What year is it?

August 5th, 1985


"Excuse me miss? Can you please spare a dollar in quarters?" Taemin asked a woman on the street. "No, I can't. Sorry" she said emotionless. "Have a nice day, ma'am" Taemin politely said to her as she walked away. 

Taemin had volunteered to stand in the sidewalk and ask for quarters. Since the group that had just traveled 99 years into the future had nothing but the clothes on their backs. 

"Excuse me sir? Excuse me?" Taemin asked a man who wouldn't even look at him. "Can you spare some quarters?" 

The man didn't give him one look and just kept walking. Taemin stopped following him and stopped.

He looked around for someone else. He ran up to a young woman that looked only a few years older than him. "Excuse me miss? Can you spare some quarters?" Taemin asked for the 100th time. "What for?" she asked. She sounded somewhat annoyed. "Me and my friend need money for the phonebooth, we need to call our parents urgently" Taemin explained. The girl reached into her purse and took out all the loose change she had. She didn't even give it to him, but only dropped it on the ground by her feet. Taemin scrambled to pick up the change. "Thank you so much! Have a nice day, ma'am" he yelled to her as she walked away. Taemin looked at the change in his hand. In his hand was about 50 cents. And he only managed to get one quarter, but they needed four. "Excuse me sir?" Taemin promptly ran to another person to ask again. "Taemin really needs to grow a back bone" Kibum whispered to Jinki as they watched from afar. "Give him a break" Jinki yawned. 

The group of time travelers had spent one night sleeping in the street, exhausted from the trip through time. Today was the day they make an effort to call Kibum and Taemin's parents and making it back to Jinki's house, which was in the next town, 20 miles away. While Kibum and Jinki sympathized for Taemin's poor performance in begging for quarters. Jonghyun, Minho, and Carlyle all wander around the park and admire the green grass and green bushes and tall trees, for they grew up in town with barely any vegetation and all dirt roads. 

"Maybe I should go help him" Kibum considered aloud. "Maybe you should.. I'll keep an eye on the others.. Go on" Jinki said, pushing Kibum off the park bench. Kibum sighed, as he was still tired. 

"Hey. You at this" Kibum said quietly in Taemin's ear. "But I'm trying my best.." Taemin pouted "Let's see how you do. I'm gunna take a break" 

Kibum pulled Taemin back to where he was standing before. "Oooooh no you don't. If you don't stay, you don't get to call your parents. Besides, I'm here. Maybe we'll get somewhere now. Hopefully" Kibum concluded. But unfortunately, Kibum was no better than Taemin at begging for quarters. Finally, after almost an hour of effort, someone was kind enough to give Kibum and Taemin five quarters, which was more than enough for two three minute phone calls. 

Kibum put two quarters in the phonebooth. "Wait.. What if it can't do long distance overseas calls?" Taemin wondered. "Too late. I already put my quarters in" Kibum sighed. Kibum dialed his house phone number in while Minho and Jonghyun stared at the machine with curiosity. The phone started to ring in Kibum's ear. "I think it's gunna work" Kibum whispered.

Then he heard his mom's tired voice "Yobseyo?" 

"UMMA!! UMMA!! I'M SO HAPPY TO HEAR YOUR VOICE MOMMY!" Kibum cried in the phone. "Yes honey, I'm happy to hear your voice too. It's early morning back at home you know. I was sleeping" Mrs Kim yawned. "Sorry mommy.. I just need to hear your voice. I feel like I haven't heard it in months!" Kibum sighed. "Is there something wrong? How has the trip been? You've only been gone for a few days" his mom said in the phone. "It worked, Jinki!" Kibum smiled brightly. Jinki smiled and gestured him to continue talking to his mom. "Uh, umma. This will be easier to explain later, but Taemin and I will be gone a little longer than we expected" Kibum said into the phone, hoping she'll understand. "What? No. We agreed one week. You don't make the plans. The parents do, young man. You start your college courses next month!" Mrs. Kim argued. "Umma, please. This is very important. I know you'll understand when I explain it to you" Kibum tried to persuade her. He heard his mom sigh into the phone. "Your father will not be very happy about this. Just as long as you make it back in time for your education. And please be safe. I love you sweetheart" she concluded. "Hi Mrs. Kim! We're just fine here!" Taemin said trying to greet Kibum's mother. "Tell Taemin I said hello" Mrs. Kim laughed. "Bye mom. I'll call you again tonight.. I love you" Kibum said, feeling tears fall down his cheek. "I love you too, son. Talk to you later" she said right before hanging up. Kibum hung up the phone and went straight for Jonghyun to hug him and cry. "I LOVE MY MOMMY SO MUCH!!!" Kibum sobbed. 

Taemin then called his parents. His conversation was much like Kibum's, except Taemin ran out of time because he wanted to talk to his mom longer. 

"Please sir. My town where I live is only 20 miles away.. If my calculations are correct. We were at a party last night and we woke up here. Our wallets were stolen and we have no money. Please can you just give us one ride?" Jinki pleaded with the taxi driver. "Damn kids.. Always getting in trouble." the taxi driver complained. "Get in" he said pointing to the back seat. They all smiled and got into the taxi. There wasn't enough seats for six people so Carlyle sat in front, Jinki sat in the middle, while Kibum sat on Jonghyun's lap and Taemin sat on Minho's lap. Jinki tapped Jonghyun's shoulder, then tapped Minho's. "Your first ride in a car. How does it feel?" Jinki asked them. "I feel like I'm floating" Jonghyun said. "It's got a... Smooth feeling" Minho smiled. The taxi driver looked over at Carlyle, who was smiling and the car door and the passenger's seat, examining the fabric it was made out of. "Must be still pretty hammered" the taxi driver thought

When they finally got to Jinki's town, Jonghyun, Minho, and Carlyle immediately recognize the clock tower. "It's so nice!" Carlyle gasped. "What an improvement!" Jonghyun added. They watched as the cable cars passed by and looked through all the windows of all the stores that they passed. They heard the music playing in the music stores, which was so unfamiliar. "It is a lot to take in, isn't it?" Jinki said, walking by Carlyle. "It'll be okay, nothing I can't handle" she smiled and held her head up high. Jinki admired his love's confidence and continued to walk among the people. Kibum was standing in front of a store window shopping when he realizes that he's still wearing 1880's attire. "Uhh, guys. When are we gunna be able to change into better clothes?" Kibum asked.

Soon, they got to Jinki house. The door was locked so they had to break in. "Feel free to look around guys. Even though there are things in here that you can't touch" Jinki explained while the rest of the group came flooding in. 

"What is that??"

"What's this do?" 

"Can I touch this?" 

The questions went on and on. Jinki gathered together all of his credit cards and the six of them went shopping. 


"Come on out! I bet you both look great!" Kibum yelled from outside the dressing room with Taemin at his side. "I don't know yeobo. These clothes feel funny." Jonghyun sighed. "Yeah. How do you wear this stuff?" Minho added. Kibum and Taemin had already picked out clothes and were wearing them, but they still had to change Jonghyun and Minho up. 1980's style. "You probably look really cute" Taemin smiled. "Or hot" Kibum added daydreaming. Taemin smacked him upside the head. "Is that any way to treat your elder?" Kibum asked quietly. Taemin only giggled.

"Okay, tell me if I'm wearing this wrong please" Minho said right before walking out of the dressing room. Taemin had dressed him in a black graphic tee, with red skinny jeans, and plain black all star converse. Taemin couldn't believe his eyes. "You look... Amazing!" Taemin said awestruck. "Do I really? Cause something tells me I'm not wearing this right.." Minho said worried. "No! Not at all! You look so.. handsome" Taemin could barely make out the words. Minho couldn't help but blush. 

"Come on yeobo.. You'll look great" Kibum smiled, building up the suspense. "Okay.. Here it goes.." Jonghyun said shortly before he stepped out to the viewing area. Kibum had dressed him a light pink collared shirt, black skinny jeans, and black high tops. Kibum's eyes widened at Jonghyun's new appearence. "You look so cool!" Kibum almost screamed. "I do? This is what people in the 20th century wear? I kinda like it" Jonghyun smiled while looking in the mirror "Well, late 20th century. But yes!" Kibum squealed and jumped up and down before standing next Jonghyun and looking in the mirror. "I finally feel normal again" Kibum sighed. Jonghyun looked somewhat worried. "What's wrong yeobo?" Kibum asked. "I don't feel normal" he sighed and looked down at his high tops. "Oh" Kibum said, realizing that Jonghyun didn't feel very comfortable yet with his new look. "But if it's what you guys wear in the future, I'll get used to it, for you" Jonghyun smiled. "Thank you" Kibum smiled and kissed Jonghyun on the cheek. 

"It feel so weird to wear pants! Since when do girls wear pants?" Carlyle asked, wearing blue jeans and a pretty red blouse. "Since the 1970's.. I think" Jinki responded. "Well, it's odd. But I'll get used to it" she sighed, wiggling around in her new clothes. "This shirt is nice" she smiled. "You look amazing" Jinki smiled

After buying a whole new wardrobe for everyone, they all roam the streets, taking in the last of America before they move back to Korea. While Jinki packs his bags with Carlyle by his side, Jonghyun, Minho, Kibum and Taemin go sight seeing. While Minho, and Taemin played in a large field, Kibum went to sniff the flowers. While he was doing so, he saw a figure out of corner of his eye. It was Jonghyun, wandering into the cemetery. Kibum had a good idea of what it was about. Kibum followed Jonghyun into the cemetery. It was a pretty big place with many grave stones. Kibum got lost in all of the big statues, reading what they said written in the stone. Kibum was lost in thought when he saw Jonghyun standing in front of one tombstone. Kibum approached slowly.

When he got to Jonghyun, he stood by his side and read the tombstone in front of him. "I'm sorry.. I was curious" Jonghyun sighed. Kibum read the tombstone

Here lies Kim Jonghyun.
April 8th, 1863-February 22th, 1886.
"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone"

Kibum couldn't believe what he had just read. "If we hadn't gone back..." Jonghyun started. "No.. Stop" Kibum stopped him. The group had traveled back on February 21st, 1886. If they hadn't gone. Jonghyun would've died the next day, at age 22. "I was probably hanged by that one man.. That would make sense. He was probably looking for me" Jonghyun thought aloud. "Shhh! Don't say that!" Kibum embraced his lover in tears. "You're alive now. That's all that matters.." Kibum cried. "Isn't that sad though? I would've died so young" Jonghyun said again, making Kibum sob even louder. And then it hit him. Jonghyun couldn't hold it in anymore. Tears started to pour from eyes and onto his cheeks. 


Here lies Choi Minho
December 9th, 1864-December 9th, 1891
"In the end, the whole of life becomes an act of letting go"

"I died on my birthday?" Minho whined. Taemin standing next to him. "It's really hard to even think about death" Taemin said quietly, turning away from the stone, so he didn't have to read it. "I know..." Minho agreed. "Why must we all die so young?" Minho asked himself, started to tear up. If they hadn't gone back, Minho would've died at 27, on his own birthday. "Well I think since you're here now, in a time where we have new medicine and new technology, we can live longer lives. And we'll die together. I'll make sure of that" Taemin declared. He couldn't stop reading Minho's grave over and over, which made him tear up


Here lies Carlyle Wilkin
October 23rd, 1861- January 1st, 1895
"Don't cry because It's over, smile because it happened"

"Just in time for the new year, eh?" Carlyle joked and rolled her eyes. "You always said that quote to me. That is indeed your favorite quote" Jinki said while he read the quote on the tombstone. "I know. I wonder who put it on there.." she asked, tilting her head sideways and stratching her scalp. "I can't stand the thought of death, especially when it involves the people that I love" Jinki frowned. Carlyle looked at him with puppy dog eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I'm sorry, let's just go" Carlyle whispered, ready to cry. If they hadn't gone back, Carlyle would've died at the age of 33.


Everyone left the graveyard in tears. 


Hello hello. Sorry for this.. Bipolar chapter xD First it was funny, then nice, then depressing. Oh well.. What should I write about in the next chapter? Suggestions? Leave a comment :D

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Chapter 18: Aww yay~ :3
Chapter 17: Noooooooo! Jinki! D:
Kayuki #3
Chapter 16: I like the chapter, even though it was uneventful, I think it's important to talk about the judgement they will get. But honestly, I think they would have been judged so much worse in the past than today. P.e. sometimes they got executed or an exorzist tortured them until they died...
Anyways, I'm looking forward to the next chapter - I'm really curious how Minho and Jonghyun will cope with the future xDDD
Chapter 16: I guess that's just how I want my story to go. I'm straight up American and most of us are VERY judgmental towards gays. Which I hate :/ I don't know about Korea though..
Chapter 16: why do you write that gay ppl are more accepted in korea than america? its just nonsense.
Chapter 15: OMG whats going to happen to their parents? are they going to use the book? o-o and for taemin, jinki and key...are they going to get back safely?
DinoSourSaysRawr #7
Chapter 10: I swear I would have done way more to that Emmett dude. Of he ever hurt taemin I would throw a rock at his head. Then punch him multiple times. Then throw another rock at his head. Then keep on punching him. And then to finish it off I would kick him in the nuts.
No one hurt taemin or any member of Shinee
Waterdroplet #8
Chapter 13: Love the story can't wait for the next update!!
headphones #9
Chapter 12: Cute story~