Girlfriend? Or not?

My Mr. Perfect

"O....O.... Oppa?" I whispered. I was confused. Who told him that I was here? Or was it just a coincident? He smirked at me. That smirk... it was so cute! ^^ 

"What?" he asked innocently. I could tell he knows that I'm mesmerized by his cute looks. Yoona, stop it! I snapped out of the thought of Donghae oppa was cute. I cleared my throat, looking at him seriously in the eyes. He frowned, clearly upset about how I'm looking at him.

"Donghae oppa, sorry for spilling wine on your shirt. I really didn't mean it. I wish to help you, but I need to go right now. Bye!" I said, smiling and waving. I turned around, going to Yuri. Now wasn't that just easy, right Yoona? Once I arrived with the drinks, I found Yuri unnie gone. I looked around, wondering where she went. Then, I checked if this was really or table. It is.... but--

"AHHHHHHH!" a familiar voice screamed. All eyes were facing a girl that looked similar as me. YURI! I thought.

"YURI!" I screamed, running towards her voice. I could here her crying like crazy. When I arrived at a small crowd, she was on the ground on her knees. There was a familiar boy that I recognized. Suddenly, it hit me.

"Minho?" I asked. Minho looked at me, startled. He sighed in satisfaction.

"Thank you!" he said, looking up at the ceiling. He turned to me, carrying Yuri.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Tell you later. Right now, where do you sit?" Minho asked. I guided him the way where my SNSD girls were sitting. Minho dropped Yuri down, and Yuri began to sob more. 

"Here, drink some wine," I said, handing Yuri some wine. She drank it with pleasure. While she was drinking, I faced Minho, asking him what happen.

"Well, I asked her to be my girlfriend and she widened her eyes. Then, she started screaming like crazy! I thought she was going to run away, but instead, she was on the ground on her knees, crying. I tried to sooth her down, but she just kept crying! I couldn't figure anything WHY she was crying!" Minho explained. I sighed. I turned to Yuri, who was still drinking wine.

"Yuri-ah! You watch to much romance drama!" I said, glaring at her. Yuri sniffed, wiping herself with tissues.

"I never thought I'd ever been proposed to be someone's girlfriend," she managed to choke out. I sighed again, sitting next to her.

"Well, I'm happy for you, Yuri-ah!" I said, smiling wildly. 

"Thanks... OH! We got to tell the other girls! One down, 7 to go!" Yuri said, dragging Minho away from the table. I sighed. Guess I was alone now. Just then, I saw someone slip next to me.

"He-llo~" a familiar voice greeted me. I remembered that voice so well. I remembered it, and now I was afraid of it.

"Taecyeon oppa?" I asked. He turned, smiling at me.

"Ah, so you knew!" Taecyeon oppa said, laughing. I faked-laugh along, until someone was next to me. There, was a familiar face that I memorized. 

"Donghae oppa!" I exclaimed, smiling at him. He smiled back, but glared at Taecyeon oppa. Donghae oppa pulled me closer to him, but then Taecyeon oppa did the same. I was being pushed and pulled by two boys next to me. I sighed.

"Oppa! Stop it!" I said, getting up a little. Donghae oppa and Taecyeon oppa glared at each other, and I sat back right down.

"So Yoong, you didn't tell me if you were my girlfriend or not," Taecyeon oppa smile at me. I froze. I didn't have the answer to it yet!

"Don't say yes, Yoong. He's not even worthy to be your boyfriend," Donghae oppa smiled at me, too. I gave him a small smile.

"Why aren't I worthy to be her girlfriend? I asked her first while someone here was being a coward," Taecyeon oppa said, glaring at Donghae oppa.

"Oh yeah? Well, why would innocent Yoona pick someone beastly and disgusting like you?" Donghae oppa asked, continuing to glare at Taecyeon oppa.

"Because I'm handsome and cute. Aren't I, Yoong?" Taecyeon oppa asked, looking at me. He was trying to catch my eye. I could tell.

"Don't call her Yoong! Only her families could call her that!" Donghae oppa snapped.

"Well, she will be part of my family once I marry her," Taecyeon snapped back. The word "marry" made Donghae oppa's tongue twist. Come on, Oppa! Say something!  I thought, staring at him intensely. Nothing came out of his mouth. Taecyeon oppa smirked and laughed.

"Like I thought. So, would you be my girlfriend or not?" Taecyeon oppa asked. Donghae oppa clenched his fist. Then, he got up, went over me, and punched Taecyeon oppa. I gasped. I saw Taecyeon oppa's nose bleed.

"YOU'RE NOT GOING TO MARRY HER!" Donghae oppa shouted at him. Now, there was a crowd around us. I saw my SNSD girls, Super Junior, and 2PM gathering around. Taecyeon oppa touched his nose bleed, and punched back.

"Why? Why can't I? Are you afraid?" Taecyeon oppa asked, smirking a lot. Donghae oppa got up. He was panting hard. He looked at me, and then at Jessica unnie . I wonder what he was thinking...

"Yeah, I'm afraid. Because I can't imagine seeing the girl I love love someone else," Donghae oppa said, as he was getting up.

"Yoona.. Im Yoona.... I... I love you! Please take me instead of him!" I froze. 1. YEAH! Donghae oppa loves me! ^^~ 2. But.... how about Jessica unnie? and 3. What would I do with Taecyeon oppa? All eyes were on me, wanting for an answer. I bit my lips. How was I suppose to answer any of them when I just found out that my love loves me?

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@--Moonie: I'm glad you liked it. :)
--Moonie #2
this was cute!
@tiarashinyoora: ROFL XD During that time, someone taught me to put an unexpected twist, so that's where time came along. XP
tiarashinyoora #4
Chapter 23: I do not expect the story would be like this, as there is in the passage of time ..
This story is very good...^^
@lucky21: Haha~! Seriously? Wow, I never knew that someone would find my story through the "random story" button. XD Interesting! ^^
Chapter 23: Gosh, I'm glad I clicked that "random story" button that brought me here ><
@Va_asianloverz: Um, I don't quite understand your comment. ^^;;
please share more
@HannaJoo_: Haha~ XD Thank you! ^_^
m0zarts0nata-- #10