
My Mr. Perfect

I came back from crying, and I was soaked. I was cold, too. I sneezed and dried my tears. Yuri unnie came, and so did Jessica unnie. 

"Yoona, what happened?" Jessica unnie cried in disbelief. I sniffed and wiped my nose on my sleeve.

"N-Nothing," I stammered, wiping my tears. 

"It's not nothing, Yoong! If we know you, something happened. Tell us!" Yuri unnie said sternly. I looked at Jessica unnie. She nodded in agreement. I sighed.

"Okay, fine. First, I'm going to take a small bath. Then, I want to eat something warm," I told them. They nodded.

"How about hot cocoa?" Jessica unnie suggested.

"And chocolate chip cookies?" Yuri unnie added. I smiled and gave them a small nod. I went to the bathroom, making sure that warm water was filling the tub. Then, I grabbed my dry clothes and went into the bathroom. I took off my wet clothes, and dipped myself in the warm tub. I sat there, relaxing.

"Yuri unnie and Jessica unnie wouldn't like it if I stay here too long," I sighed. I relaxed a bit more, thinking about Donghae oppa freely. I smiled just the thought about him. Suddenly, Jessica unnie's voice rang in my ear. 'I think he likes someone else. But I want him to love me.' I shook the voice off my head. After I bathed, I wore my dry clothes and went into the kitchen. I saw Jessica unnie adding marshmallows inside the hot cocoas. I saw Yuri unnie adding chocolate chip cookies on a clean, white plate. Yuri unnie saw me and gave me a warm smile.

"Yoona, just wait for a moment. Take a seat," she smiled. I nodded, returning her a small smile. As I took a seat, Jessica unnie placed a cup of hot cocoa in front of me. Yuri unnie placed a plate of cookies in front of me, too. I took a cookie and nibbled on it. Once my two unnies took their seat, they looked at me eat.

"Don't worry. The other unnies aren't here. They went shopping with the maknae," Yuri unnie said. I nodded. Jessica unnie examined me.

"I see that you gave your cookies away. He took it, but whats the matter?" Jessica unnie asked. I froze, thinking about the cookies. That's right! I thought to myself, He accepted the cookies! A smile appeared on my face. Then, I remembered what I said. But I said that these cookies were from Sica-unnie.... I frowned.

"I did, but then he accepted it... differently," I said. Yuri unnie looked confused, as well as Jessica unnie.

"What do you mean differently?" Jessica unnie asked. Yuri unnie then gasped.

"Did he take it and trash it, while you were looking at him? Or did he take it and stomp on it?!" Yuri unnie asked. Jessica unnie rolled her eyes.

"Nobody would do that these days!" Jessica unnie said.

"Ha! How about those dramas? They stomp flowers, you know!" Yuri unnie pointed out. I giggled. Yuri unnie watches too much love dramas.... Jessica unnie sighed, and looked at me.

"ANYWAYS! We're waiting for the answer to my question," Jessica unnie said.

"He took it, but I claimed it that someone else wanted to give it to him," I explained. Jessica unnie sighed.

"What were you thinking?" Jessica unnie asked in disbelief.

"W-Well, another girl likes that boy... so yeah..." I said quietly, thinking of Jessica unnie. Jessica unnie looked at me closely. Then, she sighed.

"Okay.... off to bed Yoong! That includes you, Yuri!" Jessica unnie commanded. I nodded as I rose to my seat. I could hear Yuri unnie fighting with Jessica about her drama coming up soon on T.V. I chuckled and brushed my teeth.

"Silly girls," I laughed, as I tucked myself in. Jessica unnie came with Yuri unnie, who was on Jessica unnie's back. I widened my eyes, laughing out loud.

"Why are you giving Yuri unnie a piggy-back ride?" I asked, continuing to laugh.

"Since she wasn't going to watch her drama, I had to carry her here!" Jessica unnie said, barely audible. I chuckled as I helped Yuri unnie get off of Jessica unnie's back. Yuri unnie clapped, giggling. Jessica unnie gasped, taking deep breaths.

"Yay! One more time! That was fun!" Yuri unnie squealed. Jessica unnie managed to straighten her back.

"Nononono! NO! Be like mature Yoong!" Jessica pointed. I smiled shyly. Yuri unnie sighed.

"Fine~ Good night!" Yuri unnie said, going back to sleep.

"YA! Aren't you going to brush your teeth?" Jessica unnie yelled. It was too late, 'cause Yuri unnie was already asleep. I chuckled as Jessica unnie tucked me to bed.

"Whatever happens, Yoong, tell us," Jessica unnie whispered to me. I smiled and nodded. I'm so lucky to have caring sisters :)

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@--Moonie: I'm glad you liked it. :)
--Moonie #2
this was cute!
@tiarashinyoora: ROFL XD During that time, someone taught me to put an unexpected twist, so that's where time came along. XP
tiarashinyoora #4
Chapter 23: I do not expect the story would be like this, as there is in the passage of time ..
This story is very good...^^
@lucky21: Haha~! Seriously? Wow, I never knew that someone would find my story through the "random story" button. XD Interesting! ^^
Chapter 23: Gosh, I'm glad I clicked that "random story" button that brought me here ><
@Va_asianloverz: Um, I don't quite understand your comment. ^^;;
please share more
@HannaJoo_: Haha~ XD Thank you! ^_^
m0zarts0nata-- #10