
What year is it?

WARNING: Short Chapter

November 25th, 1885



It had been one full week and a day(8 days) since Jinki, Taemin, and Kibum traveled to 1885. The night before, Taemin agreed to fight Emmett on Monday, which on this day, was tomorrow. In 1985, the year Taemin and Kibum were both currently growing up in, they knew people fought in fist fights. In 1885, everyone carried a gun, so the three koreans assumed that Emmett was prepared to shoot, which would make anyone even more nervous. Jinki and Kibum woke up, facing each other. "Morning, hyung" Kibum yawned. "Morning" Jinki smiled tiredly with his eyes closed. They both yawned and thought about Taemin, assuming he was too worried to sleep, crying in the corner, or maybe even not there. Kibum's and Jinki's eyes widened and they both shot up, searching for Taemin. Kibum eyes landed on Taemin who was 'sleeping' quietly by his side. Taemin heard Kibum tell Jinki "he's fine. He's still sleeping though". Taemin's eyes shot open. He faked a yawn, as if he was really sleeping. Taemin hadn't gotten one second of sleep. "Good morning. hyung" Taemin smiled up at Kibum. "Good morning" Kibum said firmly. He knew something was up. Taemin smiled one more time and got up. "So. . . Are you afraid for tomorrow?" Jinki asked, worried. Taemin turned around, still amiling. "Of course not hyung. I've confident. I'm gunna be just fine" the maknae of the three said calmly. Kibum sighed concerned, for he knew that's not how his Taeminnie really felt. Jinki was just easier to trick. "Oh. . . Okay good. I'm glad you feel that way" Jinki smiled as he got ready for the day

While they ate breakfast, Jinki was talking about a joke Carlyle cracked last night and Taemin looked down. "Last night" Taemin whispered under his breath. Taemin comment grabbed Kibum's attention. Kibum looked up and tried to look into Taemin's eyes, which were pointed at the egg in his plate, which had yet to be eaten. "Can't eat, Tae?" Kibum asked. Taemin shot and took a deep breath. "No, I'm just fine" he smiled, trying to eat the egg. He put an extremely small piece of egg into his mouth and swallowed it like it was a rock. Kibum looked back to his food. Worried for his friend, Kibum was no longer able to eat himself.

Since they all knew how dangerous it was for Taemin to go out in public, he stayed at home in the lab with Jinki while Kibum went to Jonghyun's wood shop. Jinki watched Taemin from the time Kibum left until the time he came back.


"Taemin, are you hungry?" Jinki asked Taemin, who was sitting in the chair in the corner, staring off into space. "No, I'm fine hyung" Taemin smiled and looked up. "Really? Cause you kinda have that "I'm famished" look on your face" Jinki laughed. Taemin tried his hardest not to show it from that point on


Carlyle was no over and watching Taemin for herself. She knew about everything, who Emmett was and how, why, and what happened the night before at the festival. "Taemin, are you sure you're okay?" Carlyle asked for the 20th time in the hour that she was there. "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" Taemin giggled nervously. "I don't know. You look a little pale" she commented on Taemin's appearence. "Do I? Maybe cause I haven't eaten much today" Taemin blurted out, knowing he didn't wanted to tell her, since she was like a mother, she was ready to feed Taemin, but he couldn't eat. "I can cook you something!" she insisted. "No no, I'll live" Taemin joked. Carlyle was now worried with everyone else

Kibum had just came home to find Jinki and Carlyle talking and Taemin sitting, holding his knees in a chair in the corner, just like he was when Kibum left. Taemin looked up to see his best friend and ran to him. "Hyung, I really need to talk to you" Taemin said quietly in English. Carlyle heard it and got the idea that they needed privacy. She immediately ran to the back of lab and outside to look at the stars. Jinki looked up and chased after her confused. Taemin took in a breath of relief and locked the back door. "Dude, why'd you lock them out?" Kibum asked confused. Taemin turned around, and only fell to his knees and held his face in his palms. "I can't take it anymore. Hyung, I... I.." Taemin tried to explain. "What?" Kibum said running to his friend, now collapsed on the ground. "I've been lying all day, Kibum hyung. I'm so scared. I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared" Taemin kept repeating. "Shhh shhh, it's okay buddy, we'll make it through this!" Kibum said pulling Taemin closer to him, so he can hold his friend's shivering body. "We'll make it back to 1985 alive. I promise" Kibum choked, starting to cry on Taemin's shoulder

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Chapter 18: Aww yay~ :3
Chapter 17: Noooooooo! Jinki! D:
Kayuki #3
Chapter 16: I like the chapter, even though it was uneventful, I think it's important to talk about the judgement they will get. But honestly, I think they would have been judged so much worse in the past than today. P.e. sometimes they got executed or an exorzist tortured them until they died...
Anyways, I'm looking forward to the next chapter - I'm really curious how Minho and Jonghyun will cope with the future xDDD
Chapter 16: I guess that's just how I want my story to go. I'm straight up American and most of us are VERY judgmental towards gays. Which I hate :/ I don't know about Korea though..
Chapter 16: why do you write that gay ppl are more accepted in korea than america? its just nonsense.
Chapter 15: OMG whats going to happen to their parents? are they going to use the book? o-o and for taemin, jinki and key...are they going to get back safely?
DinoSourSaysRawr #7
Chapter 10: I swear I would have done way more to that Emmett dude. Of he ever hurt taemin I would throw a rock at his head. Then punch him multiple times. Then throw another rock at his head. Then keep on punching him. And then to finish it off I would kick him in the nuts.
No one hurt taemin or any member of Shinee
Waterdroplet #8
Chapter 13: Love the story can't wait for the next update!!
headphones #9
Chapter 12: Cute story~