What's Happening?

My Mr. Perfect

I went back inside the cafe, drinking my coffee. Donghae oppa approached me, wrapping his arm around me. I blushed, feeling a bit awkward. But I guess I really liked his company.

"So what did you talk about with Taecyeon?" Donghae oppa asked while we sat down.

"Ah..... he told me that he loves me," I said truthfully. In this past, I'm not going to lie about love.

"And what did you do?" Donghae oppa asked, raising one of his eye brows. I could sense that he was already getting jealous. I decided to play with Donghae oppa first.

"I.... accepted him," I joked.

"BWOH?!" Donghae oppa shouted. I covered his mouth. 

"YA! Oppa!" I hissed in his ears.

"The relationship with Taecyeon oppa and me is a secret! So shh!" I whispered. I heard Donghae oppa gulp. 

"So you really love him?" Donghae oppa asked. I nodded shyly. Wow, what a great actress I am! I thought. His face went down, and he continued to drink his coffee silently. Then, I giggled. That just blew my cover. Donghae oppa started to raise an eye brow again.

"What's so funny?" he asked. I covered my mouth, but then I couldn't stop laughing. I laughed crazily, tears pouring through my eyes.

"OH MY GOSH! YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN YOUR FACE!" I laughed, pointing at him. Donghae oppa scrunched his forehead.

"Um, Yoong, you okay?" he asked. I stopped laughing, but I giggled.

"I was kidding with the relationship with me and Taecyeon oppa! Sheesh! You're too gullible," I said, wiping my tears. Donghae oppa looked hurt. He bit his lower lips, blushing as he turned his head.

"I-I-I was acting, too!" Donghae oppa protested.

"Tsk, tsk," I said, shaking my index finger, "Don't lie to me, Lee Donghae. I saw it all." I winked at him, drinking my coffee. He blushed, looking away from me. I nudged at him. He didn't move. I nudged at him once more. He didn't move at all. I sighed. Guess he was ignoring me....

"OPPA!" Jessica unnie's voice shouted. Donghae oppa and I stared at Jessica unnie. Donghae got up, and so did I, wondering what was going on. We rushed towards the voice, and found Heechul oppa and Jessica unnie staring at each other. Heechul flushed, running away. 

"I'll go get Heechul," Donghae oppa said, running towards Heechul oppa's direction. I leaded Jessica unnie to the table where I and Donghae oppa were talking. She shook her hands fiercely, holding tightly to her coffee. I touched her hand, and they stopped shaking.

"What happened unnie?" I asked.

"H-He-He- He kissed me," Jessica unnie stammered. She was looking forward the whole time with wide eyes.

"Who kissed you?" I asked, getting interested.

"Heechul.... H-He kissed me... R-Right o-on the l-lips!" Jessica unnie stammered once more. She whimpered, pulling and messing up her hair.

"He stole my first kiss! My first kiss was suppose to be with Donghae!" Jessica unnie said, her lips now trembling. I was confused.

"Wait, so the picture with you and Donghae kissing isn't real?" I asked. Jessica unnie looked at me with confusing eyes.

"Eh? Donghae and I? Kissing? We never did. But we were sent a fake image of that," Jessica unnie said, roaming around her thoughts. I sighed in relief.

"Unnie.. I need to tell you something..." I said, taking a deep breath. Jessica unnie looked at me with full attention.

"I.... I love...." I stopped. The words weren't coming out. It was just to hard to say something like this right in front of someone's eyes in this situation. 

"You love...?" Jessica asked. 

"I... I... I love pudding!" I said finally. First, I have nooo idea where that pudding came from! Second, DRATS! I MESSED UP! And third, Heechul oppa and Donghae oppa were coming, too. I acted normal, ignoring what happened.

"We'll talk later," Jessica unnie whispered. I nodded while Heechul oppa and Donghae oppa sat down.

"Hey, since we're all here, let's hand out with each other after this. Maybe we can have a sleep over," Donghae oppa suggested. I just shrugged. Jessica unnie's face went pale.

"No, no, no! No sleep overs! We can hang out late at night, but NO sleep overs!" Jessica unnie said, frantically waving her hand. Donghae oppa sighed, nodding. Heechul oppa just drank his expresso, glancing at Jessica unnie. 

"So then it's settled. Super Junior's room at 8:00 P.M," Donghae oppa said, writing down the date.

"What are we going to do anyways?" I asked. Donghae oppa smirked.

"Truth or Dare."

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@--Moonie: I'm glad you liked it. :)
--Moonie #2
this was cute!
@tiarashinyoora: ROFL XD During that time, someone taught me to put an unexpected twist, so that's where time came along. XP
tiarashinyoora #4
Chapter 23: I do not expect the story would be like this, as there is in the passage of time ..
This story is very good...^^
@lucky21: Haha~! Seriously? Wow, I never knew that someone would find my story through the "random story" button. XD Interesting! ^^
Chapter 23: Gosh, I'm glad I clicked that "random story" button that brought me here ><
@Va_asianloverz: Um, I don't quite understand your comment. ^^;;
please share more
@HannaJoo_: Haha~ XD Thank you! ^_^
m0zarts0nata-- #10