Chapter 9


When you step out into the backyard, you look up to see two smiling faces. 


"Um....what?" you take a look around the backyard and there are streamers and balloons everywhere. And to make everything worse, there was a cake. Smack-dab in the middle on a small table. You take a deep, long breath. "Guys. I'm touched. But it isn't my birthday today. It's next week."

Their faces fall as they hear your words that sound sympatheic, but somewhat cold. "AISH! I told you Taehyung!" Jimin yells, slightly irritated that he believed Taehyung when he knew that something was off. 

"What?" Taehyung can't believe what he's hearing. "Wait. No. It is your birthday today. Namjoon hyung said-" He stops as he realizes his mistake. He misheard Namjoon. 'Ahhhh frickkk...' he internally groans.


"Hey Taehyung," Namjoon greets him on the phone.

"Hi hyung. Why'd you call?" Taehyung was in the middle of playing a video game with his younger friend, Jungkook. He couldn't bear to lose against Jungkook. Not again.

"So... I was wondering if you could deliver our presents to Y/N since her birthday's coming up." 

"Yeah sure. Isn't her birthday in like two weeks?" Taehyung asks, barely listening.

"Yeah but I won't be able to make it with the Let's just say we thought her birthday was in like three days and accidentally cleared our schedule for that day instead of her actual birthday," Namjoon says. However, Taehyung misheard due to the sound effects of the game. 

"WHAT!!!!! IT'S IN THREE DAYS!?? OH SHOOT I NEED TO TELL JIMIN!" Taehyung says a quick goodbye to Jungkook and hastily leaves his house. He stops to think when your birthday was. "Isn't Y/N's birthday on (your birthday date)? Not in three days? No. I'm going crazy...." 

He then tells Jimin who tells Taehyung that it isn't your birthday in three days, but then of course in the end he thinks he's mistaken your birthday.

*Back to your backyard*

"I-I'm sorry Y/N... I misheard Namjoonie hyung on the phone." Taehyung apologizes. They both look down.

"It's okay. I mean I guess we could celebrate my birthday a week earlier," you say with a strained smile. But inside you were hurt and upset. You don't even know why. It wasn't a huge deal, but for some reason it bothered you. "Hey. I'll be right back..." you walk back into the house and into your room.

Jimin and Taehyung look at each other, but for the first time in a while, it wasn't a rivalry type of look.

You weren't planning to cry, but you felt so disappointed in them. They have been your friend for over ten years. 

"What's wrong with me?" you groan. You flip over onto your back and see a figure hovering over you. You widen your eyes. Then the tears start to spill as you see his face filled with worry. 

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Chapter 18: Both endings are cute! Congratulations for your first completed fiction. ^^
Titanik #2
Chapter 14: Tae dated Jisu, then Jimin dated her and now WONWOO! IS SHE SOME SORT OF WITCH!?!?!?!?!
Chapter 14: LOL! Even author nim can't choose between Tae Tae and Chim Chim! They are cute pies how can we just pick one?? <3 I feel better now that I know she will keep them as good friends.

Fighting! ;)
emilyhurr #4
this fanfic is sooooo cute !!!!!!!!!!!! >_<
Chapter 11: Take your time author-nim!
I don't know if I'm TaeTae Team or Chim Chim Team... I can't choose between them. They're just so cute!
Titanik #6
Chapter 8: Please continue updating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FIGHTING!!!
Hey, this is cute! Go ahead and keep writing! I'll read for sure! ;)