What year is it?


"Do you think we were too hard on Jinki?" Taemin asks Kibum, who is throwing extra pillows off of his bed in their hotel room, still slightly red in the face. "I don't know, but I'm mad" Kibum hissed. After they left the library, they took a taxi to the hotel they planned on staying at. Since their ordeal at the library, They didn't call or speak to Jinki. "I'm still kinda scared though, hyung." Taemin whimpered. "Of what? We got away from that wacko friend of ours. I'm fine" Kibum grumbles, throwing a pillow on the ground, almost ripping it by stepping on it while walking to the bathroom. Taemin follows him. "You're obviously not alright. And I'm scared that something is gunna happen. Like what Jinki said about the book was true. And I know we got away from him for the night, but we traveled here for him. If you don't wanna talk to him anymore, what are we still doing here?" Taemin complains. Kibum finally calms down. "This is what we get for having a lunatic for a friend" Kibum mutters to himself. "You're right. And we can't leave tomorrow. We did promise our parents a whole week we'd be gone. Let's go back tomorrow and apoligize" Kibum explains, fusing down. "But for now, let's just sleep" he continues to his young friend. Taemin nods, crawling into bed. "Hyung, I don't think I can sleep, I'm not tired" Taemin confesses. "That's cause we're still on Korean time" Kibum says, glancing at the clock that read 11:14pm. "Right now at home, it's 4:14pm" Kibum continues, giggling. "Woooow. No wonder!" Taemin sighs. "Just try and fall asleep for now. We'll go to Jinki's first thing tomorrow morning" Kibum smiles.


The next day: November 17th, 1885

Kibum opens his eyes to the freezing cold and the brightness of the sun beating down on his face. He startes to shiver at the November wind. The sound of horses trotting forces his eyes open. He jolts up to see that he's laying in a field of grass. Taemin is still sleeping silently in the grass, but is silghtly shifting around due to the cold and his allergies to the flowers that he was laying on. "Where are we?" Kibum asks aloud, holding his head. He finally sees the horses that forced him awake. Riding them were two american men, dressed in all bright brown jackets, hats, and boots, made out of what seemed like some kind of skin. One man looked at Kibum weird and asked him what in the world he was wearing. Kibum, still confused, tilted his head to the horseman's question. The two men only rolled their eyes and road off. Kibum watched them disappear until he turned around to see a small town. Kibum, now scared, shakes Taemin awake. "Taemin, wake up now!" Kibum breaths. Taemin takes a deep breath and sits up. "Hyung, I think I'm getting sick. Can we run down to the pharmac-" Taemin starts, but never finishes. Kibum stares at him with wide eyes. Taemin starts to become uneasy. "Where are we, hyung?" Taemin whispers, tears threatening to drop from his eyes. "I don't know, Tae" Kibum says quietly, ready to cry himself.


Jinki starts to slowly open his eyes to the bright sun. He slowly sits up in the grass. He asks himself briefly, but then remembers everything from the previous night. Kibum had sent him and Taemin to 1885. "It's happening all over again" Jinki whispers before he starts to sob. Back in the past again.


Taemin, Kibum head into the small town they saw when they woke up. Jinki had done the same thing, but from a different direction, so Jinki never ran into his dongsangs. "JINKI! THIS ISN'T FUNNY!! COME OUT NOW AND STOP THIS PRANK! ME AND TAEMIN AREN'T HAVING FUN!" Kibum screams in the middle of the small town of small shops, consisting of the meat shop, the parlor, and the sherrif's office. Kibum spots a calendar in a nearby shop and looks at the date. Dreadfully, it read "November 17th, 1885" Kibum treads back to Taemin. "Jinki was right. This is no joke. We're 100 years away from home" Kibum voice breaks. "What have we done?!?! Where's Jinki!?" Taemin sobs. "Oh yeah! We brought him with us. Where is he??" Kibum asks frantically. Kibum stops a woman in a long purple dress, Her hair done up, all in a small petite hat. "Excuse me, Miss. Is there anyone in town who goes by Lee Jinki?" Kibum asks her, praying she knew Jinki. "There used to be" she sighed, obviously upset to hear Jinki's name. "What do you mean?" Kibum asks the woman, worried. "Lee Jinki was our local blacksmith and scientist. But he died in a tragic train accident last year" she sadly declared. Taemin and Kibum stare at the woman with shock in their eyes. "He's.... dead?" Taemin asks, choking on his own fear. The woman nods with her head down. "His lab still stands down the road, though. You're free to visit it. Anyone is. If he was your friend and you just found out, I'm sorry for your loss" she says with pure sadness. "I guess we'll head over to his lab, thank you, Miss." Kibum bows before he takes Taemin by the arm and heads toward the building known as Jinki's lab. "One more question" the woman stops them. "Yes?" Kibum asks. "What on earth are you two wearing? You look as if you're from a different planet" she says frankly. "We're from another time" Taemin says bluntly. Kibum covers Taemin's mouth and continues to walk away with the younger in his arms so he couldn't speak. "Thanks again" Kibum smiles before walking away with Taemin. "Why did you say that Taemin-ah?" Kibum asks confused. "Well we are" Taemin argues. "Well if someone else asks, we can't tell everyone we're from the future!" Kibum whispers loudly.


Taemin and Kibum finally get to Jinki's lab. The huge wooden door still open slightly. To the right of the building was a houselike looking enviornment. On the left was a huge machine, which did only God knew what. And in the middle, was Jinki, tears streaming down his face. Kibum and Taemin start to cry as well. They all gather around and cry at the fact that they're 100 years in the past and didn't know what to do. "I should've listened to you, hyung. I'm sorry. This is all my fault" Kibum cries into Jinki's shirt. "No it's not. Nobody would believe what I tried to explain to you. If I was in you're situation, I would do the same thing. It's okay" Jinki reassures. "I'm scared , you guys" Taemin sobs. "I can get us back to 1985. Don't worry. It'll take time though" Jinki smiles through his tears. Taemin and Kibum take a sigh of relief. Until Kibum's breath is cut short. "Oh! A woman we stopped in town told us you were dead and you died in a train accident. What's does that mean?" Kibum asked, done crying. Jinki sighed. Soon, They all sat down, locked the doors of the lab, and Jinki told the whole story of his time in 1884. "Last year, when I tested the book out for the first time. I came to 1884. 100 years seemed so fascinating to travel back in time to. I did it. I came to 1884. I soon became the town's scientist and blacksmith. I was known by everyone. Due to my nationality, I was popular. In the 1880's, you don't see so many Koreans in America. Life was going well. That time when I hadn't answered my phone for a few months? Remember? I was in 1884. I knew I could go back to 1984 whenever I wanted to. But chose not to. I soon fell in love. With an american woman named Carlyle. She was so beautiful. She still is. Then I got into fights, Everything seemed to go downhill from there. I'm not saying it was Carlyle's fault, but the day I met her, everything started to go wrong. One day, I had a fight with a man, perhaps the most feared man in the whole town. He told me he was gunna kill me on a Monday. It was either I stay with Carlyle, die on Monday, leave 1984 behind or come back, live my life, leave Carlyle. I tried to explain to her where I had to go, but she never believed me. So I gave up on her. I came back to the present. But now it was 1985. I started a rumor that I had died in a train accident and I was never heard from again" Kibum and Taemin were shocked by the story. "So that time when we couldn't reach you...?" Kibum started. "I was here" Jinki said finishing Kibum's sentence. "Wait, how did the book end up in the library?" Kibum asked. "I put it there, hoping nobody would find it" Jinki answers defeated, since his two best friends out of so many other people who could've found it, Taemin and Kibum found it. "But hyung, I don't wanna stay here! I wanna go back home" Taemin said, still sobbing. "It's okay Taeminnie, I'll make a new book, It'll take a little longer since what I need is now a little harder to come by, but I'll find a way. We will go back home. But until then, make your trip to 1885 a good experience" Jinki smiles



Sorry this chapter is sorta short. Well Kibum and Taemin are finally in 1885.


Apologies, I'm typing this all up on my brand new laptop, so there are probably lots of typos


How was everyone's Christmas? :D This story is gunna get good :) <3 Thanks for reading. Jonghyun and Minho are coming soon <333

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Chapter 18: Aww yay~ :3
Chapter 17: Noooooooo! Jinki! D:
Kayuki #3
Chapter 16: I like the chapter, even though it was uneventful, I think it's important to talk about the judgement they will get. But honestly, I think they would have been judged so much worse in the past than today. P.e. sometimes they got executed or an exorzist tortured them until they died...
Anyways, I'm looking forward to the next chapter - I'm really curious how Minho and Jonghyun will cope with the future xDDD
Chapter 16: I guess that's just how I want my story to go. I'm straight up American and most of us are VERY judgmental towards gays. Which I hate :/ I don't know about Korea though..
Chapter 16: why do you write that gay ppl are more accepted in korea than america? its just nonsense.
Chapter 15: OMG whats going to happen to their parents? are they going to use the book? o-o and for taemin, jinki and key...are they going to get back safely?
DinoSourSaysRawr #7
Chapter 10: I swear I would have done way more to that Emmett dude. Of he ever hurt taemin I would throw a rock at his head. Then punch him multiple times. Then throw another rock at his head. Then keep on punching him. And then to finish it off I would kick him in the nuts.
No one hurt taemin or any member of Shinee
Waterdroplet #8
Chapter 13: Love the story can't wait for the next update!!
headphones #9
Chapter 12: Cute story~