Chapter 1

Cases of love



Gui Gui was walking to the bus stop with a cute backpack and stood next to a couple.

“Hi, are you guys married?” asked Gui Gui, smiling.

“Yeh how do you do knows?” asked the couple, walking back, scared of Gui Gui smile. The husband mumbled to his wife saying

“It might be a detective from your dad’s side”

“Impossible, my dad is not that rich to hire a de…” mumbled the wife.

“What are you guys mumbling about?” interrupted Gui Gui who was standing behind them now.

“Nothing, nothing” said the couple, getting scared.

“Oh yeh, you asked how do I know, I know because you guys are so old” said Gui Gui. “Kidding, if you have cases to solve, you can call me because I am a detective at the police department”.

Gui Gui got onto the bus.

The police department, Mark who was the boss of the department, there were 3 students who was selected to help solve cases. Each student was chosen by smartness, good looking and personality. Let me introduce to you. First one, Tim, good looking, smart and friendly. Secondly, Susan, who is pretty, hardworking and smart. Lastly, who is known as prince is Aaron who is extremely smart, cold blooded and don’t communicate as much and very handsome.
“Hello everybody, this meeting is to welcome a new student, she should be here soon.

As we wait, let me explain what’s she like, she is very cute and pretty, she is silly and like to play around but when it comes to solving cases, she’s all serious” explained Mark.

“I wonder if she is that pretty and smart” said Tim, wondering.

“You will find out soon, Aaron I want you to welcome her” said Mark. “And you too, Susan, don’t be too hardworking”.

“Why does it involve all of the sudden?” asked Susan.

“Because…shush I don’t know” answered Mark, embarrassed.

Suddenly, there was a knock on a door; in came Gui Gui, looking excited. Everyone was looking at Gui Gui now, Mark walked up to Gui Gui.

“Woah, cute~~” said Tim, daydreaming.

“Hello everyone, please take care of me” said Gui Gui. “I forgot to introduce myself, I am Gui Gui”

“Gui Gui is a cute name, hehe” mumbled Tim.

“You always say every girls name is cute” said Aaron. “It is annoying”.
Aaron’s voice struck Gui Gui; Gui Gui can’t stop looking at Aaron.

“Aaron, don’t be mean, Gui Gui have a seat” said Mark.

“Yeh” said Gui Gui, still looking at Aaron, sat next to Aaron.

“So now we can pair you guys up, since Gui Gui is new, I want her to know you guys better, so I am pairing Gui Gui with Aaron” said Mark, smiling.

“Not fair, why Gui Gui isn’t paired with me?” complained Tim.

“Because Aaron is the smartest here” said Mark.

“So are you saying I am dumb now huh?’ asked Tim, unhappy.

“No I don’t mean that” answered Mark.

Mark and Tim were arguing, Aaron got up and walked out of the door. Susan looked at Gui Gui, Gui Gui smiled and go tup to stop the arguing. Mark introduced Gui Gui to her room; it had a bed, TV, cupboard, table and a sofa. It was really plain and simple but Gui Gui liked it, across room was Aaron’s room, and next to her was Susan’s and Tim’s room was next to Aaron’s room.

Next morning, they went upstairs for breakfast, while there were eating, Gui Gui kept asking questions about Aaron like she is very interested in him. Mark couldn’t help laughing because Gui Gui just met Aaron not long and she already have a crush on him. Aaron didn’t answer any personal questions and was annoyed. Aaron only answered 2 questions and then ignores Gui Gui. Aaron finished his breakfast and went out. Gui Gui followed Aaron.

“Looks like they are getting along well” said Mark.
Tim made a look and Susan kept eating.

“Do you hate me for asking so many questions?” asked Gui Gui. “Or do you hate me from the beginning?”

“If you want to know the answer, prove to me that Mark didn’t hire the wrong person, solve the case by yourself to prove” said Aaron.

“Easy, okay, I think Mark forgot to tell you guys that I know kung fu and I am an expert at it” said Gui Gui, confidently.

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sleepin_beauty #1
Chapter 7: Its like pi like MIT ep 12!!so exciting!!! Finally someone understands Me abt GUI GUI and Aaron