Finishing it

What year is it?

November 26th, 1885

Kibum came back inside the house from sitting in the back with Jinki when he saw Taemin, writing. With his buttons being pushed, Kibum walked over to Taemin who was in fact writing his will.  "You can have my skateboard" Taemin whispered, looking up at Kibum. Kibum gasped in horror and took the paper and started to rip it up. "You're not gunna die! SHUT UP!!!" Kibum yelled, tears running down his cheeks. He then threw the paper down on the ground in pieces and ran out of the lab, towards his only comfort... Jonghyun.

Kibum knocked on the door quietly, waiting for his boyfriend to let him in, he let himself quietly cry to the fact that Taemin is in fact in the crossfire and that he just might have to return to 1985 without him. Kibum was so overwhelmed by the thoughts. His eyes were misty with tears, his brain was in a state of panic. He finally fell to his knees when he realized Jonghyun was standing above him, ready to cry. "Jonghyun, I'm scared" Kibum whispered. Jonghyun said nothing but only dragged Kibum into his shop to calm him down.

When Kibum returned to the lab. Taemin was in Jinki's lap, crying, with Jinki his hair, tearing up silently. Kibum saw this for one second and fell to his knees. He felt like crying, but instead started to fume when he heard Emmetts voice outside, asking random civilians where Taemin was. Kibum took in a deep breath, holding back tears, and walked over to Taemin, meeting his eye level.

"You don't have to do this, Taemin" Jinki whispered.

"No, you don't know how Emmett is. If I don't go out there today, he'll be after me the next day, and the next... and the next" as Taemin went on, he was stopped by more tears. "You could die" Jinki choked. Taemin finally stood up. "I can't do this!"  he yelled and walked away.

"CHICKEN!!" a familiar voice called out

Taemin stopped and started to turn red in the cheeks, starting to feel smoke rise from his head. He slowly turned around to Kibum, red in the face. JInki was looking up at Kibum, shocked.

"You're a chicken! CHICKEN!!" Kibum yelled, proceeding to imitate a chicken.

"STOP IT!" Taemin cried out, his face a bright pink, blood pumping so hard, he could feel it. His fists shaking with anger.


Taemin was ready to explode himself, he controlled himself enough so he could think. His head was down, thinking of what to do. Also thinking of how much hate he had towards Emmett. If he had a gun, he would blow his head off any day. But he was only a teenager.



" . . . . Let's get some"

Kibum and Jinki both cheered Taemin on as he walked out of the lab with his head held up high. When Kibum and Taemin were ten paces out of the door, Jinki panicked and ran back inside, ran up to his window, so he could watch everything. While Kibum and Taemin walked down the street, an idea pooped into Kibum's head. He pulled Taemin behind a building.

"Taemin, remember that one Clint Eastwood movie we watched?" Kibum smiled


Minho and Jonghyun were both walking around town, looking for Kibum and Taemin, when they ran into Emmett, who was fed up. He couldn't find Taemin anywhere. "Where is he?" he asked Minho. Minho stayed silent, as he didn't know Taemin's whereabouts anymore than Emmett did. The three all stood in front of a circle of people, "Well, I'm gunna give you three seconds..." Emmett started while pulling out his gun, aiming it in the middle of Minho's forehead. Minho flinched. "...To tell me where he is, or he'll never see you again" Emmett said, loading his gun, making a clicking noise. "1..."

Minho started to tear up "I don't know where he is"


Jonghyun chimed in "We don't know!!" he choked


Minho braced himself for the bullet.


Just in time, Kibum and Taemin walked out in the middle of the crowd. Taemin maintained an evil glare towards Emmett, while the man returned the scowl. Kibum spotted Minho and Jonghyun. Knowing this was Taemin's fight, he ran to them and took them three steps back. Taemin walked in a circle with Emmett, building up anticipation in the crowd.

Kibum, Jinki, Jonghyun, Minho, and Carlyle all watched as the two finally stopped to face each other.

"Draw..." Emmett said loud enough for Taemin to hear everyone looked at Taemin, waiting for him to do something


Everyone but Kibum and Taemin shot Taemin a confused look,

Taemin took three large steps closer to the middle of the cirlce. "I thought we could settle this like men" Taemin said contently

Emmett smirked


With that, Emmett swiftly pulled out his gun and fired. Hitting Taemin's left pectoral muscle. Taemin fell back fast, his lifeless body fell on the ground. Taemin was dead

Jonghyun, Minho, Jinki, and Carlyle all started to cry

"NOOOO!!!" MInho cried, trying to run toward Taemin, but stopped when Emmett pointed his gun to him. Minho started to step back again.

Jinki started to panic and ran out of the lab and watched from the front door.

Numerous people started to tear up as well, while Emmett started to laugh

"Anyone else wanna try me out??" Emmett yelled.

Emmett felt rather confident that he had done his job, but wasn't 100% sure that Taemin was really dead.

Emmett walked toward Taemin's body, sprawled on the ground. Emmett took out his gun again and shot Taemin again in the same spot as before. Everyone in the crowd gasped in horror. Emmett laughed to himself and turned around for a split second, until someone tapped him on the back.

"Oh Emmett, you dropped something." s sweet little voice called out from behind him.

"No, that's not logical" Emmett chocked, turning sround to stare Taemin in the face, who was holding a rock

"It is now" Taemin said emotionless, smacking Emmett upside the head with the stone.

Taemin finally pulled up his poncho to reveal that he had a furnace cover covering his chest, or as Kibum called it, a modern 1885 bullet proof vest.

Emmett was now on the ground with a gash in his head. Taemin picked up Emmett's gun and pointed towards the man on the ground. Taemin was so compelled to pull the trigger

Jinki, who was still watching from the front door of the lab, started to panic. "No Taemin, you can't" he whispered. If Taemin were to kill him, he could destroy Emmett's family line, which, for all they know, could determine so much when they return to the future.

Taemin couldn't do it. Instead, he dropped the gun at his side. Emmett could only watch as Taemin took his furnace cover and blugger the gun, destroying it. Emmett got up, but Taemin knocked him back down, throwing the bulletproof vest against his face. Taemin sat next to him and punched Emmett in the face repeatedly. When Taemin was finally done, he got up and started to walk away. Emmett got back up, ready to deck Taemin, but was stopped when Taemin recoiled and punched him one more time. When his boney knuckles made perfect contact with his face. Emmett fell in a wheel barrel full of horse manure.

The crowd busted up with laughter. That's when the police came to take Emmett away. Under arrest for robbery and attempt at murder, he was taken away and never seen by Taemin, or anyone again. It was finally over

"You don't know how much everyone has wanted to do that!" Minho said, still crying, holding Taemin in his arms. "I'm so glad you're alive" Minho cried.
"So am I" Taemin cried, traumitized. Kibum took Taemin back to the lab where Carlyle and Jinki treated his hand.

"You scared the crap outta me, Taemin" Jinki gasped for breath.

"I'm sorry hyung. But think of it this way. . . It's finished. . . I did it. . . I'm still alive. . .It's over " Taemin smiled, finding his new profound confidence, while wincing to the pain of the ice on his hand.



Taemin DID IT!! OH YEAH!!


I'm guessing so... >:)

Well, there is more to come :D

I typed this up while listening to death metal music

It was a really good idea :D

Have fun reading <3

I love you, Patrick <33

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Chapter 18: Aww yay~ :3
Chapter 17: Noooooooo! Jinki! D:
Kayuki #3
Chapter 16: I like the chapter, even though it was uneventful, I think it's important to talk about the judgement they will get. But honestly, I think they would have been judged so much worse in the past than today. P.e. sometimes they got executed or an exorzist tortured them until they died...
Anyways, I'm looking forward to the next chapter - I'm really curious how Minho and Jonghyun will cope with the future xDDD
Chapter 16: I guess that's just how I want my story to go. I'm straight up American and most of us are VERY judgmental towards gays. Which I hate :/ I don't know about Korea though..
Chapter 16: why do you write that gay ppl are more accepted in korea than america? its just nonsense.
Chapter 15: OMG whats going to happen to their parents? are they going to use the book? o-o and for taemin, jinki and key...are they going to get back safely?
DinoSourSaysRawr #7
Chapter 10: I swear I would have done way more to that Emmett dude. Of he ever hurt taemin I would throw a rock at his head. Then punch him multiple times. Then throw another rock at his head. Then keep on punching him. And then to finish it off I would kick him in the nuts.
No one hurt taemin or any member of Shinee
Waterdroplet #8
Chapter 13: Love the story can't wait for the next update!!
headphones #9
Chapter 12: Cute story~