Recovery and Confessions

What year is it?

February 1st, 1886


It has been a month since Minho's ordeal and almost 4 months since the three future men had traveled to the past. And since the book was finally done, they couldn't wait to go back home. Since everyone knew Minho was going to be alright, Taemin and Kibum were focused on their next objective, telling Minho and Jonghyun where they are really from and where they wanna take them. Taemin and Kibum's only concern was whether or not they were gunna believe them.

"Taemin, how is Minho? Is he doing good?" Kibum asked him, who was back from the hospital, visiting Minho.

"He's doing great, he's checking out in two days" Taemin said with a smile on his face

"Thank goodness" Jonghyun chirped. 

"I know" Carlyle said, sitting next to Jinki, who was making eggs.

"I wish I could go see him." Jinki frowned

"You will, he'll come over the day he's discharged." Taemin smiled.

"Far out!" JInki chipred. 

"Far what?" Jonghyun asked

"What'd you say?" Carlyle asked.

"Uhh.. nothing.." Taemin snapped


>>two days later


Minho was finally set free on February 3rd, 1886. The first place he went was Jinki's lab, with Taemin right beside him

"I was just coming back from a town about 10 miles east of here, visitng a man I met at the bar a couple days ago, you remember me telling you, right?" Minho asked, looking over to Taemin

Taemin nodded his head. "I really wanna know what he wanted from you. You never told me that.." 

"Well I'm about to tell you.." Minho started with Jonghyun, Key, Taemin, and Jinki crowded around him while Carlyle started making food for dinner

"I met him at the bar down the road, where I came back into town, looking like.. this" Minho said, showing them the scars and cuts on his body. There were no more bruises because they had already healed.

"We talked, and while we were talking, we jumped into the topic of horses, and how fast we think they can run. I told him that I bet my horse can run faster than his. He had a really nice horse. He seemed like a really competetive guy and he bet me 100 dollars that he can win a race against me and my horse. So I said sure. We rode our horses up and down the streets and people were screaming and rooting. His horse was obviously faster than mine, so I wanted to back out, but I didn't. When we were done racing, We met up by the clock tower and he told me that I owe him 100 dollars, which I did. But then I realized, I don't have 100 dollars to give him. "What was I thinking?" I asked myself. When I told him that I didn't have any money, he got angry with me and demanded that he wanted the money now. But I simply couldn't. So no other choice, I decided to try and run away. He yelled and shot at me with his gun as I tried to get away. He almost got me. I think I felt a bullet graze the top of my head. After about an hour of hiding, I came back and asked people where he was. They all said he had just left town 20 minutes ago. I decided that he probably forgot about the bet and he let me go. But three hours later, some man comes up to me and tells me that Willy, that's his name, was looking for me to come down to the town he was in 10 miles east of here. The man who gave me the message sounded like he was worried about me and if I go, I'll probably get hurt. But I went anyway. When I got there, he was in a small building. He came out with three other guys that were probably twice his size. "You owe me 100 dollars, chink. And I want it now." He told me. I knew something was gunna go wrong, but I simply told him the truth. "I don't have any money to give you! I'm serious. If I did, I would. But I don't! I'm sorry!" I begged him to let me leave. But he ordered his huge men to attack me, and they did. They hit me, they kicked me. I felt like such a weak person. I'm not a fighter. So after ten minutes of beating, they raised me up, and willy wealded a knife at me and stabbed me in the side" MInho pointed to his left side. 

"There was literally nobody around to help me.. Or nobody wanted to help cause they were afraid. I passed out after he stabbed me, and when I woke up, I was face down on the ground, with blood and dirt on my face and in my mouth. It was pitch black and the only ones that were there were me, and my dead horse. Willy and his men had shot him" Minho said emotionless

Taemin started to tear up. He held onto Minho's arm and started to think about these problems he had and how Taemin could keep him safe from it in the future, which made him want to bring Minho with even more. "He has to come with us" Taemin thought in his head

"And I got up, started walking to town, threw myself in the bar, where I saw you" Minho said looking dreamily at Taemin, who kissed Minho on his scratched up cheek.

"I'm just so happy you're okay" Taemin sobbed on Minho's chest.

"Yeah, we're happy you're okay" Jonghyun agreed, taking hold of Minho's hand. 

While they were rejoicing, Kibum got up and walked over to Jinki who was now listening with Carlyle by the kitchen

"Do you think it's time we tell them, hyung?" Kibum asked Jinki in Korean

Jinki looked over at Jonghyun, Minho, and Taemin, who were all in a big group hug, laughing.

Jinki took in a big sigh and smiled. "It's time.." He whispered

Kibum rolled his eyes in nervousness

He started to walk over to the others when Jinki stopped him

Kibum turned to him. "Good luck" Jinki smiled

Kibum returned the smile and walked back over to the group. 

Jinki watched as Kibum whispered in Taemin's ear. When Kibum pulled away, Taemin looked over at Jinki with somewhat of a worried look. Jinki simply nodded. 

Taemin returned the nod and looked up at Kibum and mouthed the words "Right now?"

Kibum looked down and nodded. Taemin nodded and pat Minho on the shoulder "Yeobo, me and Kibum have something to tell you and Jonghyun" he whispered

"Okay" Minho said, who then pat Jonghyun on the shoulder. When the message was spread, they all gathered outside the lab and closed the door. 

Jinki and Carlyle crossed their fingers

"What do you wanna tell us? Is there something wrong?" Jonghyun asked Kibum

"Oh man, this is gunna be hard to say" Taemin sighed

"Oh no" Minho gulped

"It's not what you think! Trust us!" Kibum chirped

"There's good news and bad news" Taemin said

"But our biggest issue is.. We don't think you'll believe us" Kibum added

"I'll believe anything you say" Jonghyun assured them

"Me too" Minho smiled

"Okay.. Here it goes" Kibum started. "Jonghyun, Minho. Me and Taemin don't belong here.. We have to leave. And we're never coming back.. And.. if this doesn't go right.. We're never going to see you either of you again.."

Minho and Jonghyun started to cry. 

"You would never guess where we're from" Taemin added. "And we have to go back"

"Are you from Korea like us? Because I can believe that." Minho said

"Are you from Japan?" Jonghyun asked

"China?" Minho asked







Minho and Jonghyun asked over and over. But to every new possibility, each answer was no.

"Well then where are you from? A different planet?" Minho joked. 

"Well, we live in Korea.." Kibum said

"But it's more complicated than that" Taemin added

Minho and Jonghyun both tilted their heads to the side in confusion

"Okay, I guess I can say for us both.. That where ever you have to go..." Jonghyun started, holding Kibum's hand, 

"I want you to take me with you" Jonghyun smiled. Minho nodding in agreement.

"That's the good part. We can, and we want to take you with.." Kibum said

"But we still don't think you'll believe us" Taemin frowned

"Me.. and Jonghyun have been wanted to say this for a while.. And I think now is a good time." Minho sighed.

Both taking their lover's hands

"Taemin" Minho said

"Kibum" Jonghyun said

.."I love you" they confessed

Kibum and Taemin both gasped and started to cry out loud in the darkness of the night.

"I-I d-don't think-k I can-n do this, h-hyung!" Taemin sobbed in Minho's arms

"We have to try" Kibum told him, starting to compose himself

"If you love us, then you'll tell us where you're going." Jonghyun said whiping a stray tear from his eye

"And since we love you, we'll believe whatever you have to say" Minho added.

Kibum sighed, gaining courage, along with Taemin

"Alright then" Kibum said



"...We're from the future..." Taemin said the big sentence

Minho's and Jonghyun's eyes started to widen

"We came here in a time traveling book that Jinki has made" Kibum said

"And soon we have to go back to the year 1985" Taemin added

"And we want to bring you both with" Kibum ended.

Minho and Jonghyun started to back away. 

Kibum and Taemin started to convince each other that their plan to get Minho and Jonghyun to believe them had failed

Tears started to fall from all of their eyes..


Hey guys, new chapter ^-^

Guess what! I have to go back to school tomorrow! Wooooohooooo! ... -___- whatever. hopefully I won't take forever to update. But we'll see. Follow me on Twitter @bugsxgerms :D

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Chapter 18: Aww yay~ :3
Chapter 17: Noooooooo! Jinki! D:
Kayuki #3
Chapter 16: I like the chapter, even though it was uneventful, I think it's important to talk about the judgement they will get. But honestly, I think they would have been judged so much worse in the past than today. P.e. sometimes they got executed or an exorzist tortured them until they died...
Anyways, I'm looking forward to the next chapter - I'm really curious how Minho and Jonghyun will cope with the future xDDD
Chapter 16: I guess that's just how I want my story to go. I'm straight up American and most of us are VERY judgmental towards gays. Which I hate :/ I don't know about Korea though..
Chapter 16: why do you write that gay ppl are more accepted in korea than america? its just nonsense.
Chapter 15: OMG whats going to happen to their parents? are they going to use the book? o-o and for taemin, jinki and key...are they going to get back safely?
DinoSourSaysRawr #7
Chapter 10: I swear I would have done way more to that Emmett dude. Of he ever hurt taemin I would throw a rock at his head. Then punch him multiple times. Then throw another rock at his head. Then keep on punching him. And then to finish it off I would kick him in the nuts.
No one hurt taemin or any member of Shinee
Waterdroplet #8
Chapter 13: Love the story can't wait for the next update!!
headphones #9
Chapter 12: Cute story~