holding you until Kikwang separated the two of you and smacked Yoseob lightly on the head.

"Owie Kikwangie that hurt," Yoseob pouted.

"Here they go again," Hyunseung rolled his eyes.

"Wait where did the producer go?" Junhyung said looking around.

You looked around as well and saw him getting into a car.

You started running up to the car yelling, "Please wait! How can I have six husbands? Is this even legal?" but it sped off before he could hear you.

"Aish," you sank onto the ground and drew circles with your fingers, "What do we do now?"

"Err where do we go now? Is there another envelope?" Doojoon asked tentatively.

The others looked at each other and sighed.

You got a text message from Vic-umma.

"Look on Dongwoon's back." you read out.

Doojoon turned Dongwoon around and taped to his back was...

Another pink envelope.

All of you face-palmed yourselves.

"How did we not notice? Also how did YOU not notice it was on your back?" Hyunseung pointed and Dongwoon who just shrugged.

Hyunseung took it off his back and gave it to you.

You opened it an out fell the mission card and a key.

On the mission card, there was an address which you read out.

All of you looked at each other. 

"Don't tell me," you whispered, "This is our newly-wed house?"


"WAAAAH!" you squealed as you entered the huge pristine house, "IT'S SO PRETTY!"

"Calm down _____-ah" Doojoon chuckled.

You spotted something near the door.

"OMO what are these? Suitcases?" You walked around them.

"Oh yeah manager-hyung told us to pack these last night. We didn't know why until now... hehe" Doojoon grinned sheepishly.

You rolled your eyes, "Gee you couldn't have mentioned this earlier?"

You spotted your own one.

"What? How come I have one? I never packed.." you spotted a note taped to the outside.

"Hi ____-ah!  I think at this point you know that you have six husbands instead of one. Yeah, the PD told us but we had to keep it a secret from you keke ^^ ENJOY YOUR NEWLYWED HOUSE! We packed these for you! -Love Sulli, Krystal, Amber, Luna and Vic-umma." you read out loud and smiled to yourself.

You squealed again and went upstairs with the suitcase.

"I'm going to unpack first! You guys can check out the rooms!" you yelled from upstairs.

*Aish this is a little weird but... I'm really lucky for having six husbands* you smiled to yourself as you unpacked.

After a while, you came downstairs to see the guys in different places around the house.

Doojoon and Kikwang were in the kitchen looking at cooking utensils and technology like they were from another planet, Yoseob was flipping through the channels on the television, Hyunseung was on the couch looking bored, Junhyung was checking to see if they had coke in the fridge and Dongwoon... well you didn't really care where he was. 

"Hey ______-ah all we've got in the cupboards is ramyeon, should we have that for dinner?" Kikwang asked.

You thought for a while and replied, "Since it's our first night here, how about we have a party?" 

"Party?" Everyone's heads turned your way when they heard that.

You nodded and elaborated, "I'm not as good as Vic-umma when it comes to cooking but I know a few dishes or two. But we don't have any ingredients that I need..." you trailed off.

Doojoon and Kikwang looked at each other.

"How about we go to the mart to buy ingredients then?" Kikwang suggested.

"OOOOH shopping with noona? I wanna go! I wanna go!" Yoseob raised his hand and jumped up excitedly. 

"We're fine with it," Doojoon spoke for him and Kikwang

You looked at Junhyung who shrugged and said, "Well we don't have any coke in the fridge either."

Hyunseung who looked bored just nodded.

You didn't even bother looking at Dongwoon who opened his mouth.

"Okay let's go then!" you smiled, "To the supermarket!

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Chapter 19: Aww! Kikwang's date was so adorable! He's so sweet! I hope she just ends up with all of them cause they love her and she loves them! =D
I love this! <3 Update soon ~~
mienys #3
LOLOL "don't underestimate teacup~" Aigoo Yoseob~ ^o^
Update soon~
mienys #4
yah!! better you update soon!! can wait for *cough* seobie *cough* date with me~ hihihihi
mienys #5
haha..i just finish my exam.. btw. all the b2st for you!! kekeke
midnightangelxo #6
Wow ! Cant wait for the next update :)
mienys #7
hihihi... please make seobie win kekekekeke... shame me... kiki please please!!