
What year is it?

February 6th, 1986

The four parents stood in a circle around the book. They tried to decide on what they'd do with the book.

"You don't suppose... They traveled to the future.. Do you?" Kibum's mother asked

"No! That's impossible! I hope this isn't a joke." Taemin's mother sighed

"If they did, what year do you suppose they traveled to?" Taemin's dad asked quietly

"They didn't time travel! That's nonsense.." Taemin's mother yelled out her husband. 

The four adults all looked at the book for a good ten minutes.... Without any other option, they decided to try it. They all joined hands, and while Taemin's mother held the book and followed the instructions.

"Okay.. Say date and year" Taemin's mother read the book out loud. "How do we know what year they're in? Are we just going to guess?" she asked

"Ummm.. I don't know.. And if we go.. How will we get back?" Kibum's mother added

"This is stupid! I suggest we continue looking for our children..." Kibum's father said with great angst.

"I feel like if you use this, dear, we'll have a better chance at finding them..." Kibum's mother said

Kibum's father huffed. They all joined hands once again and Taemin's mother held onto the book. 

"I guess we'll just take a wild guess... Ummm... March 5th... 2013" she started

"Lee Soo Young, Lee Jong Guk, Kim Young Shin, Kim Jin Seok" Soo Young chanted.

Finally, she flipped to page three. The four waited for about 30 seconds when they finally released their grips on each other and stood up

"Well, at least now we know that it doesn't work and.. That our children are still here in this lifetime.... Gosh, what am I saying??" JIn Seok yelled to high heaven and left the lab.

Fortunately, Jinki made the book's effects wear off after 24 hours, and the users of the book had to be unconscious some time in that 24 hours after the use the book to go back or forward in time. After 24 hours of using the book, nobody had fallen asleep or fallen into unconsciousness in any way, so nobody traveled to March 5th, 2013...


February 6th, 1886


"Taeminnie... Do you miss Korea?" Minho asked

"Yes. But sometimes I wish me, Kibum, and Jinki could live together in America because Jinki can't move back home with us" Taemin sighed.

Taemin, Minho, Jonghyun, Kibum, and Jinki all sat on the roof of the lab. The lab was almost three stories tall so nobody could see them way up high. This was the first time in months that Jinki could breathe fresh air.

"Why can't you, Jinki hyung?" Jonghyun asked.

"It's just that.. My parents had recently passed away.. Well, it's not recent anymore.. But everyone and everything reminded me of my mom and dad, So I coundn't take it. I had to leave." Jinki explained

"I'm so sorry for your loss" Minho sighed deeply

"Why America?" Jonghyun asked again

Jinki thought for a moment. "I'm not sure.. I just thought it would be a nice place to live. Since my friends talked about a lot when I was in high school, I assumed. But it's not what I thought. America in the 1980's is extremely judgemental." 

"Judgmental? How so?" Kibum asked

"Yeah. What do you mean by that?" Taemin chimed in.

Jinki was about to answer their question when they all heard Carlyle from inside the house call out to them

"Boys, it's time to come in and eat! I made gumbo soup and bell peppers! Come get it while it's still spicy!" She yelled 


The next day. Jonghyun and Kibum stayed inside his woodshop and made new chairs and tables and talked about their future in America all day, while Taemin and Minho stayed at the lab, until Taemin decided that he wanted to go out. So him and Minho did

After a couple hours of walking around the small town, Minho had to use the bathroom. So he went into the bar, leaving Taemin outside.

"Be right back love" MInho smiled and kissed Taemin softly and quickly on the lips. "I'll be waiting" Taemin smiled and watched Minho walk in. While he stood there, a short, chubby, American man with glasses and a cloak approached him. 

"Who was that?" the man asked Taemin pointing into the bar where MInho was.

"Minho?" Taemin said with a confused look on his face

"Who is he to you?" the man asked again

"To me?" Taemin asked. The short man nodded "He is uhh.. Boyfriend.." Taemin said with his broken English

"You are homoeual.. Am I correct?" the man asked. Taemin started to feel personally violated

"Yes?" he said, feeling a bit annoyed "Why?"

"Poor young man like you, being taken in by the devil.." the man shook his head while looking through his long black cloak. He seemed to be looking for something.

"What??" Taemin asked again.

The man found what he was looking for.. A book. He handed it to Taemin. 

He read the book's front cover, which read "Holy Bible"

"You are going to go to hell" the man said pointing up to Taemin. They made awkward eye contact for a few seconds. Then the man patted Taemin on the back and walked away. 

Taemin felt taken by utter surprise. He looked down at the book, then when he looked up again, he realized that he was being surrounded by about ten people. They all stared at him, some were giving him dirty looks. As time progressed, the more people started to surround him. Some got closer to him.

Taemin felt like he was being suffocated. He was scared to take his eyes off one person to look at another. He felt like someone was going to lunge at him. He spun in circles to look at everyone that was surrounding him. Taemin didn't realize that he was breathing heavy and sweating profusely. He then started to collapse, feeling his feet give up. Taemin fell to his knees, still looking up at all the people. Some started to point at him. After about a minute on the ground, being stared at, Taemin started to cry silently. 

"Minho.. Where are you??" Taemin asked under his breath.

After a few seconds of crying in the dirt, Minho broke through the crowd and found Taemin right in the middle. When he brought Taemin back up, his face was damp with sweat and tears, his face ghostly pale. and his eyes bloodshot. Taemin was about to faint from the heat he was feeling.

"Taeminnie.. Yeobo.. Get up.. We gotta get back to the lab." Minho said in breaths, trying to get Taemin back.

When he had just enough strength to get up and run with MInho, they both ran down the street and back to Jinki's lab. They both past Jonghyun's woodshop. When they did, Kibum and Jonghyun were on the porch drinking water.

"When get to the future, we'll be able to filter this water so it'll be healthier to drink" Kibum smiled

Jonghyun joked and looked like he was offended.

"Are you saying I'm not healthy?" Jonghyun giggled

After he said this, he saw Minho and Taemin run by. Taemin's face was still damp and pale and he looked like was about ready to vomit.

Jonghyun and Kibum shot up to their feet. Worried, they followed them to Jinki's lab

Carlyle was trying to teach Jinki how to sew when Minho and Taemin burst through the door. Taemin's face pale, his skin is cold as ice, his face and body drenched with sweat, he can barely breathe, the bible still in his hand. Minho immediately covered Taemin with a blanket and tried to calm his panic attack down. Shortly after this, Kibum and Jonghyun rush in the lab, looking around

"What just happened??" Kibum asked breathless from running

"What's wrong?" Jinki asked as he walked over with Carlyle.

"I walked out of the bar and he was like this and he was surrounded by almost 50 people!" Minho explained

"He's having an anxiety attack. A bad one.. Here, I'll go get some water" Carlyle said rushing to the kitchen

"What happened Taemin? Please speak!" Kibum asked, starting to tear up

Taemin continued to weez and gasp for air. But his skin tone started to go back to its original color

"Don't ask him to speak" Carlyle said rushing back with water. "Give him some time to breathe"

Everyone patting Taemin's head and shoulders while Carlyle tried getting Taemin to drink the water and putting a wet rag on his forehead.

Finally, after 3 long minutes, Taemin's breathing was back to normal, his face was its normal color and his body stopped sweating.

After his panic attack was over, he immediately fell asleep for three hours..

When he woke up, Minho was still by his side, watching him sleep.

"Hey there yeobo" Minho smiled

"Minho! I need a hug." Taemin said, hugging Minho around the neck.

When Taemin woke up, he told everyone what had happened

"Minho went into the bar to go to the bathroom and some guy came up to me and asked me who Minho was to me, and I told him that he was my boyfriend. And he shook his head like he was disappointed in me. And he said that I was being "Taken in by the devil" Taemin said, doing air quotes with his fingers

"And he gave me this book" Taemin still had the book right by his side while he slept.

"He told me that I'm going to hell" 

Everyone started to feel sympathy for Taemin and they all realized why this man did such a thing.. Because Taemin is homoual, along with Kibum, Jonghyun, and Minho.

"And he just walked away.. And when he left, people started to surround me and give me dirty looks. They were suffocating me! I didn't know what to do! And I don't know what I did!" Taemin cried out

"Taemin.. Jonghyun.. Kibum.. Minho.. This is what I meant by judgemental.." Jinki chimed in

"Really?? People are gunna be like this in the future??" Jonghyun asked, concerned

"Yes, in America, they are very judgemental against homouals. Only in the future, it's about 5 times worse." Jinki frowned.

Everyone, even Carlyle, dropped their heads in sadness

"Wow.. I don't know what to do now. How will we live?" Jonghyun asked

"That's why I propose that we move back to Korea, where we belong.." Jinki announced. "When I lived in Seoul, I had a lot of friends that are gay and biual. and they nev-" 

"What? I thought 'gay' meant 'happy'" Minho interrupted.

"In the future, we use the word gay to label us.." Kibum said, still looking down in sadness.

"But that's exactly it. In Korea, Nobody would 'label' you for your uality" Jinki explained.

"And that's why you think it's better that we all move to Seoul?" Carlyle asked 

"All of us? But hyung, I thought you said Korea reminds you too much of your parents.. Why would you wanna go back?" Minho said

"Because.. I don't want to stay in America where you will all be judged" Jinki sighed "I know it'll be hard for me.. But I'm willing to sacrifice" 

Taemin grew a bright smile on his face and looked at Minho. "I wanna go back to Korea with you, yeobo!" 

"I wanna go too!" Jonghyun added. "I haven't been there since I was five!"

"Then it's official" Carlyle smiled and gave Jinki a warm kiss on the cheek.



Read this blue paragraph below! vvvvv

Author's note: Hi! Just need to say a few things.. One: Today is March 5th, 2013. I wanted them to choose that date because I'm a smart xD. Two: I don't know what Key's and Taemin's parents' names are, made that up. Three: I'm sorry this chapter was rather uneventful. Four and most importantly: I wrote this chapter mainly for my feelings of disgust towards homophobes. They are unreasonable and I've had bad experiences with them. I love gays, my cousin is proudly bi ual and I wanted to let people know that there is defintely more to think about when you read Jongkey and 2min fics. If this chapter offends any of my subscribers(which I doubt it won't), I'm deeply sorry but I will not take down this chapter. If you really are offended, then I give you full permission to unsubscribe to this fic. Thanks ^_^



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Chapter 18: Aww yay~ :3
Chapter 17: Noooooooo! Jinki! D:
Kayuki #3
Chapter 16: I like the chapter, even though it was uneventful, I think it's important to talk about the judgement they will get. But honestly, I think they would have been judged so much worse in the past than today. P.e. sometimes they got executed or an exorzist tortured them until they died...
Anyways, I'm looking forward to the next chapter - I'm really curious how Minho and Jonghyun will cope with the future xDDD
Chapter 16: I guess that's just how I want my story to go. I'm straight up American and most of us are VERY judgmental towards gays. Which I hate :/ I don't know about Korea though..
Chapter 16: why do you write that gay ppl are more accepted in korea than america? its just nonsense.
Chapter 15: OMG whats going to happen to their parents? are they going to use the book? o-o and for taemin, jinki and key...are they going to get back safely?
DinoSourSaysRawr #7
Chapter 10: I swear I would have done way more to that Emmett dude. Of he ever hurt taemin I would throw a rock at his head. Then punch him multiple times. Then throw another rock at his head. Then keep on punching him. And then to finish it off I would kick him in the nuts.
No one hurt taemin or any member of Shinee
Waterdroplet #8
Chapter 13: Love the story can't wait for the next update!!
headphones #9
Chapter 12: Cute story~