Chapter 5

You Captured my Heart


"Wow.." Kibum whispered, then turned around and looked at Siwon. Siwon, who was still grinning walked towards Kibum and asked,

" do you like it?" 

"Amazing...” Kibum breathed happily, but a few moments later, his face fell and he looked down. Siwon looked at the shorter boy and wondered what was wrong.

"I wish I had my camera with me." Kibum mumbled. Siwon suddenly felt a pang of guilt in his heart, then turned away. He remembered the reason Kibum agreed to go out with him. It was to get back his beloved camera. Siwon knew he was being selfish by acting like this, but he felt like it was the only way to get Kibum.

Siwon sighed then turned to look at Kibum, who was taking off his shoes and tossing them aside, followed by his socks moments later.  Siwon stared at Kibum for a couple of seconds before realizing what he wanted to do. Kibum walked towards the sea and dipped one foot in, testing for the water’s temperature. It felt icy but good against Kibum’s tired feet. He put his other foot in and smiled. He turned around to see Siwon standing and staring at him.

“What are standing there for? You brought us here, you should enjoy yourself too!” Kibum pointed out, and then smiled when he saw Siwon doing the same as he did earlier. When Siwon stepped into the water, he immediately jumped out, making Kibum chuckle.

“You’re just like a cat!” Kibum pointed at Siwon and laughed. Siwon frowned and boldly stepped into the water again, this time he splashed a little water on Kibum, making him gasp and glare at Siwon.

 “Yah! These aren’t my clothes you know!”

“Oops.” Siwon said, acting innocent, making Kibum glare harder at him. Then Siwon turned around to step out of the water. Kibum gritted his teeth then smirked.

“You know this means war.”

And before Siwon could get out of the water…


A wave of water hit him, making all his clothes wet. He quickly turned around to lecture Kibum but got splashed by another wave.

Kibum grinned and pushed the water with his hands continuously, making Siwon wetter and wetter until Siwon swam to him and grabbed his wrist.

Kibum yelped and tried to run away, but Siwon lifted him up and grinned evilly. Kibum stared down at Siwon in horror and threatened him.

“Don’t. You. Da-!“

And before Kibum could finish his sentence, he fell into the water backwards. When he rose back to the surface, he spat salty sea water out then glared at Siwon again.

“My hands slipped” He excused flatly, trying to hide his smile.  But in the end, he began laughing then extended his hand towards Kibum offering to help him up. Kibum smiled a little and accepted Siwon’s offer and let Siwon pull him up. Then together they walked back to the beach, pushing each other occasionally, but stopping when Siwon ended up bumping to an old lady (making them both apologize to her like crazy and offering to buy her a drink).

In the end, Kibum felt like they’ve gotten a tad bit closer.


Kangin checked his watch for the 10th time that afternoon. He sighed and wondered why the kids weren’t coming back home yet. Kangin put his phone on the couch was about to get up, but his phone suddenly started ringing. He quickly dove for it and fumbled with it in his hands, And when he finally answered it, he got a huge shock.

“YAH! WHERE THE HELL IS MY CHILD?!” The voice on the other lined screamed, making Kangin wince at the loudness of the person.

“H-hello? Who’s this?” Then it suddenly hit him.  This loud voice could only belong to one person.

“Kim Heechul!” Kangin yelled, he heard the voice scoff then say,

“You just realized, you bastard?”

“Yeah well I didn’t see you for a while…”

“Where is my baby brother?” Heechul snapped harshly. Kangin sighed then replied,

“He’s not here; he left a few hours ago…I really have no idea where that kid is.” Then he moved the phone away from his ears.




“WHAT?!” Heechul screamed, making Kangin jump. He was sure Heechul’s scream could be heard from here even without the phone.  A few seconds later he could hear Heechul acting all dramatic  on the other line. He heard stuff like “Oh my baby is lost somewhere out in that horrible cruel world!” and “I think I’m going to faint…”

“Cut the drama, face” Kangin rolled his eyes, then said “I don’t really have time for your whining okay?”


“He’ll be back soon” Kangin interrupted him.

“O-okay” Heechul sniffed, then turned off the phone.

Kangin wondered how calm little Kibum can be related to drama queen like this.

He sighed and walked towards the fridge, nothing to eat. He sighed again.

Might as well go out to do some grocery shopping.


Donghae and Eunhyuk stood in front of a juice shop, sipping their juice while happily conversing.

“So Eunhyuk…Do you live around here?” Donghae asked. Eunhyuk nodded and pointed at a building that wasn’t that war away. “I live in an apartment over there with my family.”

“Ahh okay” Donghae said with a smile, even thought he met Eunhyuk just a while ago he felt really happy around him.

“Which school do you go to Eunhyuk?” Donghae asked him another question, then quickly said “I’m not bothering you will all these questions, am I?”

Eunhyuk laughed and waved his hand, signaling that Donghae was wrong. “I actually enjoy answering them” He answered, then said “I go to Shinhwa high school”.

Donghae’s eyes widened then replied to him “I go to that school too!” Making Eunhyuk’s eyes grow big too.

“Really? Wow that’s awesome!”

“Yeah! Let’s be friends from now on okay?” Donghae said with a smile, then extended his hand out for a handshake. Eunhyuk held Donghae’s hand then shook it friendlily. “Sure!”

Donghae felt his cheeks grow warm then he smiled brightly.

Right now, he felt incredibly happy.


*cue any beautiful ending song*


Oh lookie~! Heechul's here xD

lol I kinda feel like The Eunhae part was boring ToT Meh...

Okay hope you like this update <3 



Comments make my day <3

Btw i just noticed,,,I have to make a poster?! ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

Can someone be kind enough to make me one? or


The things i do to my self...*sighs*

Lol ill shut up now xD Thanks for reading! ^^

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Chapter 20: awww is this all??? i want more TWT !!!! aigoo please update...
sujuELF1315 #2
you know ?
I really love this story ..
it can be my all time favorite sibum fic !! wait .. it is :D
but you are updating like what ? twice a year ? :"(
PLEASE WRITE FASTER FOR US !! your cute readers XD
evilmaknae0_0 #3
Hoyalover32 #4
Chapter 20: I really love this story there isn't much SiBum out there. Please updated soon (:
bohyemi #5
Chapter 20: Update update update!!!!!!
Chapter 20: wah! this is my fave story. not only bcuz sibum is the main couple but everyone is just so cute~! please update soon~*puppy eyes*
siwon407 #7
Chapter 20: i think this is not yet done.please please..make it done.i really love the's so of the best story i've ever please.aother cha[ter.really love sibum couple.
Hello~ I am new to this site but I was a silent reader for alittle while. I finally made an account so that I can comment you and tell you how much I enjoy this story. Keep up the great work! :)
hebteuk #9
actually, i read kangteuk's parts so far ...they were so good i liked them <3 ..continue :)