Jinki's still alive?

What year is it?

November 30th, 1885


Taemin and Kibum, now more carefree than before, with Emmett behind bars, went out to hang out with Jonghyun and Minho. While JInki and Carlyle spent time inside talking

"Are you... Or are WE leaving soon?" Carlyle asked, blushing

"Not quite. I need at least 2 more weeks... If that seems like too long" JInki explained

"Oh no, that's fine.."

"Why do you ask?"

"Just curious I guess. No particular reason"

"You sure?"


Jinki started to look concerned

"I know you're gunna miss all of this, and it'll be hard to switch within 100 years, I can guarantee you that. But it'll be worth it" Jinki said, embracing Carlyle who was now on the brink of tears.

"I'll be able to do it. Really. American women are strong" Carlyle joked

"Good" Jinki smiled.

He was nothing if not happy he could take her back home


"So what is this supposed to be?" Kibum asked Jonghyun, who was sanding a piece of wood. He stopped and examined for a few seconds

"I don't know, it'll be something nice though" Jonghyun giggled

Kibum could only chuckle at his boyfriend's cute manner

"You seem very happy today" Jonghyun smiled, happy to see Kibum's behavior.

"I'm just a little happy that Taemin doesn't have to worry about that man anymore. Before, he was a mess. but he's really happy and that gives me a chance to take a breath" Kibum said

"Ohhhh I see" Jonghyun smiled

"Yeah, and I'm happy I'm with you, too" Kibum winked

"Awww, stop it you" Jonghyun blushed and gave Kibum a peck on the lips


"You don't know how happy I am that you're alive" Minho said, for the 10000th time.

"I know, I heard you the first time" Taemin repeated, in an irritable tone

"Sorry, I'm just... still shaking. You really scared me" Minho sighed

"I know, and I'm sorry"

"Who even came up with the idea for a furnace cover?"

"Well, it's bullet proof, so it helps with protection" Taemin smiled

"Yeah I guess so"



"I'm so happy you're al---"

"SHUT UP!!!" Taemin laughed


After hours apart, Minho, Jonghyun, Kibum, and Taemin all sat outside the lab talking about where Taemin and Kibum used to live

"Well, it's really really REALLY far away from here" Kibum sighed and looked and Taemin

"Very far away"

"So you guys live in here?" Minho asked, pointing over his shoulder at the lab.


"You know, I'm really wondering why you stay in Jinki's lab. Did you used to know him Taemin?" Minho asked

Taemin sighed, "Yepp"

"That explains it" Minho said

"Did you?"

"Everyone knew him"

Taemin pretended he didn't know "How'd he die?"

"Train accident I heard" Jonghyun said quietly

"I wonder if his lab in the inside looks any different" Minho said getting up, heading for the door.

Jonghyun followed close behind him

"Wait, guys you can't! NO!" Kibum yelled, right as Minho opened the door.

The first thing Minho saw was Jinki and Carlyle. When Jonghyun walked in, they both froze.

Kibum and Taemin tried to pull them out but it was too late.

They saw Jinki, in the flesh, still alive

Jonghyun began to tear up.

"Hyung, we're so sorry, we couldn't stop them" Kibum yelled 

Jinki stared defeated at the two teenagers

"H-How?" Jonghyun gasped

"Jjong?" Jinki whispered


"Hi hyung" Minho choked

"How are you still alive?" Jonghyun asked, stepping closer to Jinki, who moved toward him

They finally threw themselves toward each other in a hug.

"I missed you, hyung" Jonghyun sighed

"I missed you, too Jonghyun-ah" Jinki cried

Kibum didn't feel one bit a jealousy, but was happy the two friends were, once again runited.

When they finally broke away, Jinki moved towards Minho and gave him a small hug

"Where did you go, hyung?" Minho asked.

"I had to.. fake my death. I had to move away"

Jinki let out the whole story. How he couldn't take the harrasment and fights anymore and the only way to get away was so to convince everyone he was gone. But completely left out the number one reason why he left. Whish was that he went back to 1985 and that he was indeed a time traveler, along with Kibum and Taemin.

"Well, that makes sense" Minho nodded

"It does, but I'm glad you're still here" Jonghyun smiled

Kibum and Taemin tried they're hardest not to cry, knowing that they were eventually leaving and that they had to leave the ones they fell in love with.

But it was true, Neither of them were allowed to tell anyone where they were going

When Jonghyun, Minho, and Carlyle left for the night. Kibum and Taemin started to go from depressed to angry

"Soo... Carlyle is coming with us to 1985?" Kibum asked. 

"Yupp" Jinki smiled

"Why can't we bring Minho?" Taemin cut in

"Why can't we bring Jonghyun?" Kibum added

JInki sighed. "You guys don't understand. They don't belong in 1985. And if you try to tell them where we're going, they'll never believe you"

"It's not fair!!" Taemin cried "You get to bring your girlfriend, but we can't bring Minho or Jonghyun"

"I'd rather tell them than leave without saying a word!!! It's NOT FAIR" Kibum screamed furious

"IF YOU TELL THEM, YOU'LL LOSE THEM!" JInki screamed, with tears in his eyes, thinking about the day he tried to tell Carlyle for the first time where he was really from



There was a knock at the door, Carlyle was writing at her desk when she heard the visitor at the door. It was late at night. April, 1884

Carlyle slowly opened the door to see Jinki, red in the face from crying

"Jinki! Would you like to come in?"

"I don't think I should. I- I have to.."

"W-What's wrong?"

"I came to say goodbye"

"Why? Where are you going?"

"I can't tell you. And I'm afraid I'll never see you again"

"W-What?" Carlyle started to develop tears in her eyes.

"Carlyle. I want you to know before I go that I'll always care about you so much, no matter what you or I say. But I've come to realize that I don't belong here and I have to go back to where I came from"

"Where might that be?"

"I told you, I can't tell you"

"Where ever it is, take me with you"

"I can't, but just believe me when I tell you that I love you and I'll never forget you"

Carlyle smirked, tears still running down her face "I don't understand"

"There is no way you will understand it"

"I have to know. If you do love me, then tell me the truth"

Jinki hesitated, but felt confident. *she must understand, even if it hurts* Jinki thought

Jinki hung his head down. "I'm... I'm from the future"

Carlyle formed a confused look on her face

"I'm from the year 1985, one hundred years away. Odds are I'm never coming back"

Carlyle's face went from confused to angry. Her cheeks start to turn red. Jinki looked up and started to back up.

"Oh.. I get it now.. I just told you all the things about me and you hold it all against me to turn me INTO A HUGE JOKE!!!! I GET IT NOW! YOU COULD'VE JUST SAID YOU NEVER LOVED AND ALL THE THINGS YOU SAID WERE A TOTAL LIE. YOU WOULD'VE SHOWED MORE RESPECT THAT WAY!!!!!" she exploded.

"But that's not the truth" Jinki sobbed

Tears started to run down Carlyle's face when she smacked Jinki right across the face and slammed the door. "LEAVE! GO AWAY!" she screamed through the door.

Rain started to fall from the sky

Jinki slowly walked down the steps and into the thunderstorm. He realized there was nothing left for him. Jinki fell on his knees and cried, for hours.

The next day, news came in that JInki was crossing the tracks of a train and he was killed.

When he was really already back in 1985, talking on the phone with Kibum and Taemin, who were planning on coming back to America within the next year 


*End of flashback*


Hello readers! Well there's another chapter :) I have a few things to say. Shinee's new song "Sherlock" Is now out and the music video blew me away. I'll put links up :) Also the song "The reason" is amazing! I was listening to it when I wrote this chapter :) I'll put up a link for that song too. Also, I've made a new Twitter :D Yaaaay! My username is bugsxgerms. I'll put up a link for that. And I think that's about it :P Have fun reading <3 <3

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KatNCzB4F9U&feature=relmfu  <---- The Reason - Shinee


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kyG5tTZ1iE  <----- Sherlock - Shinee music video


https://twitter.com/#!/bugsxgerms  <----- My twitter :D bugxgerms

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Chapter 18: Aww yay~ :3
Chapter 17: Noooooooo! Jinki! D:
Kayuki #3
Chapter 16: I like the chapter, even though it was uneventful, I think it's important to talk about the judgement they will get. But honestly, I think they would have been judged so much worse in the past than today. P.e. sometimes they got executed or an exorzist tortured them until they died...
Anyways, I'm looking forward to the next chapter - I'm really curious how Minho and Jonghyun will cope with the future xDDD
Chapter 16: I guess that's just how I want my story to go. I'm straight up American and most of us are VERY judgmental towards gays. Which I hate :/ I don't know about Korea though..
Chapter 16: why do you write that gay ppl are more accepted in korea than america? its just nonsense.
Chapter 15: OMG whats going to happen to their parents? are they going to use the book? o-o and for taemin, jinki and key...are they going to get back safely?
DinoSourSaysRawr #7
Chapter 10: I swear I would have done way more to that Emmett dude. Of he ever hurt taemin I would throw a rock at his head. Then punch him multiple times. Then throw another rock at his head. Then keep on punching him. And then to finish it off I would kick him in the nuts.
No one hurt taemin or any member of Shinee
Waterdroplet #8
Chapter 13: Love the story can't wait for the next update!!
headphones #9
Chapter 12: Cute story~