Chapter 10

Fighting my own wall of shame

Author's note at the end of this chapter

I'm alright, don't worry
Chapter 10

It's been a few days since everyone met each other. Since then Jennie haven't met any of them, without Zico of course. He's an exception. Rose and Jennie are still holding contact with each other. They are still friends, but it's not the same as before. Everything is different, but no one really knows right? Because if you smile and nod to a person, telling them "I'm alright" they will mostly believe in it and not worry about anything. Things are beginning to get harder for Jennie, and her symtoms are beginning to look more obvious.  

*Knock, knock*

"Yah Jennie-ah! are you done with your bussiness in the bathroom I can't hold it in anymore!" Yunhyeong were knocking and shouting. Inside the bathroom Jennie was looking towards where the shouting and screamings came from. She panicked and took her finger out of and flushed the toilet. She looked herself in the mirror and cleaned her hands and mouth. "This is normal, it's nothing serious" she said to herself as she opened the door to Yunhyeong and gave him a weak smile. "Come in-"

Yunhyeong were already running towards the toilet, sliding his pants down and a relief feeling were spreading across his whole body. Finally his shoulders were sinking back to normal. "You see Jendeukie, this is what happens when you don't let me use the toilet" he was sitting there while she was standing in the door laughing at him. They have a very strong bond. Growing up by each other's side watching them going to the toilet as they grow up, it's still the same, and nothing awkward at all. Finally Jennie closed the door to let Yunhyeong have the time of his life



At the breakfast table Jinwon and Yunhyeong were chatting from one side to the other while Jennie sat across them. Suddenly Jiwon noticed how weak Jennie looked. "Yah, Jendeukie, you should eat your breakfast to have enough energy at school, you look so weak and tired" he looked concerned. Jennie looked him in the eyes and smiled.

"haha ayyy, don't worry! I'm just not hungry, don't have an appetit this early in the morning, that's all .." she awkwardly scratched her head. Jiwon knew that he couldn't argue with her, because no matter what he said, she would only believe in her opinion and wouldn't even give him a chance to convince her to eat.

"Alright, but remember to eat and drink much water, or else you will feel sick" He said and began to clean the table. Jennie just nodded and smiled.

Something was strange. Yunhyeong noticed how weak Jennie looked. Have she always been this skinny? her face kinds of looks more pale. The bathroom really smelled to when he was there not long ago. Yunhyeong didn't say anything but was concerned. "Here, remember to wear your scarf" He threw it in her face just to annoy his sister.

"Woaw, thanks." She said sarcastic. When she was making herself ready to go to school, Zico was already standing outside. "Good morning sunshine" he said and patted her head. "Morning Zico" she answered back in a tired way. "I'M GOING TO SCHOOL!" she sticked her head inside the house so the brothers would hear her. "You not gonna sit in ther car with us? we can drive!" Jiwon asked. "I'm going with Zico today, don't worry. See you at school!" She slammed the door and locked her arms with Zico's.

"How was you weekend" she asked him while they were going to school with locked arms. It was a normal gesture and Jennie didn't think much about it. Zico on the other hand felt something in his stomach but he just pushed it away. "it was boring as always, I was hanging around with this Hoseok guy, he's kinda cool" Zico smiled.

"Oh really? That's great! Who thought this cold hearted guy would make any friends right?" Jennie said playfully and Zico unlocked their arms letting outh a "tssk.."

"hahahahah, yah- I was just kidding, come back it's cold outside" she dragged his arm so that they could lock it again. Zico smirked and playfully ruffled her hair. "You really rude you know, I can't believe we're friends"

"Oh that's exactly why we're friend Mr. Woo Jiho" Jennie said playfully. "Stop calling me that" He looked annoyed. Just like that they were going to the school together playing childish games with each other. Just like how normal friends would do, right?




Jennie was trying to focus on the lectures the whole time but her vision was distracting her. She squinted them harder so that she could see better but it just became worse. She was standing up slowly so that she could hold her balance, luckily for her no one noticed the state she were in currently since everyone was to focused to do their own bussiness. As she was going slowly to her teacher she almost fell on the ground.

"Jennie-shi are you alright? Are you feeling sick?" The teacher whispered so that no one could hear it but her. Her teacher got no respond so he said that she should visit the nurse. Helping her up so that she could stand on her own feet he asked, "do you need anyone to follow you down, or you can do it yourself?"

"I'm really okay, I can do it myself, thank you" Jennie gave a little bow before she walked out of the classroom.

Everything around her was blurry and her legs suddenly felt like they wanted to give up. "No Jennie, you have to fight yourself" She thought to herself as she was taking a few more steps. Leaning to the wall so that she could support herself, she began so slide down slowly with her back facing the wall, slowly everything felt like it was nothing. The most important thing in your life suddenly was meaningless. Her she was sitting like a rock trying to fight herself. She didn't want to give up.

Taking her hands on the ground to push herself up, she only fell down again. She was trembling and confused. Suddenly someone came to catch her up. Everything happened so fast. She looked to the side with no feelings. Then their eyes met.

 She gave a weak smile and the next thing that happend, she already fell into the strangers hands.


First of all, thank you so much for subscribing and reading this story! A lot of things are going on. I have a lot of homeworks and I'm in a dance group. So we're doing alot of projects and competitions and I don't have a lot of time to write a new chapter .. but! we won the first round in this competition and are going to face new competitors in April yay! haha. Anyways, this is a chapter for people that have been waiting and I will be better to update more :) Much love xoxoxoxo :*<3<3<3<3<3




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Last update seems almost a year ago :( i've been looking for a zico fanfic ;(
jiyong8888 #2
Chapter 14: Waaaaaa finally!!
keren_hmlm #3
Chapter 13: Jennie T_T. Tysm for the update Author-nim!! Can't wait for more!! >_< hehe. FIGHTING!!♥
itsrecelmo28 #4
Chapter 12: Ahh finally you update it!!
keren_hmlm #5
Chapter 12: Kyaa Jennie T_T. I wonder who caught her♥. Tysm for the update Author-nim. Congratulations on your competition hihi. FIGHTING for you and your dance group hope you win again hehehe. Can't wait for the next chapter cause it's a cliffhanger XD. FIGHTING! AJA! :D♥♥.
LuRongLu #6
Chapter 11: TaehyunxJennie
keren_hmlm #7
Chapter 11: They all finally met >_<. Tysm for the update Author-nim! Can't wait for the nxt chapter kyaa! FIGHTING!!! ^_^
keren_hmlm #8
Chapter 10: Now Taehyung!!! >_< wanted them to meet already. Tysm for the update Author-nim! Looking forward to the next chapter :D. FIGHTING!