Hunting Taemin Down And Running Into The 1884 Beauty

What year is it?

November 20th, 1885


"Taemin, aren't you coming with me? I thought you said you wanted to meet him" Kibum yelled throughout Jinki's lab towards Taemin, who was sitting in a chair in the corner. "I'd love to, but I'm a tad afraid" Taemin shivers. Taemin didn't want to go out, as he may run into the scary man from the bar the day after they traveled to 1885 and also the day he met Minho. "Are you even leaving the house today? You heard Jinki, We have less than 2 weeks to stay, so let's use it wisely" Kibum whined. Taemin hadn't told Kibum about the fight he was almost in at the bar. He didn't tell him about Emmett. He didn't tell him how he and his crush met. He didn't breathe a word. Only that he had met a tall handsome young man in the parlor, not how or why. "Kibum, I have something to tell you. It may answer a few of your questions" Taemin sighed, gesturing Kibum over to sit with him. Taemin finally explained to Kibum the fight he started, how Minho literally saved his life, every single detail, ending it all with how he heard Emmett saying he wanted to hurt Taemin and how he already did on the 18th. "Well, why didn't you tell me that before, Taemin-ah? If there's someone really out there looking for a fight, I'll protect you. You're my best friend" Kibum sympathizes. "I thought this Jonghyun guy was your best friend" Taemin pouts. "There's a difference between a friend and a crush" Kibum said, not realizing he just told Taemin that he liked Jonghyun. "You have a crush on Jonghyun? Taemin smiles. Kibum's eyes widened "Well.. I.. I just.. " Kibum tried to explain, but was cut off when Jinki came around the corner. "Kibum, you look like you're ready to walk out the door. Were you planning on it?" Jinki asked. "Yes I am, hyung. And I'm bringing Taemin with me and that's final. Come on, Tae" Kibum said sternly to Jinki then looking over to Taemin while he drags him out of the building. "Those two, I swear" Jinki sighs getting ready to work on a new book.


Kibum and Taemin were walking into the wood shop when Taemin saw Minho walk into the bar. "Hyung, there's Minho!" Taemin beamed. Taemin was ready to follow Minho into the bar until he saw Emmett and his gang folow Minho inside, which made Taemin's head spin. Taemin then ran into the wood shop, faster than Kibum, to see Jonghyun at his desk, reading a book. "Jonghyun hyung!" Taemin yelled throughout the store, waiting for a reply. Jonghyun's head shot up. "Ne?" he replies to the unfamilier voice. "Jonghyun hyung" Kibum repeats. "Kibum-ah!" Jonghyun beams. Kibum walks up to the desk while Jonghyun walks down to the door where they meet and attack each other with hugs. Taemin sits back and giggles, which reminds Kibum that he brought him with. "Hyung, I'd like you to meet my best friend, Taemin" Kibum introduced formally, practically holding Jonghyun's waist. "Annyeonghaseyo" Taemin bowed. "Annyeong" Jonghyun replied with a smile. The three all stood in the wood shop and talked. Jonghyun got to know Taemin a little better and Kibum fell more in love with him. Taemin was telling a joke when he found a nail on the ground. "Let me pick this up for you so nobody steps on it" Taemin offers while bending down to pick it up. While he was down on his knees, he could hear Emmett walk in, laughing and yelling with two of his other friends, which made a lot of noise when they entered Jonghyun's small shop. Taemin stayed down on the ground behind the desk so he couldn't be seen. "Your name is Jonghyun right?" Emmett asked. He sounded drunk. "Yes, sir. How may I help you?" Jonghyun asked Emmett. He knew about the fight in the bar involving Taemin so Jonghyun was slightly uneasy. Taemin was holding onto Kibum's leg. "I've been looking for a boy. 18 years old, short, blonde like you" Emmett describes ponting to Kibum, "He's asian like both of you" he continues, obviously wasted. "I owe him a beat down. Do either of you know where he is?" he asks the two young men, frozen where they stood. "Uhmm...uh...Well.. " they both stutter, looking for a lie to tell him. "No, never seen a guy that looks like that" Kibum blurts out. Emmett gets closer to Kibum and breathes in his face, which smelled strong of alcohol. "You lyin' to me boy?" he says, swaying back and forth. Kibum gulps and shakes his head violently. Jonghyun grabs Kibum's hand and squeezes it tight under the table, letting Kibum know that he's scared. "HEY!!" a familier voice to Taemin yells from outside the wood shop, directed at Emmett. Taemin shoots up like a bullet to the voice. "Minho hyung!!" Taemin beams, now completely visible to everyone in the shop. "THERE YOU ARE!!" Emmett screams, lunging towards Taemin, who dodges and runs out towards the street to Minho. "TAEMIN!! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" Kibum screams. Emmett turns around, "So that's his name" he smiles. Jonghyun and Kibum watch in horror while a drunk Emmett and two burly men run after Taemin and Minho. Emmett reaches the street, which is empty. "TAEMIN! I'M AFTER YOU! I WON'T GIVE UP UNTIL I BEAT YOU DOWN!" he yells throughout the small town. While Kibum and Jonghyun close the doors to the shop, Taemin and Minho run, hand in hand, towards Jinki's lab. They hide behind it for five minutes, making sure they were alone. "Are they coming?!" Taemin asks frantically. Minho again looks from behind the building to see nobody. "No, they're gone" Minho whispers. "Don't scare me like that!" he continues to Taemin while taking the younger in a warm hug. Taemin's heart beat starts to slow down from the fear, but then speeds up when he realizes that MInho is hugging him and he won't let go. "I won't, I promise" Taemin whispers, his eyes closed with pleasure and relief. He had never felt so loved and safe in his life. Taemin and Minho both take in a deep breath and break away from the hug and smile at each other, both looking into each other's eyes. "Taemin, I know I haven't known you long, but I feel like I've known you forever. And I feel like I want to know you for so much longer. I've never met a boy like you before" Minho cenfesses, still looking at Taemin in the eyes. Taemin's heart skips a beat to Minho's confessoins. "I've never met a guy like you before either" Taemin respondes with teary eyes, knowing he can't stay and in less than two weeks, he has to leave him and go back to 1985. Minho smiles and kisses Taemin on the cheek. Taemin can only blush madly.


Jonghyun closes the doors to his shop and tries to take a deep breath. "Oh man, that was scary" Jonghyun heaves. Kibum sees the doors with wide eyes. "Taemin! I have to go get him! He's not safe!" Kibum screeches, ready to break down the doors that Jonghyun had closed. Kibum runs for the doors, but is stopped by Jonghyun. "No, Kibum, he's gunna be okay" Jonghyun says straining, trying to keep Kibum inside. Kibum immediately stops trying and falls to the ground, bringing Jonghyun with him. Kibum plops down and Jonghyun falls on him, their faces centimeters away from each other. "Uhhh..." Kibum mutters. "He's gunna be alright" Jonghyun reassures, getting up. When he stands up, dusting his clothes off, he reaches out to help Kibum up. "I'm just glad you're safe" Jonghyun continues. When Kibum makes it to his feet, Jonghyun immediately embraces Kibum in a hug. Kibum takes a deep breath of relief. "I'm so happy you're okay, too" Kibum sighs, closing his eyes tiredly. Jonghyun breaks away from the hug and takes Kibum's hands. "Kibum.... How come I feel like I've known you for years? You're so unique to me and.. I just.. I just feel like I can trust every word you say. I hope we can be good friends for a long time" Jonghyun says before grabbing Kibum again in a hug. "I hope so too" Kibum responds, gasping for breath, ready to cry. He meant what he said, but it was the fact that he couldn't is why tears began to fall.


Taemin came from around the building him and Minho were hiding by when he saw Kibum walk out of Jonghyun's wood shop, tears falling from his eyes. Taemin ran to his crying friend "What happened?" Taemin asked Kibum, who collected himself and finally stopped crying. "I'll tell you later, let's just get back to the lab. it's late." Kibum said in all one short breath. Taemin absorbed Kibum's sadness and trudged with him back to Jinki's lab, where Jinki was still working on their way back to the future. Taemin was still walking when he realized Kibum wasn't by his side anymore. Instead, Kibum was looking at a woman who was obviously approaching them both. "Excuse me, I don't mean to bother at such a late hour, but I would like to know why you both are always in Lee Jinki's old lab." she says to Kibum and Taemin, who are both searching their minds for a logical answer. "I'm sorry, Miss, but that's classified" Taemin stated professionally. With the keys to the lab in his hands, Taemin unlocked the door to the lab and began to walk in, leaving Kibum and the woman outside. "I would like to see the lab, please" the woman insisted, walking at a fast pace to the open door that Kibum failed to close in time. "Wait, Miss, you can't!" Kibum said, trying to stop her. But before they all knew it, the woman was inside the lab, staring up at Jinki. "Hey guys, where have you been?" Jinki said in a perky mood, not even looking up from his work. "Oh, you guys I forgot, for the book to work a third time, I need to go out of town to get new blueprints, in other words, I'll need a little over three weeks, if that's what you guys wanted" Jinki explains before looking up at the beautiful young woman. "I'm sorry hyung, she barged right in" Kibum apologized. Jinki's eyes widened as he stood up. "Jinki?" the woman said shocked. Jinki was dumbfounded, as if he couldn't believe the woman he was face to face with was real or not. Taemin and Kibum were clueless.


"Carlyle" Jinki whispered.


Kibum and Taemin both took one step back

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Chapter 18: Aww yay~ :3
Chapter 17: Noooooooo! Jinki! D:
Kayuki #3
Chapter 16: I like the chapter, even though it was uneventful, I think it's important to talk about the judgement they will get. But honestly, I think they would have been judged so much worse in the past than today. P.e. sometimes they got executed or an exorzist tortured them until they died...
Anyways, I'm looking forward to the next chapter - I'm really curious how Minho and Jonghyun will cope with the future xDDD
Chapter 16: I guess that's just how I want my story to go. I'm straight up American and most of us are VERY judgmental towards gays. Which I hate :/ I don't know about Korea though..
Chapter 16: why do you write that gay ppl are more accepted in korea than america? its just nonsense.
Chapter 15: OMG whats going to happen to their parents? are they going to use the book? o-o and for taemin, jinki and key...are they going to get back safely?
DinoSourSaysRawr #7
Chapter 10: I swear I would have done way more to that Emmett dude. Of he ever hurt taemin I would throw a rock at his head. Then punch him multiple times. Then throw another rock at his head. Then keep on punching him. And then to finish it off I would kick him in the nuts.
No one hurt taemin or any member of Shinee
Waterdroplet #8
Chapter 13: Love the story can't wait for the next update!!
headphones #9
Chapter 12: Cute story~