Chapter 11

Fighting my own wall of shame

Present and apologies
Chapter 11

An hour has passed and Jennie finally woke up. She opened her eyes slowly and looked around before a dizzy feeling hitted her head.

"Careful" she heard a voice next to her. She looked around confused before she noticed where the voice came from.Taking a strand of hair behind her ear she let out a weak faint.

"Hanbin-shi is that you?"


He smiled awkwardly scratching his hand on the back of his head.

It was quiet a few seconds before Hanbin decided to talk and start a conversation.

"Jendeukie- I mean .. Jennie-shi, how are you?" He asked concerned.

Jennie looked around not answering Hanbin's question, she was still confused and dizzy. Hanbin saw how she didn't even noticed that he was there, she was totally ignoring him. 


"We're in the nurse's room as you can see .. you look so weak Jennie-ah, here drink some water, do you want me to bring you some food? I can go and buy if you want-"


Hanbin was already standing up from the chair he sat on to look for a glass of water, but looked back fast when Jennie called his name. He knew that he shouldn't behave like this. They're not that close anymore, but he was concerned. And he wanted to help her, after everything she went trough.

"Don't worry, i'm okay. Nothing serious happened. I'm just feeling tired .. that's all" she let a few pauses through her sentence.

Hanbin let out a sigh before he walked and sat down on his chair again. It was quiet. For Jennie it was just relaxing how quiet it was, but for Hanbin he couldn't feel more awkward. Taking all the courage in his body, he finally decided to talk to her, to know her more and to befriend her. He wanted everything to be back to normal.

"So how have you been? I haven't talked to you since the day we suddenly met each other in the cafe if you remember .."

The thing is that Hanbin did talk to her. When they met each other in the cafe that day, they chatted and talked about normal stuff. How have you been? School? stuff like that. For Hanbin and Jennie's situation. It's really clear t a good term now. But that doesn't mean that they're as close as how they used to be before.

"Of course I remember. I'm good as always, the normal stuff you know," she answered simply.

Hanbin could see through her. She was definetly lying. He knew her. Even though they haven't talked in a while, but guess what, he knew her. He could read her like an open book, it was too obvious. She looked so pale, and lost so much weight. Why do she keep smiling like that, it made him frustrated.

"What about you Hanbin-shi, are things going good with you and .. Taehyung?"

It was quiet. He didn't know what to answer and didn't expect her to ask this question. Everyone knows that Hanbin and Taehyung is on a bed term, but no one knows how they're doing after that day.

"I miss you" he changed the topic. Jennie wasn't surprised. Her facial expression didn't change at all. After a few seconds she let out a sigh and didn't say anything back.

"I know i'm wrong. I know what you went through. I know it's though. I know I should have been there for you when you needed me the most-"

"Then why did you leave my side?! Why did all of you leave my side I don't understand anything! I-I-I- " She finally bursted out. The pain that she have been holding inside for so long. She began to cry and sob, and it didn't stop. Jennie is a strong girl and she didn't just cry because of one simple thing. She cried because of all the pain she have been holding in for such a long time.

Hanbin came closer to her and embraced her in his arms. He took her head so that she could lean on his chest and patted her back slowly. They didn't say a word. The only sound they could hear was Jennie's cry that began to slow down as time passed by.






Taehung's pov

It's beginning to be late and i'm back to work. Working at the bar is actually not that bad. I get entertained with people that get drunk and do stupid stuff.

I was cleaning some glasses while talking to Jimin. He always came to entertain me, or that's what he says. I know that he is lying obviously. There's two thing for why he is here. One; Girls, Two; getting discounts on drinks since I work here. That's just how he is and I don't really mind it.

The time was passing real quick and more people are going home. Since it's just a normal day there's not many people. Going around picking up trash I felt someone prick on my back.

"Excuse me may you tell me where the toilet is?" A handsome guy that was just as tall as me asked. He looked really familiar, who is he ..

"Yunhyeong hyung is that you?!" I said in an excited way. He looked shocked at first but came in and gave me a brohug and smiled.


"Yah isn't it V? How grown up you are" he said while scanning me form top to toe with a big smile on his face. I've always  been close with the Kim brothers.In the past, I was always at Jennie's house everyday.

I hung out with her brothers most of the time when she wasn't home. They're the same age as me that's why we get along so well. And I call Yunhyeong Hyung because he is a few months older that me, it's just comfortable that way I guess.

"How you doing bro, everything good?"

"Ah, yes. Working at the bar you know. And you?" I asked with a big smile on my face since I haven't seen him in a while.

"Nothing much actually. Have you talked with Jennie lately?" He asked me naturally. I really haven't talked with her since the day we met at the cafe .. we exchanged some greetings and smiles, does that count?

"Not really. I gretted her at a cafe radomly with some other guys not so long ago" I answered lowering my head a little bit afraid of what he was going to answer to that.

"Oh, really? that sounds nice" He answered me with a little smile on his corner.

"Wait, did you tell me she hung around some guys too? You remember how they or he looked like or ..?"

He was beginning to be curious. And overprotective oppa indeed. I understand why Jennie love her brothers so much, and I still regret the mistake I did a long time ago. But it was in the past, and I will sort it out somehow now in the present. Back to Yunhyeong.

"Uhm well it was a guy. He looked kind of like a gangster, no offense but yeah. He really looked angry the whole time. Zico I think? I'm not sure." It looks like Yunhyeong knew who it was cause he took a finger up as if he had an idea.

"Yeah that must be Zico since Jennie don't have other friends what did i expect" Yunhyeong laughed at himself.

What do he mean by that. He can't possibly be her only friend right?

"This Zico guy looks .. very kind. Well, if it's around Jennie" I said and Yunhyeong just smiled.

"He is indeed a great guy. Many people only see the negative side of him. You know he is a bully right? A very famous one too at the school Jennie attends. That kid have such a bright future, I don't know what he is doing but, oh .. not my bussiness right?"

"Hehe, right" I let out a unsure laugh.

"But I have to go now, it was good to see you man. I totally forgot to visit the toilet," he winked at me and waved a small goodbye.

That was great. Talking with people that you once was close too. Yunhyeong doesn't looks like he knows what happened between me and Jennie .. I don't want to tell him either, but this is the present. I'm finally back to my normal state and ready to fight her back.

I don't know who Zico is, but if he's a bully and playing around Jennie, it must be very unhealthy right? I'm finally going to step out of my comfort zone.

Hope you liked the Hanbin & Jennie interaction, and also Taehyung and Yunhyeong :)
(Credz to all the owners of the gifs and pictures I use!)



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Last update seems almost a year ago :( i've been looking for a zico fanfic ;(
jiyong8888 #2
Chapter 14: Waaaaaa finally!!
keren_hmlm #3
Chapter 13: Jennie T_T. Tysm for the update Author-nim!! Can't wait for more!! >_< hehe. FIGHTING!!♥
itsrecelmo28 #4
Chapter 12: Ahh finally you update it!!
keren_hmlm #5
Chapter 12: Kyaa Jennie T_T. I wonder who caught her♥. Tysm for the update Author-nim. Congratulations on your competition hihi. FIGHTING for you and your dance group hope you win again hehehe. Can't wait for the next chapter cause it's a cliffhanger XD. FIGHTING! AJA! :D♥♥.
LuRongLu #6
Chapter 11: TaehyunxJennie
keren_hmlm #7
Chapter 11: They all finally met >_<. Tysm for the update Author-nim! Can't wait for the nxt chapter kyaa! FIGHTING!!! ^_^
keren_hmlm #8
Chapter 10: Now Taehyung!!! >_< wanted them to meet already. Tysm for the update Author-nim! Looking forward to the next chapter :D. FIGHTING!